No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for November 24th, 2010

Egg’s Soon-to-be World Famous Sausage and Wild Rice Stuffing recipe

by @ 16:34. Tags:
Filed under Miscellaneous.

This little “side” dish is always, and I mean ALWAYS, the first thing gone at the Egg Thanksgiving dinner (even though my dad won’t eat it because of the mushrooms and onions). I haven’t made this myself in a while, but since my younger sister won’t have time to make it this year, it’s falling back to me. Let’s start with the all-important ingredients list:

  • 2 boxes Uncle Ben’s Long Grain and Wild Rice
  • 1 lb. ground pork sausage
  • 12. oz mushrooms
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 3 stalks celery
  • 1 small onion (an equivalent amount of green onion should also work)
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • 2 tsp. garlic powder
  • 2 tsp. onion powder
  • 2 tsp. cumin
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 2 tsp. seasoning salt
  • 2 eggs

What to do with all this:

  • Chop mushrooms, celery and onion (finely), and crush garlic. Sautee until onions become translucent and the celery becomes at least somewhat soft.
  • Make rice according to package directions.
  • Fry up sausage until cooked, keeping the meat separated.
  • Combine cooked vegetables, rice and sausage, and add remaining seasonings.
  • After it is cool, add beaten eggs (if you add them while the mixture is warm, you’ll start cooking the eggs prematurely).
  • Bake at 350 degrees about 45 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Revisions/extensions (9:14 pm 11/24/2010) – In case you were wondering what two of those look like (click for the full-sized pic)…

That was taken before I mixed the right casserole dish. In case you’re wondering just how much is in each, there’s 5 cups of rice, 2 cups of meat, and 2 cups of vegetables.

Also, I “clarified” a couple of steps.

Wednesday Hot Read – Brian Fraley’s “The Time is Now to Reform Labor Laws Which Threaten Our State’s Future”

by @ 14:01. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Brian Fraley lays out why the decoupling of state workers and labor unions, and the decoupling of unions and employment, is vital for Wisconsin’s future:

Herein lies the problem with public employee unions: They determine the fate of their own bosses who in turn have dominion over their compensation. Public employee unions skew the labor-management equation through their political muscle and the fact that their contracts are approved by the very same politicians for whom they vote. Therefore, they have the power to perpetuate and accentuate their own wage and benefit structures at the expense of the taxpaying public.

Building painters in school districts with annual compensation packages of more than $98,000 and bus drivers making six figure salaries that translate into benefit-rich pensions are part of the driving force in the budget problems facing Wisconsin….

States without right-to-work laws permit the coerced payment of union dues. Whether you want a union or not, you are going to pay union dues, and even have those dues go to the support of candidates that you oppose, in non right-to-work states. More and more, younger workers want choice in their work environment, and they want the merit of their work to matter. By rewarding time in service over competency, unions take advantage of those just entering the workforce, they stifle employee choice, and they ignore merit for all workers through convoluted work rules and seniority systems in the workplace.

Private sector labor unions occupy a unique place in American law and society. They are the only entities, by law, that are exempted from anti-monopoly laws, that are given the power of coerced representation, and that receive millions of dollars from the Federal government in direct grants, and billions to state entities with heavy union representation that provide worker training.

The only counter balance to all of this is in those states that at least give workers a choice whether or not to support the union in their workplace with union dues from their hard earned wages. Again, this isn’t some crazy, untried concept. Nearly half of the states recognize this form of workers’ rights–and they continue to grow their economies and outperform those states that have not adopted right-to-work laws.

Domestic enemies lists are coming back, TSA edition

Richard Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover (not to mention Iosif Stalin and various other totalitarians) would be so proud of DHS head Janet Napolitano after she authored an internal DHS memo detailing how anybody who objects to the nekkid scan/crotch grab method of airline security would be put on a “domestic extremist” (DHS’s term, not mine) list. The Northeast Intelligence Network has the details, including how Teh Won fully-supports this.

I’m glad I’m not flying anytime soon, and I won’t be giving up Shoebox’s identity lest we have to reinstitute the Free Shoebox effort.

The annual Egg Turkey Execution Proclamation – 2010 edition

by @ 9:11. Tags:
Filed under Miscellaneous.

Whereas the turkey is the offical bird of Thanksgiving, and

Whereas turkey is a delicious meat, and

Whereas turkey breast contains more protein and less fat and sodium than chicken breast,

Now therefore I hereby decree that a nameless, pictureless turkey be given a thorough plucking and a complete basting, and warmed to a sufficient temperature for human consumption, and further decree that turkey be thoroughly enjoyed until all of the meat be eaten.


Or if you’re really hungry, try this…

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