Word of warning revision (2:50 pm 11/30/2007) – The free-fire portion of the discussion is to be between each individual commenter and me, not between commenters. Just in case you forgot, this is my place; I pay the hosting bill.
A pair of updates that I waited until midnight to fly with (well, actually, I prepped this before midnight, but thanks to the magic of WordPress, they’re going out at the gong):
– When I last left this, we were at 8 plants. Well, Michelle’s upped the count to 9, though I don’t know whether to classify CAIR’s Yasmin as simply a fresh species or start a whole separate genus for groups merely aligned with the ‘Rats. Ah, tahellwitchit, since I call them DhimmiRATs, it counts. Since I remember 30 questions, we’re now at a full 30% of the questions being plants.
– Duncan Hunter, bless his soul, has a heart of a lion (and the money and support of a flea). My mailbox has a copy of a letter he sent head gardener Hillary Clinton:
November 29, 2007
Dear Senator Clinton,
Regarding the “plant”, retired Brig. Gen. Keith H. Kerr, that you sent to ask me the question at the CNN-YouTube debate last night in Florida "¦
Send more!!!
Merry Christmas,
Duncan Hunter
Revisions/extensions (11:20 am 11/30/2007) – Seems this place piqued the interest of a bunch of Salon types. If this place loads a bit slow; sorry about that, I don’t think I’ve had a serious crush of traffic before, so I don’t know exactly how my host handles a crush. Disagree with me all day long, but do try to find another line besides Jeff Gannon. Also, don’t piss me off. While I do enjoy the back-and-forth, I do have a hair-trigger.
Wow, from such high-minded insults it seems you sincerely want a fair, intellectual debate of the issues. Not some poo flinging crapfest.
But you’re kidding, right? This is a joke, right?
The joke’s on you, sucker. Think of me as a mirror.
Another nice, compassionate lefty. They’re the ones that throw around insults, personal and other ad hominem attacks, including remarks based on race, ethnicity, physical appearance. All we do is imply they’re into dhimmitude and they have an elitist, smarmy snit fit.
The liberals are the masters of snarky.
A mirror? Like, “Yeah, well, your mom is fat, too!”
“DhimmiRATs”? How is writing crap like that being a mirror? It’s not insightful or funny. It’s just a two-bit, petty, not very clever insult.
The adults are having a discussion at the big table. Consider yourself banished to the kids’ table until further notice.
I guess the definition of “plant” is anyone who has not signed the Virginia Republican Party Loyalty Oath to get in?
When Republicans are used to the Jeff Gannon softballs that the White House planted in President Bush’s “news” conferences, anything other than “how is the mountain biking going” appears to be hostile questions.
Whatever, dumbfuck.
Was this trip really necessary.
Philadelphia Steve, if CNN had disclosed the affiliations of the plants like they did with Grover Norquist, this trip wouldn’t be necessary.
dhimmitude? in the US?
Actually, it’s the left who has taken the lead in opposing theocracy of any kind.
God forbid you engage in debate on intellectual terms.
Yes, dhimmitude. The only religion you lefties seem to be interested in stifling is Christianity, and you’re willing to use anything and everything, including Islam, to do it.
The debate did nor go over well for the Republicans. Both of the top 2 Romney and Giuliani took hard hits. The only one who improved his standing was Huckabee.
http://www.Intrade.com is the largest political futures board.
Calling political opponents bad names is something that should have been left behind before beginning middle school
I’ll try to follow the advice in the future, John Ryan. Can’t promise I’ll always do that, mainly because I’ve been infused with the AoS HQ Moron Power.
The rest of you, JR’s comment is an example of how to offer constructive criticism.
And you have the nerve to suggest you are an arbiter of what is and isn’t “constructive criticism”?
The balls on you.
I thought I banished you.
Try, try again.
What about the mother of all plants, Jeff Gannon, cub reporter? Really, who takes this stuff seriously any more? The best thing I ever did was get rid of my TV and start reading more.
Is a 4-year-old bit the best you guys from Salon can do?
I would have thought you would be better-prepared than that.
The nerve of those Democrats to ask questions of Republicans.
Actually, it’s the nerve of CNN to not disclose what they are and present them as “just average citizens”, especially when they presented Grover Norquist (properly) as a conservative advocate.
Tell your boys and gal to go on a Fox News-hosted debate, then call me in the morning.
I agree with you on the point of not disclosing the questioner’s affiliations. That’s a good point. I would hope that that CNN, or anyu other host for presidential debates would pick hard questioners from both sides and disclose accurate information about the questioners. As for going on Fox News I would disagree. To lend any kind of legitimacy to a propagada organizition would be a disservice.
I think righties ought to have sense enough to not even comment on this issue. Glass houses and all…?
That’s funny; I see CNN, MSNBC and various other outlets as propaganda outlets, but that hasn’t stopped the Republicans from going on there for debates. I guess it’s just that they (or in the case of MSNBC, its NBC parent) came about first, and espouse a liberal viewpoint most of the time.
Glass houses? Have you taken a good look at Clinton’s campaign lately?
Politics has always been a stone-chucking sport. Thankfully, that is usually just a metaphor in modern politics.
Educated people have stopped repeating the false claim that I was a White House plant. I was then and remain an independent conservative journalist. You can read all about it in my book, “The Great Media War: A Battlefield Report” http://www.thegreatmediawar.com
(This comment was edited per the update above and removed due to the inability to contact the comment author -steveegg)
dhimmitude? in the US?
Actually, it’s the left who has taken the lead in opposing theocracy of any kind.
God forbid you engage in debate on intellectual terms.
(The sentence that was here does cross the line. The remainder is pretty close, but since I swear, I can’t edit for that. -steveegg)…There has never been an attempt to instill a theocracy here in America. Never. Of course, you idiots view a Christmas tree actually called a Christmas tree at the state capitol a theocracy.
Do us a favor: go to Iran and protest against a theocracy. You wouldn’t know one if it swam up and bit you in the ass.
It’s you lefties that want to “co-exist” with a bloodthirsty cult that wants to kill a woman who allowed children to name a teddy bear “Muhammad.” A teddy bear, for crying out loud.
Your side is OK’ing sharia law in all sorts of places in America: Detroit and Chicago, where the public school system has built prayer rooms for the Muzzies,; Minneapolis, where the Muzzie cab drivers are being allowed to refuse service to passengers carrying alcohol. Having Ramalamadingdong celebrations while Christmas and Easter get silenced.
(Comment removed and commenter’s IP sent to asshat hell – steveegg)
For argument’s sake, what difference does it make if a question comes from a Democrat or a Republican? A question is a question. Not that they answer them anyway.
Personally I think it would be more interesting if the Dems’ debates were hosted by Limbaugh and the Repubs’ by Randi Rhodes.
Geez, what a bunch of pussies.
Andy, we have half of that now, only the hosts aren’t quite acknowledging a bias. Other than that, ’tis an interesting idea.
Hate to tell you but it’s a Judeo-Christian nation. Deal with it.
(This portion removed at the request of the commenter. -steveegg)
“Whatever, dumbfuck.” now there is an intellectual retort for which it is hard to find a quality comeback. What are you, a drunk frat boy?
You’re somewhere between 1/3rd and 2/3rds right depending on the day and time, Bill.
While you’re on your self-righteous kick to eliminate attacks from the discussion, you might want to call MSNBC reporter Erin Burnett, or is it as I suspect and the “rules”, such as they are, don’t apply to you and your kind.
I really don’t understand why it was CNN’s duty to screen questioners based upon their political affiliations.
That kind of mindset is patently un-American to me.
I’m not particularly sympathetic to the Democrats, but I’m certainly no Republican. Nevertheless, if the latter held a debate here, I feel its my right to ask any of them a question regardless of my own political affiliations.
If the Republican nominee wins the presidency after all, he’ll be my president too, not just yours.
When an organization sells a set of questions as being from “undecided Republican voters”, it does become their duty to screen those questions in an attempt to ensure that those posing the questions are not in fact Democratic supporters. CNN sold said questions in just such a manner, and then refused to disclose that the 8 people politically-tied to various Democrats were, in fact, not “undecided Republican voters”.
I’ve seen suggestions from others that the Republican debates be held by partisan Democrats (well, many of them are moderated by them), and the Democratic debates be held by partisan Republicans (not exactly happening). Maybe that idea has some merit.