If you haven’t heard the news that al Qaeda has issued a “new” videotape of Osama bin Laden, you’re not paying attention. Howie at The Jawa Report has the full video, and there’s something quite “curious” that Allahpundit pointed out. At the 1:55 mark, the image of Blackbeard bin Laden becomes a freeze frame. Interestingly, that is before the first reference to events past December 2001.
Guess al Qaeda’s Max Headroom technology isn’t perfected (or is it the Left’s; after all, “ObL” rails on Global “Warming”, corporations and neocons as well).
Revisions/extensions (7:58 am 9/9/2007) – I should’ve watched the whole thing; Dr. Rusty Shackleford (founding Jawa) notes that there also is motion on the “Osama”-cam from 12:30 to 14:00, when the figure channels Breck Girl, Barack Hussein Obama, and Alpha Algore Goracle. It makes it a bit more likely the video is somewhat-fresh; however, Osama has expressed admiration for the Vietnam-era defeatists among the Dhimms in the past, and the envirowhacko/anti-business plank has been part of the Dhimm policy since the 1960s, and there is no concrete references to events beyond December 2001.
Hey, thanks for the link