No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

January 2, 2011

If Only Kathleen Sebelius Were Still Here

by @ 16:06. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Four nursing students have reportedly been expelled from a community college nursing program for having a picture of themselves with a placenta placed on Facebook. Details as to whether the girls got specific or implicit approval to take the photo are murky. Regardless, upon finding out about the posting of the photo, the college responded with a “We are not amused,” and expelled the students.

What’s ironic about this story is that it occurred in Kansas. For those who may not remember, Kathleen Sebelius is from Kansas. In fact, Kathleen Sebelius was Governor of Kansas during the time when the notorious Dr. Tiller carried on late term abortions as frequently as President Obama says “let me be clear!”

While Governor, Sebelius vetoed a bill that specifically targeted Tiller’s activities. The bill would have required details to be reported to the state on each late term abortion. The bill was important as Tiller was alleged to be performing abortions on underage and situations of coerced abortions. As I think about it now, isn’t it ironic that Sebelius thought reporting of late term abortions was improper but now wants reporting on all of our health issues sent to the federal government.

While I agree it was classless, I have a hard time agreeing that explusion is the appropriate response for the student’s behavior. I mean, it’s not like they got it by performing an abortion or something!

If “classlessness” were grounds for expulsion, I would have never graduated from Whats-a-matta U. Perhaps the students can be re-enrolled under probation. Unfortunately for them, Kathleen Sebelius has left Kansas. If not, they would have likely received a hearty congratulations and not expulsion!

Pardon The Interruption…

by @ 12:11. Filed under Politics - National.

I know you’re all enjoying the daily dole of the NRE awards.  Steve, I and others worked hard last week on those so that we could take a little time off over this weekend.  Of course, I could only use that excuse if I actually wrote on a regular basis…but that’s a separate issue.

I’m seeing a bunch of stuff flying around the internet about the RNC chair race.  The “stuff” mostly surrounds Reince Priebus and issues about his law firm and whether they make him a RINO and therefore unfit to serve as RNC chair.

Let me first provide full disclosure:

1.  I think Michael Steele has been the worst chair in some time.  I don’t believe he is a conservative by any definition.  I do suspect he is a closet racist or at the least, carries a huge chip on his shoulder regarding the color his skin happens to be.

2.  While I blog here at NRE, I’m not a Wisconsinite.  I’m from Minnesota Kentucky and am not a homer on this one.

3.  I don’t know, or have even heard of Reince Preibus prior to a couple of weeks ago.  I have no idea what he is about personally.  Heck, I don’t even know how to pronounce his name!

Two issues have been raised against Mr. Preibus, suggesting that these make him unfit for chair:

1.  That his law firm has taken the position that Placebocare is constitutional.

2.  That he personally, and his law firm generally, solicited clients to assist with securing various funding from the stimulus bill.

As to the first issue.  Let’s assume his firm has taken the position that Placebocare is constitutional.  Preibus’ firm has over 200 attorneys.  A firm of that size is not going to serve clients with a singular political ideology,  In fact, it would not be uncommon for that firm to have argued both sides of the same argument in different cases with different attorneys.

Some have argued that because Preibus is a “partner,” that he is involved with determining what cases are taken and must concur with the firm’s stance with regard to Placebocare being constitutional.  I cruised the firm’s website and noted that Preibus is NOT on the management committee.  While he certainly would have latitude in determining cases he was involved with, I can’t see anything on the surface that would suggest he is dictating the firm’s direction.

As I look at the firm’s website, I note that they do patent work for green technologies.  I assume that this would disqualify Preibus also because all green technologies are bad?  Oh, even worse, they have on their site that they have achieved “Green Master Status!”  Well, we know this is just code for being a lefty sympathizer!

Folks, I’ve worked for some companies that were pretty liberal in their ideologies (AT&T and domestic partner rights anyone?).  There was nothing about those engagements that made me a RINO.  Heck, there were a number of folks who moved further right in their beliefs as I worked along side them.  My point is that where a person works and what that company believes does not have to be a reflection of the individual’s belief.

The second issue is even more ludicrous.  Again, let’s assume that Preibus did solicit clients to secure stimulus funds?  So what? 

Mrs. Shoe and I tithe.  While we don’t believe the Bible dictates that we do so, we do believe it to be an appropriate way to recognize that what we have received is a gift from God.  Our tithing and our other charitable contributions, have nothing to do with the fact that we are able to deduct these contributions on our income taxes.  In fact, I prefer a flat tax where no deductions are granted. Would the people who suggest that Preibus shouldn’t solicit work for a legal government program call me a hypocrite for taking a charitable deduction on my taxes?

There is a difference between working within the law to find economic advantages for yourself or your company and advocating for the policy in the first place.  I have no problem with Preibus helping his clients get government money, no different than I have no problem with people taking every legal tax advantage they can; it’s the law.  I would have a problem if Preibus had been lobbying for the passage of the stimulus bill but I don’t see any evidence of that.

In short, I don’t know if Preibus is the right person or not for the RNC chair.  As I said, I don’t know anything about the man’s abilities or ideologies.  The problem is that most of the people making the above accusations about Preibus are in the same boat as I am regarding his abilities and true ideologies.  Unfortunately, that’s not slowing them down.  I wonder why? 

What I do know about Preibus is that he is the GOP chair in Wisconsin.  I also know that Wisconsin just evicted one of the furthest left Senators from the Senate.  Wisconsin also elected a Republican Governor and made substantial GOP strides in both of the State’s legislative bodies.  Of course, it is possible that like his law firm’s support of Placebocare, there is no correlation between Preibus’ involvement and the election results in WI.  If I were looking to vote, I’d want to get the facts on both of those issues. 

The case against Preibus seems to be built on second hand or circumstantial versus first hand knowledge.  Why do you suppose that is?  Is it possible that inuendo rather than truth, better fits the accuser’s agenda?

We now return you to your regularly scheduled NRE awards!

NRE 2010 Awards – Thank You for Existing

by @ 5:00. Filed under NRE 2010 Awards.

Welcome to Day 2 of the NRE 2010 Awards. Today, we honor the person/institution that made the past year at least somewhat tolerable. As a review/preview, here’s the rest of the schedule:

Jackass of the Year, yesterday
– Dumbest Thing Said, tomorrow
– News Story of the Year, 1/4
– Person of the Year, 1/5

And the nominees are..

Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey (from Phineas) – As a Californian, I can only look on with envy at a state that has fallen into as bad a situation as mine, but found a leader willing to do what it takes to clean up the mess, regardless of his personal popularity. He’s faced down his legislature, the entrenched, greedy bureaucrats of the teachers’ union, and done it while keeping the public on his side. His frank, no-nonsense style is a refreshing change from the pabulum we’re usually served by politicians. And, by showing how it can be done, he gives genuine hope for change, that our states can heal themselves of the fiscal mess they’re in. Now, if I could only clone him…

Anyone named Palin (from realdebate) – Face it; anytime anyone named Palin does anything the left has absolute fits. Whether it is a stupid dancing show, a TLC program showing the wonder of the Alaskan landscape, conjecture about 2012, or Sarah on Fox News it is fun to watch the left’s heads spin around.

Conservative talk radio (from Kevin Fischer) – Forgive my personal bias, but without this alternative (along with conservative blogs and web sites), we’d be stuck with ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, PBS, NPR, The New York Times, The LA Times, The Boston Globe, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and just about every other local daily paper in America, Time, Newsweek…….you get the point. Despite FOX and Rush and Hannity, etc., our side is still mightily outnumbered on the media ideology scorecard. But we have strong, powerful, and persuasive voices that can more than hold their own.

Scott Walker (from steveegg) – Before there was Christie, there was Walker. Even though the entrenched LeftStreamMedia, the entrenched Milwaukee County Board (which was never sufficiently cleaned up by the wave that sent Walker to the Executive chair to even allow Walker’s vetos to stand without some persuasion), and entrenched county public unions (enriched beyond even their wildest dreams just before said wave was generated by said enriching) were united against him, going so far as to substitute him for Bush in the local “I blame…” game, Walker submitted and then cut the passed county budget (with one full-veto exception) down to the same property tax levy as the previous year. While he still has the hostile presstitutes and unionites at his new job as Wisconsin governor, at least he won’t have a hostile legislative branch sabotaging him at every turn.

Mrs. Shoebox (from Shoebox) – how many people would uproot from the state they had lived in their whole life, leave all family behind, take on the challenges of a relocation during the worst housing market in memory, just to let their spouse chase a dream?  Was Don Quixote married?

January 1, 2011

NRE 2010 Awards – Jackass of the Year

by @ 5:00. Filed under NRE 2010 Awards.

We here at No Runny Eggs have decided to make famous (or infamous as the case may be) some of the people and events that shaped the past year. Today, we start with the nominees for Jackass of the Year. We’ll each choose the person who we think was the biggest jackass in 2010. Some of us may agree, some of us may not.

The rest of the NRE Awards schedule is:

  • Thank You for Existing, which will be announced on 1/2.
  • Dumbest Thing Said, which will be announced on 1/3.
  • News Story of the Year, which will be announced on 1/4.
  • Person of the Year, which will be announced on 1/5.

And the nominees are…

Brett Favre (from steveegg) – I could have gone with the safe political picks of the architects of the POR Economy (Pelosi, Obama and Reid), or their Wisconsin acolytes Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/HoChunk-For Sale) and noted slumlord/abuser of Milwaukee County Board Supervisors/acting Milwaukee County Executive Lee Holloway, but this isn’t just a political blog. At the beginning of the year, I said that Favre would do to the Vikings what he did to the Packers and Jets, and I was right – he held out of training camp. Worse (or better, depending on one’s point of view), he finally proved he was human, but only after he broke every record there was to break from consecutive games started to fumbles.

Alan Grayson (from realdebate) – The leftwing bomb thrower who claimed conservatives just wanted people to die, called his opponent Taliban Dan and deliberately took statements out of context to make scurrilous campaign ads. Grayson then actually had the cojones to complain about a negative ad directed at him claiming his kids could see it. Enjoy your retirement you putz, you earned it.

364,598 South Carolinians (from Shoebox) – This is the number of people who voted for Alvin Green for the South Carolina Senate Seat.  The fact that; Green had been indicted on a pornography felony, hadn’t held a job for 13 years and considered manufacturing action figures of himself “economic development”, all could be overlooked  by nearly 30% of South Carolina voters, proves without a doubt that you can fool some of the people all of the time.  It also proves that for at least 30% of voters, party affiliation and skin color mean more than capability of doing the job….and that goes for the South Carolina Senate race as well!

Eric Holder (from Phineas) – Let’s see… He sues the State of Arizona for trying to enforce a law that the federal government refuses to enforce. He tries to move the trial of Khailid Sheikh Muhammad to New York City, regardless of public sentiment or public safety. He carries on with the trial in federal court of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani for the embassy bombings, even though the judge threw out his key witness, assuring us there would be no problem. Then he loses the case. Finally, we have the revelations of racial bias in the enforcement of civil rights laws at the Justice Department, apparently tolerated Holder, if not encouraged by him. For this, I think he is a truly worthy Jackass of the Year.

Stan Cox and Ryan Brown (from Kevin Fischer) – Why is it liberals aren’t happy unless they’re unhappy, taking all our comforts away? During July 2010, as a stifling heat wave was gripping many parts of the nation, Stan Cox wrote a book entitled, “Losing Our Cool: Uncomfortable Truths About Our Air-Condtioned World.”

In a book review for the lefty web site,, Ryan Brown wrote:

In the last half century, air conditioning has joined fireworks, swimming pools and charred hamburgers as a ubiquitous ingredient of an American summer. It’s no exaggeration to say it has changed the way this country functions, shaping everything from where we’re willing to live (Las Vegas, anyone?) to the amount of sex we have (more: It’s never too hot to get it on when the A.C. is blasting). Nine out of 10 new homes in this country are built with central air conditioning, and Americans now use as much electricity to power our A.C. as the entire continent of Africa uses for, well, everything. It has so thoroughly scrambled our way of life that when the National Academy of Engineering chose its 20 greatest engineering accomplishments of the last century, A.C. not only made the list, it clocked in ahead of spacecraft, highways and even the Internet.

But as science writer Stan Cox argues in his new book, the dizzying rise of air conditioning comes at a steep personal and societal price. We stay inside longer, exercise less, and get sick more often — and the electricity used to power all that A.C. is helping push the fast-forward button on global warming. The invention has also changed American politics: Love it or hate it, refrigerated cooling has been a major boon to the Republican Party. The advent of A.C. helped launch the massive Southern and Western population growth that’s transformed our electoral map in the last half century. Cox navigates all of these scientific and social angles with relative ease, providing a clear explanation of how A.C. made the leap from luxury to necessity in the United States and examining how we can learn to manage the addiction before we refrigerate ourselves into the apocalypse.

That no good A.C.! Why should we live and work in comfort! And who knew A.C. was such an integral part of the immense success the GOP enjoys!

Maybe Stan Cox and Ryan Brown, my Co-Jackasses of the Year and their disciples should step to the plate and be the first to live outside, eat outside, sleep outside, work outside when the thermometer is hitting 100.

December 31, 2010

Was PlaceboCare designed by the POR team or Henry Ford?

I’m actually beginning to think Henry Ford offered more options on the Model T than PlaceboCare does. George Scoville lists just some of the items that, as of tomorrow, will no longer be able to be purchased with Health Savings Account money without a prescription:

  • Acid controllers
  • Acne medicine
  • Aids for indigestion
  • Allergy and sinus medicine
  • Anti-diarrhea medicine
  • Baby rash ointment
  • Cold and flu medicine
  • Eye drops
  • Feminine anti-fungal or anti-itch products
  • Hemorrhoid treatment
  • Laxatives or stool softeners
  • Lice treatments
  • Motion sickness medicines
  • Nasal sprays or drops
  • Ointments for cuts, burns or rashes
  • Pain relievers, such as aspirin or ibuprofen

“Strangely” enough, birth control, reading glasses (of course, Congress can’t read, so it won’t help them) and contact lens solutions can still be bought over-the-counter with HSA money.

December 29, 2010

Best comment surrounding the Birther horse manure

by @ 22:34. Filed under Politics - National.

This gem from James Wigderson on the desire of incoming Hawaii governor and Obama family friend Neil Ambercrombie (D) to unseal Barack Obama’s birth certificate is priceless:

I think some people will just remain convinced that Obama isn’t a citizen even if the afterbirth can be produced with a chain of custody documenting the source, DNA tests, and video of the birth with a “Welcome to Hawaii” sign in the background. Oh yeah, and Don Ho playing the music on the video soundtrack.

The sad thing is, that isn’t just comedic gold.

It’s good to be king…just for a while – Milwaukee County edition

by @ 21:46. Filed under NRE Polls, Thug Holloway.

Noted slumlord and abuser of fellow Milwaukee County Supervisors Lee Holloway is now acting Milwaukee County Executive, and he hasn’t disappointed those who expected new lows to be set. Despite the 30-day tag on his rule (or at least this stage of his rule), he wasn’t satisfied with just one judge administering the oath of office, inviting disgraced former County Executive F.(U.) Thomas Ament (the guy who signed into law the multi-million-dollar pension grab in 2000 that, when it finally came to light in 2002, cost him and several supervisors their jobs in recall elections) to the ceremony as an honored friend, or summarily firing the housing director (highly ironic since Holloway and his wife are facing legal action from the city of Milwaukee for numerous code violatoins on rental property they own), or laying out a massive tax-and-spend agenda that will by necessity take far more than either the 30 days he has before he has to name an “interim” County Exec (most-likely himself because he temporarily gave up the Board Chairmanship) or the 3 1/2 months before an elected replacement takes office (yes, he’s running). The latest is the revelation that he assembled a 32-member transition team.

Revisions/extensions (7:03 am 12/30/2010) – In the 5 o’clock hour, WISN-AM’s Jerry Bott and Ken Herrera pointed out that, in Holloway’s announcement that he was running for the remainder of the term, he used street putdowns on his potential challengers, conservative and ultra-liberal alike. Since nobody hit the poll yet, I simply added it to the poll.

I guess it’s time for a new NRE Poll…

What is the most outrageous aspect of Lee Holloway's assumption of the powers of Milwaukee County Executive?

Up to 1 answer(s) was/were allowed

  • Despite the city of Milwaukee taking legal action against him for numerous code violations at his rental properties, he fired the county housing director. (38%, 5 Vote(s))
  • He invited disgraced former executive F.(U.) Thomas Ament to the swearing-in ceremony as an honored friend. (31%, 4 Vote(s))
  • Despite the 30-day nature of the "acting" title, he requires 32 people in his transition office. (23%, 3 Vote(s))
  • He laid out a massive tax-and-spend agenda that will take far longer than the 30 days he has as acting exec or the 3 1/2 months before an elected replacement takes office. (8%, 1 Vote(s))
  • He needed not one, but two judges to administer the oath. (0%, 0 Vote(s))
  • He couldn't pass up using street putdowns of all his potential challengers. (0%, 0 Vote(s))

Total Voters: 13

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It’s also time for some appropriate music…


Wednesday’s Hot Read – The Chilean Model

by @ 8:46. Filed under Social Security crater.

(H/T – Fausta)

The Investor’s Business Daily editorial board noted the phenominal success story that the privatized Chilean social security system has become:

(Then-labor minister Jose) Pinera’s proposal began with scrapping the payroll tax on the country’s social security system and inviting all workers to take the money they were contributing and move it into a private pension.

Workers would be free to choose the fund, how much to put in, and at what age they would retire, with a minimal safety net built into the design. Past contributions would be refunded to workers by government bond. And anyone who didn’t like the idea was free to remain with the system as it was. It was a huge success: 95% of Chile’s workers chose the private system.

Pinera told the public to expect a compounded 4% rate of return under the private plan. But as of 2010, the average annual rate of return was 9.23%, far higher than promised.

By contrast, the U.S. social security system, which today accounts for a quarter of the U.S. government budget, is slated to give retiring workers in the next decade a 1% to 2% rate of return. And those entering the system today will see a negative return.

In order to compare apples to apples, one has to compare the rate of return to inflation. The bad news is Chile’s inflation averaged 10.72% between 1981 and 2009, which means the 9.23% rate of return only covered 98.7% of inflation. The ugly news is that is still better than the SocSecurity rate of return compared to the likely rate of inflation over the next decade, in which the rate of return is expected to cover barely 98% of inflation.

Let’s move to the effect on government finances:

Chile’s implicit pension debt fell to just 6% of GNP — compared with 100% in the U.S., 300% in France and 450% in Italy, leaving Chile with no net debt.

Better still, the accumulated savings in the pension funds fueled Chile’s spectacular economic ascent, taking real incomes from about $4,000 per capita in the early 1980s to $15,000 today, and GDP to the 6% range most years for nearly 20 years.

That, folks, is the real payoff; a government and a people able to weather economic storms that is sinking the rest of the world. Even when one takes out the dysfunctional Disability Insurance, the cost of providing the benefits of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (including a transfer of funds to cover railroad retirees) outstripped the taxes paid by $2.14 billion on $577 billion of benefit payouts, and $6.06 billion on $580 billion in total program cost, in FY2010. That’s $6.06 billion that, because of the nature of the “Trust Funds”, the Treasury had to borrow, which gives the lie to the accounting trick that counts “interest earned” by said “Trust Funds” as income into Social Security.

With the level of publicly-held debt rapidly approaching 100% of GDP, and current trends showing that increasing at an exponential rate, how long can it be before everybody stops buying US Treasuries? The first time that happens, the value of those “Trust Funds” will be $0.00, and we’ll be up a swollen Shit Creek without a paddle.

December 28, 2010

Tuesday Hot Read – James Wigderson’s “Debating Doyle’s Legacy”

by @ 17:10. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Over at the MacIver Institute, James Wigderson took an extended look at the utter failure that has been the Jim Doyle governorship. The lengthy explanations, which range from taxes to education, from budgets to various flip-flops big and small, need to be read, but three sentences sum them all up quite nicely:

Doyle spent much of his time as governor not living up to the political statements he made. From big issues to small issues, he disappointed and frustrated friend and foe alike. The Doyle motto seemed to be what Rush Limbaugh once described as the strategy of the Clinton White House years, “How do we fool them today?”

As Michelle Malkin says, DLTDHYOTWO, Craps.

It is Bear Week

by @ 16:55. Filed under Sports.

Yes, Duh Bears still suck (video H/T – Jib)


Duh Bears may have backed into the NFC North title, but they will end the season with a two-game losing streak, starting on Sunday against the Packers.

Just as a reminder, come on over to Papa’s starting 45 minutes before kickoff (or 2:30 pm) and celebrate both Christmas and a trip to the playoffs for the Pack with the extended Drinking Right crew.

December 27, 2010

They told me if…PlaceboCare Death Panel edition

by @ 13:52. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

(H/T – Ed Morrissey)

Shortly after the mandatory every-5-year “Just die already” speech was stripped from PlaceboCare because of the backlash led by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, the New York Times reports that, not only did the Obama administration slip it back in administratively via the same mechanism that forces every state to have drinking age of 21 and primary enforcement of mandatory seat belt laws (the dangling of money), but that instead of getting the speech every five years, you’ll get it annually.

Jimmie Bise has a lot more wrapup, while WISN-AM’s Mark Belling, filling in for Rush Limbaugh, has been hammering home the fact that, even though it is officially even more “voluntary” as said federal drinking age, it is as much a mandate. There is no distinction between offering extra money to force a decision and withholding money to force said decision.

Remember when Teh Won said that doctors took out tonsils for profit? They told me, if I voted for Palin, doctors would profit from telling me to die. AND THEY WERE RIGHT!

Update by Shoebox:

The Death Panels are only half of the story. In the past week, Sebelius and her pack of flying monkeys have also issued rules (all as part of Placebocare), that requires any insurance company who dares raise rates more than 10%, to face a health care inquisition.

Now, it’s clear that no one in the Obama abomination administration has any economic training.  If they did, they would recognize that there is a very bright light heading towards them from the opposite end of the tunnel and it’s not the end of the tunnel. 

Econ 101, whether macro or micro, will tell you that if you remove the ability for prices to reflect increasing costs, the result is a restriction on the amount of the service or good offered.  If you doubt this, simply look at any attempt to set prices and you will note that in time, the good or service for which the price is artificially set, either becomes so poor in quality (an attempt to reduce the costs) or has severe shortages in the amount offered so as not to any longer resemble the original product or service.  I wonder which, poor quality or less availability, the Obama administration is targeting under Placebocare?

So, to sum it all up, under Placebocare we have people “counseling” about how to end your life without any of the “expensive” treatments.  And, you have a limit on the amount of premium increases.  Sounds like those two go hand in hand don’t you think?

Drinking Right Christmas Party

by @ 11:02. Tags:
Filed under Miscellaneous.

Revisions/extensions (11:02 am 12/27/2010) – The NFL decided that, since the Packers-Bears game has playoff consequences, that they would move it to 3:15 pm. Accordingly, the start time has been moved to 2:30 pm, and this post has been bumped to the top to reflect this.

Fred has all the details on the Drinking Right Christmas Party, scheduled for Bust the Bears Sunday, January 2, 2011.

Our Cheddarsphere Christmas party this year will be on Sunday, January the 2nd, from noon 2:30 pm until whenever at Papa’s Social Club, 7718 W. Burleigh Milwaukee .

Just like last year we’ll be collecting predictions from the attendees for the coming year. (I’ll be reposting last years predictions soon so we can see how we did.)

The Packers will be facing the Bears on the big screens. This game could very easily determine the NFC North Division Champion, come and watch it with friends!

Our White Elephant half-time gift exchange will also be revised for a third straight year, just bring a gift to participate.

Of course, we might not be watching the game at noon if it has NFC North championship (or other playoff) implications – NBC will be guaranteed a game with playoff implications, and even if NBC doesn’t take the game, Fox may well make it the 3:15 game. Well, Fox has made it the 3:15 game, so we’re starting a bit later.

In any case, head on over to Real Debate Wisconsin to RSVP.

December 25, 2010

Have a blessed Christmas

by @ 0:01. Tags:
Filed under Miscellaneous.

Shoebox gave St. John’s account of Jesus’ birth a bit earlier, so I’ll go with St. Luke’s account once again (Luke 2:1-12, NIV):

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register.

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem, the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."

Have a blessed Christmas.

December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

by @ 5:39. Filed under Miscellaneous.

John 1
The Word Became Flesh

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.
6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

I love John’s description of the coming of Christ.

The word “word,” gets roughly translated as “breath” meaning the being or essence of ones being. Read back through this passage using “breath” or “essence” in the place of “Word.” Note how John lays out how personal, how it was from His core that Jesus came for us. A rewrite of the 14th verse might be:

“God’s essence, God’s being, became flesh and dwelt among us.”

May God’s essence, God’s being be the focus of your joy this Christmas!

In Christ,

December 23, 2010

Budget Chop – Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

During his 2010 victory lap yesterday, President Obama laid out his priority for 2011:

Asked about the often-used car in the ditch analogy, Obama said that the “car [the economy in the analogy] is on level ground.” He spoke about a new direction for the government’s economic focus: “We now have to pivot and focus on jobs and growth,” and education, innovation, and R & D.

While Obama’s lips may be saying “yes, yes,” his double crossed fingers are saying, “no, no!”

Gulf oil drilling jobs continue to be decimated as Obama via the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, works to interfere with, delay or halt altogether, permits for drilling. Most people are aware that Obama has denied an expansion of drilling areas and has delayed permits for new deep water rigs. What folks aren’t aware of is that even in areas where drilling is allowed, even in shallow water, the Bureau has implemented a plan that some would interpret as down right hostile towards all drilling efforts.

While you might think the Bureau is taking time advancing permits to ensure that safety comes first, they’re not. They are doing mostly what bureaucracies do, create process for no end result benefit:

Yet regulators have tightened processes so much that permit applications are being returned six and seven times for more information, says Randall Stilley, Seahawk’s chief exec­utive. One operator con­fided its last rejection was because the application contained two font sizes, he said.

(emphasis mine)

I’m a big believer in pay for performance i.e. if you perform well, you get paid more. I think we should use this type of approach to government agencies. Going forward, I would propose that Congress cut the budget for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. After all, how many people should it take to just say “no” to every inquiry of permitting for an ocean drilling rig?

December 20, 2010

The Budget Chop

Reports are circulating that Republicans and someone on the Democrat side (who is in charge there anymore?) have agreed to a clean continuing resolution bill that will extend the current budget levels into sometime in the first quarter of 2011.  All in all, that’s probably good news.  I don’t trust the current set of Republicans to actually have a spine and argue with any Democrats over budget levels.  I certainly don’t have any hope that the current bunch could actually cut the budget.  I lay all of my hopes on the incoming freshman class.  I hope I’m not disappointed.

However, I don’t think it’s fair to toss these freshmen to the wolves.  

As part or our ongoing public service efforts to provide clear, conservative thinking, we here at NRE have decided to start providing crib notes for the freshmen class on where, what and how to cut the federal budget.  This post is the first in the series.

Janet Napolitano announced today that the Department of Homeland Security, along with it being ever vigilant in finding new ways to amuse terrorists and piss off non Muslim air travelers, is taking on a new task.  DHS is making contingency plans in the event that climate change impacts domestic security.  Under the banner of “evironmental justice,” Napolitano has DHS making plans of what to do if oceans rise, glaciers melt or some change in weather occurs. 

As if it wasn’t bad enough that Napolitano wasted DHS time on this nonsense, she also included other executive staff. White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley, EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius were all included as speakers for the event.

Hey Freshmen, if Napolitano has enough people with enough time to worry about such things as “evironmental justice,” regardless of what the real focus is, she has too many people with too much time in her budget! DHS should be the first agency to experience significant budget cuts!

As I said, we’ll be pointing out budget chop items as we find them. My plan is to get a neato graphic that can be added to highlight the budget chop posts. I don’t have it yet. In the meantime, let’s see if this sets the mood:

December 19, 2010

Coming in January – the 2010 NRE Awards

by @ 12:07. Filed under NRE Awards.

If we’re closing in on Christmas, we’re closing in on the 2010 NRE Awards. Unless somebody comes up with a new category or two, we’re going to go with the same schedule as last year, with the first nominees coming out on January 1, to allow for the fact that some things can happen all the way up until midnight.

The full tentative schedule is:

Jackass of the Year – January 1
Thank You for Existing – January 2
Dumbest Thing Said – January 3
News Story of the Year – January 4
Person of the Year – January 5

If we add to this, at a minimum the Person of the Year will be pushed back so it is the crown jewel. We haven’t yet decided on whether we’ll also do a “decade” award series, partly because this place wasn’t around in 2001.

December 16, 2010


by @ 19:15. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I haven’t got time for a fully thought through post but here are a few random shots:

  • When will Boehner or McConnell step up to a mic and say, “Read my lips, no new spending!”


  • Congress has become nothing more for a social club.  Elected members worry more about what other members think than standing for their own principles.  Each incoming congressional freshman should put a sign on their office door that says, “If you are here to convince me of your position on an issue, please know that I am not here to satisfy your social needs, I am here to hold to my principles on behalf of those I represent.”


  • The 111th Congress is dead, it just doesn’t know it.  Where are those death panels when you need them?


  • While not scientific, I spoke with several recruitment/temporary agencies in the mid Ohio valley this week.  The consensus is that things are improving…slightly, but improving.  They typically see a lull from Thanksgiving until after the first of the year.  This year, their activity is picking up over the holidays.

Thursday Historical Read – Michelle Malkin’s “Boston Tea Party: 237th anniversary”

by @ 10:06. Tags:
Filed under History, Politics - National.

237 years ago today, a bunch of soon-to-be-ex-colonists protested the Tea Act by dumping a bunch of tea into Boston Harbor. Michelle Malkin takes a look back, and brings it into the present…

On December 16, 1773, the taxpayers of Boston had had enough.

The Boston Tea Party Ship & Museum website recounts the story:

On the cold evening of December 16, 1773, a large band of patriots, disguised as Mohawk Indians, burst from the South Meeting House with the spirit of freedom burning in their eyes. The patriots headed towards Griffin’s Wharf and the three ships. Quickly, quietly, and in an orderly manner, the Sons of Liberty boarded each of the tea ships. Once on board, the patriots went to work striking the chests with axes and hatchets. Thousands of spectators watched in silence. Only the sounds of ax blades splitting wood rang out from Boston Harbor. Once the crates were open, the patriots dumped the tea into the sea.

The bipartisan Party-In-Government, complete with Scott Brown (who wouldn’t be in the Senate if it weren’t for the Tea Party Movement), is doubling tripling down on stupid. Guess it’s time to increase the skeer on Congress, even as the foes of liberty increase their violence against us…

Make sure to commemorate the anniversary by picking up the phone and making yourselves heard in Washington as the tax-and-looters carry on.

Capitol switchboard: 202-224-3121. If you don’t, no one will.


by @ 7:36. Filed under 2012 Presidential Contest.

Over the course of the past week, Erick Erickson has been running a tournament-style poll for who the RedState faithful want to see as the 2012 GOP Presidential nominee. Yesterday saw the final round end, and, believe it or not, Sarah Palin did not finish first. Allow me to recap the brackets before I tell you who knocked off Palin (which is why I’ed the link; it would otherwise have told you who won the poll):

Round 1
– Herman Cain beat Donald Trump in The Businessmen matchup
– David Petraeus beat Jeb Bush in The Wild Cards matchup
– John Bolton beat John Thune in The Johns matchup
– Mike Pence beat Mike Huckabee in The Mikes matchup
– Tim Pawlenty beat Mitt Romney in The Northern Governors matchup
– Haley Barbour beat Rick Perry in The Southern Governors matchup
– Sarah Palin beat Mitch Daniels in The Other Governors matchup
– Rick Santorum beat Newt Gingrich in The Former Politicos matchup

Round 2
– Herman Cain beat David Petraeus in the Business v. Wild Card matchup
– Mike Pence beat John Bolton in the John v. Mike matchup
– Haley Barbour beat Tim Pawlenty in the North v. South matchup
– Sarah Palin beat Rick Santorum in the Other v. Former matchup

– Herman Cain beat Mike Pence
– Sarah Palin beat Haley Barbour

And now, the final – Herman Cain knocked off Sarah Palin, 8,900-8,100. I am surprised, even though I have met Cain and was flat-out impressed by him, much like the rest of blog row at the 2010 Defending the American Dream Summit. There are that Cain’s entry into the race will happen on Friday; he already snagged Mark Block away from Americans for Prosperity’s Wisconsin chapter after Block turned it from a 300-member group in 2007 into a 90,000+-member group now.

December 15, 2010

Sprung convict deciding vote on 16 of 17 state labor contracts – UPDATE – Freshly-ex Senate Majority Leader a surprise roadblock – UPDATE – Not dead yet? – FINAL UPDATE – It’s dead, Jim

by @ 21:27. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

Mere hours after being sprung from the Chippewa County jail where he was and will continue to be serving a 60-day Huber sentence after being convicted on his fourth DUI, soon-to-be-ex Assemblyman Jeff Wood (“I” who caucuses with the Democrats) became the 48th and deciding vote on 16 of the 17 state labor contracts soon-to-be-ex governor Jim Doyle and his fellow Democrats, including the soon-to-be-ex-members/leaders of both houses of the Legislature, are rushing through to tie the hands of the incoming Republicans.

The only contract that passed by more than the “margin of Wood” (i.e., a 49-46 margin instead of a 48-47 one the other 16 contracts were passed by) was one with the SEIU for independent home-care workers for FY2012-FY2013 (AB995 on your scoresheet). “Interestingly”, that contract, the only one that is for the period beyond June 30, 2011, is expected to cost the state an additional $622,400 per year beyond what was budgeted for FY2010-FY2011 (so much for “no pay increases” in this basket of dead-duck contracts).

As I type this, the Senate deadlocked on the first of the contracts, with soon-to-be-ex Senator/Senate Majority Leader Russ Decker providing the deadlocking vote. According to WisPolitics’ Quorom Call, Decker said that the voters “want someone else to make these decisions.” Joining Decker in opposition were the 14 present Republicans (Luther Olsen is in California and refused to cut short a family vacation) and soon-to-be-ex-Senator Jeff Plale. Of course, Decker also was likely the deciding vote to bring the Senate into this extraordinary session, as the Democrats hold a 3-2 margin in the Senate Organization Committee

Revisions/extensions (9:48 pm 12/15/2010) – The twin ex-es Decker is facing became “un-twinned” as his fellow Dems threw him under the bus in favor of assistant leader Dave Hansen. It didn’t have the intended effect as Decker continues to vote against the rammed-through contracts. They’re up through the 11th contract now, and all 11 have gone down by identical 16-16 votes.

R&E part 2 (10:00 pm 12/15/2010) – And all 17 contracts went down by identical 16-16 votes. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

R&E part 3 (1:45 am 12/16/2010) – WisPolitics’ Quorum Call is reporting that the freshly-minted temporary Senate Dem leader, Dave Hansen and Senate President Fred Risser are planning on bringing the Senate back in session at 10 am today because, since it was a tie vote, anybody can call for a reconsideration. Meanwhile, the person who will be the Senate Dem leader in the next Legislature, Mark Miller, told Republican leader Scott Fitzgerald that the Senate wouldn’t be on the floor Thursday. How much do you want to bet that Risser and company are trying to get a second Republican (or Plale or Decker) to disappear from Madison?

R&E part 4 (10:43 am 12/16/2010) – The message on the Senate InSession site now reads, “THE WISCONSIN STATE SENATE STANDS ADJOURNED PURSUANT TO SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 1”. It’s over! To celebrate, allow me to break out the best part of the original Star Trek…


December 14, 2010

Tuesday Hot Read – Pamela Gorman’s “The Dream Act- Unsafe for Children”

by @ 11:51. Filed under Immigration, Politics - National.

(H/T – Brian Fojtik)

Pamela Gorman found a rather disturbing loophole in the DREAM Bill (unless it becomes law, it’s not an Act, except in stupidity):

The bill has a section that specifically allows the offspring of illegal aliens to opt out of the military and education requirements for citizenship. And, if you actually read it, you would see that the opt out requires little more than a letter stating that fulfilling the requirements of the law would present a “hardship.” Because the bill offers no definition of what is means by “hardship,” it is virtually impossible for a court to later have clear direction in determining what constitutes a life situation that prevents the young person from properly meeting the requirements of the law. Additionally, it could be determined on a subjective case-by-case (read: politically motivated) basis by the government agency employee who receives the letter of excuse.

Yep; you read that right – pure, no-committment-required amnesty.

Delivering the purple package

by @ 10:44. Filed under Law and order.

Both Whitefish Bay Now and WITI-TV are reporting on a USPS carrier who delivered some mail naked the other Saturday. If one combines the two sources, it turns into a he-said/she-said deal on whether she dared him to deliver mail naked.

What was he thinking? Oh, that’s right. He’s a unionized government employee; as such, he is likely to end up in the TSA after a lengthy investigation.

December Drinking Right – 12-hour warning

This is the Emergency Blogging System. It has been activated because it is just too cold for Steve to blog.

The December edition of Drinking Right will commence at 19:00 (7 pm for those of you who don’t see the wisdom of a 24-hour clock) at Papa’s Social Club, 7718 W Burleigh in Milwaukee. Word on the street is that AFP New Media director Erik Telford will be dropping in.

Also, don’t forget about the Drinking Right Christmas Party on 1/2/2011 at noon. Because the Packers stink and there will be no playoff implications, the game will be at noon.

December 13, 2010

It’s For the Children’s…..Security

by @ 21:05. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Today, Michelle Obama got her wish and the nanny state expanded.  Congress passed the “Healthy- Hunger free kids act.”  For $4.5 billion we now get an extra $.06 of support for school lunches and federal government support for an after school meal.  Oh, but you also get mandates for school gardens, no doubt to grow arugula, and to “buy local!”  What a waste!

In her comments today, Michelle actually referenced comments from some military folks who attempted to tie obese kids to a military readiness issue.  I wonder if Michelle will be equally concerned about making sure that all school kids get gun training?

In honor of Michelle’s on going quest to ensure that we all eat only what she tells us to, I have penned a song.

To be sung to the tune of the Beatles “Michelle”
Michelle, cow bell
These are words that go together well
Large Michelle

Michelle, cow bell
Can’t we keep our fast food that is swell
Large Michelle?

I love it, I love it, I love it
That’s all I want to say
I wish you’d go away
And leave my food choice up to me and
Not Uncle Sam.

Michelle, cow bell
I’m sure you love French ‘cause they do what
Ever their told

I need to, I need to, I need to.
I need to make you see
Oh what fries mean to me.
Until I do I’m hoping you will
Quit dogging me.

I love food….

I want more, I want more, I want more.
I think you know by now
I’ll get to food somehow
No chide from you will shrink my waist so
Nag on Barack.

Michelle, cow bell
French toast, French bread, French fries, French croissant
All foods that you loathe

Don’t touch any of the food I love
Or you’ll lose your hand, my Michelle.

In case you need a little help with the tune:

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