No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

The Maverick lives no more, Long live the Maverick!

by @ 9:29 on March 8, 2008. Filed under Politics - National.

It’s official, John McCain is no longer adoringly  referred to as  “The Maverick.”

In another “Are we living in Bizzaro world or what?” story, the AP reports several Dem blasts of John McCain as the person responsible for Boeing’s loss of the Air Tanker contract.   Somehow McCain’s work to uncover corruption that included a former Boeing CFO and a former Air Force official being jailed and a $6B overcharge to the US taxpayers is now a bad thing!

The irony is incredible.   In 2004 when the original contract was being investigated McCain was referred to in reverent terms.   the Seattle Times expressed sympathy for McCain as they talked about the small cramped room he had to do his review in,  

The restrictions are humiliating for a senior U.S. senator.

Even the New York Times recognized the graft in the situation when in 2004 they wrote:

It turns out that it was competing in a rigged game – one in which Ms. Druyun, who left her civilian position in the Pentagon last year to take a job at Boeing, now says she tilted in Boeing’s favor out of gratitude for its hiring of her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend.

There’s only two things I can take from this:
1. The Dems indignation is not so much about jobs and American technology as it is about the status quo. If McCain or others were able to ferret around and shine lights on corruption, how would the Dems get anything done?
2. I’m glad the media no longer looks at being a Maverick as a good thing. Maybe now when McCain is referred to as Maverick we will anticipate and not shirk from the story it is contained in.

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