(H/T – Michael Goldfarb)
MSNBC ran the following video of Alaska Governor (and former Republican Vice Presidential nominee) Sarah Palin’s pardoning of a turkey and subsequent post-pardon press conference…
I ask you, the gentle and not-so-gentle readers of this hole in the wall, what, if anything was wrong with it?
What is wrong (if anything) with this video?
Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed
- Nothing. (59%, 19 Vote(s))
- Sarah Palin should've issued an execution order instead of a pardon. (28%, 9 Vote(s))
- Sarah Palin and the press should have found another place to shoot the post-pardon interview. (9%, 3 Vote(s))
- The turkey farm should have waited until the cameras were off to start the turkey slaughter. (3%, 1 Vote(s))
Total Voters: 32

This poll will close just before Thanksgiving Day begins, and I’ll give you my answer then. Those of you who know me may or may not be able to guess it.
The biggest turkey was the MSNBC reporter; thus, the camera was pointed in the wrong direction.
I guess I should’ve included that option in the poll.
Hi Steve, do you ever talk to Chris anymore? I wanted to get a hold of him to find out what type of 30-06 I was shooting that time out at McMiller’s. I wanted to show someone the pics of it too, but I see that the spottedhorse blog is gone. Let me know if you know how to reach him!
I agree with the person who said that Palin should apologize, and promise next time to do her interview from an abortion clinic.
We have politicians stand in front of people who are working while doing interviews all the time.
I’m assuming that all who are upset with this video are not having turkey on Thanksgiving – maybe ham? Oh, that’s right, ham comes from pigs – hmmm – let’s see…tofu?