No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for July 15th, 2008

Late view on Obama’s refusal of public money

by @ 10:12. Filed under Politics - National.

I know, I’m way late on this, but things have been a bit hectic here at the bunker. The issue, at least for me, is not as simple as Barack Obama abandoning the scheme of a publicly-financed general campaign. I view public financing of campaigns as an abomination to the process of elections.

There is, however, the twin matters of Obama previously promising to enter that scheme and endorsing the scheme for everybody else. Sooner or later, all those flips, flops, spins, bouts of hypocrisy, and lies are going to catch up to Obama. I only hope they catch up to him before November; it will be infinitely worse for all of us if they catch up to him afterwards.

The Morning Scramble – 7/15/2008

by @ 9:48. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

C. Edmund Wright provides the inspiration for today’s song by declaring a return to the double-nickel could speed us to a recession…


  • Sister Toldjah could use some prayers and well-wishes.
  • Let’s start the Obamination Watch off right; Kathy Carpenter found the perfect wind-blown cartoon for it.
  • Ed Lasky caught Barack Obama reinventing his church attendance.
  • Ed Morrissey found a fresh coat of whitewash at Obama’s website.
  • Joe Repya declares Obama’s retreat-and-defeat plan for Iraq precisely that.
  • Mary Katharine Ham found some objectivity from ABC News regarding Obama’s plan to retreat and defeat from Iraq in 16 months.
  • Charles Johnson wonders whether Obama’s planned meeting with Fatah (nee PLO) is going to jeopardize his standing with Hamas. I’ll lay odds he’ll find a way to smooth things over with them.
  • Thomas Sowell asks, “Are facts obselete?” I submit that facts haven’t really mattered since 1992, and that the lack of history in the public-school cirriculum is making itself apparent now.
  • Vivian Lee compares Obama’s love to OJ Simpson’s. I wonder if the two will meet on the golf course.
  • Michelle Malkin declares the capitulation of both halves of the bipartisan Party-In-Government to La Raza complete with John McCain’s refusal to repudiate Obama’s characterization of ICE as terrorists.
  • JihadGene channels Krazy Kim Jong-Il as he reviews the latest issue of The New Yorker.
  • Trail-Mix delivers some harsh soon-to-be-realities for the Obamination crowd.
  • Enough Obamination for 1 Scramble; time for the folks Roy Innis call Energy Killers – Heather Radish isn’t excited by the rescinding of the executive ban on off-shore drilling. I’m going to have to explore the reasoning a bit more in a bit.
  • Shoebox does some math for the two-year-olds ruin…er, running Congress.
  • Dad29 explodes the Russ Feingold/Steve Kagen malarkey about all the acreage leased but not actively drilled by the oil companies. Why would they sink more drill bits into dry holes?
  • Kate has some not-exactly-random thoughts on Congress and gas prices.
  • Ed Morrissey found the greatest oil-spill polluter on Earth – GAIA!
  • Lemur King has today’s item blamed on Gorebal “Warming” – kidney stones.
  • There’s still some good stuff in the reader, but I can’t come up with a pithy category – James T. Harris spotted the telltale sign of hypocrisy from Bill Clinton; he opened his mouth on polarized politics.
  • Justin Phillips found today’s example of the folly of campaign finance “reform” – Sheldon Wasserman and his stockpiling of donations while taking public money. That reminds me; I still owe you my take on Obama’s refusal to participate in the public financing scheme for the general election after pledging to do so.
  • Kevin Fischer rips the rampant growth of gas-wasting, time-wasting roundabouts in Wisconsin.
  • Tom McMahon explains the non-economic reason why Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are failing.
  • Jim Hoft notes not all is hunky-dory for the Mad Mullahs and their sockpuppet, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iranian students are quite upset about the way the theocracy is going.
  • Elliot has today’s example of the Aztlanization of Green Bay. How long before speaking Spanish is a requirement for employment? I give it 2 years regardless of who wins.

Time to Talk to the Two Year Olds

by @ 5:39. Filed under Politics - National.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but Mrs. Shoe and I are proud parents of twin Shoelets.   Thing 1 and Thing 2 (the Shoelets) turned 10 this weekend and we had a great time celebrating including a viewing of Hellboy II by the Shoelets and myself (they just don’t make movies like that anymore!)   The reason I tell you this, is that working with twins hones your parenting skills early on.  

Mrs. Shoe and I quickly learned that we needed to address issues with the Shoelets  straight on.   If we let issues slide, they knew how to push the rules.   If there was a complex issue, something like why one of their school mates had 2 moms, we needed to discuss it with them giving them enough information to make sense of it with where they were at mentally, without dragging all of the adult jargon and issues along with it.     This method of not avoiding issues, but not over complicating and over explaining them is referred to by us as “talking to two year olds.”

As I posted earlier, President Bush has removed the Executive Order barring off shore drilling.   As expected, Harry Reid came out to snivel about Bush’s action.   Harry’s action plan seems to include three points

  • Crack down on “Excessive speculation.” – I’m not against this.   The problem I do have is that the DOPES used to tell us that the “Big, Bad Oil Companies” were gouging us.   After numerous investigations, they have yet to show us $.01 of gouging that has occurred.   If Harry can actually show me “Excessive speculation” I’m with him, until then, this is a red herring
  • The “Big, Bad Oil Companies”should drill in all the acreage they already have – What a great idea!   I wonder why those nasty companies hadn’t thought of it?   Could it be that there isn’t any oil there?   That’s non starter two!
  • President Bush, tear down that SPOR! – The Dems have said that President Bush should release the oil in the strategic reserve.   The strategic reserve holds enough oil to satisfy replace our  imported oil needs for about  2 months.

Releasing oil from the SPOR has become the new line in the sand for the Dems.   They seem unable to understand why this is a bad idea and why rather than reducing prices, drawing down the reserve could actually increase prices.

And this is where I start talking to the two year olds.

Nancy, Harry –

  • You only have 700M Barrels of oil in the SPOR.
  • You can only offset Imported oil for 60 days
  • You claim it will take 10 years to get any new drilling on line (It won’t, I’m just spinning their illogic back at them)

What are you going to do between 2 months and 10 years?   If you really believe that opening SPOR will bring down prices, what do you do when it runs out?

The problem kids, is that you have offered no solutions that increase oil production, zip, nil, nada.   If you deplete the SPOR without increasing production, you may get a momentary drop but once you run the SPOR down, prices will go back up and that may be the goods news.   With the SPOR  depleted, prices will  likely move even higher than they were before because that “threat” is off the table.

Drill here, Drill now, pay less,

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