Yesterday, Shoebox noted that some of Barack Obama’s newest flip-flops have come so quickly, that Jim Geraghty’s Maxim of all of Obama’s words having an expiration date is a bit dated. In the course of an e-mail discussion between Jim, Shoebox, and me, a couple of new catch-phrases came up. I went with “half-life”, while Shoebox went with “momentary considerations”. Guess it’s as good an excuse as any to fire up the NRE Poll machine…
What should we call Obama's future flip-flops?
Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed
- Words thrown under the bus. (53%, 8 Vote(s))
- Words past their half-life. (20%, 3 Vote(s))
- Momentary reconsiderations. (13%, 2 Vote(s))
- Just plain-old flip-flops. (7%, 1 Vote(s))
- Something else (pipe up in the thread). (7%, 1 Vote(s))
- Words that have reached their expiration date. (0%, 0 Vote(s))
Total Voters: 15

This one will close the morning of July 24, so get your votes up quickly. If you do choose “other”, please let me know what you want.
Ok, I know it’s silly, but I’ve thought a lot about this issue. I haven’t come up with a memorable option, though.
Flip-flop has never been a good phrase because it indicates the candidate lands in the same direction as before. Flip would work, or flop would work, but together it’s still a 360. In gymnastics, a flip-flop (or back handspring) doesn’t change directions. I agree there should be better options.
For Obama I may start using “so regrettable” moment – I’ve had the tune “unforgettable” in my head since reading the list of regrets the candidate has offered in this campaign. (Maybe that’s a youtube mash idea!)
We really should be able to come up with something better, though.
I like the idea of running the Nat and daughter version of “Unforgettable” under a series of clips juxtaposing Obama’s opposing positions….that would be Unforgettable!
Shamelessly swiped from RDW’s MRQ of the Week 6-23-08
Cindy – We’re in the flip half now. All of Obama’s flips to the middle will be replaced with flops come January, so the term actually will work. Besides, there have been a few full-360s already.
Cindy/Shoe – Sounds like an idea.
E – That’s another beautiful one.
Perhaps we could call them “McCain’s”
flipping on bush tax cuts
flopping on privatizing social security
lying about his record on women’s issues.
doesn’t know anything about the economy, then claims to be in the know
don’t even get me started on his flipping and flopping and floundering over sunni/shia/al qaeda
no aide for homeowners struggling in the mortgage crisis, but mccain wants to SOCIALIZE the losses of the big banks and make US all pay for their idiocy!!! how’s that for tax and spend?
ooooh. what a “maverick”
let’s not forget mccain’s infamous wife flip flop
carole stayed by his side throughout his time in Vietnam…and he flip flops on her once she gets in a wreck for some beer bimbo 18 years his younger.
oh don’t forget mccain adopted carole’s kids too…flip flop!
Robby, I’m sure you’d prefer:
– Higher taxes for all
– An insolvent SocSecurity
– Post-birth abortion
– Socialization of the entire economy
– Somebody, anybody who bows to Mecca to get the win
And that FDIC thing; that was started by your hero FDR.
Not higher taxes for all. only repealing the bush tax cuts in a time of war…its about time all you rich war-hawk corporate whores start paying for this war you’re so excited about.
and if we’re gonna bail out banks with our tax dollars, why shouldn’t we get part of their profits when things are going well?
And, you seem to be forgetting the insufferable REVEREND Wright (a christian minister…)
I suppose you’d rather have someone who bows to the “God hates fags” crowd?
and what about mccain’s flip flop on torture? or his opposition to the gi bill for our troops he claims to support.
– Do you own a 401(k) or 403(b)? How about a money-market account? Perhaps a pension? Do you have a job? Guess what; repealing the Bush tax cuts will raise your taxes. Good-bye 10% bottom rate. Good-bye, 15% long-term capital gains.
It’s not the war I’m worried about paying for; if we lose, the jizda the Islamists will impose (if they allow us to live, that is) will make that look like chump change. It’s all the social programs the federal government has no business funding that pisses me off.
– The feds already get a too-healthy chunk of profits from banks and other businesses in the form of the corporate income tax. Is 35% of the pre-tax profits (a national rate higher than every industralized nation except Japan), plus 7-9% of the payroll not enough for your free-spending (with other peoples’ money) ways.
Say, there’s something north of 100 countries you could go to and be happier.
typical right wing response…go somewhere else! i love my country, i just think it can be better! a true free country isn’t filled with slaves to the corporate agenda, and i’m afraid that’s what you’ll get more of with mccain. more bankruptcy “reform” that sells out regular folks, no health care, more corporate greed, more war, no pensions, more “free trade” and losing american jobs.
and i really don’t mind paying taxes. we’ve all got to chip in and do our part to help make this country great. but that doesn’t mean i want my taxes going to bail out irresponsible corporations that are screwing their workers while the CEO’s are taking huge bonuses and cashing out their company’s pension plans.
why should we sit idly by while corporations get rich on our dime? that’s what i can’t understand about you conservatives. you claim to want lower taxes, but you’re so quick to look the other way when our taxes are paying for corporate honchos and oil companies to get rich on our backs! you should be screaming about wage disparity and the hyper-rich class that reagan/bush/bush created that are living so far and away above the rest of us, you just have no clue.
but then again, you have all been swallowing the conservative bs about how they look out for everyday guys and gals for years now, i don’t expect anything to change. just don’t get it.
You have hundreds of other places to go. Of course, your belief system has already screwed things up in those places. We on the right don’t have anyplace left other than here, and we’re not giving it to you without a fight.
You don’t mind paying taxes? Nothing’s stopping you from sending in additional money to Uncle Craps or Uncle Sam.
I don’t share your loathing of “the rich”. Not only do I want to be among their number one of these days, I recognize that without them, we’d be back in prehistoric times, with absolutely, positively none of the conveniences we take for granted.
I just don’t get liberalism.
again, i don’t mind paying taxes. it’s sending my money to crooks like the oil cartel in the white house that pisses me off.
looks like we agree to disagree, on everything…haha, but thank god for the intertubes, so we can both get our thoughts out there. let’s at least agree we need to save net neutrality so we can keep this kind of debate going!