The question is out there again courtesy Allahpundit, so it’s time to bring the old poll back, but with a twist. Since WP-Poll now supports multiple answers, let’s run it again. This time, you get up to 3 options, and if I still haven’t hit your sweet spot, pipe up.
Who should we retaliate against if the Islamokazis nuke the US (part 2)?
Up to 3 answer(s) was/were allowed
- After determining which group it was, send the B-52s in for the nuclear Grand Tour of their bases of operations. (21%, 32 Vote(s))
- We nuke Islam's "holy" sites, no questions asked. (19%, 30 Vote(s))
- We nuke the supplier(s) of the nukes. (17%, 27 Vote(s))
- We nuke Waziristan, or wherever the current home of Al Qaeda is at the time, no questions asked. (17%, 26 Vote(s))
- After determining which group it was, we send the B-52s on a conventional Grand Tour of their bases of operation. (7%, 11 Vote(s))
- We lay waste to Islam's "holy" sites with conventional weapons, no questions asked. (6%, 9 Vote(s))
- We wage conventional war on the supplier(s) of the nukes. (6%, 9 Vote(s))
- No one because that would be "wrong". (4%, 6 Vote(s))
- No one because we're waving the French battle flag (aka white flag of unconditional surrender). (3%, 4 Vote(s))
- Something I missed (please explain in the thread). (1%, 2 Vote(s))
Total Voters: 156

If you’re wondering what happened last time, let’s review:
Who should we retaliate against if the Islamokazis nuke the US?
Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed
- We nuke Islam's "holy" sites, no questions asked. (32%, 7 Vote(s))
- After determining which group it was, send the B-52s in for the nuclear Grand Tour of their bases of operations. (23%, 5 Vote(s))
- After determining which group it was, we send the B-52s on a conventional Grand Tour of their bases of operation. (18%, 4 Vote(s))
- We nuke Waziristan, the current home of Al Qaeda, no questions asked. (14%, 3 Vote(s))
- We nuke the supplier(s) of the nukes. (5%, 1 Vote(s))
- We wage conventional war on the supplier(s) of the nukes. (5%, 1 Vote(s))
- Something I missed (please explain in the thread) (5%, 1 Vote(s))
- We lay waste to Islam's "holy" sites with conventional weapons, no questions asked. (0%, 0 Vote(s))
- No one because that would be "wrong". (0%, 0 Vote(s))
- No one because we're waving the French battle flag (aka white flag of unconditional surrender) (0%, 0 Vote(s))
Total Voters: 22