No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for April 11th, 2008

“Hope” or same old “compassionate” Left?

(Major H/T – Fred)

If memory serves, Mary Katharine Ham has been hammering the operators of Huffington Post and Daily Kos for “less-than-civil” comments left on their sites on her weekly appearances on “The O’Reilly Factor”. I wonder where this little gem from Ejike Ofoemezie of Canton, Georgia on a blog hosted on Barack Obama’s official campaign site would fall on that scale:

It is unbecoming of an old man who is a part of the problem America has today to tell us not to hope. What a deaf man? If McCain has given up on hope and life, the rest of America has not. He should pay a deserved visit to the undertaker. So, someone should please remind McCain there is a place called a zoo where the likes of him should take abode while the rest of America moves on.

Just in case the Obama campaign decides to scrub their servers, I did take the liberty of grabbing a screencap, complete with both an apparently-unused link to report objectionable content and a graphic stating that the blog is on a server paid for by Obama For America (click for a full-sized graphic)…


Revisions/extensions (4:44 pm 4/11/2008) – Sorry about the lateness of the update; I was away from the keyboard all afternoon. I don’t know if it was Fred or Winged Hussar of Grizzly Groundswell (who had it first), or Charlie Sykes (who picked it up in the 11 o’clock hour), but we got results. Into the memory hole it went, but not before Winged Hussar and I both got screencaps. I’ll put my money on Charlie; it disappeared about an hour after he posted on it. Fred also notes a few other nuggets of material (enough for not one but two pages of archives) from Ejike are still there.

Also on top of it – Psycmeister’s Ice Palace.

The Morning Scramble – 4/11/2008

by @ 8:14. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I guess I need some new tennis shoes…


– Attention, attention Morons! Ace will be on Fausta’s show at 10 am Central (11 am Eastern) today, if BlogTalkRadio doesn’t cough up another lung or Ace doesn’t confuse BTR with a hobo, that is.
John Hawkins asked a bunch of bloggers, “Who do you want and don’t you want for VP?” Out of the list he gave them, I would take Michael Steele and definitely not take Christie Todd Whitman.
Jim Hoft remembered the terrorist friends, both homegrown and Islamist, Barack Obama kept.
Ed Morrissey adds up the bills Bill Clinton has been giving us the taxpayers despite his and his wife’s massive cash inflow. No wonder why they could give so much to their own “charity”.
Allahpundit checked the Hiliary Lie Machine and proclaimed it running at 110%.
– Speaking of liars, Sister Toldjah has your liar of the week, and no, it’s not Clinton.
Krakatoa finds a soon-to-be-ex-NYT reporter.
– Why? Because Bill Quick notes the latest example of groupthink there.
Bruce notes all the ways ex-Alderman (and still thug) Michael McGee-Jackson Jr. will continue to soak cash from the city of Milwaukee.
Conservative Belle notes, correctly, that criminals will pack and shoot no matter what the gun laws are.
– Somebody should’ve told that to Philly mayor Nutter; Wyatt Earp has the story on that.
David St. Lawrence deprogrammed one of his Vista laptops to see how much faster it runs with XP.
Pete Fanning has a PBS series you should watch starting April 27. Yes, he is serious, and don’t call him Shirley unless you want to be keelhauled.
Jon Ham says, “Consensus? What consensus, Gore?”
John McAdams notes the latest example of political correctness run amok on a formerly-religious college campus.
Fred is shocked, SHOCKED that postage rates will be going up again after finding out USPS employees in Orlando had a $13,500 steak dinner on our dime.

Roll bloat – double-shot of local

by @ 7:23. Filed under The Blog.

I really should’ve done this long before now, but you know what they say about late and never…

The Prozak Playground
Wag the Dog

One can never have too many good blogs on the roll, I always say.

Six Word Memoir

by @ 6:57. Filed under Miscellaneous.

It seems Jim Lynch didn’t get the memo on tagging me with memes, but considering who else he tagged, I may as well play along.

The Rules:

1. Write your own six word memoir.

He lived and lives in Christ

2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want.

Check, and…



3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to the original post if possible so we can track it as travels across the blogosphere.


4. Tag at least five more blogs with links.

Again, normally memes die here, but why not?

Kevin Fischer at This Just In
Fred at Real Debate Wisconsin
Katie Favazza at Elocutio
Jon Ham at Right Angles
Patrick at Badger Blogger

5. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

Comments outgoing.

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