The Weekly Standard writes a great article showing the impact that another orgasmic political figure, Pierre Trudeau, had on his country.
Like Barack Obama, Trudeau campaigned on flowery platitudes and nationalistic fervor. Not until he was elected did policies become specific. When they were, it became obvious that Trudeau was probably the first Socialist leading a nation on the North American continent (that is if you can get past FDR).
While a bit before my political awakening, I do have a number of Canadian friends who lived through this era. As we talk about Canadian/American relations, they will point to the Trudeau era as Canada’s tipping point from viewing the US as a staunch ally to a tolerated neighbor. Additionally, it was during Trudeau’s tenure that Canada lost it’s national cohesiveness as Quebec successfully separated themselves socially from the rest of Canada even though they couldn’t get themselves separated physically i.e. a separate national government.
I remain hopeful (no, not H.O.P.E. ful) that Americans will expect some level of specificity from Barack Obama and in doing so will awaken and ultimately save us from going through the “Socialist experiment” that our northern allies, Canada are still impacted by.