No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for December 26th, 2008

RIP Eartha Kitt

by @ 14:31. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Eartha Kitt passed today, losing to cancer.   You can read her life history here.

Kitt was best know for her songs. However, she had a pretty extensive  acting career as well. I remember her as Catwoman but honestly thought the role she had that best exploited her unique voice was that of Yzma in “The Emperor’s New Grove.”   OK, it’s not high theatre but if you haven’t seen it you need to, just to hear her use one of the best and  most recognizable vocal instruments,  cast as a villainess.

Ms. Kitt had an amazing voice. One I found to be amongst the most captivating ever. No matter what song I heard her sing I always heard the purrrrrr of Catwoman. I know it’s been done and redone but who will ever forget her rendition of Santa Baby?

Thanks for sharing your talent Ms. Kitt!

Another lost icon.

The Morning Scramble – 12/26/2008

by @ 8:15. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I couldn’t do blues yesterday, so between that and the freezing rain-to-rain that’s come down, it’s Blues Day Friday…


Some of you were actually busy blogging yesterday, so why not reward you with a Scramble.

  • Tom Blumer handicaps the race between Obama and the economy. Let me speak from experience; no matter what the economy does, CEBR and the presstitutes will declare the recession over at noon 1/20/2009, and not a minute earlier or later.
  • Oil Patch Plug found the Red Chinese beginning to unhitch their yuan from the dollar to make it an international currency. As someone who knows just a bit about the international currency market, all I can say is, “Just! Damn!”
  • Michelle Malkin discovered the next in line at the federal trough – the retail industry. Bonus item – GMAC, the finance arm of GM, is now a “bank holding company”, so whoever in my feed reader of bloat predicted that can now collect from his or her bookie while GM collects even more bailout money.
  • Righty says, “Go long on prisons.”
  • Jo Egelhoff found the ‘Rats and their allied groups outspent Pubbies and their allied groups 2-to-1. Yep; Campaign “Finance” Reform had its intended effects.
  • The Underground Conservative wonders how the Wisconsin Legislature could set up a system where it can’t stop an automatic pay raise at a time when the state is facing a multi-billion dollar shortfall in the next budget (and a several-hundred-million dollar shortfall in the current one). Short answer – it’s controlled by the bipartisan Party-In-Government. More on that later.
  • Rick Moran “thanks” the Minnesota DFL Secretary of State for conducting a master stroke in neutering the Minnesota Supreme Court and all-but-ensuring the theft of Seat #59 for the ‘Rats. I guess the only questions left are whether Shoebox was right when he said that there is essentially no difference between 59 and 60, and, if there is, which “Pubbie” will be peeled off by Barack Obama offering a plum administration job to deliver Seat #60.
  • Thomas Lifson dumps even more coal in the stocking of the Gorebal “Warming” acolytes.
  • Warner Todd Huston uses the New York Times to prove that Gorebal “Warming” is nothing more than a jealous religion.
  • Lawhawk is shocked, SHOCKED that “green” energy doesn’t work as well in the cold.
  • Jim Hoft is shocked, SHOCKED that the gatekeepers of the Connecticut Post are abusing their status to protect their boys Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. There is a reason why I call them presstitutes.
  • Tim Graham proves that ObamiNation Worship is alive and well in the LeftStream Media.
  • Nice Deb wonders why Michelle Obama, who the presstitutes have annointed as the new Jackie O, has had her law license listed as on “court ordered inactive status” since 1993.

I’m off to be the family tech support (again); I have a hard drive to install on the younger sister’s/her husband’s computer (after conducting another bug hunt first).

The NRE Wish List for 2009

by @ 6:10. Filed under The Blog.

With the new year just around the corner, it’s time to do some forward-looking navel gazing. No, I’m not going to shoot for the impossible, like hitting 200,000 readers (I haven’t had 100,000 since I put StatCounter up in April 2007), or getting celebrity guest-bloggers (I already have a very good cast that regularily bails me out, starting with Shoebox and going through Patrick, Fred, Aaron, Leslie, silent E and Big G, though if there are any celebrities that want to put up a post of two, I won’t turn you down). There are a couple of technical things that I really want to get done, though:

– Finally combine my feed reader, the blogs of those I follow on Twitter, the blogs of those I’m friends with on Facebook, and the Roll of Bloat into a synchronized mass of semi-organized chaos.
– Get the mobile version of this place WP2.7-compliant (i.e. allow one to reply to a particular comment)
– Figure out a way to allow people using the mobile version to vote on all the current polls without having to switch to the full-sized version.
– Get SOMETHING of my own up every day that I’m not on vacation. I’ve slacked way too much this year.

I’d also like to not have to rip both parties equally; of course, that depends mostly on whether the Pubbie half of the bipartisan Party-In-Government continues to control the GOP.

With that, I’ll throw it open to the rest of the crew and the 6 loyal readers of this place who actually pipe up. What do you want to see here in 2009?

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