No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for March 17th, 2008

Recommended reading – St. Paddy’s Day edition

by @ 17:57. Filed under Miscellaneous.

It’s been a while since I brought out the linking stick and gave you a good idea of what is in my overbloated feed reader. Since doubleplusundead started his “links from around the moronosphere”, I may as well do something like that (a bit abbreviated because I have some green beer to drink and some cards to play):

E.M. Zanotti notes that, a mere 5 years after he called for a ban on gambling on college sports, John McCain is running a NCAA tournament pool, complete with prizes.

– Related to that, both the morons and the bar have pools up. Time to bounce some mozzarella.

Brian Fraley fills out his own bracket, and no it’s not basketball.

Anwyn has the quote of the day on the Obama/Wright mess.

Christian Schneider recalibrates the Obama-Meter.

Jim Lynch questions the wisdom of using the La Raza card to defend against the Wright card.

– Speaking of moonbats, Daniel checked up on state Senator (and Milwaukee County executive candidate) Lena Taylor’s MySpace page and found a very telling pic.

Sean Hackbarth finds all three surviving Presidential candidates’ positions on the economy wanting.

The NRE Spring Hill campaign bearing fruit

by @ 15:13. Filed under Politics - National.

I’ve been strangely silent on the Barack Obama/Jeremiah Wright bomb; fortunately, Shoebox hasn’t been. All I really have to add is, if the fine conservatives in Texas and Ohio had not listened to Rush Limbaugh and joined what he calls Operation Chaos and what I call the NRE Spring Hill campaign, this would have continued to be buried by the media. It isn’t like Wright all of a sudden started going off the deep end a couple weeks ago.

Has Obama created a problem for Conservatives?

by @ 12:19. Filed under Politics - National.

The “consensus” thinking has been that as McCain moved into the general campaign, he would need to make overtures to We conservative folks.   The argument is that the pick of a VP may well show us that he is “listening” and “reaching out.”

All of that “thinking” held while there was concern that a general election would be a close, hard fought affair where McCain would need to not just get, but enthusiastically motivate conservatives in order to get enough turn out to win against a movment force like Obama.  

Then along comes Jeremiah Wright…..

I know a couple of days does not a trend make but….the polls have shifted hard, quickly.   There will certainly be the hard cores who believe the stuff that Wright is saying and will continue to support Obama.   However, I think there is a larger group, particularly those who consider themselves “moderates” that will find it impossible to support Obama with Wright in tow.  

If the polls continue to show McCain with a growing lead over either Democratic candidate he may not be concerned about getting the Conservative vote. I’m afraid that any hope (not the Obama kind) that conservatives had of McCain feeling motivated to “show us some love” and throw us a bone could go out the window along with Obama’s liklihood of being elected for anything more than just another lying, graft receiving Senator.

Obama creates a Lost Generation

by @ 10:55. Filed under Politics - National.

Update:    Wow!  I just discovered  a national article that cover this same concept.   Apparently  those black helicopters I keep hearing might be real after all!  

I wrote here  about the potential loss of an entire generation of Democratic voters.   I postulated at the time, that the  cause would be Hillary “stealing” the Democratic nomination and thereby crushing the hopeful acolytes of Barack Obama.   By crushing their hope I argued that Hillary would drive the 30 and under crowd out of the ’08 election.

Prescience isn’t always 20/20!

10 days later and Barack Obama creates an environment that could cause Generation Y to fore-go politics all together.

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