(H/T – Jim Geraghty the indispensible)
If you’ve been hearing the meme flying around the Leftosphere, you know they’re trying to say John McCain is too old. David Benzion at the Lone Star Times has your retort. A couple that I like from there:
– John McCain is older than betraying national security secrets on the front page of the New York Times.
– John McCain is older than having to explain to your children why everyone on the TV is talking about the President’s penis.
– John McCain is older than politicized CIA agents distorting a National Intelligence Estimate on Iran’s nuclear program because they don’t like the President’s (i.e., their boss’) policies.
Jim chimed in with a few winners as well (I’ll “borrow” a couple of them):
– John McCain is so old that when he was born, Obama’s neighbor and donor William Ayers hadn’t tried to kill anyone with a bomb yet.
– John McCain was born in those long ago days when if you went into church, you could count on the pastor saying “God bless America!”
– When John McCain was a toddler, the national average tax on a gallon of gasoline was under four cents.
I’ll take Jim’s invitation to play:
– John McCain is so old, when he joined the Navy, the only federal health care was in the armed forces.
– John McCain is so old, he outlasted four dictatorial states that viewed America as its “class enemy”.
– John McCain is so old, he remembers a time when Wisconsin government was clean.
– John McCain is so old, he was born during a time when the Panama Canal Zone was American territory.
– In John McCain’s day, a high school diploma meant something.
– John McCain is older than Red China.
– John McCain is older than the UN.
How about….he’s so old, he was a guest at the Hanoi Hilton before Barack Obama got to attend his upscale private school in Hawaii!
I had a guy doing some work for me this week who isn’t very well informed on public affairs (typical white person).
He INSISTED that McCain was at least 76!
I had to actually load McCain’s bio in Wikipedia, show his birthday, August 29, 1936, wait for him to do the math and he STILL didn’t believe it.
Why? Because he heard somewhere that McCain was old.
What’s amazing is that some folks will hear something which is either misleading or false, but fits in with their own prejudices, and they want to believe it more than the truth.
He’s so old that he remembers Tax Freedom Day was February 28th at one time…