I’ll start with the bad news on the bracket first. I went 4-4 on today’s games, losing my 1-8 upset special as Oklahoma State couldn’t quite get the job done against Pitt (which made my still-open 1st-round semi-scientific wild-assed guess 67% wrong). I also can’t show in the AoSHQ tourney (down to a potential best of 5th with 153 points) thanks to the Cowboy choke. Further, both Wisconsin and Marquette (who I had going out in the 1st) bowed out today. Finally, statistical analysis proved no better than SSWAG, as I am not missing 9 of the Sweet 16, 4 of the Elite 8, or 2 of the Final Four.
Now, the good. That was my only miss among the 11 games that didn’t die in the first round, and I had OSU not going past the Sweet 16. I’m still just missing the quarter of my Elite and Final brackets I was at the end of the day Friday (damn the Midwest and South brackets).
A bit of housekeeping – the which #1 is out first poll is still open because we still have all four #1s still in it. Do choose wisely as seconds do count. Don’t take the early tentative schedule courtesy Yahoo Sports as the final word (though the days are solid):
– West – UConn and Purdue (5-seed) Thursday at 6:07 pm (first regional semifinal)
– East – Pitt and Xavier (4-seed) Thursday at 6:27 pm (first regional semifinal)
– Midwest – Louisville and Arizona (12-seed) Friday at 6:07 pm (first regional semifinal)
– South – UNC and Gonzaga (4-seed) Friday at approximately 8:57 pm (second regional semifinal)
I did not and will not reset the poll, so if you already voted (especially for UNC, like me), you’re stuck. However, unlike the first two rounds, I will suspend the poll while games involving #1s are being played.
Which #1 will be the first out of the 2009 Big Dance (seconds do count)?
Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed
- Pittsburgh (30%, 3 Vote(s))
- North Carolina (30%, 3 Vote(s))
- Connecticut (30%, 3 Vote(s))
- Louisville (10%, 1 Vote(s))
Total Voters: 10