According to the “Press Agency Who Shall Not Be Named,” this is news:
Thomas says Constitution forbids racial preference
Is it really so hard to figure this out?
I think we can all agree that the constitution says you can’t discriminate based on race…I’m pretty sure there have been a couple of Supreme Court cases that support that! Seems pretty simple that if you can’t discriminate on race then you can’t have racial preferences. After all, what is a racial preference other than discrimination on the race(s) that are not being preferred?
“But, but,” you say, “discrimination is bad but preference is good! We want to do good things!”
Really? Preference is good? Would you like to see just how quickly preference becomes discrimination?
Let’s say that we want educational preferences for a racial group. Let’s say that we find that the racial group we want to help is determined to “learn differently” than other racial groups. If we agree on that, wouldn’t it make logical sense to set up separate schools with separate teachers for these students who learn differently?
You say that’s wrong, it’s discrimination? It’s not wrong, we were trying to do good things so it must be OK!
The Left hates Justice Clarence Thomas because he uses logic and an originalist reading of the Constitution to determine what passes Constitutional muster. Clarence Thomas doesn’t abide the creation of new rights simply because they “feel right.”
I’d like to be able to go ONE DAY without somebody putting that insipid “You say toe-MAY-toe and I say toe-MAH-toe” song in my head.
Politics in general has been reduced to this sort of semantic silliness. Any preference is discriminatory, because any gravitation TOWARD one thing is a move AWAY from the other.
Our waitress asks if we want fries or onion rings. If I say “fries” she doesn’t demand “What do you have against onion rings?!” But drop two opposing lobbyists in the diner and that’s the inevitable discourse that will ensue when politicians get involved.
The argument that, for example, the City of Milwaukee isn’t discriminating AGAINST Caucasians in its hiring practices is hardly defensible by declaring a preference TOWARD minorities. But that is, at the end of the day, their feeble defense. And it’s preposterous.
Preference IS discriminatory…