While I don’t enjoy paying $4/gallon for gas, I have enjoyed watching the Democrats become human Gumby’s as they twist trying to find new reasons why the majority of the American public are wrong when it comes to expanding drilling.
I figured that the game would continue to play and like good chess players, the Dems would work hard to avoid getting their king cornered.
I thought wrong.
The pressure on the Dems has surely increased, evidently to the point of breaking, at least for some. As recorded by Fox,at and around a press conference where the Dems were attempting to explain why they were smarter than the President and nearly all other Americans, the following was said:
You cannot drill your way out of this.
Current mantra of those beholden to the Envirowhackos by Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), chairman of the House Select Committee on Global Warming.
The governors of California and the governors of Florida are going to scream this is not the way to go.
Gee, I think I heard Charlie Crist was now on board Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), member of the House Appropriations Committee and one of the most-ardent opponents of off-shore drilling, you may want to get you’re updated talking points.
What we do has to be in the interest of the American people. Not major corporations.
Gee Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), last I looked the majority of the American people did want drilling to increase. Being a Democrat, I can only assume that you’re including dead people and illegal aliens in your counts of “majorities” just like you do when you count elections.
It’s like when I talk to my kids. Before we’re going to talk about dessert, we’ve got to talk about what’s on your plate. I hope I’m a little more successful with the oil industry than I am with my kids.
Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), chairman of the House Select Committee on Global Warming. Well now Ed, I need to talk to you like I talked to my boys when they were 4….
Do it now, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Do nothing else until you complete this one simple takes that I have asked you to do multiple times!
Finally, the quote that is the Coupe de grace and shows the Dems true colors and just how much pressure they are facing is this quote, once again from Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), member of the House Appropriations Committee and one of the most-ardent opponents of off-shore drilling:
We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market.
Sounds a lot like Maxine Waters a couple of weeks back when excoriating oil executives for a problem that the Dems have created:
Guess what this liberal will be all about? Socializing!
Not like it was a BIG secret but the cat’s out of the bag. The Left is all about envy. They don’t want anyone to have it better than anyone else….everyone gets the same outcome regardless of what effort they’ve put into it. The Dems are envious because a two bit tyrant, Hugo Chavez has managed not only to take full control of a country and kill all desent in only 9 short years but he’s also managed to line his personal pockets by “nationalizing” the oil companies. The Dems want the same outcome. The Dems want higher gas prices because they want to run the oil and gas companies and line their personal pockets.
Keep the government out of business. Send the Dems to the poor house! Keep the pressure on them!
Drill here, drill now, pay less!