No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for April 4th, 2008

Now even the anti-endorsements are getting strange

by @ 8:56. Filed under Politics - National.

(H/Ts – Allahpundit and Matt Lewis)

I’ve chronicled wacky endorsement after wacky endorsement after wacky endorsement in this Presidential election season. Now, we have the wacky unendorsement:

More than 20 leading social conservatives signed an open letter to Senator John McCain expressing their displeasure over the prospect of an "M&M" ticket being pushed by Karl Rove, Sean Hannity and others in the economic wing of the Republican Party.

Among the signers are those, such as Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation, who once supported Mitt Romney and now publicly regret it.

Strange days indeed.

The Morning Scramble – 4/4/2008

by @ 7:54. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

It’s Opening Day at Miller Park; hooray beer!


– In case you didn’t have enough reading about the Left’s meltdown after the voters unpacked the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Mark Block notes The Wall Street Journal took it national.
– Speaking of unhinging the Left in the legal election field, Jo Egelhoff says that a difference in the letter behind Wisconsin’s Attorney General makes all the difference. I wonder if the ‘Rats will push for that being appointed-for-life by the governor if both A.G. J.B. Van Hollen and Governor Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale) hang onto their seats in 2010.
Uncle Jimbo is having a blast on the National Heroes Tour.
Conservative Belle is hosting “Clash of the Superdelegates”. Did somebody ask for popcorn?
“John Adams” has a unique explanation of why he (at least I presume “John Adams” is a “he”) does not allow comments at Free Whitewater. For those of you not familiar with why I cannot say for certain whether Adams is a man (or if I knew, why I wouldn’t say for certain), Free Whitewater has kicked up enough dirt around Whitewater, Wisconsin, that the city has used some rather dubious tactics in trying to unmask “Mr. Adams” and shut down the blog.
Jib gets to the heart of the problem of the Gorebal Warming acolytes.
See-Dub the Super-Sub asks, “Is it safe?” Take it from a wanderer who turned pro at 8, it’s so safe, you wouldn’t believe it.
Slublog asks, “How do you fit an electric guitar down your pants?”
Alan Steinberg conducts last rites for common sense.
Flip notes all the talking-down of the economy by the LeftStreamMedia. Say, weren’t they busy accusing Bush of talking down the economy in 2000? What’s good for the goose and all….

If I can score some tickets to Opening Day, I’ll be gone. I haven’t been to one of those since the Brewers moved to Miller Park, but before that, I was an Opening Day regular. Hooray stadiums with roofs.

Revisions/extensions (8:01 am 4/4/2008) – I knew I should’ve waited a bit longer; right after hit “Save”, another brilliant 4-Block World post on the recent history of Wisconsin Supreme Court Elections came across the feed reader.

R&E part 2 (8:06 am 4/4/2008) – I really need to refresh the feed reader just before posting this; Shoebox was also all over this.

A bit more respect for Bernanke

by @ 7:05. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I have to admit, I was no fan of Bernanke. He appeared to have an ability, in his Congressional testimonies, to say things that caused unnecessary market gyrations. He  looked to be very late to the game in reacting to the subprime turmoil. He  seemed to me to be one of those guys who was probably very book smart but just didn’t have the business common sense to be a successful leader of the Fed.

I may have been wrong.

I’ve written about Bernanke and the Bear Stearns take out. While I’m still holding onto some healthy skepticism, each day that passes  in which  we don’t see another financial shoe drop, causes me to believe that that single transaction was a master stroke and saved the US a really awful experience of financial meltdown. there’s been a lot of consternation and wailing over this transaction, complaining that the Fed didn’t have the authority to do what they did because Bear Sterns wasn’t a bank. Again, I’ve written on that, and while I agree with the concern of the issue, I believed at the time, and Bernanke has stated in his recent testimony to Congress, that he felt it necessary to act on Bear Sterns to save the broader financial system.

Are you happy to see me or is that a guitar in your pants?

by @ 7:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

LEWISTON, Maine (AP) – Police are searching for a man accused of shoving an electric guitar in his and walking out of a store in Lewiston, Maine. Police say the theft occurred last week and they’re looking for three men. One of the men shoved a Fender Stratocaster in his pants and pulled a sweatshirt over the top. The other two acted as lookouts.All three can be seen on footage from video surveillance.Strangely enough, the music store has seen the method before. A man did the same thing in 2006 but was caught as he tried to walk out.

I would love to see the video. Either the description of “in his pants” is overly generous or this guy has some really odd pants.

I wonder if they would pay mileage?

by @ 7:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

The son of a retired widower has placed an advertisement looking for someone to have a few drinks with his father at a local pub for seven pounds (nine euros, 14 dollars) an hour.Jack Hammond, 88, and his son, Michael, will begin interviewing candidates for the position soon, after Michael posted the advertisement at their local post office in Hampshire, southern EnglandThe elder Hammond used to go to his local pub four times a week in Barton-on-Sea, Hampshire, with his neighbour, but had to stop the practice recently when he moved into a nursing home closer to the rest of his family.

“When you put an advertisement in a post office for 25p you don’t expect anything to come of it, so the response has been amazing,” Michael, a chef, said.

They have ruled out hiring a woman, as Michael Hammond said his father, a retired electrical engineer, would be uncomfortable having a drink with a woman he did not know, and are hoping to find “a gentleman who is not too bombastic and enjoys a nice pint” with an interest in engineering or golf.

“Dad will be going out with some of the candidates next week but we are going to do it properly, as he is vulnerable,” Michael added.

“It’s got to be the best job in the world.”

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