No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

The Morning Scramble – 6/6/2008

by @ 7:03 on June 6, 2008. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

The band is American Hitmen, 5 Marines who served in Fallujah during Operation Phantom Fury, and the song is “Born Again” performed on the National Heroes Tour…


  • Ace catches NASA cooking the books (literally) to try to prop up Gorebal Warming.
  • Mondoreb has today’s Obamimation PhotoShops.
  • Moron Pundit does some Obama Demotivation.
  • It must be Obamination Friday; Ed Morrissey catches Barack Obama doing a backflip on Jerusalem. That new bus must have the highest ground clearance EVAH!; now he’s throwing whole countries under it.
  • Just one more Obamination; Sister Toldjah rips him a new one for ripping off the Comfort Inn logo.
  • Dupray celebrates the slaying of the Wicked Witch of the East, Hillary Clinton. Unfortunately, Obama is no Dorothy.
  • Jim Hoft tells Clinton the same thing the New York Congressional delegation is going to tell her Saturday (or whenever she makes her concession speech) by not being there; DLTDHYOTWO. If you need an explanation, search Michelle Malkin’s site.
  • Double-dose of Moron Pundit; he continues his Ask a Moron: Zombie Invasion series. Do catch the previous installments.
  • Speaking of zombies, doubleplusundead has the zombie news wrapup.
  • Ed Driscoll offers some sage advice to commencement speakers – don’t rip off The Onion.
  • Josh Schroeder has a warning for those of you storing beer under CFLs; be prepared to clean up broken glass and cry over spilled beer.

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