No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for posts by Shoebox.

October 12, 2009

Unprecedented Consensus

by @ 20:18. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

“Unprecedented consensus” from Republicans is what President Obama is calling the support of several RINOs and other Republicans who are not, and haven’t been in leadership roles for a number of years.

I don’t have much time to totally fisk his comments as I’m traveling and have little/weak wifi. Suffice to say it this way:

Drugs attached to the Presidency began with Bill Clinton claiming “he didn’t inhale.” They were elevated in stature when Barack Obama admitted he had tried cocaine. It now appears that drug use is regular fare at the White House. It’s the only way one could hallucinate any kind of “consensus” in support of placebocare amongst Republicans.

October 8, 2009


by @ 3:47. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Michelle Obama was a slave.  Who knew? Damn, she’s done well for herself.

In First Lady’s Roots, a Complex Path From Slavery

October 7, 2009

I Don’t Even Have The Words……

by @ 20:41. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Just watch:

Treatment of Illegal Aliens to Blame for Olympic Loss

Now that the dust has settled on the selection of the 2016 Olympics, some of the delegates are providing some insight on why the Chicago bid failed.  According to this article, a Pakistani IOC member said that one of the reasons Chicago lost out was that entering the United States could be:

“a rather harrowing experience.”

President Obama was quick to point out that as President, things will change:

“One of the legacies I want to see is a reminder that America at its best is open to the world.”

Even the President of the US Travel association took the feedback seriously:

“When IOC members are commenting to our President that foreign visitors find traveling to the United States a ‘pretty harrowing experience,’ we need to take seriously the challenge of reforming our entry process to ensure there is a welcome mat to our friends around the world, even as we ensure a secure system.”

I’ve traveled to a few countries and have had the opportunity to experience how non residents are treated by their entry port agents.  I’ve also watched how our entry agents treat non residents entering the US.  I’m hard pressed to say that in comparison to other countries, entering the US is difficult.  Based on my observations, describing the US entry process as “harrowing” could only be done by someone who felt that a hangnail was a “harrowing” medical malady.

The only people who would generally find entrance to the US as “harrowing” are those who are attempting to do so illegally.  The irony is that Chicago is a sanctuary city and doesn’t care what the legal or illegal status of some one’s entry to the US was so even that shouldn’t have been an issue.  Maybe, in all the focus on themselves, the Obama’s forgot to mention that as a selling point to the IOC?

It’s For The Children!

by @ 5:43. Filed under Politics - National.

Hardly an issue goes by that the left doesn’t invoke “the children” as a reason to see things their way.

Healthcare Placebocare – It’s the Children

Stimulus plan – It’s the Children

Cap and Trade – It’s for the Children

Has the left ever seen anything that was bad “for the children?”  Apparently so.

In this audio posted by Breitbart, President Obama’s Safe School Czar, the same guy who seems to be generally OK with Man/boy relationships doesn’t know rape when he sees it, knows that heterosexuality is bad for the children.  At a 2000 GLSEN event, Kevin Jennings made the accusation that:

“Kids are being aggressively recruited to become heterosexual in this country.”

What?  No!  How dare they!!!

Oh….wait.  That’s a good thing isn’t it?  Not according to Kevin Jennings.  Listen to the whole clip below.

H/t Breitbart

October 6, 2009

Your 2009 American League Central Champs!

by @ 20:54. Filed under Miscellaneous.


More Talk About Placebocare

by @ 17:09. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

Don’t miss the latest addition of the Senate Doctors show.  Unlike what’s contained in the various iterations of Placebocare, these guys actually know something about health care and how to provide reform that would actually be beneficial to Americans.  You can watch the latest episode below.

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Placebocare – One Last Thought

by @ 14:21. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Placebocare – You’ll pay the same, maybe more. It tastes good going down but leaves a nasty after taste. You won’t notice that you aren’t getting any better….until it’s too late!

Placebos – a Follow Up Thought

by @ 14:14. Filed under Miscellaneous.

If “Astroturf” is a fake version of real grass roots activism would it be appropriate to refer to Obamacare as Placebocare, a fake version of real health care reform?

First AstroTurf, now Placebos?

by @ 10:32. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

Throughout the August recess, town halls across the country, were attended by grass root Americans who told their Representatives that they wanted no part of Obamacare.  As the pressure on the Representatives increased, Nancy Pelosi and other Democrat leaders attempted to discredit the notion that this was real angst, from real Americans, that was being projected towards their Beltway Masters.  Rather, Ms. Pelosi asserted that the angst was all ginned up and that it was not real grass roots but rather AstroTurf.

I think they are astroturf, you be the judge.

Yesterday, President Obama staged another photo op in an attempt to convince folks that the country supports his takeover of health care.  President Obama had 150 doctors attend the photo op.  He tried to use these doctors as representatives of the entire medical industry.  Obama’s logic seems to be that if the doctors say the medicine to fix health care is good, than you should take it.  Except, there’s a bit of a problem with the foundation of his argument.

Turns out, most of the doctors at yesterday’s event (those who brought their white coats and those who had to have one assigned to them) were members of Doctors for America.  Turns out that Doctors for America is not a new group.  Nope, DFA is the new reincarnation of the former Doctors for Obama.

If Doctors for America, formerly Doctors for Obama, had previously drunk the kool-aid for hope and change, is there any credibility in their support for more ingestion of the sugary drink?

If Nancy Pelosi thought the Grass Roots attending the town hall were nothing more than AstroTurf, can I now assume that support from a medical group that had already drunk the kool-aid is not real medicine but just a placebo?

October 5, 2009


by @ 22:52. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Vikings –  30

Packers – 23

’nuff said

Something’s Missing

Tooth brush?  Check!

Deodorant?  Check!

Clean suit?  Check!

Extra, clean white shirt just in case some frikadeller gets spilt? Check!

TOTUS?  Check!

Yes, President Obama and his aides packed everything they needed for the trip to Copenhagen.  They packed everything they needed to give an impressive presentation.  Unfortunately, for all their planning and packing, they did not bring the one thing that has provided President Obama and others from the Left, a shot at a voting victory.

Barack Obama and ACORN have been largely inseparable throughout his adult and political years.  The Wall Street Journals’s John Fund, documents that the Obama ACORN relationship goes back to at least 1991 when Obama ran a get-out-the-vote campaign for an ACORN affiliate.  Later, Obama would become ACORN’s attorney and a trainer for ACORN programs.  During his presidential campaign, Obama gave ACORN over $800,000 for what was ultimately identified as get-out-the-vote activities.  Any guess as to who the voters garnered by ACORN voted for?

Prior to the “save-the-prostitute” activities and the “bring-in-the-underage-sex-slaves” efforts that have been recently documented, ACORN was best known for it’s voter registration activities.  ACORN is currently under indictment for these later activites in 15 states.  That’s 15 states and counting.  There are numerous states, Minnesota being one, where ACORN registration activities have been at the least concerning, but where the Secretary of State refuses to do even the most rudimentary of investigations. 

Barack Obama hasn’t won an election where Chicago politics and/or ACORN weren’t at the center.  As much as his speeches and personal appeal may win votes, Barack Obama needs groups like ACORN to do the dirty work to ensure his victory.

The IOC is many things including political and at least at times, corrupt.  However, while political, they don’t care about Chicago politics and while corrupt, there have been no allegations of dead or fictitious people voting for the Olympic host city.  That left President Obama relying on the strength of his personal charisma to persuade the IOC voters to do what President Obama believed to be the right thing.

On the strength of Obama’s charisma, on the strength of his international popularity, Chicago was rejected in the first round, getting only 18 votes.  18 votes!  Giving Chicago only 18 votes was a clear sign that Obama’s charisma and popularity was not only lacking, it was rejected.

Each speech that President Obama has told the world that the US has been self centered and egotistic in its dealings with others, has been a snip in a self neutering surgery.  He’s repeated the US apologies so many times that if he has any stones left they have been mutilated beyond the point of having any effect.  The result is that Obama has left himself with little but his charisma and popularity in attempting to deal with international issues.

Iran is in the process of creating a nuclear bomb.  If, is not a question.  When, appears to be sooner than later.  The IOC rejected Obama’s charisma, do you expect Iran to be any more impressed?

October 2, 2009

I Wish Our Washington Republicans Were This Disciplined!

by @ 5:42. Filed under Politics - National.

Because, based on this information, they aren’t.  I’ll bet even this dog knows it’s a bad idea to lift his leg and pee on the people who feed him!

Who’d a Thunk?

by @ 4:50. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I guess you can’t tell a book by it’s cover!

Autopsy shocker: Jackson was healthy

At least AP managed to get the headline correct; I was surprised!

October 1, 2009

While the Cat’s Away….

by @ 10:15. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

Apparently, it has finally sunk into President Obama’s head that doing his Max Headroom impression on behalf of health care reform has not been a winning strategy.  To regain his Presidential gravitas he, Michelle and Oprah have taken on the self sacrificing task of going to Copenhagen to lobby for the lining of Valerie Jarrett’s pockets to bring the Olympics to Chicago.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch….

The manuevering continues in the attempt to have the Federal Government become the sole arbiter of health care in the U.S. 

I’ve linked before to the Senate Doctors show.  Senators Coburn and Barasso, the only two Senators who actually are doctors and not just playing one in the Senate, have had a regular video correspondence about the health care debate.  The Senators address issues, answer questions and even slap down the occassional Huffpo correspondent

In what could be described as “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” the Obama administration is ramping up their own health care video initiative.  The problem is that while they can imitate the use of a tool, they have no practicing doctors who can provide credibility to what will be another reguritation of left talking points (You remember….illegals won’t get health care, abortion won’t be covered, no death panels). 

Why get the cheap imitation when you have the original available?

The Senate Doctors will be on again at 5 PM Eastern.  You can watch the show live, below. 

The health care debate is far from over folks.  Stay informed, stay up to date on the issues and stay on target, stay on target!

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The Liberal Women Calendar

by @ 5:56. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Realdebate got me thinking….

What would the Liberal women calendar look like?  Maybe I could make money from putting one together?  Alas, too late.  Someone beat me to it:

Dem Women

H/T Cornswalled

We should probably get to 11 like for the conservative calendar so how about adding….

Cindy Sheehan and her close friend:


Rounding out the group, Diane Feinstein:


I’m not sure I’d feel safe closing my eyes to sleep in the same room with this group of “beauties!”

Consider It a Twofer

According to Baron’s, there are several countries that are selling debt denominated in dollars.  If your own currency isn’t the dollar, why would you sell debt that was?  It seems the short answer to that question is:  the dollar sucks, or at least that’s what these countries think.

After falling off a cliff during last years financial challenges, the dollar crawled back up to respectability by March of this year.  From March on, the dollar has become the world currency version of the 98 pound weakling getting sand kicked in its face by every other major currency.  You can see this pictorially in the following graph of the dollar against the Yen:


There are many things that influence a currencies value.  Debt, security and GDP all play into the value.  Unfortunately, many of those issues are moving towards the negative for the dollar, thus its decline.  That said, the dollar has one thing going for it.  As bad as things are in the US, there are many other countries that are in even worse situations.  Look across Europe and you’ll generally find financial situations that make the US look great.  Look to South America, the Middle East and much of Asia and you’ll find issues with security and stability.  For that reason and others there are a number of analysts that are ready to call a bottom to the dollar’s slide.  In fact, some are suggesting that we’ll see a rebound begin in the dollar.

One of the countries who have pulled the “debt for dollar” program is Venezuela. Venezuela is betting that their currency continues to do well against the dollar. So far the bet is working. The Venezuelan Bolivar is up 25% against the dollar in a little over a month.

I’m hoping the dollar analysts are right.  A stronger dollar buys us some time to get people elected that can solve our budget issues before China decides to throw in their chips.  A stronger dollar also wreaks havoc on Hugo Chavez’s piggy bank by making him have to pay more of his Bolivars to repay his bonds.  A plus for the US and a minus for Hugo Chavez, what’s not to like.  Consider it a twofer!

September 30, 2009

I Love, I Love, I Love My Calendar Girl(s)

by @ 5:50. Filed under Conservatism.

First, let’s set the mood:

The Claire Booth Luce Policy Institute has created a calendar. OK, so far, who cares! This calendar has a full year of calendar girls (I’m getting interested now). Not only that but it has 12 of the most attractive (OK, maybe Phyllis not so much but…) conservative women as the monthly “pin ups.”

Here’s a group shot of the women:


You can see the individual shots here.

Guys, I think you’ll agree that not only are conservative women the most attractive, you would actually look forward to the pillow talk!

September 29, 2009

Unpatriotic AND Selfish!

It’s been just over a year since Joe Biden called 95% of Americans unpatriotic:

“We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people. It’s time to be patriotic … time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut.”

Apparently, Biden wasn’t the loan wolf that I thought at the time.

In a recent poll, Rasmussen found that 29% of Americans believe that you are selfish if you put the economy ahead of global warming.  Fortunately, there are a whole lot more people, 49% who disagree with this assessment.  Additionally, 65% believe jobs are more important than global warming.  It’s good to know we still have a plurality, if not a majority of sanity yet in this country.

In case you missed it, the $1,761 annually per family that cap and trade will cost us will mostly go back to the government.  While President Obama isn’t able to determine what is or isn’t a tax, I can.  If you pay the government, you can call it what you want but it boils down to a tax.

Don’t like increased taxes?  Want more jobs and a better economy?  Not only are you unpatriotic you’re also selfish!

September 26, 2009

I Inherited It!

by @ 19:39. Filed under Obama worship, Politics - National.

Um, maybe not:

59% Say Americans Angrier Now Than Under Bush

And lest you think it’s just the conservatives getting all lathered:

69% of GOP voters say the level of anger is higher now, a view shared by 53% of Democrats and 56% of voters not affiliated with either party.

Nope, it’s a majority of each political persuasion.

Let’s look back at Barack Obama’s Denver acceptance speech.  After calling out differences on gun rights, gay rights and illegal immigration, Barack Obama said:

But this, too, is part of America’s promise, the promise of a democracy where we can find the strength and grace to bridge divides and unite in common effort.

I know there are those who dismiss such beliefs as happy talk. They claim that our insistence on something larger, something firmer, and more honest in our public life is just a Trojan horse for higher taxes and the abandonment of traditional values.  And that’s to be expected, because if you don’t have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare voters.

If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from. You make a big election about small things.

And you know what? It’s worked before, because it feeds into the cynicism we all have about government. When Washington doesn’t work, all its promises seem empty. If your hopes have been dashed again and again, then it’s best to stop hoping and settle for what you already know.

We’ve been told time and again how Barack Obama is the smartest President ever.  While I doubt he has any idea what a can of Spam costs, or even how to cook it, his speech did show him prescient.  Washington doesn’t and doesn’t want to work and people’s hopes are dashed.  This is what has people angry and it is this that has the nation divided.

I doubt Obama sees division within the country as a statement of any kind on his leadership or to be more precise, his complete lack of leadership.  Rather, like the deficits that he has increased exponentially, Obama, having been told that the nation is more divided now than ever would utter his answer that provides absolution from all accountability of his own actions:  “I inherited it from the previous administration.”

Unintended Consequences

Yes, this could be on just about any government program; Cash for Clunkers that has dried up the car market or the stimulus package that has stimulated no hiring but that for the government (or maybe that wasn’t “unintended?”)  No, this time it’s about the Swine Flu.

Item number 1:
Seasonal flu shot may increase H1N1 risk

Seems their finding a more than statistical anomaly, of people getting the swine flu after getting their regular flu shot.  The working theory is that because these shots expose you to a tamed down version of the bacteria or virus that it actually stimulates the body to create an entry point for another disease.

While I’m sure that this kind of stuff happens all the time without serious ramifications, the WHO’s and Federal Government’s continual gong banging about the impending annihilation of species: homo sapien  due to the swine flu, will make this a very complicated issue if it is proven out.

On a side note,  the information and study is coming out of the Canadian health system.  The supporters of Obamacare continually tell us how much better Canadian health care is so there’s no reason to question the veracity of this information.

Item #2:

Swine-flu false alarms crowd area ERs

Houston’s ERs are being over run by people who believe they have swine flu and need immediate treatment.  It seems that the continual gong banging by the WHO and Federal Government has a fair number of people over reacting.  Even mild flu symptoms have people piling into the ER demanding treatment. 

What’s the solution to over crowding from the medical folks?  Same as it has been from time in memoriam:  Take two aspirin and call me in the morning:

Instead, consider “telephone triage,” said Dr. Herminia Palacio, Harris County’s public health authority.

She said patients and parents should ask: “Am I somebody who needs to come in to be seen or am I somebody who can really stay at home and manage myself?”

That seems like a good common sense answer. 

Isn’t ER overuse and crowding one of the things that Obamacare is supposed to solve for us?  I wonder why the triage approach wouldn’t work for the clogging of the emergency rooms by folks who have all kinds of other issues.  If you come to the ER and you don’t warrant that kind of treatment, the ER sends you down the road to an urgent care or in some cases, even tells you to take two aspirin and call back in the morning!

I remember hearing President Obama tell us how unscrupulous doctors increased their fees by doing unnecessary procedures.  He wants to punish them and drive them from medical practice.  Under Obamacare, I wonder what the penalty would be for a government that hypes and over hypes issue after issue which results in a crisis where none really exists?  That’s exactly what’s happening in the case of the swine flu.

September 25, 2009

May God Forgive You!

by @ 8:33. Filed under Miscellaneous.

John Hawkins has done his annual survey of those considered most despised on the right.  Unlike Keith Olbermann, John asked right wingers for their opinions. 

My list to John, unranked was this:

Colin Powell
Joe Scarborough
Olympia Snowe
Susan Collins
Lamar Alexander
Michael Smerconish
Christopher Buckley
Arne Carlson
Scott McClellan
Chuck Hagel

You can see the entire list here.

September 24, 2009

Some Of These Things Are Not Like The Others

Take a look at this image that shows how business friendly the tax status is of each state.

tax climate

Hey, Minnesota and Wisconsin, do you see which end of the spectrum you’re on?

Hey, Minnesota, how are those two neighbors to the west, the one’s who have no unemployment problem doing?

Hey, Minnesota, how do the state budget problems of those two neighbors to the west compare to yours? (hint, they do have any problems)

Hey, Minnesota and Wisconsin, want to be more depressed?  Read more at the Taxprof!

Revisions/extensions (3:20 pm 9/24/2009, steveegg) – Allow me to ask a few questions for the Wisconsin half of the readership:

Hey Wisconsin, you see that state to the east and the state to the south? That’s right; Michigan and Illinois are more open to business than Wisconsin.

Hey Wisconsin, how do the budget woes of that state to your west compare to yours (note to Shoebox, that’s one thing in Minnesota that isn’t as bad as it is in Wisconsin)?

Hey Wisconsin, how does it feel to be highlighted as one of the states that got it wrong in Tax Foundation’s report (see page 26)?

Hey Wisconsin and Minnesota, how is the individual-income AMT working out? Related to that, hey Minnesota, how is the corporate-income AMT working out?

Hey Wisconsin and Minnesota, what are you going to do about the politicians who admit that their confiscatory tax policies are driving jobs away (see page 7 of the report), yet make them more confiscatory?

Revisions/extensions (3:39 pm 9/24/2009, shoebox) One more….Hey, Minnesota, Wisconsin and any other state or Federal Government that thinks you can tax the “rich” with impunity without repercussion, read this!

September 22, 2009

Well, Duh!

by @ 5:50. Filed under Economy, Politics - National.

It was probably, in the end, a complete waste of taxpayer money.

Oh, just read the article and think of how many different activities that phrase could fully summarize.

h/t Instapundit

September 21, 2009

by @ 19:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Obama at Risk of Being on D-List of Presidents

Personally, I think he’ll have to ace his final to get a “D”…

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