No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for April, 2008

April 2, 2008

Spring election instant react

I know a few of you were keeping an eye on the live thread, and I have to thank Pete, Coop and Dad29 for helping me out with the results. I really should be sleeping, but there’s a couple of random thoughts I still need to do:

– Be afraid, Doyle. Be very afraid. An 18-point win for Scott Walker does not bode well for your chances in 2010, stacked Government Accountability Board or not.
– That having been said, other than Walker, Paul Cesarz, Mark Borowski, and Joe Rice (who did not have an opponent), the tax revolt is dead in Milwaukee, Waukesha and Racine Counties. $400,000 for a shed? Why not? $9 million in borrowing for maintenance? Go right ahead. $12 million for a Taj Mahal fire station? You betcha. $66 million for a makeover? Hey, at least it’s not $110 million. You wasted the breathing room we gave you last time? Go ahead, here’s some more.
– Fortunately, it spread further out. Attempts to jack taxes in Germantown, Hartford and Jefferson got shot down.
– Sanity will soon return to the state Supreme Court. Dickie Scruggs’ friends had best find a new state to try to pillage. The bad news; Doyle gets to choose the next judge of Burnett County.
– On the other hand, the same voters who delivered the margin of victory for Justice-elect Gableman decided that in the battle of stinky and extra-smelly, they would take extra-smelly.
– Bold prediction of 2008: there will be a lot of 3-3 ties broken by Hizzoner here in Oak Creek.
– Finally, a blogger makes good on an election. Congratulations, Kathy.
– I hope the guards at the jail Michael McGee-Jackson Jr is at took away his shoelaces; his world is crashing in on him.

April 1, 2008

Wisconsin spring general election live thread

Welcome to the NRE Wisconsin spring general election live thread, covering the non-partisan portion of the 2008 elections. The elections I’m keeping an eye on:

– Wisconsin State Supreme Court – Louis Butler (inc.) vs Michael Gableman
– State constitutional amendment limiting the governor’s use of the line-item veto
– Milwaukee County Executive – Scott Walker (inc.) vs Lena Taylor
– Milwaukee County Board – various races including the 9th
– Jailbird Milwaukee Alderman Michael McGee’s re-election bid
– Kenosha’s 5th Aldermanic race with Kathy Carpenter
– Racine County’s 3rd Supervisory race with Lou D’Abbraccio

Punished by a baby

by @ 11:30. Filed under Miscellaneous.

At a townhall meeting in Johnstown, PA yesterday, Barck Obama made the following statement:    

“When it comes specifically to HIV/AIDS, the most important prevention is education, which should include — which should include abstinence education and teaching the children — teaching children, you know, that sex is not something casual. But it should also include — it should also include other, you know, information about contraception because, look, I’ve got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at the age of 16. You know, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.”

There are sooooooooo many things I want to YELL at Barack right now.   Here are a few:

Barack, you talk about teaching values and morals, that’s great.   However, your teaching needs some updating because you have left out the end part where if you live short of values and morals, there are CONSEQUENCES!   Let me enlighten you on the difference between”Punishment” and “Consequence.”   “Punishment” is something that is done to you, “Consequence” is the result of something that you have done.   I understand how you easily confuse these concepts as you believe that you are being “punished” for standing by Jeremiah Wright when in fact you are suffering the “consequences” of your action of continuing to support his black liberation theology.

The (late) Morning Scramble – 4/1/2008

by @ 10:50. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

No foolin’, it’s time to vote here in the land of brats and beer (for Judge Mike Gableman, Yes on the state constitutional amendment, Scott Walker, Paul Cesarz, Kathy Carpenter, Lou D’Abbraccio, no on any spending referendum, and your favorite conservative candidate)…


– Because it is April 1, Brian Fraley gets into the spirit of things.
– If only Congress were kidding; Mary Katharine Ham notes they’re calling “Big Oil” on the carpet again.
The Asian Badger continues to ignore Algore Goracle. Good call.
S Weasel laughs at Islamic Rage Boy.
Dave Bauer gets a weak gastrointestinal system in this week’s Blogs4Bauer Writers’ Strike Substitute episode.

Sorry it’s a short, late list today; I’ve been busy doing surgery on Kate’s site trying to diagnose why the archives weren’t exactly available, which included putting 2.5 on and back off (the latter was not fun). That turned out to be a plugin meant to make certain posts sticky that is only WP 2.0.x compliant, which I eventually replaced with one that works in 2.3.3. Let’s just say I won’t be doing 2.5 this week.

Side note; I will be live-blogging the results tonight. I’ll be here about 7:45 for the party.

President Bush Resigns!

by @ 7:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Following the less than respectful response he received at the National’s home opener:
President Bush announced his resignation with the following statement: (more…)

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