No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for June, 2008

June 4, 2008

Another Insight From The Holy Grail

by @ 11:25. Filed under Politics - National.

Oh, If I was capable of dubbing the video…

From Scene 17, The Tale of Sir Lancelot.   After the slaying of the party guests.

The original:

FATHER: Please! Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion!    Let’s not  bicker and argue about who killed who. We are here today to  witness the  union of two young people in the joyful bond of the holy wedlock.  Unfortunately, one of them, my son Herbert, has just fallen to his death.

GUESTS: Oh! Oh no!

FATHER: But I don’t want to think I’ve not lost a son, so much as… gained a daughter!

Now rewritten for “The Democrat Holy Grail”…

Rewritten as…

HOWARD DEAN: Please! Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion!   Let’s not bicker and argue about who killed who. We are here today to crown one of  our candidates and wish him well on his ascendency.   Unfortunately, one of them, Hillary, has just had a house fall on her.

GUESTS: Oh! Oh no!  

HOWARD DEAN: But I don’t want to think we’ve lost a candidate, so  much as….gained a messiah!

19 years ago…

by @ 8:56. Filed under History.

June 4, 1989 was a day of infamy. On that date, the People’s Liberation Army stormed Tienanmen Square and killed an untold number of people protesting the corrupt nature of the Red Chinese government. Lawhawk has a very nice rememberance, including video of both the crackdown and the bravest person on the planet facing down an armored column.

The Morning Scramble – 6/4/2008

by @ 8:36. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

It’s cold, foggy and drizzly here, which matches the mood in Camp Clinton. I wonder if they’ll take the time to reflect and vote in Michelle Malkin’s “Favorite Hillary campaign moment” contest (mine is the sniper incident)….


  • Patrick McIlheran links the closure of the GM Janesville plant with presumptive ‘Rat nominee Barack Hussein Obama’s support for gas mileage standards that cannot be met by trucks.
  • Jim Lynch has the frightening animated PhotoShop of the day. Yep, the smile’s the same between BHO and Jimmy Carter.
  • Speaking of PhotoShops, Slublog gathered up all of his classic SluShops and put them in an easy-to-find place.
  • Back to oil, Fausta found out that Brazil, the country of massive sugar-a-hole and a couple of impressive oil field finds off its own coast, wants to drink our eastern Gulf milkshake along with Cuba, Red China and Venezuela. Well, with both halves of the bipartisan Party-In-Government nominating no-drill advocates, it’s not surprising in the least.
  • E.M. Zanotti is still far more impressed with horsepower made the old-fashioned way (with oil burnt on board the vehicle making said horsepower). If I were about 10 years younger or older (and better-looking),….
  • Jon Ham says that June 12 is Carbon Belch Day. I think I’ll have a nice little burn at the other property.
  • Exposing the falsehood of the “drop” in Wisconsin’s tax rating part 1 – Mary Lazich notes that state and local taxes still went up as a percentage of income in 2006 (the year that the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance said we dropped out of the top 10). As John McClane would say if he were real, “Welcome to the party, pal.”
  • Exposing the falsehood of the “drop” in Wisconsin’s tax rating part 2 – Frank Lasee exposes just how Wisconsin “fell” – other states suddenly had mineral resources income counted as tax.
  • Curt notes that the bloodlust of the Left isn’t missing; it just seeks outlets in situations where there is no national security interest (which explains the Balkans and planned Haiti adventures under Bill Clinton).
  • Tom McMahon looks at wildly-divergent brothers. I know Rick Moran will probably disagree with me giving him the white hat, but considering his flaming-liberal brother Terry is on Nightline, I really should have Tom do a special 6-Block.

I realliy need to stop commenting on blogs as I do my prep; it’s taking way too long to do </sarcasm>. Seriously, I’m a commenter at heart, which makes this a labor of love.

Monty Python Explains Why Hillary is Still in the Race

by @ 7:29. Filed under Politics - National.

I’ve got to bump this back to the top….it makes more sense today than on 5/24 when I originally posted it.

Ah….it all makes sense now!

H/T BooBooKitty

Just Bad Luck?

by @ 5:04. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Dye Packet or bad chili….you decide!

June 3, 2008

The last primary/Clinton funeral live blog – UPDATE 5 (8:52 pm) – Clinton going into overtime

by @ 15:31. Filed under Politics - National.

Last revision/extension (9:48 pm 6/3/2008) – I probably should’ve spent more time on the Brewer game. Hooray beer! Let’s just say that drunkenblogging with Labatt Maximum Ice is not recommended for the amateurs or the tired. See you tomorrow, though the Scramble may be late.

R&E part 5 (8:52 pm 6/3/2008) – Hillary Clinton won’t be making any decisions tonight, and invited people to write her. NO SLEEP TILL DENVER!

R&E part 4 (8:03 pm 6/3/2008) – Even though South Dakota’s too close to call, CNN and MSNBC follow the DNC script and wait until the South Dakota polls close to award Barack Hussein Obama the ‘Rat nomination. Needless to say, they broke away from the McCain speech to get their up-the-leg thrills out.

R&E part 3 (6:51 pm 6/3/2008) – CNN let loose the reason why they aren’t following Fox and AP in declaring Barack Obama the nominee – they want the “voters” to decide”. Horse hockey – the deciders did.

Also, Sister Toldjah is live-blogging, and she notes John McCain will be dueling Obama with a major speech.

R&E part 2 (5:24 pm 6/3/2008) – Fox News now has Obama at 2,123 delegates, 5 more than needed. CNN has him at 2,106 and MSNBC has him at 2,105. Also, do scroll below the latest update and the CoverItLive window for the previous updates.

Revisions/extensions (4:25 pm 6/3/2008) – I thought I hit “save” on this version just short of 4, but if you’re here, you know I started the popcorn early. Fox News is reporting the Associated Press’ numbers say that Barack Obama has clinched the nomination ahead of the results of the final primaries.

I’ll start this popcorn party by 7 pm (Central for those of you not in the Midwest), or earlier if somebody actually calls the nomination for Barack Obama. CNN has him at 2,088 delegates, leaving him 30 short, while Fox has him at 2,111 (7 ahort) and MSNBC has him at 2090.5 delegates (27.5 short).

It’s been a heck of a ride for the NRE Spring Hill campaign. Unfortunately, it fell short of its ultimate goal of a weakened Clinton as the nominee, but by every other metric that can be measured now, it’s a wild success. We put a huge dent in the Obama coffers, caused not a few skeletons to emerge from the closet, and left much dissention in the ‘Rat corner.

The Morning Scramble – 6/3/2008

by @ 9:06. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

It’s a gloomy Tuesday here in the land of cheese and beer, but it’s not as gloomy as it is in Clinton Central….


  • Dave Bauer bowls like his still-living brother travels – very fast and unerringly straight. As a reward, he and CTU-LA will commence with the torture presently.
  • CDR Salamander catches somebody from the Department of Health and Family Services doing a rather odd search.
  • Ace catches the New York Times Sedition Slimes playing the “false but accurate” game with respect to germ “warfare”, all to try to save Barack Hussein Obama’s former pastor, Jerimiah Wright. Guess it wasn’t just Jayson Blair.
  • Speaking of BHO and “former”, American Pundit found that TUCC got $15 million in federal grant money while Wright was damning America. Typical liberal, that Wright.
  • Jon Ham welcomes the newest member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, Bill Clinton. There’s still room under the Obamination Bus, especially since the 9 am news noted he has a new one.
  • Jim Geraghty has the final resting place of the Hillary Clinton campaign, Bitterroot, Montana.
  • It’s election day in California – see-dubya has the recommended votes on the duelling referenda – Yes on 98, No on 99.
  • Speaking of elections, Lance Burri tries to make sense of this primary season.
  • Brian says, “Get the popcorn!”
  • Dad29 notes that, for the ‘Rats, it’s all about the local.
  • Shoebox dips into the memory vault for another McClellan who turned into a regular Benedict Arnold.
  • Dave Casper has started a new series highlighting some of the blooming idiots that can vote. The first one’s a doozy – a floozy who locked herself in her car.
  • Bull Dog Pundit found a government pension operation that makes Milwaukee County look like amateurs; the New York City Department of Education. Nothing like a guaranteed 8.25% annual rate of return in a voluntary 403(b) (the public-sector equivalent to 401(k)), regardless of investment choice.
  • Owen has today’s tax-reducing PSA – make sure your deed doesn’t have a lakebed or riverbed listed as part of your property.
  • CDR Salamander fires a few SSMs in the idea of a nuclear destroyer. Imagine if the USS Cole, USS Princeton or USS Tripoli were nuclear.
  • Gaius has today’s episode of the Culture of Badassery(®MKH). This time, a 71-year old and his wheelchair-bound neighbor chased down and corralled a robber.
  • Tom McMahon 4-Blocks one of my more-popular categories, “Compassionate Lieberals”.
  • Genes blasts Time Warner Cable for attempting to reintroduce metered Internet. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

The Janesville GM plant to be shuttered

by @ 7:01. Filed under Business.

So says JSOnline’s DayWatch, as sales of GM’s large SUVs continue to crater. I hope the ‘Rats insistent on no drilling for oil are very fucking happy.

Another President, Another War, Another McClellan

by @ 5:23. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Scott McClellan has been receiving a lot of attention from the MSM since his “tell all” book about his experiences as press secretary. Of McClellan and his book, former Senator Bob Dole recently said “there are miserable creatures” in every administration who are spurred on by greed. I would add to Dole’s comment, ….spurred on by ego or a disproportionate self importance.

During  the Civil War, another President, Abraham Lincoln had a McClellan to deal with.   George B. McClellan organized the Army of the Potomac. He’s described nearly universally, as having a tremendous ability to instill discipline, organize and drill and manage supply logistics better than any of his peers. Unfortunately, while McClellan was great at building an army he stunk at using one.

Time and again while McClellan commanded the Union Army, he either allowed Lee and the Confederate forces to escape or chose not to engage them based on a repetitive, incorrect belief that he was out numbered.

McClellan was so inept at commanding the Army that one time, after acquiring a copy of Lee’s battle plan he bragged that, “Here is a paper with which if I cannot whip Bobbie Lee, I will be willing to go home,” Further, he sent a message to President Lincoln “I have the whole rebel force in front of me, but I am confident, and no time shall be lost. I think Lee has made a gross mistake, and that he will be severely punished for it. I have all the plans of the rebels, and will catch them in their own trap if my men are equal to the emergency. … Will send you trophies.” However, as previously, McClellan was unable to move his troops quickly enough to catch Lee. In fact, McClellan’s slow action led to the loss of the federal armory at Harper’s Ferry and further allowed a severely outnumbered Confederate Army to hold the Union off at the Battle of Antietam and eventually escape.

Like Scott McClellan, Gen. George B. didn’t seem to appreciate his position or have appropriate humility about it. In her book “Team of Rivals,” Doris Kearns Goodwin quotes Gen. McClellan as saying that he

received “letter after letter” begging him to assume the presidency or become a dictator. While he would eschew the presidency, he would “cheerfully take the Dictatorship & agree to lay down my life when the country is saved.”

George B. was known to make President Lincoln wait for up to an hour to see him. There were times where McClellan actually ignored the President’s presence altogether.

Like Scott, when Gen. George was released from his position due to an inability to perform, he decided to turn against the President he served. Where Scott decided to merely line his pockets via made up history, Gen. George wasn’t satisfied with money. Gen. George was the Democrat candidate for President in 1864 and ran against Lincoln’s reelection. Like Scott, Gen. George’s campaign was based upon a platform that railed against his former boss’s war policy claiming that Lincoln had passed up opportunities to broker a peace. Of course McClellan believed that because he had believed the South within their right to maintain slavery.

The reason I bring you this history lesson is confirm what Senator Dole said that “there are miserable creatures” in every administration. I think most of us understand that to be the nature of power and politics.

I wonder if we should change the lexicon of a turncoat being called a “Benedict Arnold” to simply referring to them as a “McClellan?”

June 2, 2008

StatCounter/The Planet problems

by @ 13:11. Filed under The Blog.

Sorry about the slow site access the last couple days. The main Houston data center of The Planet, which hosts StatCounter’s servers, suffered a catastrophic explosion in the electrical equipment room late Saturday. The good news is nobody was hurt, and none of The Planet’s customers’ servers was lost. The bad is the explosion and fire destroyed much of the electrical wiring. While the counter here was not on one of the very-affected partitions (i.e. I believe I only lost a few hours’ worth of stats, which is nothing since it was a Saturday night), the performance is still suffering because of the jury-rigged backup plan that StatCounter had to go to.

There’s more from The Planet here, and more from StatCounter here.

Revisions/extensions (1:29 pm 6/2/2008) – There’s also an unusual server load on the BlueHost box this site’s on. I don’t know if it’s this place or somebody else on the box.

R&E part 2 (3:41 pm 6/3/2008) – Thanks to Jen for pointing me to the wrap from StatCounter.

The Morning Scramble – 6/2/2008

by @ 12:13. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Sorry I’m late with this; I need to recompress, and I do have a week’s worth of stuff to go through…


  • Emperor Misha asks, “How does one say ‘Great Britain’ in Arabic?” That’s right, sports fans; the police are now in charge of enforcing no-go zones for Christians in the land of Winston Churchill and William the Conquerer. Sad, really.
  • Michelle Malkin found a Texas school district with mandatory lessons in Islam from CAIR. I guess the “AC” in ACLU is Anti-Christian.
  • John notes that they’re all above average clueless moonbats in Lake Wobegon.
  • Matt is showing the pic of the week. No eagles of that variety where I was last week, but a few baldies here and there.
  • Fred Keller displays Exhibits 342,321,432,975-342,321,432,978 on why it’s so hard to say, “I screwed up.”
  • Dad29 is drooling over Angelina Jolie. Beautiful, armed, willing to use deadly force to protect her brood…excuse me while I get some industrial-strength Kleenex.
  • Ed Morrisey is not drooling over Chelsea Clinton, who let the gun-grabbing plans of her mother (Hillary) out of the bag.
  • Jim Lynch dips into the PhotoShop for Barack Hussein Obama’s crowded-under-the-wheels bus.
  • Jim Hoft notes BHO now holds the record for scrubbed preachers. I have a question for Rev. Wright and Fr. Pfleger; if you hate America so much, why not move to Eurabia?
  • Stephen Green (also fresh from a vacation) has some not-at-all-shallow “undeep thoughts” on BHO.
  • Bill Quick describes the media’s obsession with socialism, and more importantly, claims ownership.
  • Brandon Henak has the next target of the Left – “Big Food”. It’s not a coincidence that record profits in that industry comes as “Big Food” transforms itself to “Big Alternative Fuel”.
  • Headless Blogger laughs at the latest ‘Rat plan on gas prices – price controls at $2.50/gallon. Yeah, that worked so well in the 1970s and in Hawaii today </sarcasm>.
  • Moron Pundit has another reason why I’m glad Wisconsin’s Defense of Marriage Amendment was an amendment to the state constitution and not an addition to the statutes. Surely California can’t be serious when they tell the officiating party to pronounce them “Party A” and “Party B”, can they?
  • Marshall Manson found some evidence of life in the British spirit. I wonder if anybody told them their soon-to-be-official religion bans alcohol altogether and not just on the Tube.
  • Jon Ham cheers the return of the retrosexual.
  • Asian Badger notes hedgehogs can be very dangerous. Perhaps Hiliary wants to ban them too.
  • Blacktygrrrr ran into the Dingy One, Harry Reid.
  • Matt Lewis finds no evidence of a spine or other traces of bone in Scott McClellan.
  • Jeff Wagner brought back a memory of my only dealing with the Franklin Police Department (way back in the day) with the news that Milwaukee is now ticketing and towing vehicles that had their registration stickers stolen. Thankfully, the Franklin PD was much more professional, especially when the computer check revealed the registration on vehicle I was driving was current.

Because the news of Bo Diddley’s passing came in while I was putting this together, I have a bonus song for you….


No Value In one Year Forecasts But MGW Is A Lock

by @ 5:00. Filed under Global "Warming".

According to this article from the AP there’s no reason to pay any attention to the hurricane forecast for the coming year:

It’s a lot like Groundhog Day – and the results are worth just about as much.

is the way the AP views the forecasts.

In fact, it’s not just the AP who doesn’t think there’s much value in them:

The AP contacted the emergency management agency in every coastal state from Texas to Maine and asked whether these seasonal forecasts play any role in their preparations for the hurricane season. Their response was unanimous: They’re a great way to get people thinking about the upcoming season, but that’s about it.

The good news is that the forecasters have developed a bit of humility  about their work:

“Honestly, I think people get a lot more excited about it than I do in terms of what its usefulness is,” says CSU scientist Phil Klotzbach, who has largely taken over the hurricane work of Gray, now semiretired.

In fact, the forecasters are starting to use disclaimers and warnings that are longer than the ones on a pack of cigarettes:

NC State’s Lian Xie says in a boldface disclaimer in his 2008 forecast: “Results presented herein are for scientific information exchange only … Users are at their own risk for using the forecasts in any decision making.”

(Emphasis mine.)

The article goes on to describe the process used to develop the forecasts:

Hurricane-prediction researchers are like chefs tinkering with a recipe for the same dish, and working from the same list of ingredients: In this case, decades worth of data from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

Studying past seasons, scientists look for patterns that might explain why one year was more active than another. Teams have developed computer models that emphasize different conditions – everything from ocean salinity and rainfall amounts over West Africa to sunspot cycles and the influences of the Pacific warm-water current known as El Nino.

(Again, emphasis mine.)

Huh?   What?   The hurricane forecasters are using “decades worth of data from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Prediction!   Isn’t that some of the same data that has been used to develop the “world is coming to an end” predictions resulting from global warming?   And yet, hurricane forecasters say that based on their data “users are at their own risk for using the forecasts for any decision making!”

This week the Senate is debating Warner-Liberman. The bill proposes implementing a cap and trade system to reduce our all but certain planet suicide as a result of global warming. Amongst other things, the Heritage Foundation has determined that this bill will:

  • Increase average family utilities by $467/year
  • Take 500,000 to 1,000,000 jobs out of the economy by 2030
  • Reduce GDP by $1.7 to $4.8 trillion by 2030

Hurricane forecasters  admit that  the results of forecasting using  NOAA data should be used  with healthy skeptisim  and not as fact.   Yet  both of our Minnesota Senators along with others, are willing to bet the future economic viability of the country on models and data that should be labeled “For Entertainment Purposes Only!”


June 1, 2008

Book contest – Soul Survivor

by @ 9:26. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I’m not a good enough writer to enter, but James Ballou (aka Mormon Doc in the Hot Air commentaries) is running a contest to win a copy of his forthcoming book, Soul Survivor. Don’t waste too much time, because he’s leaving the contest open only until June 20.

Roll bloat – back in the States edition

by @ 9:16. Filed under The Blog.

There’s one I should’ve had on that ever-growing roll long before now, and one I picked up through Twitter.

Fairly Conservative
Leslie Carbone

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