Next up, Rep. Jim Ott, formerly a meterologist with WTMJ. He has other issues, such as keeping taxes low and keeping a heap of bad Dem legislation from seeing the light of day in the Assembly. It is a political topic with a lot of false information going out. Example, a Journtinel article asserting that “human-induced global warming over the last 5 decades” has reduced the snow pack out west, which makes river flow faster in the spring and dry up faster. Two problems; it leaves no room for natural sources (example; the Kettle Morraine came about before humans were in Wisconsin), and it hasn’t been 5 decades (remember the global cooling of the 1970s?; it’s been a warm decade or so).
Environmentalism should mean stuff like clean air and clean water, not nobody around to enjoy the environment. The extremists have found something the LeftStreamMedia has grasped onto, and they will destroy anybody who tries to point out the fallacies in their arguments.
CO2 has gone up 35% over the last 200 years. 1934 was the warmest year in US history, not 1998. The 1930s had as many of the top 10 warmest years as the last 10.
Correlation is not causation. In the 1980s, even as CO2 amounts were as high as it is now, it was cooling. There are other factors.
Let’s assume humans have a role in Gorebal Warming. The ‘Rats have something called the “Safe Climate Act” (SB81/AB157). Though its poised to make it out of the Senate, Ott will stop it as long as the Pubbies control the Assembly because he is on the committee that will hear it.
How do companies get CO2 levels in Wisconsin down to 1990 levels by 2020? Pay a tax (which doesn’t reduce carbon), put in controls that don’t exist (and which isn’t exactly effective; CO2 is one of the two products of proper hydrocarbon combustion), reduce production, or leave the state.
The lie of the day was repeated by Lawton when it was before the appropriate Senate committee. We’re not going to be a leader.
One last problem; if Wisconsin were to drop its CO2 to zero, there will be no impact on global CO2 levels. If there’s no impact on temperatures, what good is it? It wouldn’t; the most-conservative economic model of the legislation says electric rates would go up 18%, the average 40%. Gas prices; average 50%. Additional cost per family per year – $2,000 to $5,000. That reduces CO2 emissions 16%
Ott has ideas:
– More nuclear energy (a doubling to it producing 40% of electricity would cut CO2 15% with no real negative effects, except the waste).
– Personal conservation
– Federal tax incentives for hybrids and electric cars if the energy is from sources like nuclear.
If Gorebal Warming isn’t real, that plan would at least not kill the economy.
Closes with a tale of a couple of envirowhackos who stopped in his office. After giving them a 10-minute version of this, one of them said that Ott made him think.
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