Assuming my voice recorder is working, I’ll have the audio up. Until then, I’ll paraphrase.. The first speaker is AFP President Tim Phillips. He started with the weather (it’s not that cold, yet, but it is for a southern guy.
He’s onto the taxpayers’ rally. He pointed out that those that opposed us were doing so on the taxpayers’ dime (sounds a bit like the RTA using $495,000 of their $500,000 in rental car taxes to lobby for more taxes).
Onto the ideas that came out of Wisconsin. First, the good; welfare reform. Next, the bad; bloated government.
Onto global warming; he’s onto the propsals that the liberals want; ending the tax deduction of mortgage interest on “larger” homes, the Programmable Communicating Thermostats.
Mad props to Leah Vukmir, who told Tim that if we were bold about promoting freedom, we will change the dynamic of the slouch toward liberalism.
The reason this is called Defending the American Dream summit; each generation dreams the next one has it better. Tim going into a family story, ends it with when he came back home in a coat and tie (after his mom said that he would get a “coat and tie” job), his mom said get the coat and tie off and cout the grass.
I wish I would get to the Reagan Presidential Library; it is a very good place. Tim closing with Reagan’s last letter to America (I hope that the recorder is catching this). For America, there will always be a bright, new dawn ahead.
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