No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Just completely out of steam

by @ 11:58 on November 7, 2008. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I’ve got a couple of thoughts bouncing around, but I just can’t get them anywhere near polished enough to post any of them. Let’s see if running the rough outline past Shoebox and the 5 readers I have can help any:

Where does the rightosphere go from here? It’s not that the leftroots have any more say with the populace than we do, it’s that they’re far more willing to get their hands and money dirty in the machinery of politics especially at the local level, and that the party they have chosen to pretty much take over (the Democratic Party) is far more receptive to them than the party that is somewhat-more ameniable to our way of thinking is to us (the Republican Party).

Should we Whig the Republican Party? The Libertarians and Constitutionalists have tried this, but together they can’t get 5% in a given election. At the same time, the Republicans have explicitly given conservatives the middle finger to the eye the last 3 years (some could argue the last 12, and I can’t entirely disagree), and the voters have chosen to go with experience in the socialism scheme both parties have fully-embraced. Now would seem to be the perfect time because we’re likely stuck with FDR’s 5th and 6th terms, but I don’t think a new 2nd party would be ready to exploit the 2010 mid-terms.

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