I sure the fuck hope the RNC is happy that a third of their plan is going to work out. They were using Rudy Giuliani and Super-Duper Tuesday to drive out both conservatives and the early states. Well, one out of fucking three isn’t bad in their book; unfortunately, that third they’re getting is the one that affects me.
I also sure the fuck hope the RepubicRATs in those early states, especially the FloriDUH GOP, are fucking happy. They got the message from the RNC to drive the conservatives out, and they chose a motherfucking bastard who, but for the war, would be happier than a pig in day-old shit in the DemonRAT Party. They systematically removed every conservative from the race, and now the choice is between a Goddamned moonbat, the second fucking coming of Jimmy “The Peanut Farmer” Carter, the second fucking coming of John “Flipper” Kerry, and the aforementioned bastard.
Fuck them all and the horses they rode in on. May they become the Whigs of the 21st Century.
The Stupid Party succeeded in purging the Reagan Wing of the GOP, which is now left without a political home.
I found this link also discussing the potential McCain switch in December of 2002, and near the top he has a blockquote that has no source, and I tried to Google text from it with no success, so that original source must have already been pulled :)
I’ll really get your blood boiling. Don’t forget 2004 when McCain seriously considered being the running mate of the French-looking candidate, John F-ing Kerry, who by the way, served in Vietnam. It took him quite awhile before he decided not to join the Dems’ ticket.