No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

The Morning Scramble – 6/2/2008

by @ 12:13 on June 2, 2008. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Sorry I’m late with this; I need to recompress, and I do have a week’s worth of stuff to go through…


  • Emperor Misha asks, “How does one say ‘Great Britain’ in Arabic?” That’s right, sports fans; the police are now in charge of enforcing no-go zones for Christians in the land of Winston Churchill and William the Conquerer. Sad, really.
  • Michelle Malkin found a Texas school district with mandatory lessons in Islam from CAIR. I guess the “AC” in ACLU is Anti-Christian.
  • John notes that they’re all above average clueless moonbats in Lake Wobegon.
  • Matt is showing the pic of the week. No eagles of that variety where I was last week, but a few baldies here and there.
  • Fred Keller displays Exhibits 342,321,432,975-342,321,432,978 on why it’s so hard to say, “I screwed up.”
  • Dad29 is drooling over Angelina Jolie. Beautiful, armed, willing to use deadly force to protect her brood…excuse me while I get some industrial-strength Kleenex.
  • Ed Morrisey is not drooling over Chelsea Clinton, who let the gun-grabbing plans of her mother (Hillary) out of the bag.
  • Jim Lynch dips into the PhotoShop for Barack Hussein Obama’s crowded-under-the-wheels bus.
  • Jim Hoft notes BHO now holds the record for scrubbed preachers. I have a question for Rev. Wright and Fr. Pfleger; if you hate America so much, why not move to Eurabia?
  • Stephen Green (also fresh from a vacation) has some not-at-all-shallow “undeep thoughts” on BHO.
  • Bill Quick describes the media’s obsession with socialism, and more importantly, claims ownership.
  • Brandon Henak has the next target of the Left – “Big Food”. It’s not a coincidence that record profits in that industry comes as “Big Food” transforms itself to “Big Alternative Fuel”.
  • Headless Blogger laughs at the latest ‘Rat plan on gas prices – price controls at $2.50/gallon. Yeah, that worked so well in the 1970s and in Hawaii today </sarcasm>.
  • Moron Pundit has another reason why I’m glad Wisconsin’s Defense of Marriage Amendment was an amendment to the state constitution and not an addition to the statutes. Surely California can’t be serious when they tell the officiating party to pronounce them “Party A” and “Party B”, can they?
  • Marshall Manson found some evidence of life in the British spirit. I wonder if anybody told them their soon-to-be-official religion bans alcohol altogether and not just on the Tube.
  • Jon Ham cheers the return of the retrosexual.
  • Asian Badger notes hedgehogs can be very dangerous. Perhaps Hiliary wants to ban them too.
  • Blacktygrrrr ran into the Dingy One, Harry Reid.
  • Matt Lewis finds no evidence of a spine or other traces of bone in Scott McClellan.
  • Jeff Wagner brought back a memory of my only dealing with the Franklin Police Department (way back in the day) with the news that Milwaukee is now ticketing and towing vehicles that had their registration stickers stolen. Thankfully, the Franklin PD was much more professional, especially when the computer check revealed the registration on vehicle I was driving was current.

Because the news of Bo Diddley’s passing came in while I was putting this together, I have a bonus song for you….


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