No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Republican Meltaway to be complete by November 2008

by @ 7:10 on November 15, 2006. Filed under Politics - National.

(H/T – Michelle Malkin)

Reuters is reporting that RNC general-chair-to-be Sen. Mel Martinez (RINO-FL) will not be an “attack dog” (note; the excerpt is rearranged slightly to move Sen. Martinez’ quote to the top to replace Reuters’ summary of that quote) –

“One of the things that I made clear as I discussed this job role with the president is I was not going to be an attack dog, and I don’t intend to, and I wasn’t asked to be one,” (Sen. Mel Martinez) told reporters at the White House.

President (George W.) Bush gave Martinez his blessing at a meeting in the Oval Office, calling the Cuban-born senator an American success story.

“He’s going to be an excellent spokesman for the Republican Party,” Bush said. “He’ll be a person who’ll be able to carry our message as we go into an important year in 2008.”

Two comments:

  • Well, rolling over sure worked REAL well for the Republican Party in 2006…NOT! The Dems have both Houses of Congress and the majority of governorships. It may have worked out swell for President Bush, the One North America crowd, and fans of Gigantic Gubmint but I’m not part of those groups.
  • What message is the Republican Party carrying going into 2008? It sure isn’t small government or a unique American culture. The only thing left that separates Pubbies from Dems is social conservatism, and the secularists left in the Pubbie ranks sure seem hell-bent on driving social conservatives out of the party as well.

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