No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for July, 2008

July 15, 2008

Time to Talk to the Two Year Olds

by @ 5:39. Filed under Politics - National.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but Mrs. Shoe and I are proud parents of twin Shoelets.   Thing 1 and Thing 2 (the Shoelets) turned 10 this weekend and we had a great time celebrating including a viewing of Hellboy II by the Shoelets and myself (they just don’t make movies like that anymore!)   The reason I tell you this, is that working with twins hones your parenting skills early on.  

Mrs. Shoe and I quickly learned that we needed to address issues with the Shoelets  straight on.   If we let issues slide, they knew how to push the rules.   If there was a complex issue, something like why one of their school mates had 2 moms, we needed to discuss it with them giving them enough information to make sense of it with where they were at mentally, without dragging all of the adult jargon and issues along with it.     This method of not avoiding issues, but not over complicating and over explaining them is referred to by us as “talking to two year olds.”

As I posted earlier, President Bush has removed the Executive Order barring off shore drilling.   As expected, Harry Reid came out to snivel about Bush’s action.   Harry’s action plan seems to include three points

  • Crack down on “Excessive speculation.” – I’m not against this.   The problem I do have is that the DOPES used to tell us that the “Big, Bad Oil Companies” were gouging us.   After numerous investigations, they have yet to show us $.01 of gouging that has occurred.   If Harry can actually show me “Excessive speculation” I’m with him, until then, this is a red herring
  • The “Big, Bad Oil Companies”should drill in all the acreage they already have – What a great idea!   I wonder why those nasty companies hadn’t thought of it?   Could it be that there isn’t any oil there?   That’s non starter two!
  • President Bush, tear down that SPOR! – The Dems have said that President Bush should release the oil in the strategic reserve.   The strategic reserve holds enough oil to satisfy replace our  imported oil needs for about  2 months.

Releasing oil from the SPOR has become the new line in the sand for the Dems.   They seem unable to understand why this is a bad idea and why rather than reducing prices, drawing down the reserve could actually increase prices.

And this is where I start talking to the two year olds.

Nancy, Harry –

  • You only have 700M Barrels of oil in the SPOR.
  • You can only offset Imported oil for 60 days
  • You claim it will take 10 years to get any new drilling on line (It won’t, I’m just spinning their illogic back at them)

What are you going to do between 2 months and 10 years?   If you really believe that opening SPOR will bring down prices, what do you do when it runs out?

The problem kids, is that you have offered no solutions that increase oil production, zip, nil, nada.   If you deplete the SPOR without increasing production, you may get a momentary drop but once you run the SPOR down, prices will go back up and that may be the goods news.   With the SPOR  depleted, prices will  likely move even higher than they were before because that “threat” is off the table.

Drill here, Drill now, pay less,

July 14, 2008

Ryan responds to the Midwest job slash

by @ 20:47. Filed under Energy, Politics - National.

In case you missed the big local news, Midwest Airlines announced it is going to slash 40% of its work force. The office of my Congressman, Paul Ryan, passed along the following press release:

WASHINGTON – Wisconsin’s First District Congressman Paul Ryan expressed grave concerns at the insistence by Congressional leadership to continue to put off-limits vast supplies of domestic energy. Earlier today, President Bush announced that he will lift the executive prohibition on energy exploration along the Outer Continental Shelf, but Congress has refused to follow suit. Coupled with today’s sobering news that Oak Creek-based Midwest Airlines will be laying off over 1,200 of its hard-working employees, Congressman Ryan has had enough. Ryan issued the following statement in light of today’s troubling developments:

“Unless Congress takes action to lift its own moratorium, President Bush’s decision to lift an executive ban on offshore drilling is meaningless. For nearly three decades, Congress has made it illegal to drill for oil and natural gas along the Outer Continental Shelf. Those I serve in Wisconsin can no longer afford to put up with our misguided energy policies. In addition to the pain at the pump felt by families across Wisconsin, high fuel costs have led directly to announced layoffs for workers at GM in Janesville and Midwest Airlines in Oak Creek. Enough is enough: we need a comprehensive energy policy – and we need one today. Congress can start by ending its stubborn resistance toward boosting domestic energy supply, and lift its moratorium on offshore drilling.

“Today’s announcement from Midwest Airlines is devastating, and comes at a time when folks are already struggling in our current economic downturn. As we prepare for the difficult months ahead, I will do all that I can to provide assistance to the employees of Midwest Airlines hit hardest by today’s painful decision."

For more on Congressman Paul Ryan’s call for a comprehensive energy plan, please visit:


Bonus coverage – Ryan’s energy plan –


In sum, and in order; drill, refine, streamline the boutique fuels (including the very-special blend of the Algore/Whitman Memorial RFG we in the Milwaukee area have to suffer with), no food-for-fuel, invest in R&D for a replacement, invest in R&D for conservation.

God Didn’t Tell Him to Run

by @ 20:29. Filed under Politics - Minnesota.

Dang, Jesse Ventura told Larry King he isn’t going to run for US Senate.

In explaining his decision, Jesse rambled about all kinds of issues. The one that seemed to clinch it for him was that he didn’t want to subject his family to the Minnesota press.

As with all of his complaints about Minnesota media, Jesse’s shot tonight should have been pointed back at himself. The media aggressively and rightly followed up on stories about Jesse’s son’s escapades. Shortly before he needed to attempt a reelection campaign Jesse’s son, Tyrel was accused of using the Governor’s mansion as a party house in a tell all book by the mansion director. By the time this book came out it was already apparent that any positive that Jesse may have had, had ebbed from the memories of most Minnesotans.

Jesse told Larry that unlike President Bush, God had not spoken to him in his 57 years. But, and this is the way Jesse handles nearly everything, he left the door open that if God talks to him before 5 PM CST tomorrow, he could yet get into the race.

I’m going to be praying from now until 5 PM tomorrow. I’ve got enough stuff to talk to God about that it should keep Him too busy to get to Jesse.

You can thank me later.

Larry and the Loons

by @ 18:03. Filed under Politics - Minnesota.

For all of you who thought CNN viewers were in the tank for the Dems…guess again!

Larry King, Almost Alive, has Jesse Ventura on tonight.   Jesse has promised to tell the world, on national TV, whether he’ll run for Senate in Minnesota.

To honor Ventura’s latest publicity grab and ego pat, larry’s folks have a poll out letting you vote on who should be elected as Senator.   Remember that recent polls show Ventura at about 25% support in the state. Here were the poll results as of about 5:30 PM.

I’m sure glad they told us this wasn’t a scientific poll! I would have hated to see the A/P and Reuters stories retracted!


Let there be floor votes

by @ 12:29. Filed under Politics - National.

(H/Ts – Allahpundit and Ed Morrissey)

CQ Politics is reporting die-hard Clintonistas want a floor vote on the nomination at the convention. Do remember that neither Hillary Clinton nor presumptive nominee Barack Obama have enough pledged delegates to win on the first ballot; Obama got his presumptive status by virtue of stealing some superdelegates who were previously supporting Clinton.

Trailortrash beat me to the Comment of the Day™ – “i (sic) think i (sic) am going to need a bigger bag of popcorn"¦”

The Morning Scramble – 7/14/2008

by @ 11:15. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I know; I did this song before, but Tony Snow’s flute brings a different perspective…


I really need to either start doing a weekend Scramble or start cutting back on the 200+-feed feed reader; this one’s going to be scattershot:

  • With all the focus on Tony Snow’s passing, it’s easy to miss that a pioneer in heart surgery, Dr. Michael DeBakey, also passed away this weekend. Fortunately, lawhawk didn’t miss this.
  • Patterico asks whether Howard Kurtz will declare bad for the gander what he declared bad for the geese. I highly-doubt it.
  • Tom McMahon 4-Blocks Snow and the guy he replaced as White House Press Secretary.
  • Gary Gross cheers the increasing belligerence of the House GOP on drilling.
  • Lemur King found a purveyor of nuts that was perfectly-positioned for the Jackson-Obama rift.
  • Learned Foot does the math on Norm Coleman’s DC apartment that’s been the subject of a Tin Foil Alert among the Minnesota lefties.
  • Moron Pundit has the idiots of the weekend. I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether the idiot who used a stolen Taser for some “fun” with his father, the idiots in Madison who won’t let us have “electric weapons”, or the idiot in Waukesha County who charged the shocker with possession of an “electric weapon” rather than the theft of that weapon.
  • Jeff Wagner proves why baseball and unorganized volunteerism are dying.
  • Soren Dayton exposes the online hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi.
  • Failed Africa by lawhawk, Part 1 – he declares the International Criminal Court attempt to prosecute Sudan’s President “too little, too late”.
  • Lady Logician has evidence of whiplash among the ‘Rats on drilling. Nothing like a blindsiding by the voters to get them off their duffs.
  • Dave Casper caught a transit boss not practicing what he preaches. Why, after all, high-flying gubmint honchos can’t be tied to the very-limited schedule they want to tie the rest of us to.
  • James Wigderson replays the Burr vs. Hamilton duel with modern video equipment.
  • Capt. Karl makes the Constitutional case against the income tax.
  • John McCormack notes that Mr. Spanish-For-Your-Children Barack Hussein Obama can’t speak anything beyond English.
  • Patrick McIlheran answers the question of whether the US or the UK is more violent. Hint; it’s the assaults that seal the deal.
  • Jim Hoft has the Fading Glowbama pic of the weekend.
  • Patrick Ruffini explains why the Obamination Campaign made a mistake on not taking public financing.
  • Christopher Chantrill pokes a few more scientific holes in Gorebal “Warming”.
  • John Hawkins and Dennis Avery pump a lot of lead into Gorebal “Warming”. Do not miss the effect of adopting Kyoto or cap-and-trade.
  • Mark Block calls for some turnabout on the Wisconsin leftosphere.
  • Failed Africa by lawhawk, Part 2 – he notes that the ChiComs and the Sovi…er, Russians are standing by their fellow Marxist in Zimbabwe.
  • Dad29 notes the “R” model for the youth movement isn’t working. I think the insiders at the RNC and the WIGOP need to take a second look at efforts like Wisconsin Institute for Leadership and The Next Right (yes, I’m looking at you, Rep. Vos.)
  • Why? Ed Morrissey points to a clarion call from John Fund about how the Pubbies are about to have their lunch handed to them.
  • More Gateway Pundit – he notes a Clintonista Lawgiver-In-Black is roadblocking a single wellhead in Michigan because a particular bird is within a mile of it.
  • Failed Africa by lawhawk, Part 3 – he found the ChiComs fueling the military run by the guy the Europeans want to string up (see Part 1).
  • James T. Harris is wondering why he’s still in the central city.
  • Phelony Jones doesn’t miss all the gunshots from her old neighborhood.
  • Stephen Green caught Reuters rooting for retreat and defeat.
  • Emperor Misha I has the latest thing being blamed on Gorebal “Warming” – Black Hawk Down. And here I thought it was a bunch of Islamokazis.
  • Lance Burri ran the numbers on Obama’s service in the Senate, and by the time the 44th President is sworn in, he will have served 73% as long as the time John McCain spent in POW camps in North Vietnam.
  • Owen found a town where death is illegal. If only it were that easy to satiate the lust of those who want to live on this planet forever,….
  • Michelle Malkin tells Obama to grow a pair and take his satirical lumps like conservatives do on a regular basis.
  • I know, I’ve gone over this one before, but MataHarley explores who we bloggers do and do not influence. I don’t like to brag, but I know I have regular readers in both Wisconsin’s and the nation’s Capitol Building.
  • Patrick found that Milwaukee has a special set of taxes for retail business that want to have a “going out of business” sale. Considering they also want a $20/car/year wheel tax so they don’t have to make any tough decisions, and considering that this is WisTAXsin, I’m not the least bit surprised.
  • Even more Jim Hoft – he caught Obama admitting to a backward 2 1/2-flip gainer with a twist in an attempt to snow-job the Jewish vote.
  • More Captain Ed – he found distance between Obama and McCain on immigration; Obama has tossed the “terrorizing” (Obama’s word) ICE all the way under the Obamination Express.
  • Tracy Coenen notes we bloggers have rights.

Nancy Pelosi – “Check”

by @ 10:45. Filed under Energy.

President Bush finally kicked a leg out from under the shaky stool Pelosi and her “DOPES” are sitting on by saying he will lift the Executive restriction on offshore drilling.   This has been an issue that the DOPES have been attempting to use to point a gnarled finger back at Bush i.e. “If he doesn’t remove the restriction, he’s not serious about drilling!”

Bush to Nancy, “Check”

Your move Nancy.   All of America is watching to catch a glimpse, any glimpse of what might pass for leadership from yourself and Harry.

There’s a part of me that is pleading that Nancy continues her obstinate ways.   It won’t help my family finances but that short term pain may well be worth seeing the backlash tsunami that is growing everywhere outside of the beltway.

Now I can Finally see “The Horse Whisperer”

by @ 5:49. Filed under Politics - National.

There are very few people whom I am unable to separate their leftist views from the rest of their careers.   While Hollywood is full of the hardcore left, I still see many movies that have well known lefties in them.   Heck, I even see movies that have Tim Robbins or Alec Baldwin  associated with them….I loved them both in “Team America!”   Robert Redford has been an exception to that rule for me.

Redford seems unable to separate his hard left views from his work projects.   This has become more evident as he gets older.   Perhaps the most egregious of his insertion of  political perspective was in his acting and directing of “Lions for Lambs.”  

Now however, I may have to rethink my position on Redford. I think we may actually agree on something.

In an interview over the weekend, Redford stated that if Redford’s Messiah doesn’t win the election in November,

you can kiss the Democratic Party goodbye

The facts are these:

  • The Dems should be walking away with this election
  • The driving force of the Democrats has become the extreme left, think DailyKOS and Huffington Post folks.
  • Contrary to what he wants people to believe since he eeked past Hillary, Obama is the poster child candidate of the extreme left.   Every position he took during the primaries (and that he still honestly holds) are unrecognizable to the vast majority of Americans, think late term abortion, gun controls, religious “clingers.”
  • Obama won the nomination with support of many new, untested voters i.e. young or previously not voted.
  • While taking in the new voters, Obama’s recent attempts to move center have left him “not dancin’ with the ones that brought ‘im.”

The point is that the extreme left is what the Democrat party has become and this election will be a competition about allegedly running away from Republicans and running to their ideology.   With the supposed built in “anti-R” sentiment, what message gets sent if Obama loses?   I’d say a worse message that what was supposedly sent to the Republicans in ’06.   If Obama loses, the left will have permanently alienated some portions of their core base and will never again see many of the “New Voters” who are involved simply based on emotion.

I’ll quibble with Redford in that while I think it would be a huge setback for the left’s ideology, Obama’s defeat, by itself won’t be “The End” of the Democrats.   However, if you add the gas price issue to the mix, and Nancy and Harry continue to tell Americans to “Pay more, Do less and Shut up,” I think the risk to the Dems could well be as severe as Redford paints.

Come to think of it, I may not change my position on Redford, but not because of ideology.   I can’t remember any of his films that I’ve been interested in since “The Sting.”


Apparently We Can’t Have it All

by @ 5:02. Filed under Politics - National.

Thursday of last week, Michelle Obama was in Kansas City.   Her speech, made to a group of mostly women, was focused on reinforcing the empathy that her Baby’s Daddy has for women’s issues.   As part of her remarks she said:

His own mother, she said at the beginning of her remarks, was “very young and very single when she had him.” And, Obama added, he has observed his wife’s attempts to reconcile motherhood with her career aspirations.

As Michelle is wont to due, she attempted to make herself appear “one of the club” by saying:

He sees me, his wife, who struggles every day with that guilt that we all hold deep in our hearts as women,” she said. “That guilt that you don’t have the choice to stay home, and even if you do, you feel guilty

Michelle, just another victim in a campaign and party full of victims. Michelle, so full of guilt from not having a choice to be a stay at home mom.

What the hell?

In 2004, the Obamas had gross income of approximately $207K. I’ve never heard that they had financial issues so I’ll have to assume they were able to “get by” on that income. At the time, Barack was still an IL legislator and a “Constitutional Professor” and made about $85K. Michelle was a hospital administrator and made, around $122K gross. After tax, they made about $167K

In 2005, things got much better for the Obama’s. Barack’s income rose to about $154K as a US Senator, Barack’s book brought them about $1,141K, Michelle made about $361K. Their after tax income rose significantly to $910K.

Even in 2006 the Obama’s did well. Of a total gross income of $984K, Barack made $157K as a US Senator and $551K from his book. Michelle made $333K.

If $167K after tax was getting them by in 2004, they would have had $743K of excess income they could have invested from their 2005 after tax earnings and $530K from 2005. They could have had nearly $1.3M invested from those two years alone.

Barack now makes $162,500 a year as a US Senator. Let’s bake in a little inflation and say that the Obama’s gross of $207K in 2004, would now need to be about $220K. To make up the difference between Barack’s Senator salary and the  inflated gross, they would need to take, let’s call it, $60K each year from their savings to make up the delta if Michelle chose not to work.

Wow! if they had $1.3M in the bank and drew it down at the rate of $60K each year, they could do that for 20+ years and not run out of money….even without considering interest.

Yes they could, except for this one other little event of 2005. The Obama’s decided to trade up a bit. They decided they needed to trade up to a $1.65M home! The result of that one transaction increased their annual expenses for mortgage interest and real estate taxes from $18K in 2004 to $76K in 2006.

I have no doubt that Michelle feels guilty. Michelle probably even feels guilty due to her choice. However, for her to suggest that her guilt is because she doesn’t “have the choice to stay home,” is preposterous and shows her again to be nothing but a pandering elitist.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a neandrathal who thinks women should be chained to a stove. Women should make career and family choices that are the best for them and their families, whatever they and their families think that should be.

Michelle’s choice, was to buy an expensive house. Michelle’s choice could have been to be satisfied to live in the home they had, invest their gain and allow her to stay home with her children…if she had chosen to. If Michelle had chosen not to buy the big house, stay home and use savings…if they really couldn’t get by on $165K each year, the Obama’s would use about half of their savings as income supplement by the time their youngest daughter had graduated from high school.

Yes, Michelle had a choice.   However, unlike the claims of her speech, for Michelle, material goods and personal fame won out over her desire to be a stay at home mom.

July 12, 2008

RIP, Tony Snow

by @ 12:25. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Tony Snow passed away this morning. Fox News (his former employer before he was White House Press Secretary), CNN (his curent employer), and Ed Morrissey (where I found this out; I hadn’t turned on the computer or TV until a short while ago) all have great tributes.

In addition, Brit Hume provides a video tribute:

Gas Prices are not All Bad News.

by @ 5:02. Filed under Energy.

Feeling blue about the increased cost of gasoline?   Don’t!   There’s a silver lining, at least according to this article:

According to a recent study by professors Michael Morrisey of the University of Alabama-Birmingham and David Grabowski of Harvard Medical School, as gas prices increase there is a decrease in automobile accident deaths. A 10 percent increase in gas price resulted in a 2.3 percent decrease in deaths. Automobile accidents account for nearly 40,000 deaths per year, and it is estimated the recent gas price increase to $4.00 per gallon could decrease automobile deaths by nearly 1,000 per month, resulting in nearly a 1/3 reduction.

Oh, but that’s not all:

A real benefit of increased gas prices is the potential for healthier lifestyles and a better environment. As people drive less and less to save money on gas, there is a potential many of these people will increase walking, biking and other activities as modes of transportation. Less driving also means less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is good for the environment. While to pain of filling up your tank at the pump increases everyday, it is good to know there may be benefits associated with the rise in gas prices.

So rising gas prices are good for us? Gee, it doesn’t feel so good!

If these folks are happy that we have fewer traffic deaths because we can’t afford to drive as much, they’d be ecstatic if the price went to a point where cars became obsolete! At that point there would be zero deaths!

If removing all risk of death is the means by which we measure what’s good for America, let me see if I can offer some policy suggestions.

  • There are 350 deaths each year caused by a machine.   If we can get the cost of energy high enough we won’t be able to manufacture or operate any more of these killers!
  • There are 500 deaths from Medical & Surgical Complications and Misadventures each year.   Rather than going to Universal Health Care we should abolish all health care so that we don’t lose one more person to these completely avoidable tragedies.
  • 3,300 people die from suffocation each year.   Most of these deaths mostly resulted from blockages of the respiratory system by food or other objects.   I propose that we prohibit all ingesting of food or any other substance, that should help!
  • 3,700 people die from fires and burns each year.   This one is easy to fix.   As soon as the Envirowhackos eliminate all sources of energy and implement carbon credits, there will no longer be any means or allowance to have a fire….all burns are gone!
  • 4,000 drownings occur each year.   I propose no more swimming or baths.   Heck, Barack wants us to be more like the French.   We could start by smelling more like them!
  • 14,900 people die of falls each year.   I propose we mandate that no building be more than 1 story.   I have no idea how we’d all manage to live within walking distance of the major down towns once all transportation has been eliminated, but that’s not my concern.   I’m only trying to eliminate deaths!

Actually, in the minds of the extreme left, the best solution would be to abort all babies and never reproduce.   While it might take 100 or so years, eventually all humanity would cease to exist on the earth.   From their point of view this would be the optimal…no more deaths plus the earth would once again be its pristine self.

July 11, 2008

The Wisconsin Sports Bar turns 3 today

by @ 16:35. Filed under Sports, The Blog.

Thanks for kicking me to this side of the blogging world, Chris. There’s a rumor that Godzilla will be making a return appearance to the Bar to help celebrate, along with the confirmed Marilyn Monroe and the Beatles.


ANWR – A Scenic Treasure?

by @ 11:39. Filed under Energy.

I’ve been searching for a video like this one. If you have any concerns about “spoiling the natural beauty” of ANWR, watch:

Perhaps John McCain would like to explain how exactly this compares to drilling in the Grand Canyon?

I appreciate McCain’s desire to drill offshore. However, ANWR is still a lighting rod for the gas price issue. You can see the Dems slipping on their refusal that this is a supply problem. I hope McCain takes this entire issue and builds a practical not theoretical line between himself and Obama. John McCain should support drilling in all areas, especially those that are proven, and make Obama come to him on this issue!

H/T Bill Dupray

The Morning Scramble – 7/11/2008

by @ 9:15. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

It’s going to be a hot one today…


  • Zip puts the demographic numbers behind the decline and pending fall of the last vestiges of the British Empire.
  • JammieWearingFool says that 4 rent-controlled apartments for Charlie Rangel is 3 too many.
  • Marshall Manson has a warning for the Twittering politicians who aren’t actually listening. I’ll lay odds on Barack Obama disappearing from the online community if he wins.
  • Rick Moran has the Barack-Track Headline of the Day.
  • Mondoreb sings “Barack the Blazing Liberal”.
  • Moe Lane is popping a fresh batch of corn over a name that popped up in the Obamination Veep Sweeps – Chris Dodd.
  • Curt found the presstitutes are in a land of confusion over Obama’s intentions. Memo to the media – they’re not good.
  • Ace and we Morons prove that with our takes on the Obamination “…You Can Believe In” poster (note; this may not be safe for work – we’re talking about Morons after all).
  • Slublog highlights the arrogance that is Obama.
  • Ed Morrissey notes the tax policies of an Obamination Administration are helping push the breakup of one of the NFL’s longest-running family dynasties.
  • Dean Barnett does his best Michael Buffer impersonation over Obama’s forgetfulness over his pledge to help Hillary Clinton retire her debt. The Photoshop simply cannot be missed.
  • Tom McMahon has a photograph of Jesse Jackson’s new coffee mug.
  • James T. Harris found the happiest man in America – Al Sharpton.
  • Eric is now the campaign manager for the Jesse Jackson for President of Iran campaign.
  • Jim Hoft caught Iranian President Mad Man/Puppet of the Mad Mullahs Mahmoud Ahmadinejad saying that the American generals in Iraq have a “special place in their hearts” for him. Oh, they have a special place for Ahmadhimmijob all right; the only question is the number (.50-cal or 2,000-lb).
  • Wyatt Earp found today’s episode of presstitute bias; this time from CNN over a story that John McCain won’t answer the “Viagra” question.
  • Sister Toldjah adds to that find as she notes the New York Times Sedition Slimes is trying to get their Republican candidate of the spring disqualified on, at best, dubious claims about his “natural-born” citizenship.
  • It’s not like McCain needs help from the NYT to crash his campaign; even Ed hits him on his latest thumb to the eyes of conservatives.
  • Brian has a message to those of you who voted for the ‘Rats in 2006 – They lied to you before; they’ll lie to you again.
  • GOPgal has the new logos for the few conservatives left and the bipartian Party-In-Government.
  • Pelosi’s Epic FAIL, Part 1 – Michelle Malkin caught her calling drilling a “hoax”. Bonus coverage – see-dubya broke out a chart showing just what happened since Pelosi got to within 2 heartbeats of the Oval Office.
  • Pelosi’s Epic FAIL, Part 2 – John McCormack notes that the most-important thing on her docket now is rushing impeachment charges through the Judiciary Committee. Nancy; I dare you. I DOUBLE-DOG DARE YOU!
  • Flip found Denver imitating “art” (sorry, “South Park” doesn’t qualify as true art) on the issue of panhandlers.
  • J.R. Dunn explains how the envirowhackos captured energy policy.
  • Headless Blogger explains why we can’t GROW our way out of the energy crunch (this also qualifies as Pelosi’s Epic FAIL, Part 3).
  • The Unreal one mourns the coming death of the European supercar.
  • John Hawkins proves shamnesty is political suicide for the GOP.
  • XBradTC has a slightly different take on Drill Here, Drill Now; specifically, the Army take.
  • David St Lawrence wonders what it will take to keep the deer from munching on his garden; they picked up a taste for hot peppers.
  • Jon Ham has bad news for teetotalers. PROST! for good health.

My “Worst of the Best” list

by @ 7:53. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I again filled all 10 slots.   Like Steve, I had a few others on the “Honorable Mention” list but tried not to violate the desire of the poll.   Here it is:

Chuck Hagel
Olympia Snowe
Susan Collins
Ted Stevens
Wayne Gilchrist
Christopher Shays
Michael Castle
Jim Ramstad (a MN Congresscritter who is retiring this year!)
Arlen Specter
Charlie Crist

Right Wing News – Least-favorite elected Republicans

by @ 6:55. Filed under Politics - National.

Building on yesterday’s favorite elected Republicans list over at Right Wing News, Shoebox, 40 other bloggers, and I chose our least-favorite elected Republicans (they had to be current governors, Congresscritters, or Presidents, so I couldn’t throw in Trent “Cave-A-“Lott, Mike Huebsch or Jeff Wood). Like the favorites list, I decided on sending 8 John Hawkins’ way:

– Arlen Specter
– Lindsey Graham
– Chuck Hagel
– Tom Petri
– Ray LaHood
– Christopher Shays
– Ted Stevens
– Don Young

To see which ones (if any) made the top 20, as well as the full top 20, head on over to Right Wing News.

Digging Up an Unrequited Love?

by @ 5:14. Filed under Lawgivers-In-Black.

Here’s a story I was going to leave alone.    But after hearing a talk radio show carry on about it, I decided to chime in. From the Chicago Tribune:

Laura Tennessen case leads Wisconsin to outlaw necrophilia

Now first, let me be very clear that I do not, nor have I ever, endorsed necrophilia.   Although, when I saw a picture of the perps I can certainly see why they resorted to it as  a dead woman  would be the only woman they could get near.

As I said, I heard a bunch of carrying on at a local talk radio show.   The gist of the issue for the announcer was that the two dissenting judges were complete idiots for thinking that having sex with a dead person was ok.   The problem is, that’s not what the dissenting judges were saying.

The two dissenting judges argued that the law as written did not apply to necrophilia.   if you read the statute, Wis. Stat. Ann. § 940.225. Sexual assault, you’ll note that throughout the statute it refers to “person” in a context that assumes the crimes occurred with a person who was alive at some point of the act.   Not until the end of the statute do you see this:

(7) DEATH OF VICTIM. This section applies whether a victim is
dead or alive at the time of the sexual contact or sexual intercourse.

The dissenting judges argued that the statue was intended to allow prosecution of a crime where the victim died during the crime or it was impossible to determine when during the crime, the individual died.

The problem that I have with the ruling is two fold. First, the language of the bill is at best, ambiguous. In a 2002 ruling, the Wisconsin Supreme Court talked about ambigous language and how it should interpret law if it exists in a statute:

In contrast, if the language of the statute is ambiguous, the court must resort to judicial construction. Id. at ¶15 (citing Kelley Co. v. Marquardt, 172 Wis. 2d 234, 247-48, 493 N.W.2d 68 (1992)). A statute is ambiguous if it is capable of being understood by a reasonable person in either of two senses. Reyes v. Greatway Ins. Co., 227 Wis. 2d 357, 365, 597 N.W.2d 687 (1999). A statute is not rendered ambiguous, however, merely because two parties disagree as to its meaning. Forest County v. Goode, 219 Wis. 2d 654, 663, 579 N.W.2d 715 (1998). If the statute is ambiguous, we then look to extrinsic factors, including legislative history, and the statute’s scope, context and subject matter, to determine the intent of the legislature. Landis, 2001 WI 86, ¶15.

In fact, even in the current opinion, the Court recognizes there are times where they should look past the plain language of the bill:

While extrinsic sources are usually not consulted if the statutory language bears a plain meaning, we nevertheless may consult extrinsic sources “to confirm or verify a plainmeaning

While they did look back at the Legislative notes on the original bill, they focused on what they wanted to see rather than what the “plan meaning” of the Legislative notes were.

Secondly, the same 2002 ruling dealt with what the definition of what a “person” was and the Supreme Court addressed that issue with detail in that decision.

The majority opinion in this case did not address what a “person” is i.e. is a “person” a live person? if not, did the Wisconsin Supreme Court just open the door for a fetus to be a “person?”

In the end, the majority opinion was derisive of those who didn’t see the “plain meaning” of the language:

A reasonably well-informed person would understand the statute to prohibit sexual intercourse with a dead person

Does that mean that the two dissenting judges are imbeciles?

If the statute was so clear that a “reasonably well-informed person would understand the statute,” why did two lower courts hold otherwise and why did the Wisconsin Legislature spend time on a bill to specifically make necrophilia a crime? Are they all idiots?

I end up agreeing with the dissenting opinion on how the majority reached its conclusion:

The majority reaches a desired result through an undesirable analysis. I acknowledge that this is heinous conduct and good public policy would indicate that this conduct should be criminalized.

In short, it appears that the majority knew what they wanted the outcome to be and interepreted the case to conform with that conclusion rather than interpret the law and turn it back to the legislature for clarification, if necessary.

OK, I’ll admit, I’m not laying awake at night worrying about the next necrophilia case in Wisconsin. However, this is a situation where Conservatives need to be consistent.   misuse of a court’s authority, even if the end result is one that  you agree with,  is a lot like lying; if you get away with it the first time, on a small issue, it’s easier to do it the next time with a bigger issue and the time after that with an even larger issue. If left unchecked this could eventually lead to a court writing Constitutional provisions out of whole cloth!

What? That’s already happened?

July 10, 2008

Hooray Beer!

by @ 18:01. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Today is a good day to be a fan of beer:

George Will declared beer to be essential for civilization.
The Brewers won, and the Cubs and Cardinals lost. We’re now only 4 games behind the Cubs for the NL Central, and we’re a half-game ahead of the Cards for the wild card.
Corey Hart is going to “The City”.


Roll bloat – summer clean-up edition

by @ 17:15. Filed under The Blog.

There’s too many changes, both additions and subtractions, to sum up. I’ve thrown in a few of the Chatizens of the Ed Morrissey Show, a few other new(er) blogs, and The Wisconsin Institute for Leadership, while taking out a few dead blogs. All I have to say is, “Let there be bloat!”

Revisions/extensions (6:50 pm 7/10/2008) – Let’s see if I can remember all the additions:

The Wisconsin Institute for Leadership
Righty Blog
The Next Right
Ladies Logic
My World
Radio Blogger
Anger Central
The Savage Republican

I probably am still missing a few (or more than a few) good blogs.

R&E part 2 (7:34 pm 7/10/2008) – I knew there was somebody I forgot; Katie Harbath.

R&E part 3 (7:37 pm 7/10/2008) – Make it two; Instapundit (very bad Egg; forgetting everybody’s Blogfather, even though he never got an Instalanche).

R&E part 4 (7:45 pm 7/10/2008) – The quest for 300 continues unabated with Stix Blog.

R&E part 5 (8:00 pm 7/10/2008) – Growin’, growin’, growin’. Keep them roll’s a-bloatin’. Adding The American Thinker this time around.

The “Fair Act” for Congress Persons?

by @ 16:46. Filed under Miscellaneous.

As reported yesterday here on RedState, Congressional Democratic leaders, who promised in 2006 to create a more “open” government, are now proposing a new rule that would prevent Members of Congress from using the Internet to communicate with the American people unless the Web site they are using has been “approved” by a panel responsible for creating internal House rules.

Millions of Americans, and hundreds of Representatives — including myself — use video-sharing Web sites like YouTube, personal blogs, and online community sites like Red State to keep track of what is going on in Congress, to provide constituents with information and insight, and to build and foster communication between elected representatives and the American people.

The Internet and the New Media have made Congress more transparent, sometimes against its will, and have better empowered Americans to hold elected officials accountable for their actions, statements, decisions, and votes. Instead of embracing and working to further this new level of openness and transparency, as they promised when they were candidates for office, Democratic leaders are fighting to close the new lines of communication between politicians and the people that the Internet has opened.

Please read on.

As the Directors said yesterday, "Congressmen should be able to decide for themselves where and how they interact with their constituents and the American people." Using such Orwellian tactics to limit our contact with you the people, and vice versa, only serves to make government more secretive and less transparent – which is the exact opposite of what the Democratic leadership promised to do when elected.

Please take a moment and sign the petition on my Web site. Tell the Democratic Congressional leadership that preventing elected representatives from communicating with the American people will not stand.

The post was written by Congressman Mike Conaway on the site. He’s working to make sure that the “new media” remains available for Congress to use for communications. I don’t typically do direct copy and pastes of articles but this one is important. Click the link and sign the petition. The Dems have done some stupid stuff and this ranks up amongst the worst!

President Bush needles the world

(H/T – Jon Ham)

I like the way President Bush left his last G8 meeting (relayed by The Daily Telegraph):

The American leader, who has been condemned throughout his presidency for failing to tackle climate change, ended a private meeting with the words: "Goodbye from the world’s biggest polluter."

He then punched the air while grinning widely, as the rest of those present including Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy looked on in shock.

Nothing quite like one last knife twist before we elect a Gorebal “Warming” acolyte. ‘Tis a shame that we’re about to lose the political battle even as the scientific one is being won.

Revisions/extensions (6:13 pm 7/10/2008) – Jim Hoft reminds us that Red China is now #1 in that department. I wonder where the entirety of the EU would be if it were treated as a single entity instead of more than a dozen.

My Favorite Republicans

by @ 11:57. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Here was my list.   I went with the full boat of 10.   In no particular order…

Bobby Jindal
Sarah Palin
John Kline (My CongressCritter)
Michelle Bachmann (the only other solid MN CongressCritter
Jeff Sessions
James Inhofe
Jeff Flake
Jim DeMint
Tom Coburn
Mike Pence

Right Wing News – favorite elected Republicans

John Hawkins sent an invitation this way to participate in his latest right-of-center bloggers poll, so Shoebox and I both submitted our lists of favorite gubernatorial/national elected Republicans. We could send between 1 and 10, and I chose 8. While I don’t know who Shoe voted for, here’s my list (in no particular order beyond what I typed in):

– Paul Ryan
– Marsha Blackburn
– Bobby Jindal
– Sarah Palin
– Jeff Flake
– Steve King
– Jim DeMint
– Tom Coburn

To see which ones (if any) made it into the top 20, as well as the complete top 20, you’ll have to head to Right Wing News.

We also submitted our least-favorite elected Republicans; that list will be out tomorrow.

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 7/10/2008

It’s Thursday; the Scramble might be longer than usual, but it’s still Open Thread Thursday (as if I get people to play)…


  • Stephan Tawney has an update on the “shocking” news for flyers from yesterday; it’s an abandoned plan that never got past the contractor’s-thoughts stage.
  • Jim Lynch hired DW and Larry Mac to provide commentary on the race.
  • Kat dips into history even I didn’t quite fully remember to explain war powers.
  • DrewM raised some false hopes on John McCain actually turning right. Oops; McCain decided that the fewer differences between him and the ‘Rats on stuff like Gorebal “Warming” and a Hugh Gubmint “solution” to it, the better. EPIC FAIL!
  • Erick Erickson invites the Senatorial Pubbie half of the bipartisan Party-In-Government to have some Rocky Mountain Oysters after they reduce the number of differences between the two halves of the P-I-G by dropping ANWR drilling. I’ll bet they can’t even eat one.
  • Capt. Karl explains just what the portion of ANWR that would be drilled is, with lots of pictures for the literary-challenged.
  • Jim Hoft has the details of a bus collision between Barack Obama and Jesse Jackson. Let there be chaos!
  • James T. Harris told us this was going to happen.
  • Van Helsing brings news that an Obamination blogger is suing God for frowning on homosexuality. I smell brimstone.
  • Jim Geraghty found that Obama’s second book now contains words beyond their expiration date – his stance on English. That reminds me; there’s a new NRE Poll up on whether to continue the use of expiration dates or switch to something else.
  • Josh Schroeder discovered a new disease – Obama Messiah Complex.
  • More Geraghty – he’s wondering who Obama represented when he practiced law way back when.
  • Jamie Sneider thinks something is seriously wrong when even Europe thinks Obama is too weak on Iran.
  • Lemur King notes there is no parity in the Middle East, at least how NPR attempts to define it.
  • Zip declares the UN an Epic FAIL on yet another front – Hezbollah now has triple the number of rockets aimed at Israel as they did in the spring of 2006, all guarded by UN “peacekeepers”.
  • Jim Hoft invites the losers on Iraq to stand up and be recognized. I’ve got my rotten tomatoes ready for Obama, Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha and the rest of the DhimmiRATs.
  • Ed Morrissey detected a torpedo launch from the S.S. Hillary into the side of the Obamination Express on FISA. Mary Katharine Ham wonders whether that signals the resumption of the campaign.
  • Dupray dug up the ‘Rat tombstone.
  • Sister Toldjah observed a Breck Hair Flip on John Edwards’ willingness to be a very-visible part of the Obamination Express.
  • The Vintage one caught the latest menu for the DNC convention, and it contains deep-fried waffles.
  • Patrick McIlheran says former state Sen. Tom Reynolds is getting very even with a local version of Operation Chaos. Let me say it again – LET THERE BE CHAOS!
  • Stephen F. Hayes caught California Speaker Pro Tem Dom Perata trying to invoke World War II in his call for more and more taxes. I’ve got two words for Dom – Hell No!
  • Eric the Tygrrrr has a great interview with Ward Connerly. Go, read.
  • Gopfolk found the real reason for Gorebal “Warming” (besides more output from the Sun that’s now dropping again) – clean air.
  • Even though I read too many blogs, I know there’s stuff I miss. Go ahead, let me know about it. I dare you.

New NRE Poll – What should we call Obama’s future flip-flops?

by @ 8:11. Filed under NRE Polls, Politics - National.

Yesterday, Shoebox noted that some of Barack Obama’s newest flip-flops have come so quickly, that Jim Geraghty’s Maxim of all of Obama’s words having an expiration date is a bit dated. In the course of an e-mail discussion between Jim, Shoebox, and me, a couple of new catch-phrases came up. I went with “half-life”, while Shoebox went with “momentary considerations”. Guess it’s as good an excuse as any to fire up the NRE Poll machine…

What should we call Obama's future flip-flops?

Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed

  • Words thrown under the bus. (53%, 8 Vote(s))
  • Words past their half-life. (20%, 3 Vote(s))
  • Momentary reconsiderations. (13%, 2 Vote(s))
  • Just plain-old flip-flops. (7%, 1 Vote(s))
  • Something else (pipe up in the thread). (7%, 1 Vote(s))
  • Words that have reached their expiration date. (0%, 0 Vote(s))

Total Voters: 15

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This one will close the morning of July 24, so get your votes up quickly. If you do choose “other”, please let me know what you want.

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