No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for April, 2008

April 24, 2008

Method to McCain’s No-Negative Messages Madness?

by @ 22:42. Filed under Politics - National.

Jim Geraghty figured out why John McCain is trying to silence anybody and everybody that hits the Democrats hard; he’s running very hard to the mushy middle as Mr. Clean. 16 years ago, that might have worked, because that is precisely how his BFF Russ Feingold overcame a massive money and name recognition disadvantage to first win a 3-way primary battle and then win his Senate seat. However, this isn’t 1992, and frankly, most of the country isn’t Wisconsin. That mushy middle doesn’t really exist; at best it represents 10% of the electorate, and it’s been shrinking every election.

Sean Hackbarth pointed out a potentially-significant flaw in McCain’s plan; he’s not been consistent on the lack of use of the Wright-Obama connection. Actually, let’s drop the “potentially”; it’s certain tha McCain’s former friends in the LeftStreamMedia will use that inconsistency against him to further shrink the mushy middle.

Moreover, every open step toward the mushy middle, especially in the form of a repudiation of the GOP base (or at least what, up until recently, was the base), further weakens him in the eyes of said base. This specific case reinforced my opinion that the current “leadership” of the GOP really wants to be a permanent minority center-left party. I’m all-but-ready to abandon the See-Dub plan and follow doubleplusundead in saying, “Screw McCain.”

Roll bloat – west of the apples edition

by @ 21:44. Filed under The Blog.

I’m all out of the descriptive words right now, but since it’s on the roll, I do want to make sure you know to check out Today’s Concerns by Greg Kowalski. I may not often agree with him, but it always is good to have another local view in the hopper.

Adding Fuel to the Fire

by @ 10:46. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Sorry for the pun…no, I guess I’m not.

I heard on Glenn Beck this morning that gas prices increased $.012/gallon every 30 days while the Republicans had control of congress.   Since Nancy and her gang have had control, gas increases $.076/gallon every 30 days.

HMMMMMMM Does Nancy have ties Exxon that we don’t know about?

Hillary and Barack continue to want to run against Bush in the election.   I suggest John McCain run against Nancy and the Democratic control of Congress.   If McCain had any real conservative balls, this would be the commercial he would be playing non stop between now and the election.


Re: Nero Fiddles

by @ 9:00. Filed under Corn-a-hole, Politics - National.

That is a real head-slapper, Shoebox. I originally was going to just do this as a comment, but there’s simply too much to say, partly because Matt Lewis pointed to something in today’s Wall Street Journal that causes me to radically extend the time frame that the Neroes have been fiddling.

Before I get to the fresh material, I do have to comment on the Pelosi (lack of) plan:

– Filing lawsuits against OPEC acting as a Cartel"¦.

It’s not a new idea. I took a whack at it back when Herb Kohl (D-Nobody’s Senator) introduced it as a bill last year, and those words still stand. Do note who voted for it in the Senate; 2/3rds of the Three Nominating Stooges voted for it (McCain wasn’t around).

– Continuing to chase gouging Bogeymen"¦
– Chasing more gouging Bogeymen"¦.

Bogeymen is precisely the right term. I’ve lost count of how many times “Big Oil” has been exonerated in those witch hunts.

Forcing renewable energy into the marketplace…

I’ve taken so many whacks at the bad effects of “renewable” energy mandates, I’ve lost count.

That serves as the launching point into the fresh material. Back in 2000, then-Illinois state Senator Barack Obama pushed through a sales-tax holiday on gasoline sold in Illinois. The WSJ article failed to state why this was an issue back then. In 2000, Chicago and Milwaukee were the only two areas selling a particular formula of reformulated gas. The spring of 2000 saw a convergence of that and three factors that drove gas prices up above $2/gallon when the average price was $1.52/gallon:

– A switchover between the winter and summer blends of that extra-special Algore Memorial RFG, which included, going into 2000, the only widespread use of ethanol.
– The extended shutdown of one of the two refineries that made said RFG.
– A brand-new mandate by California that MBTE be replaced by ethanol.

Ed Morrissey also notes that these factors were never addressed. Hence, we are where we are.

I will say that the gas sales tax holiday indeed worked in reducing gas prices for the summer of 2000. The prices in northeast Illinois were, for a time, significantly lower than that in southeast Wisconsin, and were roughly the national average. Because the Illinois Legislature made it a statewide holiday, prices downstate were close to the lowest in the nation. However, once again, Ed notes that it was and is a temporary fix.

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 4/24/2008

It’s Open Thread Thursday, so this thread’s yours after some blues and a couple links:


Allahpundit and Michelle Malkin offer up diverging predictions on the LeftStreamMedia reaction to one of their own getting pied. Those who know me already know which one I believe.
Justin Higgins saw LeftStreamMedia bias up close and personal.
James Wigderson highlights a blog fight between a professional political type and a neophyte. Normally, I wouldn’t note this because I am a neophyte myself, but it’s worth another couple bags of popcorn (besides, I know and trust the pro).
– In a show of bipartisanship, Greg Kowalski and Kevin Fischer whack the new name of the 27th Street Corridor redevelopment that the Oak Creek and Franklin Common Councils approved (in executive sessions at the request of the Zizzo Group) – BOOMGAARD. Question for the audience (especially the Moronbloggers); does that sound more like a tribute to the 3 apple orchards that used to be on 27th (that’s Dutch for “apple”) or an ordnance range? My little contribution to that (beyond the executive session); while it flew through the Franklin Common Council unopposed, it took Hizzoner Dick “Borrow-and-Spend” Bolender to break the tie in Oak Creek.

With that, I’m going to enjoy at least the morning and start praying The Winter That Won’t Die™ stays dead. The “S” word is in the forecast for Sunday night.

Nero Fiddles

by @ 7:19. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Wednesday morning, John Boehner along with other House Republican leaders, sent a letter to Nancy Pelosi asking her to make good on her 2006 promise  to have a  plan to reduce gas prices.   As Boehner pointed out, and all of us are feeling, gas prices are up over 50% since Pelosi took office.

This afternoon, Pelosi released her plan.   You can see the details here.

As I read it, Nancy thinks the following will reduce gas prices:

  • Filing lawsuits against OPEC acting as a Cartel….
  • Continuing to chase gouging Bogeymen…
  • Forcing renewable energy into the marketplace
  • Chasing more gouging Bogeymen….

Can anyone explain to me where one penny of reduction in gas prices will come from any of these “initiatives?”   If anything, the result of these acts will be to increase government regulation, raise costs on existing gas suppliers and force the use of uneconomical alternative energies.   The result will not be a reduction in gas prices, rather, it will be an overall increase in energy prices.

Nancy is proving to have the leadership traits of Nero.   The difference between Nero and Nancy is that Nero still had something to burn when he got done.

The Understatement of the Day

by @ 7:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

“It required the steadiest of hands.”

The doctor seems pretty cavalier about the whole thing.   However, he makes the mistaken comment that the “pin” was still in the grenade.   I wonder if his bravado would have come down a couple of notches if he knew that this kind of grenade has no pin.

Congratulations to the soldier and the doctor!

RIP Mr. Frick

by @ 7:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Mr. Frick, AKA Werner Groebli died Wednesday at the ripe old age of 92.

For those of you unfamiliar with Mr. Frick, he was a comedic ice skater and a staple of the Ice Follies for many years.

Mr. Frick’s signature move was the “spread-eagle cantilever.”   You can see it in the following clip, about 1:57


Watching the video I’m reminiscent of the great family television entertainment that was available during Mr. Frick’s era, I miss it.

God bless you Mr. Frick, thanks for sharing your talent.

April 23, 2008

Ask Egg, Vol. 3

by @ 17:57. Filed under Ask Egg.

It’s been far too long since I opened up the question lines. Since the brain is sufficiently-fried from the springtime allergies, I guess it’s time to break out the can of whoop-advice (you thought I was going to say something else, didn’t you?) and lay the snarkastic smackdown on some candy-asses (you knew it would come sooner or later).

Letter #1 –

Dear Egg,

After successfully destroying my party, I’m starting to look for a second. Any suggestions?

-Southwest Mav

Dear Southwest,

I don’t believe for a second you’re going to listen to this, but since you asked (mostly for money that isn’t leaving my bank account), I’ll answer. I have but three words – conservative, conservative, conservative. You may not salvage your burnt and collapsed bridges with a bunch of conservatives, but if you’re serious about killing earmarks, if you’re serious about securing the tax cuts, you’re going to need conservatives in Congress. Going further left for the VP choice is just a recipe for disaster on so many levels.

You may be tempted to go with the minority block that gets shunned by the far side of the aisle. I’ll shock you and most of my readers with this bit of advice, but as long as it doesn’t violate the three-word credo I outlined, do it. Do remember, however, that we don’t know which block will get shunned.

One more thing; dump Juan.

Letter #2 –

Dear Egg,

Despite spending more than $2,200 for every man, woman and child in my city, and despite a budget of over $1.2 billion, I just can’t seem to scrape up enough cash to run my emergency services. I’m thinking about converting a soon-to-expire tax for my own purposes, and radically increasing both the amount and scope. Should I?

– Missing in Milwaukee

Dear Missing,

Allow me to quote Michelle Malkin here: “Suck.It.Up.” You mean to tell me there isn’t even 0.65% fat in that bloated government you run? Give me that budget and a red pen, and I’ll find you millions. I might not make the unions happy, but as you lefties are fond of saying, the needs of the many and all.

Start cutting.

Letter #3 –

Dear Egg,

Oh man, I’m in so much trouble. Two months ago, I was the anointed one, able to do no wrong. Since then, I’ve stepped in a punji pit, shoved one foot in my mouth, and the other in my wife’s because her feet aren’t big enough to keep her quiet. The ghosts of my recent past are crashing in around me, and my Jedi mind tricks are starting to fail. It’s gotten so bad, the class enemy of my enemy endorsed my enemy.

-Critical in Chi-town

Dear Critical,

I’ll have to ignore the fact that, before the Maha-Rushie endorsed her, I did. It’s always darkest before the dawn (or is that before it goes pitch-black?). You two are generating record profits for the popcorn concessions, and the only way she’ll get what you want before the middle of summer is if you quit, so keep on keeping on.

Fight on!

Letter #4 –

Dear Egg,

Talk about your law of unintended consequences. I’ve managed to finally put my stamp on this team by getting the old man to retire, and I suddenly realized I don’t have a quarterback that will last more than 3 games. I can’t swallow my pride and ask him back. What do I do?

-Super-Genius in Green Bay

Dear Super-Genius,

If you had planned and prepared properly instead of scheming to get rid of the old man, you would have prevented the likelyhood of piss-poor performance. You’re pretty much screwed because the proper planning and preparation would have included getting a top-flight QB draftee last year instead of a broken-down bust of a defensive tackle, and the team did too well this year to get a top-flight draftee. Worse, because you were too slow in the free-agent market, the slim pickings in the free-agent market are down to almost none.

Start praying.

The Morning Scramble – 4/23/2008

by @ 9:55. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

There’s just one song to play after the combo Operation Chaos/NRE Spring Hill Campaign picked up an 8.6% win (wish I had a better-quality video, however)…


– Before we start in earnest, I have a PSA from Michelle Malkin and S. Weasel – Go, buy a book from Mark Steyn today. The proceeds from the stuff that gets ordered today will be going to defend some good Canadian conservative sites against an attempt to use the power of gubmint to shut them down.
Mary Katharine Ham relays the spin, the whole spin, and some commentary on the spin.
PJ-Comix melts down the DUmmies. Well, when doesn’t he, but this one comes after he told them they were delusional.
Jeff Wagner diagnoses Cheney Derangement Syndrome at West Allis Central High School.
Tom McMahon explains why “they’re” angry.
Jim Lynch remembers the first Earth Day. I wonder if that car his school buried is still salvageable. Oh, and he could use your hits; he’s looking to top 100k before his blogiversary May 24.
Fred Keller wonders if the Academy will want their Oscar back from Algore Goracle after the revelation most of his footage was faked.
– The Goracle was simply following the lead of the Gorebal Warming “scientists”; Dad29 notes they didn’t do a proper peer-review process, rather going to those that would simply rubber-stamp their attempts to crush capitalism.
– Speaking of the Gorebal “Warming” science, Brian notes all four agencies in America that track the world’s temperature recorded the fastest year-over-year temperature drop in recorded history.
Mondoreb remembers history and says that the selection of Vladimir Lenin’s birthday as Earth Day was no accident.
Drach makes the case for me to relocate to Oklahoma; law enforcement willing to hold onto illegals until they’re deported.
Chef Mojo wants to add to his arsenal with that welfare economic stimulus check. Buying American firearms is about the only way that it isn’t simply welfare (though it still is welfare).
Dad29 returns to the DUmmies to answer why they keep on losing. PJ would award the DUmmie quoted a Kewpie Doll for having a moment of clarity on guns.
Lance Burri asks, “Is it fair?” No, the tax structure in Wisconsin is anything but fair, especially when the top 0.1% (no, not 1%) in income pay more in state income taxes than the bottom 50%.
Wyatt Earp has the catch of the day. No, I’m not talking sports, and no, there’s no video, but a postal worker caught a 1-year-old girl who fell out of a second-story window.

Enjoy the rest of hump day.

Sgt. Hulka’s political Wisdom

by @ 7:00. Filed under Immigration.

As I watched the Democratic debate last week, I found it odd that the segments began with a  reading of a part of the US Constitution.   Sometimes the follow up questions would vaguely  align with the subject of the reading but several times it was just the constitutional reading and then the debate would restart with  no context of the reading.   I didn’t understand what ABC was doing at the time but I think I’ve now figured it out.

The TV networks have been fighting with lowered audiences for the past several years.    This has been especially true with anything that is news related.   The debate last week had the highest ratings of any debate to date.   I think ABC was trying to kill 2 birds with one stone.   The were trying to get ad  revenue  based on the large audience AND they were getting in some of their required public service announcements.   What better way to get your PSA requirement in than by teaching Liberals about the constitution!

I’m sorry to say that while ABC’s plan was novel and laudatory, it  apparently failed.

During a debate on whether to  have the State of Colorado aid “immigrant” workers in getting a federal work visa, the following exchange took place on the General Assembly Floor:


April 22, 2008

No liveblog of Pennsylvania’s results tonight

by @ 18:35. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I just don’t have the energy to run my own liveblog. Instead, I’ll be on Mike’s and Hot Air’s threads, while listening to Rick Moran’s BlogTalkRadio show.

New players in the VP sweepstakes

by @ 18:21. Filed under Politics - National.

(H/Ts – Mary Katharine Ham, Matt Lewis, Amanda Carpenter and Professor Stephen Bainbridge)

Bob Novak tossed former Ohio congressman/former Bush OMB director/former Bush special trade repesentative Rob Portman’s name out there, while RNC deputy chair Frank Donatelli floated former HP CEO/Team McCain economic advisor Carly Fiorina’s name.

First, Portman. He’s moderately-conservative (89 ACU rating in his time in the House), was part of the House leadership (not necessarily a positive in my book), and a tax-(rate-)cutter. The bad news is he is rather tied to the Bush administration, not only as a member of his administration, but as a member of Congress (thanks, fellow FReepers). Moreover, he’s been at times rather accomodating to the Democrats, at least according to the archived Columbus Dispatch article.

Next, Fiorina. She was once the darling of the business media, but as the Professor notes, she wasn’t exactly successful at HP; indeed, she was fired by the board. She does have the advantage of being a member of a key Democratic demographic that may well be “disillusioned” by the results of their nomination process, and she also is a blank slate on non-economic issues (both a blessing and a curse, depending on how the slate gets filled).

Given the comments in both Matt’s and Amanda’s posts, I may as well collate a couple of earlier thoughts on why being John McCain’s VP nominee is the ultimate high-risk/high-reward. I’ve previously noted that, since 1956, the Republicans have gone to the next person in line. In order, that would be sitting President, sitting Vice President, second in the previous contested Presidential primary, an ex-Vice President, and family member. That is a pretty powerful argument to be the Vice Presidential nominee if McCain were to win in November.

Conversely, there is the fate of a Vice Presidential nominee on a losing ticket. I’ve also noted that only 4 times since the 12th Amendment separated the Presidential and Vice Presidential elections did a failed Vice Presidential candidate become a Presidential candidate. The last two who did so, and the only two in the “modern” era (post-22nd Amendment), had other extenuating circumstances. Walter Mondale was previously Vice President, and thus fell into the less-rigid Democratic version of the “next in line” scheme. Bob Dole had to wait until the two people in front of him each had their turn as the Presidential nominee, and then work to earn his own place in the Republican “next in line” scheme.

Polar opposites on phone taxes

Just when I thought there were no real differences left in the two halves of the bipartisan Party-In-Government, Sen. and certain Republican Presidential nominee John McCain and the tag team of Milwaukee mayor John Norquist, Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm, and governor Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale) prove me wrong. First, the local ‘Rats from Sunday’s Journal Sentinel story:

Barrett, Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm and Police Chief Edward Flynn are asking Gov. Jim Doyle and the Legislature to give municipalities control over the 911 telephone surcharge that is supposed to expire Nov. 30. They’re hoping to add that provision to the budget-repair bill now under consideration….

The surcharge on cellular telephone users was created in 2005 to cover the costs of technology to pinpoint the locations of cell phones during calls to the 911 emergency number. Montgomery said that technology has saved at least 15 lives statewide.

The fee started at 83 cents a month, rose to 92 cents in 2006 and then dropped this year to 43 cents.

But before the fee expires, Barrett wants lawmakers to authorize municipal governments to retain the surcharge and expand it to cover all telephones, including land lines provided by both telephone and cable companies. Milwaukee would be able to boost its charge to a maximum of $1 a month in 2009 and $1.50 a month in future years.

Revenue from the surcharge would help fund the emergency services that respond to 911 calls, a technique that city officials say is also used in Chicago, Baltimore, San Francisco and other major cities. At 50 cents a month, the surcharge would generate more than $2 million a year for Milwaukee, rising to $5.2 million for a $1 charge and $7.8 million for a $1.50 charge….

So, rather than find a way to cut $7.8 million from the bloated city budget, Milwaukee’s idiots want to raise taxes by radically expanding both in scope and amount upon something that is supposed to expire. Excuse me while I hurl, and note that these same Gorons want to keep the Miller Park tax past its supposed sunset date in 2014 so they could play with trains.

Revisions/extensions (4:42 pm 4/22/2008) – Fred notes in the comments there already is a 911 surcharge on landlines. That brings me to another reason why I hate these “small” and numerous charges; it’s all too easy to say, “Just a few shekels more for the chilrun/the elderly/the sick/the pooor/insert ‘disadvantaged’ group here.”

Meanwhile, McCain at least doesn’t like new taxes. From this morning’s Wall Street Journal:

Among the better ideas John McCain announced last week is a ban on new cellphone taxes. For America’s 257 million wireless subscribers, the GOP Presidential candidate is advancing a sensible policy with political punch.

A recent analysis by economist Scott Mackey in the journal State Tax Notes shows that the average monthly tax burden on wireless customers is more than 15% – double the average sales tax burden. In some states, such as New York (big surprise), the total tax bite is more than 20%.

If the pols were exercising even modest restraint, wireless consumers would now be enjoying a reduced tax bill. That’s because in 2006 the IRS stopped applying the Federal Excise Tax on Telecommunications to wireless services. The feds weren’t being generous. After the IRS suffered a series of defeats in federal court, then-Treasury Secretary John Snow ordered the bureaucrats to stop gouging consumers. The language of the law, passed in 1898 to fund the Spanish-American War and rewritten in the 1960s, clearly did not apply to today’s digital services.

But even though that 3% IRS levy has been knocked off the monthly bill, the overall cellphone tax burden is the same 15% it was in 2003. Increased Federal Communications Commission fees to underwrite universal service plus higher state taxes have offset the potential relief for consumers.

The WSJ editorial goes on to note there is a bipartisan (not Party-In-Government, surprisingly) propsal to put a moratorium on new cell phone taxes after listing a few other bizzare attempts by the PIGs to dig deeper into the pocketbook.

The Morning Scramble – 4/22/2008

by @ 7:46. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Sorry about the lack of links yesterday; by the time I got back to the keyboard, I was toast.


Jim Hoft has Hillary Clinton at her most Clintonesque. I need more popcorn.
Curt notes Clinton will obliterate Iran. I wonder if her husband will be in the trenches.
Mary Katharine Ham asks whether Barack Obama’s too nice to win. Er, MK, do I have to remind you of the clinging episode, or the fact that both you and I recognized early that we had to stop the Trotskyite?
Charlie Sykes answers, “Nice? Obama? The folks across the pond don’t agree.”
Lawhawk explains why Michael Moore the Hut thinks Obama is the perfect candidate.
– Back to Trotsky, Jim Hoft got an admission from the Bolivian President that the goal of the Gorebal “Warming” crowd is nothing less than the death of capitalism. Bonus bit; Evo Morales has the same sense of timing as High Priest Algore Goracle.
Cuffy Meigs discovered the blog of an old friend of Obama’s. It’s explosive. </pun_bad>
Brian Fraley details just how dysfunctional the Milwaukee County Board is. Side note; the 7 that voted against keeping Lee “Thug” Holloway as board chair had best watch their backs, there is a reason why I use that nickname.
Kevin Fischer plays “Final Jeopardy” with the dumbest place to put sex offenders.
Jo Egelhoff chastises Steve Kagen for not getting his facts straight (again).
– I was remiss in not pointing you to last week’s Blogs4Bauer strike replacement episode, but I won’t make that mistake again. Why? Dave Bauer considers torture a hobby.
Jim Hoft has this week’s episode of the conversion of Britain to Britanistan to earn a triple shot.
Michelle Malkin notes the coming of Sharia Standard Time.
James T. Harris is raising his son right. He saw right through the Carter-Hamas charade.
– How much of a charade? Rusty Shackelford describes the hudna perfectly.
Shoebox takes a well-aimed historical whack at the Peanut Farmer.
Huckleberry Dumbbell has your Only Outside America headline of the week. Since when did the BBC not capitalize headlines?
Charles Johnson has reason #452 why I tend not to have photographs of myself.

Jimmy and the definition of Legitimacy

by @ 7:00. Filed under Politics - National.

Jimmy Carter says that while he will talk with an organization that launches attacks against unarmed civilians and is listed as a group responsible for terrorist attacks by most western countries, Hamas, he doesn’t  “see any redeeming features” of another terrorist organization, Al Qaeda.  

I can’t seem to get the link to work correctly so here’s the low tech connection :

According to Jimmy, the difference between Hamas and Al Qaeda is that Hamas has the support of their constituents.   To Jimmy an elected  government is legitimate and should be accepted regardless of what it’s policies are.

Using Jimmy’s logic, Jimmy should also agree that the Civil war was unjust and just the North imposing it’s will on the South.   After all, the Confederate States of America had the support of its constituents.

If only Abraham Lincoln had had the benefit of Jimmy Carter’s logic the country could have avoided the war and the  loss  of 620,000 American lives.   It would have been so much better for everyone……except for the 4,000,000 slaves that were emancipated.

Revisions/extensions (10:59 am 4/22/2008; steveegg) – I think I’ve got the right embed code. Still, I like the folks at Breitbart, including the absent-from-blogging Ian Schwartz, who if memory serves is one of the main guys behind the TV version of Breitbart.

April 21, 2008

More Mortgage Mangling

by @ 7:02. Filed under Politics - National.

I wrote earlier  about  a study  by the NYFED, that provided insight as to what the average subprime loan looked like.   The study laid out the horrific terms of these subprime loans but didn’t talk about the people or circumstances that caused the subprime loans to be enticing.   Sunday’s Star and Tribune chronicles one such circumstance.

Bradley Collins Jr.  is a painting contractor.   He averages an income of $60,000/year and supports his family of 5 on that income.   According to the article, about 3 years ago, Collins and his wife thought they would take advantage of the real estate boom occurring in the NW part of the Minneapolis metro.   With the encouragement of two salesman from a “property management company,” they bought 4 houses for a total price of $1.2M.   The story as we all know, continues with the real estate market busting, the resales of the homes not occurring, the owners failing as landlords and the homes falling into foreclosure.

A solution in search of a problem

by @ 7:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Is it just me or does it seem that the government spends more time trying to create problems than focusing on  the problems that are right in front of them?  

In Saturday’s Star and Tribune the Minnesota Department of Health is raising a specter of lead poisoning from eating gun  shot venison.

I’ll admit to not being a deer hunter.   However, I’ve eaten my share of fowl shot with lead over the years.   Other than that third arm I have growing out of my back, I’ve seen no impact of a little lead in my diet…KIDDING!  

Lead shot has a history going back to the mid 1500’s.   I did some Google searching and while information for the 1600’s and late 1500’s was a little difficult to parse (Darn, if only Al Gore had been born during the Dark Ages we would have had the internet so much earlier), I wasn’t able to find any epidemic of death certificates that listed “lead poisoning from venison ingestion” anywhere.

The MSM wails about how President Bush and the Republicans use “scare tactics” to motivate voters.   Apparently “scare” is perfectly acceptable to the MSM when they want to further their “man is a pariah on the planet” agenda.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a nicely baked pheasant awaiting my arrival.  

Bon Appetite!

The Morning Scramble – 4/21/2008

by @ 6:46. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I’m out of time because I have to fly to Madison, and dummy me enjoyed the weekend instead of doing Scramble prep, so there won’t be links added until (likely) this afternoon. Hopefully I won’t suffer the same fate as the plane….


April 18, 2008

McCain’s so old,…

by @ 13:24. Filed under Politics - National.

(H/T – Jim Geraghty the indispensible)

If you’ve been hearing the meme flying around the Leftosphere, you know they’re trying to say John McCain is too old. David Benzion at the Lone Star Times has your retort. A couple that I like from there:

– John McCain is older than betraying national security secrets on the front page of the New York Times.
– John McCain is older than having to explain to your children why everyone on the TV is talking about the President’s penis.
– John McCain is older than politicized CIA agents distorting a National Intelligence Estimate on Iran’s nuclear program because they don’t like the President’s (i.e., their boss’) policies.

Jim chimed in with a few winners as well (I’ll “borrow” a couple of them):

– John McCain is so old that when he was born, Obama’s neighbor and donor William Ayers hadn’t tried to kill anyone with a bomb yet.
– John McCain was born in those long ago days when if you went into church, you could count on the pastor saying “God bless America!”
– When John McCain was a toddler, the national average tax on a gallon of gasoline was under four cents.

I’ll take Jim’s invitation to play:

– John McCain is so old, when he joined the Navy, the only federal health care was in the armed forces.
– John McCain is so old, he outlasted four dictatorial states that viewed America as its “class enemy”.
– John McCain is so old, he remembers a time when Wisconsin government was clean.
– John McCain is so old, he was born during a time when the Panama Canal Zone was American territory.
– In John McCain’s day, a high school diploma meant something.
– John McCain is older than Red China.
– John McCain is older than the UN.

Hooray beer, baseball and the USO

by @ 12:56. Filed under Sports.

(H/T – the head barkeep)

Per the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Milwaukee Brewers and pitcher Jeff Suppan will be announcing Monday that they, along with the USO, will give all active-duty military personnel and their families free admission to the rest of the home games. ‘Tis all good.

The Morning Scramble – 4/18/2008

by @ 8:07. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Hope you enjoyed the rising sun, fellow Cheddarheads; we won’t see it for a while…


Ace notes we’re about to be overrun by cats. Cat-lovers may not want to go to the comments, but there is a bit of good gunplay there (including an M-60 Mk 43 machine gun unloading 850 rounds with a single squeeze of the trigger).
Gaius found something that gets even some of the Dems to join the rest of society in condemning, namely, Jimmy Carter’s hand-holding with Hamas.
– Meanwhile, doubleplusundead asks Islamic Jihad for Carter, “Why can’t we be friends?”
– It must be Peanut Day here; RidesAPaleHorse dug up a few good pics of the Peanut Farmer. There is just a slight language warning for the last of the pics, so you may not want to scroll all the way down if you’re at work.
– That doesn’t mean I forgot about Barack Obama; Curt skewers Obama’s “Tax the rich, beat the poor, till there are no rich no more” capital gains tax plan.
Mike notes Obama still doesn’t get why character ultimately matters. I’ll ignore the 8 years between 1992 and 2000.
JihadGene channels Krazy Kim being Obama’s soulmate on the elitist front.
Jed is drooling over the latest in flat-panel technology. I don’t think we’ll be rolling it up anytime soon; there’s the fragility problem.
– Staying with technology, Jon Ham likes the forthcoming microcar from VW with a sub-liter engine. Cripes; my 1972 Yamaha R5C’s engine is almost as big as the engine in that (I need to get that thing restored).
Mary bemoans the death of headstones in “green” cemetaries. I don’t mind the lack of embalming (after all, it’s “ashes to ashes, dust to dust”), but I don’t want to depend on something off-site to find a loved one’s grave.
Owen found a couple familiar names in the Rezko trial. I knew there was a reason I list Gov. Jim Doyle’s party as “For Sale”. Another presstitute “oddity”; even though Owen’s source is the Journal Sentinel’s Cary Spiva, and the item appeared on both JSOnline’s DayWatch and their Watchdog blog yesterday, there is neither hide nor hair of it in today’s paper.
Wisconsin State Senator Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin) has your daily reminder that the Democrats do not care about high gas prices as long as government gets the increase. Yes, I know, I covered it in an earlier Scramble, but since I’ve seen one station at $3.699/gallon for regular self-serve unleaded this morning (BP, 13th and Rawson), it’s time to rinse and repeat.
Ed Driscoll reminds us that, protestations by the Left and the bamboozled Daniel Henninger notwithstanding, the culture wars are not over. I’ll maintain red alert.
Ed Morrissey asks whether Al Qaeda hired the Baghdad Bob Public Relations Agency. I’ll have to say yes.
IBD notes that one of the intermediate goals of the Gorebal Warming crowd has been met, even without the US on the Kyoto climate change economy killing diet, but having Red China be the #1 “Gorebal Warming gas” polluter isn’t enough for their fellow (former) Communists.
Michelle Malkin awards the MSM Poor Taste Award to one of those Gorebal Warming organizations.
Brian Fraley has a new sacrificial lamb from the left to skewer on his weekly WisPolitics/Capital Times podcast.

I’m confused

by @ 7:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I know that isn’t a real surprise but this time I’m really confused…..

What’s the criteria Barack Obama would like to use to determine who we negotiate with?

In a statement today regarding Carter’s trip to visit Hamas, Barack was quoted as saying:

“We must not negotiate with a terrorist group intent on Israel’s destruction,”

However, just recently as a part of his questioning of General Patraeus, Barack reiterated his desire to negotiate with Iran:

“We should be talking to them (Iran)  as well,” Obama told the top US General in Iraq David Petraeus and US ambassador to Baghdad Ryan Crocker.

I may have missed a recent news flash but isn’t Iran a country that is intent on Israel’s destruction?

Israel “is an illegitimate regime, there is no legal basis for its existence,”  Ahmadinejad said.

I guess the criteria for Barack comes down to who the audience is at the moment. OK, I get it now.

April 17, 2008

Unborn officially subhuman according to the US Senate

by @ 16:15. Filed under Politics - National.

(H/T – Kate, so I’ll try not to swear)

Usually, resolutions to commemorate public figures fly through Congress. However, one Senator, Barbara Boxer (D-CA), is so deep in the pockets of what Rush Limbaugh calls the NAGs she could not abide the following words in the resolution honoring Pope Benedict XVI:

Whereas Pope Benedict XVI has spoken out for the weak and vulnerable, witnessing to the value of each and every human life;….

I honestly don’t know what’s worse; the fact she held up the resolution for a couple days, or the fact the RepubicRATs caved. Do note the pro-death-penalty crowd didn’t have a real problem with the language, even though the official position of the Catholics, at least the last time I checked, is there should be no death penalty.

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 4/17/2008

After last night’s debate, there is just one song that describes what I was drinking. Of course, there was a question of which version to use, so Shoebox chose it…


I’m still unloading the overloaded feed reader, but don’t let the size of the link list fool you. It’s Open Thread Thursday, so I’m counting on you, the not-so-gentle reader, to fill in the many blanks.

Lawhawk notes wannabe ‘Rat candidate for Senate from Minnesota Al Franken neglected to file or pay California corporate income taxes for a corporation based in California he controls between 2003 and 2007. No wonder why the ‘Rats want to raise your taxes; you have to cover for their failures to pay them.
Kate asks whether any of the three major candidates for President have a statement about plans to turn this into the United Commonwealth of Mexico. We know El Jefe Jorge approves of this.
Jim Hoft has the obligatory bad-wig Leave Barack Alone video. Er, no; all of the Three Stooges provide too many targets to leave this environment.
– With a tip of the hat to Amanda Carpenter, Hawk delivers a near-doubling of Baskin Robbins flavors of Obama’s lies.
Jon Ham notes it’s bloggers like Bob Owens of Confederate Yankee that are doing the jobs the media used to do. In this case, Owens discovered that the American Hunters and Shooters Association, which endorsed Obama, isn’t exactly supportive of the Second Amendment.
– On the media front, spiritofpublicus has a couple examples of ignorance in the press.
– Speaking of endorsements, American Pundit notes the Peanut Farmer-approved Hamas political party terrorist organization has made theirs. I’m shocked, SHOCKED they would endorse Barack Hussein Obama.
J. Gravelle has the Obama/Swimmer Photoshop of the day.
Jim Geraghty sees the same trend that happened in Ohio developing in Pennsylvania. As long as nobody cries “Uncle!” until Denver, we’re golden.
PJ-Comix does a killer job skewering the DUmmies’ cry of foul after the silver spoon bullies discovered velvet gloves can also slap them upside the head.
Kevin Fischer answers why Scott Walker took 79% of the vote in Franklin in the Milwaukee County Executive election (and 77%+ in Oak Creek). Somebody might want to clue the ‘Rats in (no seriously, if they’re going to be taking power, they may as well have a clue on what tax policy really means).
Bruce asks, “What’s wrong with this picture?” Recent public school graduates need not attempt to answer; they’re likely to embarrass themselves about as much as the school district in question.
TrailMix has a double-dose of toon action.
Michael answers the burning question of each flu season, “Why does every flu epidemic start in Asia?” Of course, it doesn’t explain why it ends in South America.
Mary Katharine Ham rolls a video on why both the flat-taxers and the fair-taxers hate the tax code, and asks that we all just get along.
Peter is hurting, mostly because of the last round of Gorebal Warming here in southeast Wisconsin.
– In case you either stumbled directly here or got here on the TownHall version, Shoebox compares Disney World to life.

I don’t know what’s more unbelievable, the fact I remembered Open Thread Thursday 5 weeks in a row (don’t disappoint me now) or I didn’t take a shot at Old Crusty (oops, I guess I just did).

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