C. Edmund Wright provides the inspiration for today’s song by declaring a return to the double-nickel could speed us to a recession…
- Sister Toldjah could use some prayers and well-wishes.
- Let’s start the Obamination Watch off right; Kathy Carpenter found the perfect wind-blown cartoon for it.
- Ed Lasky caught Barack Obama reinventing his church attendance.
- Ed Morrissey found a fresh coat of whitewash at Obama’s website.
- Joe Repya declares Obama’s retreat-and-defeat plan for Iraq precisely that.
- Mary Katharine Ham found some objectivity from ABC News regarding Obama’s plan to retreat and defeat from Iraq in 16 months.
- Charles Johnson wonders whether Obama’s planned meeting with Fatah (nee PLO) is going to jeopardize his standing with Hamas. I’ll lay odds he’ll find a way to smooth things over with them.
- Thomas Sowell asks, “Are facts obselete?” I submit that facts haven’t really mattered since 1992, and that the lack of history in the public-school cirriculum is making itself apparent now.
- Vivian Lee compares Obama’s love to OJ Simpson’s. I wonder if the two will meet on the golf course.
- Michelle Malkin declares the capitulation of both halves of the bipartisan Party-In-Government to La Raza complete with John McCain’s refusal to repudiate Obama’s characterization of ICE as terrorists.
- JihadGene channels Krazy Kim Jong-Il as he reviews the latest issue of The New Yorker.
- Trail-Mix delivers some harsh soon-to-be-realities for the Obamination crowd.
- Enough Obamination for 1 Scramble; time for the folks Roy Innis call Energy Killers – Heather Radish isn’t excited by the rescinding of the executive ban on off-shore drilling. I’m going to have to explore the reasoning a bit more in a bit.
- Shoebox does some math for the two-year-olds ruin…er, running Congress.
- Dad29 explodes the Russ Feingold/Steve Kagen malarkey about all the acreage leased but not actively drilled by the oil companies. Why would they sink more drill bits into dry holes?
- Kate has some not-exactly-random thoughts on Congress and gas prices.
- Ed Morrissey found the greatest oil-spill polluter on Earth – GAIA!
- Lemur King has today’s item blamed on Gorebal “Warming” – kidney stones.
- There’s still some good stuff in the reader, but I can’t come up with a pithy category – James T. Harris spotted the telltale sign of hypocrisy from Bill Clinton; he opened his mouth on polarized politics.
- Justin Phillips found today’s example of the folly of campaign finance “reform” – Sheldon Wasserman and his stockpiling of donations while taking public money. That reminds me; I still owe you my take on Obama’s refusal to participate in the public financing scheme for the general election after pledging to do so.
- Kevin Fischer rips the rampant growth of gas-wasting, time-wasting roundabouts in Wisconsin.
- Tom McMahon explains the non-economic reason why Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are failing.
- Jim Hoft notes not all is hunky-dory for the Mad Mullahs and their sockpuppet, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iranian students are quite upset about the way the theocracy is going.
- Elliot has today’s example of the Aztlanization of Green Bay. How long before speaking Spanish is a requirement for employment? I give it 2 years regardless of who wins.