Mike Huckabee thinks he may be killing his political career. But Huckabee tries to argue that his continuing candidacy is no different than those in history that were decided at the convention.
Huckabee tries to compare his action to Regan’s push against Ford in ’76. Only problem with that is that Ford wasn’t able to get a decisive delegate commitment prior to the convention. Also, Ford won that nomination ultimately because he was the incumbent. I don’t remember Huckabee being incumbent of the Presidency.
Some of the “Nutcakes for Paul” want to draw an analogy to Lincoln’s ability to win the nomination as a dark horse. No prize their either. The convention of 1860 had no less than 4 viable candidates. Going into the convention the delegates were split along extreme geographical and ideological lines. I suppose Huckabee could claim a sort of a geographical mandate in the south except that McCain has won Florida, Virginia and South Carolina. As to ideology, it’s really hard to see any mandated difference between he and McCain on that front.
Maybe killing your political career? Mike, listen carefully here…
If you’re hope was to be VP, that’s dead. If McCain is consistent on anything it’s that he doesn’t suffer fools gladly. Nor does he suffer those that oppose him gladly. Yes I know you were there to help him in West Virgina but don’t take that as fondness. McCain used you just like he uses conservatives to get what he wants and than toss them aside.
If you’re hope is to take a run a Pres. in ’12 you can forget about that too. You’ve shown you have no more conservative credentials than McCain so you can get the true conservatives. You stand on a psuedo theocratical perspective which tosses the moderates out. The only folks who find you attractive are people who believe the “Baptist Pastor” part of your resume is important. While it is important for some occupations and many avocations, becoming President isn’t among them. You don’t have a big enough group to work from.
Finally, here’s the real problem with your future political career. The Rats are eating their own young. Even if one of their candidates gets a majority of delegates prior to their convention there will be a continuing split among them that should allow a unified Republican candidate to drive through. You’re dangerously close to becoming the person viewed as gumming the works for a party unification prior to the Republican convention. If the Republicans remain split going into the convention and lose the general election you will be remembered as key reason for that. People have long memories for folks they think are in it only for their own selfish purposes. If you want to be remembered along side Tonya Harding, as a person who kneecaps their rival because you couldn’t win straight up, keep at it. The only future you will have will be as the answer to a trivia question!
He’s done…unless he makes up the vote gap on Mitt Romney (1.48 million the last time I checked late last week). Remember the “next in line” theorem; it has only been challenged thrice since 1956 when the “next in line” either chose not to run or couldn’t run, and even then the Pubbies took the next-closest thing available.
Speaking of VPs, you hear anything about Tim Pawlenty being on the short list?