No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

September 22, 2010

Interview with Republican State Treasurer nominee Kurt Schuller

by @ 10:23. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Yesterday, I was able to interview the Republican candidate for state treasurer, Kurt Schuller. We discussed what the treasurer’s office does, why he is running, how he was able to win a three-way race against someone who worked in the treasurer’s office when Jack Voight was treasurer and someone who worked the immediate Milwaukee area rather hard with very few resources, and what, beyond working toward a state constitutional amendment to eliminate the position, he would do if he were elected. Even before I got to the question raised by the Waukesha Freeman regarding Schuller’s future plans in its pre-primary story on the primary, he addressed them (of course, he knew I had reservations based on the Freeman’s characterization).

Click for the interview.

One thing we discussed while the recorder was off was how different the attitudes of the vast majority of Wisconsin’s Republicans and conservatives are than the attitudes of some other states’ Republicans and conservatives.

I thank Schuller for making time to be interviewed, and he has my full support against Dawn Marie Sass in the general election for state treasurer.

September 21, 2010

Twitter/JavaScript exploit

by @ 8:27. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Revisions/extensions (8:44 am 9/21/2010) – Had to change the second recommendation because Internet Explorer automatically disallows cookies on sites put in the “Restricted Zone”. Fortunately, the mobile version of Twitter is unaffected, and can be accessed by actual computers.

TechCrunch reports that there is an exploit going on with the Twitter web interface involving how it renders tweets that contain JavaScript code. Specifically in this case, on those tweets that contain the “onMouseOver” code, mousing over that tweet will cause, among other things, the exploit to be tweeted out.

It is not affecting third-party clients at this point, but if one opens a profile with the hacked “tweet” visible on a browser, that can (and probably will) affect that person as well.

At this point, I recommend the following:

  • If you are able to install a third-party Twitter client (like TweetDeck or Seesmic), do it and use it exclusively until Twitter gives the all-clear.
  • If you cannot install a third-party Twitter client, use the mobile site – At this point, it does not appear to be compromised, at least on my computer.

If you ended up as a victim, once you either installed that third-party client or switched to the mobile interface, use that to go back over your Twitter timeline and delete anything that includes “onMouseOver”.

R&E part 2 (8:54 am 9/21/2010) – Twitter is patching this now. If you were a victim, do run a full anti-virus/anti-spyware scan.

September 19, 2010

Recommended Reading (09/18/10)

by @ 23:00. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Here are, in my view, interesting, noteworthy columns and articles from the past week that I highly recommend:

9/11, a 2061 memorial

“On the 60th anniversary of 9/11 memorial service, president of the United States of America, Hussein Ali, delivered an uplifting speech at the Cordoba House mosque at ground zero in lower Manhattan. New York City mayor Mohammed Ahmed Abdullah as well as many other dignitaries and a crowd numbering in the tens of thousands filling the surrounding streets with their prayer rugs, also joined to commemorate the 60 year old tragedy.

Below is the text of President Ali speech:”

How Obama Thinks

“Barack Obama is the most antibusiness president in a generation, perhaps in American history. Thanks to him the era of big government is back. Obama runs up taxpayer debt not in the billions but in the trillions. He has expanded the federal government’s control over home mortgages, investment banking, health care, autos and energy. The Weekly Standard summarizes Obama’s approach as omnipotence at home, impotence abroad.”

Like, is Sarah Palin totally conceited?

“’Sometimes when she went out in public, people were unkind. Once, while shopping at Target, a man saw Palin and hollered, ‘Oh my God! It’s Tina Fey! I love Tina Fey!’ When other shoppers started laughing, the governor parked her cart, walked out of the store, and drove away.’ (That jackass was lucky Sarah didn’t have her moose rifle with her.)

A random encounter with a rude, abusive jerk in public is supposed to make her look bad? Liberals have really lost their minds about Palin. They’d laugh if someone hit her with a baseball bat.”

The evolution of the Tea Party movement

The Tea Party movement is broad-based with wide support. Over half of the electorate now say they favor the Tea Party movement, around 35 percent say they support the movement, 20 to 25 percent self-identify as members of the movement, and 2 to 7 percent say they are activists.

The data is particularly clear, and some polls have shown that the Tea Party movement is the most popular force in American politics … and is increasingly been recognized as such by a media that was, at the very least, late to the party”

Throwing the bums out is harder than it looks

“Before everyone succumbs to election season delirium, it’s worth taking a moment to remember that no matter how peeved the American population fancies itself, no matter how dramatic a change of partisan control in one or both houses might seem, one thing is certain: The vast majority of the current Congress can count on returning to Washington and business as usual.”

Lessons of the Koran’s non-burning

“While it’s fashionable in some precincts to smear America as a nation of Islamophobes whose bigotry plays into the hands of extremists, the reverse is closer to the truth.”

Money is not what schools need

“U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan recently claimed: ‘Districts around the country have literally been cutting for five, six, seven years in a row. And, many of them, you know, are through, you know, fat, through flesh and into bone … .’

Really? They cut spending five to seven consecutive years?

Give me a break!

Andrew Coulson, director of the Cato Institute’s Center for Educational Freedom, writes that out of 14,000 school districts in the United States, just seven have cut their budgets seven years in a row. How about five years in a row? Just 87. That’s a fraction of 1 percent in each case.”

American priorities out of sync

“Because our so-called news media is focused on telling us what they think we want to hear instead of what we need to hear, we are deluged with celebrity sludge stories. Americans know Lindsay Lohan spent time in jail, that Paris Hilton was recently busted for possessing cocaine, and that Mel Gibson left some angry messages on his former girlfriend’s phone. If these stories were food they would be junk food.”

State’s vehicle testing program emits no common sense

“Making people drive cars of any age to a special emissions testing center is a colossal waste of time and money.”

Post-primary poll-a-copia, gubernatorial edition

by @ 10:02. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

As surely as rain follows an early-morning rainbow here in Wisconsin, Rasmussen Reports has released its post-primary gubernatorial poll shortly after it released its Senate one, and Scott Walker now leads Tom Barrett 51%-43% with leaners included (for the first time in the cycle) and 50%-43% without leaners. That was a significant improvement over the 47%-44% lead Walker had at the end of August.

Normally, that would be attributed to a post-primary bounce for Walker, who actually had a semi-competitive primary against Mark Neumann (with Scott Paterick doing essentially nothing) while Barrett had only token opposition from Tim John. However, given the ease with which Walker won the primary and the history of 7-to-9-point leads Walker enjoyed throughout the year, Rasmussen Reports decided to restore the “Leans Republican” status the race had prior to the end of August. They did not do a similar move in the Wisconsin Senate race despite the first significant lead for Ron Johnson.

On the favorability front, both Walker and Barrett improved from late-August. Walker’s favorables are now 58% favorable (up 2 points)/36% unfavorable (unchanged)/Favorability Index (strong favorable less strong unfavorable) +12 (up 4 points). Barrett’s favorables are now 52% favorable (up 7 points)/43% unfavorable (down 4 points)/Favorability Index +2 (up 7 points, and the first positive since mid-July).

There is a statistic those warring over the results of the Delaware Senate primary should take note of – he holds 96% of Republicans in this poll back Walker, compared to a “high 80s” in late August. In fact, that is the major source of Walker’s gain; he holds a 24-point lead among independents (roughly equal to late-August and maybe a bit higher), and Barrett holds 86% of the Democrats (again, roughly equal to late-August and maybe a bit lower).

September 17, 2010

Post-primary poll-a-copia, Senate edition

Rasmussen Reports is the first out of the gate with a post-primary poll of the Senate race between Republican nominee Ron Johnson and Democrat incumbent Russ Feingold taken on Wednesday, and it is shocking. For the first time, Johnson cracked the 50% mark, pulling ahead of Feingold 51%-44% with the leaners included (for the first time in Rasmussen polls), and 50%-43% without leaners. The last several Rasmussen polls had given Johnson a 1-to-2-point lead over Feingold, with Feingold stuck at a consistent 46%.

Where did the sudden Johnson surge come from? Back in the end of August, Johnson had 89% of Republicans and a 10-point lead among independents, while Feingold had 86% of Democrats. Now, Johnson has 94% of Republicans and a 2-to-1 lead among independents, with Feingold continuing to hold onto 86% of Democrats.

On the favorability front, Johnson improved from 53% favorable/36% unfavorable/+6 Favorability Index (strong favorable less strong unfavorable) to 61% favorable/33% unfavorable/+10 Favorability Index. Feingold’s favorables dipped slightly from 55% favorable/44% unfavorable to 51% favorable/46% unfavorable, though his Favorability Index improved from -1 to +4.

Rasmussen suggests that this is a temporary post-primary bump for Johnson. Given the ease with which Johnson won the primary, and his unerring focus on Feingold in pre-primary advertising, I think it is more a result of a significant part of pre-primary Dave Westlake-or-bust supporters dropping the “or bust”.

Mary thinks Feingold will redouble his negative attacks on Johnson. While I don’t doubt that he will, that would be a mistake. In the just-concluded gubernatorial primary, Mark Neumann saw his lowest poll numbers while he was in full-negative mode against eventual winner Scott Walker, and saw his best poll numbers when he switched away from the attacks.

September 16, 2010

Thursday Hot Read – Ed Morrissey’s “Sore Loser Party”

Normally, I don’t comment extensively on the Hot Reads. However, Ed Morrissey’s column in today’s Washington Times serves both as something that needs to be taken to heart and as a launching point:

Clearly, though, that public show of support for primaries hides a scorn for the actual idea of voters selecting a candidate for themselves, a scorn exposed by the Tea Party in this cycle. One reason for the growth of Tea Party activism is precisely the kind of disconnected, elitist and condescending attitude toward voters in the Republican Party that results in the selection of candidates like Mike Castle in Delaware. In a midterm cycle where both liberals and establishment figures have as much attraction as big-government proposals like cap-and-trade, the national Republican establishment prompted the liberal Mr. Castle to abandon his safe House seat and run for the open Senate seat left vacant by Joe Biden’s election as vice president. Not only did they hand-select Mr. Castle, whose support of cap-and-trade and the DISCLOSE Act made him particularly suspect, the party then attacked a Republican who dared to challenge him for the seat.

Ed continues over at Hot Air:

The GOP has made the “rules” of primaries clear. The primaries are the manner in which voters hold candidates accountable for their records. After the voters make their choice, though, the debate is supposed to be over. The GOP has demanded loyalty from various constituencies at the end of the process, in which incumbents or anointed candidates such as Castle almost invariably win.

Suddenly, though, those rules don’t apply to the GOP establishment — or at least the establishment seemed ready to reject them yesterday. That’s precisely the same kind of elitist attitude that Americans get from Washington DC, and why the Tea Party exists in the first place. A day later, at least a few Republicans seemed to grasp that, including Senator John Cornyn and Michael Steele. If the rest don’t learn the lesson that DocZero gives in today’s post about bottom-up change instead of top-down diktats, the GOP establishment may be positioning itself for irrelevance in the long run.

So, why was Wisconsin so “different” than Delaware, and Alaska, and Nevada, and Utah? Simple; we already had the Conservative-versus-“Establishment” war in Wisconsin over the last 8 years, and at a significant, if incomplete level, the conservatives and the Republican Party of Wisconsin have figured out that they are by necessity complimentary. Still, both the article and the actions on the ground should serve as a stark warning against a return to the bad old days here in Wisconsin.

For the benefit of those who didn’t live through that 8-year war, allow me to walk back through that history, with the first stop at the very-brief Scott McCallum era. McCallum took a look at the direction of state finances and realized that the gravy train of state spending was headed off the tracks. His proposed reforms, which included ending shared revenue with localities (which allows municipalities and counties to spend wildly while claiming to be holding the line on property taxes) and a property tax freeze so riled up the bipartisan members of the Party-In-Government that even the supposedly-fiscally-conservative Republican majority in the state Assembly ran away from it.

At the same time, news of an unconscionable pension grab by the Milwaukee County leadership at the time, including 6- and 7-figure lump-sum payments on top of per-annum payments that essentially equalled the last-year salary broke. It was anger over that which propelled Scott Walker from his Assembly seat to the County Executive office on a pledge to fix the damage from the pension mess and other damage done by the free-spending government without raising taxes from the previous year.

While the sudden entry of Ed Thompson, the brother of former governor Tommy Thompson, whose appointment to head the federal Health and Human Services gave McCallum the governorship, may or may not have been a calculated move by the old-guard RPW leadership to take out McCallum, it had the effect of doing so, and that saddled us with Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/HoChunk-For Sale) as governor.

Discontent over taxation didn’t go away, however, and in a special election in the 21st Assembly District (full disclosure; that is my Assembly district) in 2003, Republican Mark Hondael used that discontent to win a seat that had been held by the Democrats for 80 years. Meanwhile, some in the Assembly got it through their minds that something along the lines of Colorado’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights needed to get into the state Constitution. That died a rather noisy death in the Senate in the spring of 2004 when “Republican” Majority Leader Mary Panzer refused to take it up. She suddenly found herself in a primary against one of the Assembly sponsors of the amendment, Glenn Grothman, which ended in an 80%-20% removal of the sitting Senate Majority Leader.

In the same election cycle, staunch conservative Tim Michels upset the establishment candidate, moderate car dealer Russ Darrow, for the right to face Russ Feingold. The support from both the state party and the NRSC that had been promised to their establishment candidate immediately evaporated to the point Michels was “encouraged” to not appear at any multi-“Repubican”-candidate appearances, and we were saddled with another 6 years of Feingold.

Somehow, even though President Bush lost Wisconsin to John Kerry, there were still enough coattails to keep both houses of the Legislature in Republican hands and actually extend the margins. A majority of the 19 Senate “Republicans”, in a clear sign they were unwilling to change their P-I-G ways, chose Dale Schultz (“R”-“There’s no talk radio around here”) as their leader. The 60 Assembly Republicans, left looking for a speaker after Scott Jensen went down in the caucus “scandal”, chose a moderate from northeast Wisconsin, John Gard. At the end of the session, the Assembly chose to whip together a weak-tea version of what was renamed the Taxpayer Protection Amendment as they rejected a strong version that resembled the previous Taxpayer Bill of Rights. The Senate once again refused to even take it up.

Meanwhile, the establishment made it crystal clear that then-Congressman Mark Green (out of Green Bay) was the anointed candidate for governor because they thought that, like previous candidates who built up sizable federal campaign war chests, he would be able to transfer that entire amount to a state campaign fund. The message was sent so strongly, Scott Walker put away the campaign stuff and didn’t circulate nomination papers. Unfortunately, Doyle used a Democrat/Libertarian majority on the former State Elections Board to neuter that strategy. Predictably, the Senate fell to the Democrats in 2006, flipping from a 19-14 R advantage to a 18-15 D one, Doyle picked up another term, and the Assembly Republicans saw their majority drop from 60-39 to 52-47. The ugliest part was the tale of Senator Tom Reynolds, a staunch conservative opposed by both the general tax-and-spenders and specifically the road-builders for his vendetta against pork. Both the Democrats and the Schultz wing of the GOP targeted him for destruction, and they succeeded.

After that, the Senate Republicans started to wise up and ousted Schultz as their leader, replacing him with Scott Fitzgerald. To a person (and yes, even Schultz), they voted against both the Senate Democrat-drafted version of the 2007 DemoBudget, which included a state takeover of the health-insurance industry, and the final Joint Finance Committee/Doyle-negotiated version. On the Assembly side, since Gard had left in an unsuccessful attempt to succeed Green in Congress, they chose Mike Huebsch as speaker, another moderate who, like Schultz, came from an area devoid of talk radio. The leadership joined virtually every Democrat in voting for the final version of the 2007 DemoBudget.

Meanwhile, the state party underwent a bit of a rebellion, as Rick Graber departed the chairman’s seat and Reince Priebus became chairman. In 2008, while the Republicans lost the Assembly, they held their ground in the Senate.

Priebus recognized early on that there was something to the Tea Party Movement. The RPW provided shuttle buses between Madison’s Alliant Energy Center and the Capitol for the 2009 Tax Day Tea Party (never mind there were far more people than anybody anticipated, and those buses were still bringing people in halfway through the event). Over in the Assembly, Republicans tossed Huebsch out of his leadership role and completed the Brothers of Fitzgerald tag-team in Legislative leadership by picking Jeff Fitzgerald (yes, they are brothers). Meanwhile, Walker began his gubernatorial campaign in earnest, courting both the Tea Party and the party grassroots with his proven-conservative-beacon-in-the-liberal-wilderness message.

When Mark Neumann finally decided to enter the campaign the middle of 2009, it wasn’t as a Tea Party candidate. In fact, his major backers were those who last publicly wielded power a decade earlier. It wasn’t until the nationally-focused Tea Party Express rolled into town that he even began to seriously reach out to elements of the Tea Party movement.

That is not to say that there is a complete convergence between the RPW and the Tea Party movement. Despite a lack of an endorsement in the lieutenant governor’s race at the 2010 RPW Convention (or even a majority on the 4th and last ballot), many elected Republicans, including those who honestly should have known better, endorsed Brett Davis. Don’t get me wrong; Davis isn’t a bad guy, and like every major Republican candidate, he reached out to the Tea Party, but his record in the Assembly wasn’t exactly conservative.

Even in that instance where there was a serious divergence, with Rebecca Kleefisch ultimately winning the lieutenant governor’s race going away, there was a recognition that once the primary battle was fought, it was time to get behind the winner. WisPolitics interviewed him after he conceded:

“I’m proud of the campaign I ran,” said Davis shortly after conceding. “Rebecca Kleefisch ran a teriffic campaign, and we’re very close friends. Joel and I have been close friends and will continue to be.”

“The most important thing tonight is we unify tonight in the common purpose of November,” Davis said.

The bottom line is that the Democrats must be defeated, and with the primary season over, the only way to do that is to unify against the winner. I wish I could remember which Hot Air commenter first voiced this thought yesterday so I could give the person proper credit and a full quoting – If at this point you’re not going to back the winner of the Republican primary, you’re not a RINO; you’re a Democrat regardless of the designation behind your name.

Roll bloat (and BlogRolling dump) – tech edition

by @ 0:29. Filed under The Blog.

First things first, I need to add one of the blogs run by one of the many people I met at BlogCon this past weekend, BatesLine. Michael Bates runs it out of Oklahoma.

Now, the tech note. Michael informed me that Google Chrome is now twigging blogs that use blogrolls as purveyors of malware. While I haven’t noticed any actual malware with either Internet Explorer or Firefox (and my suite of security software), I did notice that when one clicks a link off a BlogRolling roll, they put an ad at the top of the page. Therefore, I’ve decided to take down the Moronosphere and the Blogs4Bauer rolls because they use I don’t know if I’ll bring back the B4B roll since “24” is no more, but when I get time, I’ll hard-code the Moronosphere roll and put it back up.

September 15, 2010

Primary thoughs – the night after

by @ 22:28. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Well, 24 hours have passed since the primaries have ended (at least when I started typing this), and Wisconsin Republicans and conservatives seem to be avoiding the Hell that has broken loose over the Delaware Senate results that has pitted former friend against former friend after a background-challenged conservative beat a voting-record-challenged Democrat-In-All-But-Affiliation backed by the DC/Delaware Establishment. With the county-level results available from the AP (via JSOnline), a proper analysis can actually be made. Of course, there isn’t a pro handy when I need one, so I’m going to have to do it myself.

Governor race

Whether one likes it or not, southeast Wisconsin is the heart of the GOP. The 5-county Milwaukee metro area (Milwaukee, Waukesha, Washington, Ozaukee and Racine Counties) provided 38% of all the votes in the primary and both of the major candidates in the race. The extended 11-county Milwaukee media market (which also includes Kenosha, Walworth, Jefferson, Dodge, Fond du Lac and Sheboygan Counties) provided over 51% of all the votes in the primary. Scott Walker took over 75% of the vote in the Milwaukee metro area and almost 72% of the vote in the Milwaukee media market, earning almost as many votes in just those 11 counties as Neumann earned statewide.

The lesson of the day is that those who can credibly fuse the Tea Party Movement grassroots and the GOP grassroots will have no problem with the anti-incumbent mood out there.

There is an interesting dynamic in the county-by-county map compiled by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel – one can tell what counties are in what media markets by which candidate won which county. I have but ancedotal evidence, but in media markets where there was parity betwen Walker and Neumann, Walker carried the day, while in media markets where Neumann dominated the airwaves, he carried the day. The other dynamic is that the four counties where the hometown candidates tied themselves to Walker (Waukesha with Rebecca Kleefisch, Dane with Brett Davis, Douglas with Dave Ross and Ashland with Sean Duffy), Walker carried the day.

The bad news for the Democrats is that because they chose the mayor of Milwaukee, they can’t take advantage of the built-in anti-Milwaukee bias outstate.

Lieutenant governor

The ease with which Rebecca Kleefisch won the primary is possibly the most-surprising development out of Wisconsin yesterday. The “Establishment” was rather solidly behind Brett Davis, despite his failure to get the party endorsement (or even a majority in the endorsement vote). Dave Ross was postioned as the outstate candidate, and after finishing second in the endorsement vote, had been winning straw poll after straw poll. Kleefisch redoubled her efforts over the last few months, connected with the actual voters, and used the Southeast Wisconsin Factor to run away with the nomination.

On the Democrat side, they chose geographical balance over skin-tone balance. Honestly, I can’t blame them because there is one thing more reviled in outstate Wisconsin than a Milwaukee Republican – a Milwaukee Democrat, and a ticket with two Miwaukee Democrats is a recipe for disaster even in a year that is favorable to Democrats, which this year is definitely not.

Senate race

Honestly, there is very little to say about Ron Johnson’s 75-point drubbing of Dave Westlake. A couple million dollars and a conservative message delivered in mass media crushes a few dozen ten-thousand dollars and the same message delivered to a few dozen people at a time in a Republican primary every day of the week and twice on Tuesdays. It does, however, lead into this….

Operation Revenge Chaos

We on the right learned the lesson in 2008 when the Rush Limbaugh-led Operation Chaos failed to derail the Barack Obama campaign late in the primary season. Now, the left has learned that it just doesn’t work. In fact, given Walker’s 20-point and Johnson’s 75-point wins, I wonder if it was merely bluster on the part of the left half of the Cheddarsphere, or if they really are that ineffective outside a single state Senate district (more on that in a bit).

State treasurer race

What is it about the last 2 cycles that has attracted the crazies to the race? First, we got a part-time Boston Store clerk who rode the Democrat tide to oust Jack Voight; now we got a male ex-Kelly Girl failing to oust Dawn Marie Sass in the Democrat primary, and a goof who wants to ride the notoriety of benig the last treasurer ever into a career as a politician winning the Republican primary. Where is my Facepalmolive?

The Congressional races

The set-up for potential-to-likely flips to the GOP is now complete, with Dan Kapanke winning in the 3rd, Sean Duffy winning in the 7th, and Reid Ribble winning in the 8th. Ben Froland has a message for the bitter-enders that supported Terri McCormick in the 8th (who notably refused to endorse Ribble last night) that also applies to the bitter-enders that supported Dan Mielke in the 7th – “The bottom line is: If you don’t vote for the perceived lesser of two evils, the greater of two evils will always win and the result is greater evil. Period.

I wish Chad Lee in the 2nd and Dan Sebring in the 4th all the luck in the world. They don’t have a chance in two of the safest Democrat districts in the country, but it still is necessary to hammer the stone; one never knows when it will crack like it did in the 7th.

Milwaukee County Democrat Party Purification

The one bright spot for the lefties is that they easily claimed the scalp of state Senator Jeff Plale as Chris Larson won by 22 points. Those who were paying attention should have known this was coming since 2006, when a “Democrat who (would) vote like a Democrat” who was forced to withdraw from the race a couple weeks from the election because he, well, voted twice like a Democrat got 26% of the vote. I don’t know if they really wanted to do it this cycle, because if there ever was an election where a non-Democrat could win in the 7th Senate District, this is the one. That is still a pipe dream, but on January 1, 2010, a non-Democrat holding the Senate seat occupied by Ted Kennedy and Dave Obey being scared into retirement were as much pipe dreams.

As successful as they were at purging Plale, they were equally unsuccessful at purging Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke. It will be very interesting to see the ward-by-ward results for the entire county (if they ever become available, that is) to see how and where they failed to pull that off.

Hey unemployed America, show some love for America’s Spender-in-Chief!

by @ 21:19. Filed under Miscellaneous.


What recession?

I bet ol’ Michelle  is proud to be an American now!

Some eye-opening #’s from Tuesday’s primary

by @ 18:35. Filed under Miscellaneous.

From  Charlie Sykes’ blog:

Scott Walker

Milwaukee County 74%

Ozaukee County 80%

Racine County 68%

Washington 78%

Waukesha County 77%

Rebecca Kleefisch

Waukesha County 71%

Racine County 66%

Ozaukee County 65%

Milwaukee County 67%

Washington County 69%

Turnout gap: GOP votes for governor: 614,231. DEM vote: 233,119.

Mark Neumann lost the primary by 20 points…. but still got more votes than Tom Barrett: Neumann 237,755; Barrett 210,866.

September 14, 2010

Instant react – 2010 Wisconsin partisan primary edition

by @ 23:13. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

The gang at Drinking Right has all-but-broken up after everything of consequence has been called. However, putting an instant reaction up calls, and since I still have some bandwidth on the semi-smartphone, and I brought the laptop, I may as well break through the alcohol-induced fog and whip out a quick instant take.

The topline is that Operation Revenge Chaos failed miserably. At last check, with 62% of the vote in and the races called by the media, Scott Walker took the gubernatorial nomination 58%-39% (with about 67% reporting) over Mark Neumann, and Ron Johnson crushed Dave Westlake 85%-10%. I knew I should have listened to Wiggy when he told me that it wouldn’t have an effect.

The two races taken together means – money without message or consituency cannot buy an election, and message without money gets one crushed when a candidate with both message and money enters the race. While things did get a bit heated, especially in the gubernatorial race, I’m glad we didn’t have a Delaware situation, where there were two fatally-flawed candidates, and the establishment doesn’t exactly seem willing to accept a Christine O’Donnell whipping of Mike Castle (shades of 2004, when Tim Michels upset the establishment candidate Russ Darrow in the Senate primary and both the NRSC and the then-moderate RPW let him twist in the wind).

In the lieutenant governor race, as I type with 67% reporting, it appears Rebecca Kleefisch survived a three-and-change-way dance, taking a 46% plurality over Brett Davis’ 26% and Dave Ross’ 16%. Guess the voters don’t like career politicians after all. On the Democrat side, Spencer Coggs will not be the first Wisconsinite of African descent to win a statewide election – the Democrats value geographical diversity more than racial diversity.

As for the Milwaukee County Democrat Party Purification, they went 1-for-2. County-wide, Sheriff David Clarke proved too popular, while in the 7th Senate District, the draw of electing someone often in legal trouble but ideologically “pure” was more than enough to overcome whatever old-line-union sentiment remains in the Democrat Party as Chris Larson easily beat Jeff Plale.”

There still is nip-and-tuck races to be this year’s sacrifical lamb in the 2nd Congressional (that would be Madison and points south and west for those of you outside Wisconsin) and for state treasurer, where the spring-boarder-wannabe Kurt Schuller and the pro Scott Feldt are running neck-and-neck.

Beyond that, things are pretty much settled. Congratulations to Walker, Kleefisch, Dan Kapanke in the 3rd Congressional (as if that was in doubt), Sean Duffy in the 7th Congressional, Reid Ribble in the 8th Congressional, and the rest of the Republicans who made it out of the primary.

Revisions/extensions (9:00 am 9/15/2010) – Chad Lee ended up with the nomination in the 2nd Congressional 53%-47%, and both halves of the treasurer’s race will be a circus as Schuller pulled it out over Feldt 37%-36%.

Jeff Plale robocalls

by @ 17:39. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Mark Belling reported several people in southeast Milwaukee County have received robocalls from Meyer Teleservices telling them that, since Scott Walker had the Republican gubernatorial nomination in the bag, they should instead vote to save Jeff Plale’s job in the 7th Senate District Democrat primary. He did not know who paid for the calls.

While I received a similar call from the outfit, the version that ended up on my answering machine did not include any reference to the Republican primaries. It also had only a vague reference to the Plale campaign via a plea to call “the campaign” (unnamed) at the campaign’s phone number, and did not contain who paid for the call. The transcript (click the transcript to hear the audio):

Hi. I’m just calling to remind today is election day. If you have not voted already, I encourage you to make it out to the polls and vote for Jeff Plale for state Senate in the Democratic primary. Polls are open until 8 o’clock. If you have any questions, need a ride to the polls, or need to know where your polling location is, please call the campaign at (414) 762-2740. Thank you.

It’s For the Children!

While this is not strictly political, I can’t pass the opportunity to comment on this story:

Woman Has World’s Largest Breast Implants Removed

Yes, this woman is having her size M (as in “Mama Mia”) breast implants removed.

Shela Hershey’s story appears to be a tragic one. Because the US does not allow implants of the size that she wanted, she went to a foreign country to have them implanted. Since the implant, she has had a series of infections and other issues that have provided significant medical challenges for her. After three months of trying various medical procedures, Hershey made the decision to remove the implants; a decision that will likely save her life.

First, let me say that we should hold Ms. Hershey in prayer. While she has made a tragic mistake, she is attempting to correct it. The only difference between Ms. Hershey and myself, with regard to dumb decisions, is that mine have not come to the point of nearly costing my life.

That said, I find irony in the final quote from Ms. Hershey:

“I know it’s going to be a lot of pain on me because I love to have them, but I realize that my family comes first and I love my daughter and son and they come first. Even though I love to have huge breasts, I don’t know why, I just addicted to it; I’m going to try to live without it. Hopefully I will be done then and be happy and just running around with my kids! Just have my back life, my life back!,” says Hershey with a wistful smile. (emphasis mine)

Ms. Hershey has come to the conclusion that she needs the breast reduction because her children come first. I wonder where the children came into the decision when she decided to go to Brazil to have the life threatening implants? Were her children dancing around her screaming “Go mom go!” I doubt it! Rather than say “I did something stupid and need to change,” Ms. Hershey now hangs her children out as supremely important.

Ms. Hershey, your children and their well being are always of extreme importance! It would be better for you if you kept that in mind prior to making your next selfish decision!

It’s obvious that Ms. Hershey is a liberal. No, I’m not basing that on the likelihood of her career options with size M breasts. I’m basing that on her ability to ignore her children completely while making a selfish decision and than alternately using them as a replacement for taking accountability for said selfish decision. Ms. Hershey is so decidedly a liberal that she invokes their mantra; “It’s for the children!”

President Obama led the charge to create the highest deficits and debt levels this country has ever seen. he did so using language very similar to Ms. Hershey’s i.e. it wasn’t his fault, she was addicted and in his case, it was George Bush’s fault!. With the implications of the November elections becoming a clearer reality, he has changed his tune. Lately, President Obama has begun decrying the very same debt and deficit that he lead to create. In the past couple of weeks President Obama has begun talking about needing to reduce the debt. In explanation for his desire now, for debt reduction, President Obama talks about not leaving debt for future generations. In other words, like Ms. Hershey, President Obama is unable to take accountability for his own actions and instead claims, “It’s for the children!”

I wonder if there will be a day that President Obama will change his stance on abortion policy claiming it is “for the children?”

Oh, By the way Ms. Hershey, you talk about looking like a “housewife” as if you are settling for something less than optimal. Trust me, as a guy who has an eye for such things, and as a guy who knows plenty of guys who agree with him, there are plenty of “plain old housewives” who turn our heads and it has nothing to do with their breast size! Perhaps it requires a certain maturity but intelligence, confidence and a little biting humor are far more attractive than any set of enhanced glands. I trust you and your children will enjoy you being a “plain old mom.”

Egg’s Wisconsin primary ballot

by @ 8:30. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Thanks to WordPress’ post-scheduling feature, by the time this hits the blog, I will be in line to vote. I know; I may be a bit late with this, but that’s the way it is. Since I will be participating in the Republican side, I won’t be able to help save Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke or prevent Chris “Sticky Fingers” Larson from being the Democrat nominee (and likely general election winner) in my state Senate district (the 7th) because of the current bout of Democrat Party Purification going on in Milwaukee County. In any case, here’s my picks:

  • Governor – Scott Walker – Walker has governed as a conservative and won elections (the latest by a landslide) in probably the toughest environment possible in Wisconsin for a conservative to win and govern. How tough has it been? Never has Walker had enough of the Milwaukee County Board to even reliably uphold his vetoes; yet he consistently submitted no-levy-increase budgets, and vetoes to Board-passed budgets that restored them, knowing a signifcant number of those vetoes would be overridden.

    Mark Neumann also has a rather-impressive fiscal conservative pedigree. However, his record of electoral success isn’t exactly as good, and by the end of his time in Washington, he was trading pork for fundraisers.

    The third candidate, Scott Paterick, simply hasn’t done anything to show he can win in November.

  • Lieutenant Governor – Dave Ross – This one is a process of elimination, as the three major candidates (Ross, Brett Davis and Rebecca Kleefisch) have actively courted both the “less-than-fully-affiliated” grassroots (aka the Tea Party Movement) and the party establishment with varying degrees of success. Davis lost me with his vote for the 2007 version of the DemoBudget in exchange for a subsidy for a soybean crusher (which, if memory serves, was line-itemed out of the budget), his lead in Wisconsin’s ethanol mandates, and his opposition to a meaningful version of the Taxpayer Protection Amendment (thanks, Owen). He is, however, rather strong on education issues.

    The two minor candidates in the race are Robert Gerald Lorge and Nick Voegeli. As Owen put it yesterday, Lorge is, well, Lorge. Voegeli has been pretty much nonexistent in the race, and in a race where other candidates have been visible, invisibility is not a winning strategy.

    Rebecca Kleefisch is a very interesting candidate, and I know most of those I follow on the right end of the Cheddarsphere have endorsed her. She has said all the right things, but in a situation where the lieutenant governor may well become governor in early 2013, having nothing more substantial than campaign positions and a marketing background isn’t going to work, especially if there are still significant elements of the Republican half of the bipartisan Party-In-Government remaining (see McCallum, Scott, and I am a charter member of the 2-member McCallum Fan Club along with Christian Schneider).

    Ross has done as Superior’s mayor pretty much what Walker has done in Milwaukee County, and he stemmed the growth of government in the lesser-known of the Twin Ports. He also would bring geographical balance to the ticket regardless of who the gubernatorial nominee is, which can’t be underestimated given outstate voters’ dislike of southeast Wisconsin and the Milwaukee name in particular. I am a bit leery of his push to compromise on the 2007 DemoBudget, but it is hard to argue against fiscal conservative results.

  • US Senate – Ron Johnson – The bottom line is to beat Russ Feingold in November. Stephen Finn has been so invisible, I didn’t even know he was running.

    Dave Westlake is a great guy who is solid on the issues. The bad news is he has run his campaign as though he were running for an oustate county office rather than in a statewide race where the general-election opponent will spend somewhere north of $5 million to save his seat. He first got overshadowed by Terrence Wall, who, despite his rather-ugly donation record, understood that one needed to actually spend and fundraise (the former significantly, the latter not-so-successfully), then by the Favre-esque (non-)campaign of Tommy Thompson (which also hurt Wall’s fundraising efforts), and finally Johnson.

    From the moment Johnson jumped into the campaign, he has been a contender because he has been willing to spend toe-to-toe with Feingold. Even though Johnson has, by-and-large self-funded his campaign, he raised more money in his first 2 months as a candidate than all the other Republican contenders and ex-candidates did in their entire campaigns combined through the end of June.

    Some bloggers have derided Johnson as merely a “gut” conservative because he misspoke a couple times early on the campaign trail. Johnson has learned from those gaffes, and honestly, I trust someone whose gut is in the right place and is willing to work past the campaign gaffes.

  • State treasurer – Scott Feldt – One has to look at what the treasurer does – sign checks, return unclaimed property, and manage EdVest, all with a staff of 14, and does not do – anything else, to understand this choice.

    Kurt Schuller told the Waukesha Freeman that he would use his term as what he hopes to be the last state treasurer ever to springboard into a career as a politician. I don’t think so.

    Jim Sanfilippo’s heart is in the right place as he would criticize bad budgeting decisions and push for zero-based budgeting (for those of you not familiar; zero-based budgeting assumes that the state starts with $0.00 to spend, while current practice assumes every program must continue with at least as much spending as the previous budget), but the other third of his platform, get the treasurer’s office to audit state finances, would necessarily entail an enlarging of the office and would duplicate the efforts of, among other agencies, the Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

    Feldt knows what needs to be done in the office, as he served as an aide to former treasurer Jack Voight, and his emphasis is on streamlining the operations of what the treasurer’s office is charged with doing.

In the other Congressional Districts where there are Republican primaries, I would go with Peter Theron in the 2nd, Sean Duffy in the 7th, and Reid Ribble in the 8th.

Primary Drinking Right – 12 hour warning

This is the Emergency Blogging System. It has been activated because Steve is in line waiting to vote in the primary.

There may be 13 hours left to vote in Wisconsin’s primary today, but there are only 12 hours before Drinking Right. That’s right; even though it’s election day, it is the second Tuesday of the month. That means it’s Drinking Right Night over at Papa’s Social Club, 7718 W Burleigh in Milwaukee, starting at 7 pm. Come on down to the only place where spirits will be raised high no matter who wins.

These are official instructions, news and information. This concludes this broadcast of the Emergency Blogging System.

September 13, 2010

Economy – Still Held Hostage

In what looked like some macabre version of a Norman Rockwell painting, President Obama sat a a picnic table with a family in Virginia who appeared hung on his every word as he attempted to explain why the bad part of the economy wasn’t his fault. In his comments, which were dutifully reported by the AP, he said that he would likely compromise with the GOP over deficits and other issues. He went on to blame the GOP and John Boehner specifically, for blocking the extension of the “Bush tax cuts.”

It’s funny that Obama looks for a GOP villian to blame whenever things aren’t going his way. Last I looked, the Democrats still have the majority in the House. Last I looked, it only takes a majority to pass a bill in the House. Last I looked, the logical extension of the previous two sentences is that in the House, Democrats alone, can pass any version of tax increases or decreases, without a single Republican vote.

My history may be a bit fragmented; did Republican votes in the House pass Obamacare? Were Republican votes in the House required to pass cap and tax? My recollection is that Democrats, whipped by Nancy Pelosi and President Obama, thought these issues were so important that they through their political bodies off of the Capital rotunda to pass these bills. Political courage is what President Obama and Nancy Pelosi called Democrat House members to have. Political courage they had and political consequences they will now reap.

Every one who has polled the topic has found that a significant majority of Americans want the tax cuts extended. One would think that those who had the political courage to go against the American majority on Placebocare and Cap and tax would find it easy to side with their constituents for an extension. They would, that is, if it was really what Obama wanted to do.

I can see November from here. In fact, I can see it in HD (Hardly any Democrats).

September 12, 2010

Recommended Reading (09/12/10)

by @ 22:52. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Here are, in my view, interesting, noteworthy columns and articles from the past week that I highly recommend:

Why We Treat Obama Like a Dog

The only person who has ever likened President Obama to a dog is President Obama, who once declared that he was a ‘mutt’ and a member of a ‘mongrel people.’

In reality, there’s a reason nobody has compared Obama to a dog: dogs are likeable. They are friendly and loyal. They are man’s best friend, as opposed to King Abdullah’s best friend.”

Why we miss Bush

Various polls report that George W. Bush in some states is now better liked than President Obama. Even some liberal pundits call for Bush to weigh in on the Ground Zero mosque or the Arizona anti-immigration legislation.

Suddenly, Bush is missed. Why? Let me list 10 likely reasons.”

2011: Major tax shocks coming

“Guess what could be coming to a paycheck near you?

Some of the largest tax increases in American history, by almost all objective analyses, unless Congress acts.

Federal tax hikes set to take effect in 2011 would hit virtually every working American, regardless of the level of household income.

Because of the protracted health care debate this past year, many citizens missed the words and actions – in some cases, inactions – of the Obama administration and Congress on taxes, so here’s a summary of the changes scheduled to take place next year.”

What Liberals Say vs. What They Mean

“Many of us have been raised to think that words mean things. Then there’s Democrats. From those infamous phrases like ‘It depends on what the definition of what ‘is’ is’ of yore to the newfangled ‘man-caused disasters’ of today, Democrats have so abused the English language as to make it completely unrecognizable to Mr. Johnson.

Here are a few words and phrases that liberals use all the time that are conundrums in as much as the words themselves actually say just the opposite of what liberals mean by them.”

Voter rolls. We see dead people. Does the DOJ?

“America’s voter rolls are a mess. But you can’t count on the Deparrtment of Social Justice and corruptocrat Attorney General Eric Holder to clean them up. It’s another job the feds won’t do. Time for ordinary citizens to step up to the plate. Thanks to a provision in federal law, you can pick up the slack.”

Smartest President in History Botches Oval Office Rug Quote

“The botched Oval Office rug becomes a precious symbol of the Obama presidency, based on an image fabricated out of symbols rather than substance and misappropriating valuable elements of America’s history. The only question remaining is whether or not President Obama will choose to keep the rug in his office.”

Wait, Pay, Cough

“In an effort to pass a ridiculous regulation and then declare a victory in the drug war, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is considering a rule that would require a physician’s prescription for your favorite off-the-shelf cough medicine.

Yes, I know; I can’t believe it either.”

Cities increasingly turning to ‘trash police’

“Beware the green police. They don’t carry guns and there’s no police academy to train them, but if you don’t recycle your trash properly, they can walk up your driveway and give you a $100 ticket. 

They know what’s in your trash, they know what you eat, they know how often you bring your recycles to the curb — and they may be coming to your town soon. That is, if they’re not already there.”

September 11, 2010

Reposting last year’s 9/11 Hot Read – Allahpundit remembers 9/11

by @ 8:35. Filed under History.

Editor’s note – Last year, Allahpundit remembered living through the events on 9/11/2001 in lower Manhattan, first on Twitter, then thanks to Andy Levy’s collation of the stream, on Hot Air. Even as I sit in my hotel room in Arlington, a short distance away from the Pentagon, I’m getting misty-eyed remembering both watching the tweets in real-time and the events of the day.

Eight years ago, I remember opening my eyes at 8:46 a.m. in my downtown Manhattan apartment because…
…I thought a truck had crashed in the street outside
I remember pacing my apartment for the next 15 minutes thinking, stupidly, that a gas line might have been hit in the North Tower…
…and then I heard another explosion. I hope no one ever hears anything like it.
All I can say to describe it is: Imagine the sound of thousands of Americans screaming on a city street
It was unbelievable, almost literally
I remember being on the sidewalk and there was an FBI agent saying he was cordoning off the street…
…and then, the next day, when I went back for my cats, they told me I might see bodies lying in front of my apartment building (I didn’t)
We held a memorial service in October for my cousin’s husband, who was “missing” but not really…
He worked for Cantor Fitzgerald. They found a piece of his ribcage in the rubble not too long afterwards.
This is the guy who conspired to murder him:
Had a friend from the high school speech and debate team who disappeared from the 105th floor
Had another friend of a friend who worked on the 80th floor or so, married six weeks before the attack…
Speculation is that he was right in the plane’s path, and was killed instantly when it plowed through the building
Did a bit of legal work for a couple whose son worked in the upper floors. Was dating someone else up there at the time…
I was told that she managed to call her parents while they were trapped up there and that the call “was not good”
Never found out if it was cut off by the building collapsing or not
I remember opening my eyes at 8:46 a.m. thinking “I hope that was just a pothole.” Then I heard a guy outside my window say, “Oh shit”
Opened the window, looked to my left, saw huge smoke coming out of the WTC
Left at around 9:30, decided to walk uptown thinking that the buildings would never collapse and that…
…I’d be back in my apartment by the next night. I never went back. It was closed off until December.
I remember thinking when I was a few blocks away that the towers might collapse, and so I walked faster…
…although I sneered at myself later for thinking that might be true and for being a coward. Although not for long.
To this day, you can find photos of thousands of people congregated in the blocks surrounding the Towers, seemingly…
…waiting for them to fall that day
When I got to midtown, rumors were that Camp David and the Sears Tower had also been destroyed. I remember looking around…
…and thinking that we had to get out of Manhattan, as this might be some pretext to get us into the street and hit us with some germ
I callled my dad — and somehow miraculously got through — and told him I was alive, then headed for the 59th street bridge
To this day, the scariest memory is being on that bridge, looking at the Towers smoking in the distance,
and thinking maybe the plotters had wired the bridge too to explode beneath us while we were crossing it.
I remember talking to some guy on the bridge that we’d get revenge, but…
…you had to see the smoke coming from the Towers in the distance. It was like a volcano
I remember being down there two months later. There was a single piece of structure…
…maybe five stories tall of the lattice-work still standing. It looked like a limb of a corpse sticking up out of the ground.
They knocked it down soon after
At my office, which I had just joined, I was told that…
…some people had seen the jumpers diving out the windows to escape the flames that morning
There was a video online, posted maybe two years ago, shot from the hotel across the street,,,
…and it showed roughly 10-12 bodies flattened into panackes lying in the central plaza
Maybe it’s still online somewhere
You have to see it to understand, though. You get a sense of it from the Naudet brothers documentary hearing…
…the explosions as the bodies land in the plaza, but seeing it and hearing it are two different things
I remember after I got over the bridge into Queens, I heard a noise overheard…
…that I’d never heard before. It was an F-15, on patrol over New York. Very odd sound. A high-pitched wheeze.
I remember on Sept. 12, when I got on the train to go downtown and try to get my cats out of the apartment…
…the Village was utterly deserted. No one on the streets. Like “28 Days Later” if you’ve seen that
We made it to a checkpoint and the cop said go no further, until my mom intervened. Then he took pity…
…and agreed to let me downtown IF I agreed that any exposure to bodies lying in the streets was my own fault.
Didn’t see any bodies, but I did see soldiers, ATF, FBI, and so on. The ground was totally covered by white clay…
…which I knew was formed by WTC dust plus water from the FDNY. It look like a moonscape.
There was a firefighter at the intersection and I flagged him down and asked if I could borrow his flashlight, since…
…all buildings downtown had no power. He gave me a pen flashlight.
The doors to my building at Park Place were glass but had kicked in, presumably by the FDNY, to see if there were…
…survivors inside. When I got in there, all power was out. No elevators, no hall lights…
…I had to feel my way to the hall and make my way up to my apartment on the third floor by feeling my way there…
…When I got there, the cats were alive. There was WTC dust inside the apartment, but…
…for whatever reason, I had closed the windows before I left to walk uptown that day, so dust was minimal. I loaded them…
…into the carrier and took them back to Queens. That was the last I could get into the apartment until December 2001,…
…and then it was only to get in, take whatever belongings were salvageable (i.e. not computer), and get out. I lived…
in that apartment from 7/2001 to 9/2001, but given the diseases longtime residents have had…
…I’m lucky I decided to move
My only other significant memory is being in the lobby of the apartment building on 9/11…
…and trying to console some woman who lived there who said her father worked on the lower floors of the WTC. I assume…
…he made it out alive, but she was hysterical as of 9:30 that a.m. Who could blame her?
I do remember feeling embarrassed afterwards that…
…I initially thought the smoke coming out of the North Tower was due to a fire or something, but…
…it’s hard to explain the shock of realizing you’re living through a historical event while you’re living through it.
For months afterwards, I tried to tell people how I thought maybe the Towers…
…were going to be hit by six or seven or eight planes in succession. Which sounds nuts, but once you’re in the moment…
…and crazy shit is happening, you don’t know how crazy that script is about to get.
When I left at 9:30, I thought more planes were coming.
I left because I thought, “Well, if these planes hit the building the right way, it could fall and land on mine.”\
I remember getting to 57th Street and asking some dude, “What happened?”
And he said, “They collapsed” and I couldn’t believe both of them had gone down. Even after the planes hit…
…I remembered that the Empire State Building had taken a hit from a military plane during WWII and still stood tall
So it was never a serious possibility that the WTC would collapse. I assumed…
…that the FDNY would get up there, put out the fire, and the WTC would be upright but with gigantic holes in it
It took an hour for the first tower to go down, 90 minutes for the second.
Even now, despite the smoke, I’m convinced most of the people trapped at the top were alive…
…and waiting, somehow, for a rescue. The couple whose legal case I worked for told me that…
…their son and his GF contacted her father very shortly before the collapse. Which makes sense. As much smoke as there was…
…if you have a five-story hole in the wall to let air in to breathe, you’re going to linger on.
So for many people, the choice probably quickly became: Hang on, endure the smoke, or jump
If you listen to the 911 calls, which I advise you not to do, some of the chose “hang on”
Although needless to say, if you ever saw the Towers…
…you know how dire things must have been up there to make anyone think the better solution was “jump”
They were ENORMOUS.
Another weird memory: Shortly after I got my apartment in lower Manhattan, on Park Place…
…I remember taking my brother to see “The Others,” which had just opened.
And afterwards I remember taking him up to the rooftop of my building to admire the Towers. According to Wikipedia…
“The Others” opened on August 10, 2001, so this must have been within 10 days or so afterwards. Very eerie.
And I remember we also went to Morton’s and Borders right inside the WTC complex to celebrate my new job
That Borders was gutted, needless to say, on 9/11. You could see the frame of the building in the WTC lobby after the attack
I was reading magazines in there the week or two before
One of the weirdest feelings, which I’m sure everyone can share, is that I remember distinctly feeling…
…in the month or two before the attack that “important” news no longer existed. It was all inane bullshit about…
…shark attacks and Gary Condit and overaged pitchers in the Little League World Series. To this day…
…I try never to grumble about a slow news day because the alternative is horrifyingly worse
After the attack, maybe a month after, I remember going to see “Zoolander” in Times Square and…
…coming up out of the subway tunnel having the distinct fear that…
…the sky would light up and a mushroom cloud would appear instantly above my head in my lost moment of consciousness. No joke. In fact…
..I ended up going to bed around 6:30 p.m. for maybe three months after 9/11.
Even when I ended up working downtown for years after that, with a luxurious view of upper Manhattan from the top floors…
…I always feared looking out the window because I was paranoid that at that precise moment, the flash would go off…
…and that’d be the last thing I see. And in fact, for a moment in 2003 when the power went out city-wide,
…I did think that was what was happening. The wages of 9/11.
I leave you with this, my very favorite film about the WTC. If you’re a New Yorker, have a hanky handy. No. 3 is golden
One more note: If you’ve never seen a photo of the smoke coming from the Trade Center after the collapse, find one.
Watching it from the 59th bridge, it looked like a volcano. There was so much smoke, it was indescribable. Just *erupting* from the wreckage

For the benefit of those who haven’t seen the photo AP was talking about, here’s one from the United States Coast Guard (hosted on Flickr):

September 10, 2010

Friday Hot Read Part 2 – Dick Leinenkugel’s and Bill McCoshen’s “Understanding how industrial revenue bonds work”

by @ 8:14. Filed under Economy, Politics - Wisconsin.

Two former Wisconsin Secretaries of Commerce, serving under both Republican and Democrat governors, opened Economics 201 over at WisOpinion with an explanation of how Industrial Revenue Bonds work. For those late to the party, that has become an issue in the Senate race because Pacur, which is owned by Republican front-runner Ron Johnson, utilized IRBs to expand its business. Let’s go to the bottom line:

Bottom line is IRBs are a smart financing tool for manufacturers considering construction, expansion and or the purchase of equipment, something that Ron Johnson and his company has been doing while providing more than one hundred and twenty jobs in Wisconsin for over 30 years. Taxpayers benefit from IRBs through new jobs in the community and additional tax base. There is no government guarantee and taxpayers have no risk in an IRB loan because private lenders and the company itself assume the risk.

Time for a fresh NRE poll – Twitter profile image edition

by @ 7:25. Filed under NRE Polls.

As you know, I usually don’t like pictures of me. However, DatechGuy loaned me a fedora here at BlogCon, and since the ladies simply can’t say no to the fedora (I’ll get you for that, Stacy), it just might be a time for a change of the nuked Twitter icon.

Before we get to the poll, let’s review the pics:

The polls close an hour before the real polls Tuesday, so vote early This isn’t Chicago, so don’t try to vote often.

Which pic should be my Twitter icon?

Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed

  • The Fedora (79%, 15 Vote(s))
  • The Nuked Twitter icon (the current one) (21%, 4 Vote(s))

Total Voters: 19

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Revisions/extensions (9:59 am CDT 9/10/2010) – I just realized that one of the ways the polling widget keeps people from voting multiple times is blocking additional votes from those here at BlogCon. Sorry about that; just put it in the comments and I’ll manually add it in the results.

Bleg time – I need a new logo

by @ 7:09. Filed under The Blog.

The header of this humble little blog was one of those featured on the welcoming sign at a meet-and-greet between bloggers and House Republican media staffers yesterday, and something seems to be lacking in the visual presentation department. Back when I was merely trying not to be Mt. Vesuvius, the lack of a real logo wasn’t at all a deal. Now that some people are starting to notice this little hole in the wall, Plain Jane just isn’t cutting it anymore.

The problem is, I’m a techie, not an artist. The other is this place isn’t exactly a money-maker (notice the lack of ads or even a tip jar), so I can’t exactly go out and buy the best logo money can buy. Hence, the bleg. HELP!!!

Friday Hot Read – The Barrett “I Got Beat Up” ad explained

by @ 6:31. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

You will have to go to the fourth comment on the Boots and Sabers post discussing the “Bea…er, Stand Up” ad released by Tom Barrett, but Publius nailed the long-range thinking that is behind the ad that featured Barrett’s bloody face, received after he attempted to defuse a domestic dispute last year:

4.This ad has NOTHING to do with introducing Tom and his heroism to the world.

It has everything to do with evoking an emotional reaction from the viewer, so that when the political “punches” start flying, said viewer will react something to the effect of, “Well, how nasty of that GOP to attack…, Tom Barrett has suffered enough.” or something along those lines.

Kids, this is ACT 2. Act 1 was feigning outrage over Scott Walker’s boxing gloves….

One can never be too cynical.

September 9, 2010

Open Thread Thursday – Dog Day Edition

by @ 6:05. Filed under Open Thread Thursday.

When Teh Won whined something about dogs, I knew what the next Open Thread Thursday song would be.


I’ll be gone all weekend to learn how to be a better blogger and to hang with some of the best bloggers around (how I got in that crowd I’ll never know), so Shoebox and the Guest Bloggers will be taking care of you. For those of you within traveling distance of Racine, do make the September 11th Tribute and Town Hall the Racine TEA Party is putting on Saturday. I wish I could be two places at once.

Partly because Shoebox and the Guest Bloggers sounds like a great band name (I know they’re great bloggers), partly because Obama ripped off Jimi Hendrix, partly because Thursday is usually Blues Day around these parts, and mostly because I’ll be pretty much silent until Monday, let’s celebrate with a second selection…


September 8, 2010

Presenting the Sgt. Schultz administration, rail edition

by @ 21:35. Filed under Choo-choos, Politics - Wisconsin.

The MacIver Institute is looking into the sudden disappearance of Oconomowoc from the list of the Milwaukee-Madison car-speed rail line stops after the locals started questioning the train. They filed a pair of Open Records requests with the governor’s office and the Department of Transportation asking for all records of discussions about that station between July 1 and August 16, when the plug was pulled.

The DOT hasn’t responded yet, but the Sgt. Schult…er, Doyle administration responded thusly:

We conducted a search for records related to your request and found no responsive records in the custody of the Governor’s Office.

That leaves three probabilities:

  • The Cleaners have been working overtime in the governor’s mansion.
  • They never intended on having any stops between Milwaukee and Madison to make the ramming process that much faster.
  • Doyle really believes he’s above the law.

The overseas betting lines are now open. I hear “none of the above” will get you 1,000,000-1.

Doyle weasels around campaign finance laws again

by @ 13:43. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

(H/T – Owen)

A short 4 years after Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/HoChunk-For Sale) coerced the former State Elections Board to take the unprecedented step of disallowing the bulk of a planned transfer of funds from former Rep. Mark Green’s federal campaign fund to his state gubernatorial campaign fund, he has found another way around the limitations on political donations in Wisconsin. MacIver News Service reports:

According to the most recent filings by Doyle for Wisconsin, the Governor’s campaign account had a cash balance of $1,826,791.21 in July.

The Greater Wisconsin Committee’s Political Action Committee’s report filed this week indicates that account has since been depleted by more than half.

The Governor’s campaign committee made million dollar the donation in two $500,000 disbursements, dated August 2nd and August 18th.

See the campaign finance report, here.

The Greater Wisconsin Committee PAC has been running television ads in markets across the state critical of Republican Gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker….

That’s right – even though no campaign committee can donate more than $43,128 (or 4% of what a gubernatorial campaign that accepts public financing can spend) to a gubernatorial campaign, and lesser amounts to other campaigns in Wisconsin, in an election cycle, that same committee can donate an unlimited amount of money to a PAC. That Doyle chose to give the lion’s share to the sleaziest operation in Wisconsin so they could slime Walker speaks volumes.

Given almost the entirety of GWC’s warchest came from Doyle, with just $251,000 over the first 8 months of 2010 coming from other sources, perhaps their ads should have as the disclaimer, “Paid for by Doyle for Wisconsin”. The ugly news is they still have $594,000 in the bank waiting for the winner of the GOP nomination, which would give the Barrett team over $3 million to work with on September 15.

Revisions/extensions (2:25 pm 9/8/2010) – Christian Schneider reminds us that Doyle could have given the money to the Common School Fund, but decided getting a third term by proxy was more important than helping the children.

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