No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Huck to finally drop – UPDATE – Huck has dropped.

by @ 20:14 on March 4, 2008. Filed under Politics - National.

Mike Huckabee dropping tonight is the word on the Hot Air open thread. Fox and CNN have called the nomination for John McCain as he swept all 4 states.

Revisions/extensions (8:20 pm 3/4/2008) – Huck quotes George Brett wanting to bounce weakly to 2nd for his last at-bat, calls for party unity.

R&E part 2 (8:34 pm 3/4/2008) – I did not hear him release his candidates, so we’re safe from Ron Paul being #2 there once we get to the convention.

R&E part 3 (8:47 pm 3/4/2008) – The hot rumor is that he will run for Senate. Shoe, guess you will be paying for those tattoos after all.

Last revision/extension (6:23 am 3/4/2008) – As always, Allahpundit has the video

Really, last R&E (8:17 pm 3/9/2008) – It seems is a major performance hit, so I pulled the video. You can watch it over at Hot Air.

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