Whereas the turkey is the offical bird of Thanksgiving, and
Whereas turkey is a delicious meat, and
Whereas turkey breast contains more protein and less fat and sodium than chicken breast,
Now therefore I hereby decree that a nameless, pictureless turkey be given a thorough plucking and a complete basting, and warmed to a sufficient temperature for human consumption, and further decree that turkey be thoroughly enjoyed until all of the meat be eaten.
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. I do believe that this should answer the question that I asked late last week; Texacution for the turkey instead of a pardon.
Remember, cook the turkey to a minimum internal temperature of 165 degrees for at least fifteen seconds.
Aren’t you proud of me, learning so much useful information in my Restaurant Sanitation class? :-)
Steve, to you and your family
Happy Thanksgiving.
Berry Laker
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving – a day late…