No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

The Morning Scramble – 6/18/2008

by @ 9:22 on June 18, 2008. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

In addition to the usual music video today, I proudly present Josh Schroeder’s answer to’s “Not Alex” ad


Let’s get Josh’s video viral. Now, on with the music…


  • James Wigderson is celebrating 4 years in the blogosphere.
  • Start of the run at crAP – Michelle Malkin duns “that news organization” for $132,125.
  • Smackdown part deux – Jim Lynch reveals “that news organization’s” top-secret price list for words.
  • And the hits just keep on coming – Ace makes “that news organization” an offer it can’t refuse – $25.00 per link.
  • Jim Geraghty marvels at the supposed ‘Rat infestation of Ohio, to the tune of 55% of the populace according to Public Policy Polling. I wonder if that sort of bias crept into Quinnipac’s claim (once again, Jim is the Indispensible One) of an Obamination surge in Florida and Pennsylvania.
  • Ed Driscoll wonders whether Barack Obama will take the second-last major “first hyphenated-American President” title. Why not; Bill Clinton stole the “first ‘black American’ President” one.
  • Zip has Obama’s latest flip; he was for an undivided Jerusalem before he was against it. Now, where did the RNC put the official mascot of the John “Flipper” Kerry campaign?
  • McQ takes “Constitutional Law Professor” Obama (he was only a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chicago) to task over his view of the federal judiciary’s role.
  • A brief respite from the Obamination; Jay asks why we’re not impeaching the Lawgivers-In-Black that gave Islamokazis captured on the battlefield habeas corpus rights. Simple answer; ever since the end of WWII, more than a third of Congress has been invested in using SCOTUS as the means to cram the parts of the agenda that can’t fly through Congress down our throats.
  • Uncle Jimbo puts Obama’s foreign policy in the crosshairs and fires for effect. I do have to say that the Don’t Be A Douche’ t-shirt UJ’s wearing (available at the Blackfive store) is a beaut; I got mine yesterday.
  • The Game provides evidence of Obama’s willful ignorance on energy. If only John McCain didn’t have that plank in his eye (and yes, I’m discounting his “let’s open up the coasts” claim; he’s giving the states veto over that),….
  • Sister Toldjah takes a log-splitter to Algore Goracle’s increased electricity usage after he “greened up” his house.
  • SteveF delivers today’s economic warning about Gorebal “Warming”
  • William Teach drops the LinkBomb on the acolytes.
  • The Chris that’s On The BorderLine (there’s too many Chrises in my feed reader) explores the economics of loading the family in a Suburban for a trip between western Wisconsin and Chicago and a train trip between St. Paul and Chicago. He actually underestimates the Suburban’s highway mileage (it’s closer to 19 mpg than 12), and still the vehicle slated to become the “cause” of Janesville’s downfall comes out on top.
  • Warner Todd Huston cheers the Road-to-Damascus-Baghdad moment of James Kirchick, assistant editor of The New Republic. I expect PJ-Comix to note his tombstoning in the next day or two.
  • Wyatt Earp is amazed that a Romanian village voted for the dead guy. No word on whether he supports the Obamination like Chicago’s dead. One more thing; for those of you who haven’t found Wyatt’s new home, he has an inducement for you (I’ll take the first bribe; the second does absolutely nothing for me).
  • Flip has a contrarian reality check for at least most of those that think that rising gas prices are the end of the world. That’s right; adjusted for inflation, gas prices have “only” gone up 43%, or less than the average tax rebate welfare payment.
  • Cindy Kilkenny found another liberal government entity that requires photo ID, and this one’s to vote; the Elmbrook School Board. It truly is ironic how “protective” of the process those liberal entites can get when it comes time to oppose their free-spending ways.
  • Lawhawk deciphers the code of conduct Hamas is using; shell all they can just before a hudna, then wait for Israel to respond after the hudna takes hold and prepare to whine to the world how Israel is the bad guy.
  • Jib offers his own “Man Talk-to-Chick Speak” translation. Ladies, pay attention. Jib knows what he’s talking about.

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