No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Breaking: Bonds tested positive for steroids in November 2001 (update – 11/2000, not 11/2001)

by @ 18:50 on February 14, 2008. Filed under Sports.

Revisions/extensions (8:43 am 2/15/2008) – The US Attorney’s office screwed up in its initial filing; it was in November 2000, not November 2001. Reuters notes that they will be making an amended filing today in the linked story.

According to Reuters:

The allegation came in a legal filing in his steroid perjury case that referred to Bonds’ long-time trainer, Greg Anderson.

“At trial, the government’s evidence will show that Bonds received steroids from Anderson in the period before the November 2001 positive drug test, and that evidence raises the inference that Anderson gave Bonds the steroids that caused him to test positive in November 2001,” U.S. Attorney Joseph Russoniello wrote.

As I said at TheWisconsinSportsBar, I’m shocked, VERY FUCKING SHOCKED he took steroids the year he broke the (single-season home run) record. Pope Bud I should swing for this.

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