No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Welcome to Minnesota

by @ 5:13 on September 24, 2008. Filed under Politics - National.

While this is a Wisconsin based blog, I know we have a number of regular readers who don’t believe the Green Bay Packers are the greatest football team only; yup, we’ve got Minnesotans!

I want to send out my finest Minnesota Nice welcome to our newest residents.

“How’s it goin’!”

I’d also like to give you a few pointers so that you’re able to fit in a bit easier.

  • Unless you’re talking to someone from “The Range” (no, that’s not a cook top), it’s not pronounced “Minn a sooo ta.”   It’s pronounced “Min ah sew ta.”
  • The “Twin Cities” are not:   Fargo/Morehead, Duluth/Superior or Whapeton/Breckenridge.   They are Minneapolis and St. Paul.
  • St. Paul, not Minneapolis, is the State Capital.   It is also where the RNC national convention was hosted.
  • While our baseball team is called the “Twins” they do not play in both Minneapolis and St. Paul.   Their stadium is in Minneapolis.
  • Speaking of which, the  stadium where the Twins and the Vikings play is not the “Hubert Humphrey Metrodome,” it’s “The Dome” or, if  you’ve been here long enough, “The Hump.”
  • Yes, we do have over 10,000 lakes.    Yes, they do freeze over in the winter and we do drive on them.
  • Our state bird is the Loon which will allow you at least one kindred spirit in Minnesota.
  • Hot dishes and Jello are two of the major food groups.   The other three are beer, anything grilled and anything deep fried and served on a stick.
  • We do have four seasons; Winter, still Winter, just past Winter and almost Winter.   None of them are defined by the direction that you can smell the odors from the river.

Who am I providing this help to?   Just some of the Obama folks who got to leave North Dakota before they got struck by the  first blizzard of the year!

Welcome to Minnesota!

P.S.   I forgot to tell you that we’re mostly Scandinavians and Germans.   So what?   Well, you’ll find that it means that we avoid confrontation and we have a high percentage of passive/aggressives.   Again, so what?   Well, we’ll tell you anything we think you want to hear….to your face, and grouse about you and your cause to no end when you leave.   If you think you can count on someone to vote for Obama just because they tell you on the phone or face to face that they will vote for Obama?   Well, all I can say is Uff Da!

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