Per JSOnline’s DayWatch, 27th Street between Elm Rd. and I-94 has been reopened. Earlier, I had noted that the barricades in the southbound lanes but not the northbound lanes just south of Elm had been moved aside, and that the “road closed ahead” signs at 27th and Ryan were still up.
However, the DOT still lists the off-ramp from north/westbound I-94 to 27th as closed. That ramp is, if memory serves, lower than the rest of the area, so it may well still be flooded.
I also have a request in to Oak Creek for an updated list of closures in the city. Their website hasn’t been updated yet today, but other than that bit of slowness, they’ve been quite good at providing information.
Hopefully the National Weather Service is going to be wrong about a fresh round of heavy-rainfall storms coming in tomorrow.