No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for March 25th, 2009

The Enemy of My Enemy…

by @ 10:49. Filed under Economy, Politics - National, Taxes.

Looks like not all is quiet on the Leftist front.

With President Obama umming and ahhhing his way through multiple justifications for tripling the country’s debt, his campaign homies are mobilizing to go after those who don’t support his vision of The Banana Republic of America.  The odd part is that the non believers in question do not have a R behind their name, they have a D.

From Jonathon Martin at the Politico:

Americans United for Change (AUC), the labor-backed organization that has produced a steady stream of pro-White House ads, is going up on the air Wednesday in 11 states and Washington, D.C. The goal is to push Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) and members of a new group of centrist Democrats to get behind a spending blueprint that many of them have already criticized.

“This ad is designed to engage the American people in the process of bringing about the transformational change they voted for in November by contacting their elected representatives and asking for their help in putting our country on the road to prosperity,” said AUC’s acting executive director Tom McMahon.

Um no, Tom.  It’s becoming clearer and clearer that the American people did not vote for the “transformational change” that Obama is attempting to implement!

Also, is planning radio ads against fiscally conservative Democrats.

There’s not a lot of hope for the House to put even a bump in Obama’s budget.  Nancy Pelosi has shown a desire to out Obama, Obama when it comes to irresponsible spending.  The Senate is where we have a chance to reinstate some common sense.

If you live in Indiana, New Hampshire or Viriginia, make sure and call your Senators and give them positive reinforcement on their conservative fiscal stances.  If you live elsewhere, start providing your feedback now to your elected officials.  The budget battle will be a challenge but it is a battle we can, and must win!

We may not agree with these Democrats on every issue.  Heck, we don’t agree with Republicans on every issue.  That said, when it comes to saving the economic future of our country the old adage is best remembered:  The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

Tea Party Anthem

by @ 9:57. Filed under Politics - National, Taxes.

I give it an 86. It’s got a good beat and it’s easy to protest to!

You can hear more from the artist here:

Change You Can Believe In?

by @ 9:06. Filed under Miscellaneous.

From The National Republican Senatorial Committee

H/T Dan Spencer

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