No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for October, 2009

October 5, 2009

Quick NRE poll – Who will win tonight?

by @ 11:48. Filed under NRE Polls, Sports.

It is the Battle of the Mississippi River, Part I tonight, as the Minnesota Vikings storm Lambeau Field to take on the Green Bay Packers Packers storm the Metrodome to take on the Vikings. First place in the NFC North will be on the line.

Who will win tonight?

Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed

  • Vikings (57%, 8 Vote(s))
  • Packers (43%, 6 Vote(s))

Total Voters: 14

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Vote quickly – I’m ending this at 7 pm.

I’m reeling in the years

by @ 9:20. Filed under The Blog.

I honestly don’t know why I’m acknowledging my 4th blogiversary because I missed the first three. It could be because a couple of good friends, Ed Morrissey and Sister Toldjah, celebrated their 6th blogiversaries over the weekend. Of course, we need some music…


I first have to thank you, the loyal readers of this place. You’re why I keep on churning out the inane ra…er, high-qual…er, I was right the first time with inane rants.

I definitely wouldn’t have made it to year four without Shoebox. I lost count of how many times he’s bailed out this place from my blogging dry spells. Besides, even though he’ll deny it, he is better than I am.

I have to give a special shout-out to all my guest-bloggers; Fred, Patrick, Aaron, Leslie, silent E, Big G, the aforementioned Sister Toldjah and Phineas. I owe all of you drinks.

I am deeply humbled when I recall all the people I’ve met because I’ve been blogging. There are too many to name, and even though I probably don’t belong in the same room as many of them, they are all great people.

I tried to put together a “best-of” list of posts, but there’s a couple problems with that. There’s just so many posts that have gone up over the years that I would sound narcisstic. Besides, most of those that I wrote aren’t exactly “best-of” material.

God willing, the posts will keep coming for many more years, and they’ll hopefully be good enough to keep you coming into this little corner hole in the wall.

Something’s Missing

Tooth brush?  Check!

Deodorant?  Check!

Clean suit?  Check!

Extra, clean white shirt just in case some frikadeller gets spilt? Check!

TOTUS?  Check!

Yes, President Obama and his aides packed everything they needed for the trip to Copenhagen.  They packed everything they needed to give an impressive presentation.  Unfortunately, for all their planning and packing, they did not bring the one thing that has provided President Obama and others from the Left, a shot at a voting victory.

Barack Obama and ACORN have been largely inseparable throughout his adult and political years.  The Wall Street Journals’s John Fund, documents that the Obama ACORN relationship goes back to at least 1991 when Obama ran a get-out-the-vote campaign for an ACORN affiliate.  Later, Obama would become ACORN’s attorney and a trainer for ACORN programs.  During his presidential campaign, Obama gave ACORN over $800,000 for what was ultimately identified as get-out-the-vote activities.  Any guess as to who the voters garnered by ACORN voted for?

Prior to the “save-the-prostitute” activities and the “bring-in-the-underage-sex-slaves” efforts that have been recently documented, ACORN was best known for it’s voter registration activities.  ACORN is currently under indictment for these later activites in 15 states.  That’s 15 states and counting.  There are numerous states, Minnesota being one, where ACORN registration activities have been at the least concerning, but where the Secretary of State refuses to do even the most rudimentary of investigations. 

Barack Obama hasn’t won an election where Chicago politics and/or ACORN weren’t at the center.  As much as his speeches and personal appeal may win votes, Barack Obama needs groups like ACORN to do the dirty work to ensure his victory.

The IOC is many things including political and at least at times, corrupt.  However, while political, they don’t care about Chicago politics and while corrupt, there have been no allegations of dead or fictitious people voting for the Olympic host city.  That left President Obama relying on the strength of his personal charisma to persuade the IOC voters to do what President Obama believed to be the right thing.

On the strength of Obama’s charisma, on the strength of his international popularity, Chicago was rejected in the first round, getting only 18 votes.  18 votes!  Giving Chicago only 18 votes was a clear sign that Obama’s charisma and popularity was not only lacking, it was rejected.

Each speech that President Obama has told the world that the US has been self centered and egotistic in its dealings with others, has been a snip in a self neutering surgery.  He’s repeated the US apologies so many times that if he has any stones left they have been mutilated beyond the point of having any effect.  The result is that Obama has left himself with little but his charisma and popularity in attempting to deal with international issues.

Iran is in the process of creating a nuclear bomb.  If, is not a question.  When, appears to be sooner than later.  The IOC rejected Obama’s charisma, do you expect Iran to be any more impressed?

October 4, 2009

Ed Morrissey talks taxes at Defending the American Dream Summit

Because of various technical issues, I was pretty much limited to covering the 2009 Defending the American Dream Summit on Twitter. However, I did get some not-quite-great-quality video of Ed Morrissey talking about the tax system and especially the ill-named HAPPY Act, which would create a tax deduction for pet expenses. He explains why both halves of the bipartisan Party-In-Government likes the current tax code.


I wish I had more, but those tech issues completely threw me off my game. However, Kyle Maichle picked up the slack.

Revisions/extensions (5:19 pm 10/5/2009) – Changed the link to the Hot Air post Ed put up. Thanks again, Ed.

Weekend hot read – R.S. McCain goes to Big Creek, Kentucky

by @ 20:38. Filed under Law and order.

I didn’t really follow the story of Bill Sparkman. Fortunately, Robert Stacy McCain took several days out of his life to try to find out what really happened in Big Creek, Kentucky about September 23rd.

Even though the first part of the series he worked up is 4,000 words, or perhaps because of it, I cannot do justice with an excerpt. You’re just going to have to go read the whole thing.

One housekeeping item – do hit his tip jar. If I can send some money his way, you can.

October 3, 2009

Support the 0%-tax-increase 2010 Milwaukee County budget

by @ 9:33. Filed under Politics - Milwaukee County, Taxes.

My friends at Citizens for Responsible Government are holding a rally at Serb Hall (5101 W Oklahoma Ave in Milwaukee) on Sunday between 2 pm and 4 pm to support Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker’s 8th consecutive 0%-tax-levy-increase county budget. Since there is no Packer game on Sunday, unless you’re out of town (like me; I won’t be back until about 5 pm), there is no reason you can’t attend.

In addition to Walker, there will be several citizens who have been forced out of business or their homes because of out-of-control tax increases at other units of government and by an uncaring County Board. It is time to demand that government live within the means that the rest of us have to live within.

I do recommend getting there early; the unions who only care about themselves will be showing up about 1:30.

October 2, 2009

Do not mess with the farmer’s daughter

by @ 10:19. Filed under Miscellaneous, War on Terror.

Especially when she knows how to wield an axe…

Farmer’s daughter disarms terrorist and shoots him dead with AK47.

Rukhsana Kausar, 21, was with her parents and brother in Jammu and Kashmir when three gunmen, believed to be Pakistani militants, forced their way in and demanded food and beds for the night.
Their house in Shahdra Sharief, Rajouri district, is about 20 miles from the ceasefire line between Indian and Pakistani forces.
It is close to dense forests known as hiding places for fighters from the Lashkar-e-Taiba group, which carried out the Mumbai terrorist attack last November.
Militants often demand food and lodging in nearby villages.
When they forced their way into Miss Kausar’s home, her father Noor Mohammad refused their demands and was attacked.
His daughter was hiding under a bed when she heard him crying as the gunmen thrashed him with sticks. According to police, she ran towards her father’s attacker and struck him with an axe. As he collapsed, she snatched his AK47 and shot him dead.
She also shot and wounded another militant as he made his escape.

Rukhsana Kausar, 21, was with her parents and brother in Jammu and Kashmir when three gunmen, believed to be Pakistani militants, forced their way in and demanded food and beds for the night.

Their house in Shahdra Sharief, Rajouri district, is about 20 miles from the ceasefire line between Indian and Pakistani forces.

It is close to dense forests known as hiding places for fighters from the Lashkar-e-Taiba group, which carried out the Mumbai terrorist attack last November.

Militants often demand food and lodging in nearby villages.

When they forced their way into Miss Kausar’s home, her father Noor Mohammad refused their demands and was attacked.

His daughter was hiding under a bed when she heard him crying as the gunmen thrashed him with sticks. According to police, she ran towards her father’s attacker and struck him with an axe. As he collapsed, she snatched his AK47 and shot him dead.

She also shot and wounded another militant as he made his escape.

Xena has nothing on Rukhsana. Not only did she save her family; I’ve no doubt that, had the father acceded to the jihadists’ demands and had they discovered the daughter, she would have been raped, as sex with captives is allowed by the Qur’anic injunction “what your right hands possess.”

The article goes on to mention that Ms. Kausar may be awarded a presidential citation for her bravery and a monetary prize, the latter a reward should one of the Islamic terrorists turn out to have been a highly wanted suspect. We hope also there’s a relocation program for her and her family, as it’s certain Lashkar-e-Taiba will target them for revenge.

Meanwhile, may other women suffering under Islam learn from her bravery.

(hat tip: Fausta)

LINKS: More at The Jawa Report.

RELATED READING: The Caged Virgin; Infidel; The Trouble With Islam Today; The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran.

(Cross-posted from Public Secrets)

I Wish Our Washington Republicans Were This Disciplined!

by @ 5:42. Filed under Politics - National.

Because, based on this information, they aren’t.  I’ll bet even this dog knows it’s a bad idea to lift his leg and pee on the people who feed him!

Who’d a Thunk?

by @ 4:50. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I guess you can’t tell a book by it’s cover!

Autopsy shocker: Jackson was healthy

At least AP managed to get the headline correct; I was surprised!

October 1, 2009

While the Cat’s Away….

by @ 10:15. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

Apparently, it has finally sunk into President Obama’s head that doing his Max Headroom impression on behalf of health care reform has not been a winning strategy.  To regain his Presidential gravitas he, Michelle and Oprah have taken on the self sacrificing task of going to Copenhagen to lobby for the lining of Valerie Jarrett’s pockets to bring the Olympics to Chicago.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch….

The manuevering continues in the attempt to have the Federal Government become the sole arbiter of health care in the U.S. 

I’ve linked before to the Senate Doctors show.  Senators Coburn and Barasso, the only two Senators who actually are doctors and not just playing one in the Senate, have had a regular video correspondence about the health care debate.  The Senators address issues, answer questions and even slap down the occassional Huffpo correspondent

In what could be described as “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” the Obama administration is ramping up their own health care video initiative.  The problem is that while they can imitate the use of a tool, they have no practicing doctors who can provide credibility to what will be another reguritation of left talking points (You remember….illegals won’t get health care, abortion won’t be covered, no death panels). 

Why get the cheap imitation when you have the original available?

The Senate Doctors will be on again at 5 PM Eastern.  You can watch the show live, below. 

The health care debate is far from over folks.  Stay informed, stay up to date on the issues and stay on target, stay on target!

Free video chat by Ustream

The Liberal Women Calendar

by @ 5:56. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Realdebate got me thinking….

What would the Liberal women calendar look like?  Maybe I could make money from putting one together?  Alas, too late.  Someone beat me to it:

Dem Women

H/T Cornswalled

We should probably get to 11 like for the conservative calendar so how about adding….

Cindy Sheehan and her close friend:


Rounding out the group, Diane Feinstein:


I’m not sure I’d feel safe closing my eyes to sleep in the same room with this group of “beauties!”

Consider It a Twofer

According to Baron’s, there are several countries that are selling debt denominated in dollars.  If your own currency isn’t the dollar, why would you sell debt that was?  It seems the short answer to that question is:  the dollar sucks, or at least that’s what these countries think.

After falling off a cliff during last years financial challenges, the dollar crawled back up to respectability by March of this year.  From March on, the dollar has become the world currency version of the 98 pound weakling getting sand kicked in its face by every other major currency.  You can see this pictorially in the following graph of the dollar against the Yen:


There are many things that influence a currencies value.  Debt, security and GDP all play into the value.  Unfortunately, many of those issues are moving towards the negative for the dollar, thus its decline.  That said, the dollar has one thing going for it.  As bad as things are in the US, there are many other countries that are in even worse situations.  Look across Europe and you’ll generally find financial situations that make the US look great.  Look to South America, the Middle East and much of Asia and you’ll find issues with security and stability.  For that reason and others there are a number of analysts that are ready to call a bottom to the dollar’s slide.  In fact, some are suggesting that we’ll see a rebound begin in the dollar.

One of the countries who have pulled the “debt for dollar” program is Venezuela. Venezuela is betting that their currency continues to do well against the dollar. So far the bet is working. The Venezuelan Bolivar is up 25% against the dollar in a little over a month.

I’m hoping the dollar analysts are right.  A stronger dollar buys us some time to get people elected that can solve our budget issues before China decides to throw in their chips.  A stronger dollar also wreaks havoc on Hugo Chavez’s piggy bank by making him have to pay more of his Bolivars to repay his bonds.  A plus for the US and a minus for Hugo Chavez, what’s not to like.  Consider it a twofer!

Open Thread Thursday – Tourist edition

This is the Emergency Blogging System. It has been activated because Steve is playing tourist in DC ahead of the Defending the American Dream summit. We need some appropriate music, and no Uncle Fred is not picking the song…


So, talk amongst yourselves, and find Steve some reading material.

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