I know, it’s far too early to begin considering who will be the Republican standard-bearer in 2012 (or if there will be a GOP), but since I have no influence, I may as well kick things off. You’ll notice the poll has but 4 choices:
Who will be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2012? (take 2)
Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed
- Mitt Romney (55%, 108 Vote(s))
- Somebody else (please name the person in the thread) (25%, 50 Vote(s))
- Nobody as the GOP will cease to exist before November 2012 (12%, 23 Vote(s))
- Mike Huckabee (9%, 17 Vote(s))
Total Voters: 198

I’ll quickly go through the 4 choices:
Mitt Romney – He is the conventional “next in line” the Republicans are so fond of choosing since 1956. While he was in the nomination race, he was the second-leading delegate getter. However, he wasn’t the last one to fall before this year’s “next in line” guy, John McCain
Mike Huckabee – He stakes his claim to be “next in line” by being the last one out of the primaries. However, until things narrowed to him and McCain, he was at best third.
The field – The rest of the Republican field, including Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Bobby Jindal, and anybody else one can think of, does not have any claim to be “next in line”. As the Republican party proved for the 14th consecutive time, if one is not the “next in line”, one will not be the nominee.
Nobody as the GOP disappears – For those who think this impossible, let’s ask the leaders of the Whigs and the Federalists. Oops; we can’t because those parties, which were once the Not-Democratic Party, no longer exist. Indeed, the Federalists disappeared without anything to replace them in the planning stages.
For those that are wondering how the first take went (which I had up pretty much continuously between March and August), here’s the results.
Who will be the 2012 Republican Presidential nominee?
Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed
- Nobody as the GOP will not be in existence in 2012 (26%, 66 Vote(s))
- John McCain (22%, 56 Vote(s))
- Mitt Romney (as the sitting VP/President) (22%, 56 Vote(s))
- Mitt Romney (not as the sitting VP/President) (11%, 29 Vote(s))
- Mike Huckabee (as the sitting VP/President) (8%, 19 Vote(s))
- Whoever else is the sitting VP/President (you can name the person in the thread) (5%, 13 Vote(s))
- Whoever else is not the sitting VP/President (you can name the person in the thread) (4%, 9 Vote(s))
- Mike Huckabee (not as the sitting VP/President) (2%, 5 Vote(s))
Total Voters: 253

Sarah Palin
I’m not sure who it will be, but I don’t believe it will be Romney or Huckabee and I am sure the Republicans will not disappear.
To borrow a phrase from my good friend T. Boone Pickens, “The debate misses the point.”
I think our obsession with the White House is a contributing factor to the state of the Republican Party. When we focus on Congress, we focus on principles, ideals, and issues. And solutions to the problems facing our country. There are almost 500 congressional races every two years.
But when we focus on the presidency, there is only one office holder. It is too easy to get wrapped up in personality and unimportant matters.
I don’t care WHO our candidate is for president. I care about first principles. I care about liberty and freedom. I care about individual liberty and individual responsibility. I care about defending life, especially the unborn. I care about smaller, less intrusive government. I care about lower taxes and free and fair markets. I care about a strong national defense. I will measure
If we start talking about Romney, Palin, Huckabee, Jindal the day after Obama wins in 208, in doing so we stray away from first principles.
Furthermore, who knows what the important issues of the day will be? Economic depression? Bull market? World War? World Peace? In 2006 and 2007, I don’t think we foresaw the fall credit crisis (and the “crap sandwich” bailout) or the Russians invading Georgia?
And before we talk about the next presidential campaign, let’s talk about how to prevent the media and crossover Democrats from picking our candidate. How about only letting Republicans vote in Republican primaries? We need to focus on some of the rules before we start playing the game again.
I know, but it was the easy thing for me to post right now. I haven’t quite got any sort of polish on my near-term thoughts, either for Congress or for the state. Honestly, I don’t have any good thoughts on the latter.
I don’t know who it will be. I suspect that while the R’s will survive, they will change significantly or the Conservative wing will leave. This election clearly showed that Dem lite doesn’t work. I suspect someone may show some stars during the ’10 election.
I think there needs to be a return to a Contract with America type thinking for 2010. Focus on limiting government, reducing debt, and cutting government waste. Term limits need to be a mantra. Focus on cronyism in Washington, and get in new blood into the races in 2010 for Senate and the House.
The economy is going to be seriously hurting in 2010 if Obama institutes all of his plans. And the GOP needs to focus on it, not atheism by a candidate.
It’ll be someone who’s not well know. Thad McCotter, maybe Bobby Jindal. Newt is a long shot; I’m not sure he wants to be President.
I believe that Jindal is being groomed for a run. This is the perfect “fire-with-fire” candidate that will give BHO a run for his (tainted) money.
Our own Paul Ryan would be an excellent choice for VP running mate. That is as soon as his constituant-motivated backing of the Auto bail-out thinking is straightened out.
Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal for VP