(H/T – Todd Lohenry)
Those of you lefties who defended Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale) are probably going to be cheering his decision to hang onto all of the cash he got from his waterlogged annual golf outing. For the record, here’s the results of the poll I had up in the wake of the flood-damaged decision to go on with the golf outing even as waters continued to rise throughout south-central and southwest Wisconsin…
Should/will Gov. Doyle donate the proceeds of his golf outing fundraiser to flood relief?
Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed
- He should, but he'll hang onto all the money. (53%, 17 Vote(s))
- He shouldn't, and won't donate any of the money. (25%, 8 Vote(s))
- He should, and he will donate all of the money. (9%, 3 Vote(s))
- He shouldn't, but will donate at least some of the money. (9%, 3 Vote(s))
- He should, and he will donate some of the money. (3%, 1 Vote(s))
Total Voters: 32