No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

June 9, 2007

“Is Conservatism Out of Gas?” – the NRE national take

by @ 14:34. Filed under Politics - National.

(Cross-posted from the TownHall version of NRE)

I’ve promised this for, what, 2 1/2 weeks? Every time I had something started, I’ve run into something that caused me to drop it. Not this time; not even a glitch that rejected my attempt to publish over there yesterday morning. Heck, I’m glad that I was delayed because some things happened that caused me to rethink my answer (at least my national answer; things just got even worse in Wisconsin). Now, on with the post….

If one were to simply look at what the Republican Party has put out there lately, from the anmesty bill to the three purported front-runners for the 2008 Presidential nomination, from the focus of tax cuts as not cutting the flow of money to and thus the size of government to the massive expansion of the federal government in areas that it has no business being, one could say that conservatism was not only out of gas, but dead and in the casket waiting to be buried. Indeed, in its push for the amnesty bill, the White House attempted to bury conservatives who opposed amnesty by using tired liberal name-calling. Those few announced candidates who can accurately be described as conservative aren’t getting any traction, at least according to the opinion polls.

However, we’re not quite dead yet. Sites like TownHall, Free Republic, Hot Air, Boots and Sabers, and even my little hole in the wall are thriving. Conservative talk radio is still so successful, the Democrats are scheming ways to shut it down. We’ve just defeated amnesty despite the wors…er, best efforts of the leadership of both parties. Even if they’re flaming liberals, Republicans still at least attempt to speak our language at election time. Heck, even the Democrats are so insecure in their liberalism that they’re once again trying to run to the right (from The Wall Street Journal).

On the Presidential nomination front, the two most-liberal of those three front-runners are skipping the historically-important Iowa straw poll in August, likely because their internal polls are showing something that the public opinion polls aren’t. We have the 6’5″ gorilla of a (more-or-less) conservative forming an exploratory committee in the wake of the third less-than-inspiring debate.

So, we’re not necessarily out of gas. Rather, we’re at a crossroads trying to decide which way to go while a tornado of bad liberal ideas is almost on top of us, indeed, so close that some of those bad ideas are raining down like so much debris. We need to find conservatives to run against the bipartisan members of the liberal Party-In-Government. We need to hold everybody’s feet to the fire. Now, I am not an expert, so I can’t tell you who to run against who; you’ll have to do your homework and figure that one yourselves. However, I do know that we have to get that done now or we will get swept up and spit out.

June 8, 2007

“Is Conservatism Out of Gas” – the NRE national take

by @ 10:10. Filed under Politics - National.

I promised that I would put that over at TownHall, and after some hemming (on my part) and hawing (on Townhall’s part; they’ve glitched up lately), that’s up. It’s a lot more positive than my Wisconsin-specific take.

May 23, 2007

“Is Conservatism Out Of Gas?” – the NRE Wisconsin take

by @ 0:29. Filed under Politics - Wisconsin.

The question is exceedingly simple, but the answer is about as complex as the lengthy explanation of Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Indeed, it’s so complex, I won’t deal with the national answer in this missive because some of the issues nationally are quite different than in Wisconsin (that, and I really owe the TownHall version of the blog something).

There are three basic elements of conservatism; social, judicial and fiscal. Usually, these three elements are mutually-supporting, but they are anything but synonymous. A couple of quick examples – is it judicially or fiscally conservative to support the “war on drugs”? No, but it is socially conservative. Is it judicially or even socially conservative to support a state-imposed limit on how much a local government can raise taxes? Depending on whether it is a statutory or constitutional limit, not necessarily, yet it is undoubtedly fiscally conservative.

Social conservatism, at least among the populace, is as alive and well as can be. The two referenda that were on the ballot in November both passed handily. On issue after issue, the majority of the populace at least professes to believe in the conservative position. However, the Republican Party, the only one where social conservatism is at least tolerated, has taken social conservatives for granted for years.

Judicial conservatism is somewhat in a state of flux. Whenever voters are given a choice between someone who doesn’t believe in judicial activism or a soft-on-crime approach and someone who does believe in judicial activism and a soft-on-crime approach, they opt for the former. Tempering this is the fact that there are so few contested judicial elections, especially once there is an incumbent. This allows judges to “grow” in office and see their mandate to be a “Lawgiver-In-Black”. We’ve seen this most-recently with Pat Crooks. Crooks “grew” into a Lawgiver-In-Black, reportedly because he didn’t want to face a challenge from Wisconsin’s trial lawyers. He ensured that he didn’t have any opposition in his re-election bid.

That brings us to fiscal conservatism. In my lifetime, there has been exactly one successful bid in Madison to actually reduce spending in Wisconsin – the Wisconsin Works welfare reform. One could try to claim that the 2/3rds school-finance shift to the state in exchange for limits on how much school districts can jack up taxes is fiscal conservatism, but even before the various referenda are taken into account, the net result was a shift of the money source to the state and a resultant massive increase in spending.

Outside of a micro-revolt that happened in southern Milwaukee County in 2002 that was the direct result of a massive pension scandal at the county level, and perhaps the ouster of then-Senate Majority Leader Mary Panzer over her failure to bring TABOR to a vote (which failed spectacularily when Glenn Grothman immediately went native), there has been no widespread successful voter “revolt” against high taxes. True, school bonding referenda have occassionally gone down in defeat, but when a $93 million referendum passes in tiny New Richmond, and $20-$30 million referenda routinely pass even in the heart of that revolt, one can fairly say that there is no sense of fiscal conservatism amongst the populace.

Is it any surprise that the Republican Party has paid no more than lip service to fiscal conservatism? From the Republicans’ abandonment of Scott McCallum when he proposed getting rid of shared revenue in 2002 to the aforementioned Panzer burying of TABOR in 2004, to the 2-year failure to pass the TPA the last 2 years to the current push by the Assembly Pubbie leadership to accept tax increases, Wisconsin Republicans have never been fiscal conservatives.

Why do they pay lip service to fiscal conservatism? Politics, pure and simple. The Democrats have the social and fiscal liberalism bases locked up tight. Most social conservatives are, almost by necessity, also fiscal conservatives. They have, in a bit of irony, taken to heart Gerald Ford’s words of warning – “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”

So, what’s my final answer? At least in Wisconsin, conservatism as a political movement is not only out of gas, but on life support, and will remain so as long as the Republican Party (or its successor) takes social conservatives for granted. Further, even though it is not popular, as long as fiscal conservatism gets short shrift, any gains from gearing toward social conservatives will be at best temporary.

May 22, 2007

“Is Conservatism Out Of Gas?” – Weeks 2-4 summary

I’ve been seriously-remiss in collating this, which ought to give you a second hint of my upcoming “unrequested” answer (if that poll over on the left side didn’t give you enough of a hint). Let’s briefly summarize what the Week 2-4 folks (revisions/extensions – I really need a calendar) said…

John McAdams, the Marquette Warrior said that foreign-policy conservatism, which he described as “a vigorous response to terrorism and to terrorist regimes”, took a drubbing, but that the seeds to a resurgence of conservatives in the Republican Party and by extension politics have been planted.

Assembly Speaker Mike Huebsch, speaking out of the “public” side of his mouth, said that conservatism, including tax cuts, was alive and well (side note; the political side of Huebsch’s mouth has been rather busy giving lie to this assertation – many thanks to Owen for exposing the Assembly’s version of Mary Panzer).

Assemblywoman Leah Vukmir said that the Pubbies needed to return to fiscal as well as social conservatism.

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker said that a return to the principles of less government and personal liberty is what is needed, and that he’s hopeful that the Pubbies will do so quickly.

George Lightbourn, one of WPRI’s said that a refocus away from the partisan political and onto individualism is what’s needed.

Messmer Catholic Schools President Brother Bob Smith said we got “a bad tank of fuel on its present journey”.

State Senate Minority Leader Scott Fitzgerald blamed the 2006 losses in Wisconsin on the Pubbies’ inability to credibly sell itself as the party of lower taxes, smaller and cleaner government, and economic freedom and promised that the Senate Pubbies will learn the lesson this time.

WPRI President James H. Miller wonders if conservatism is out of oxygen because there are no new conservative ideas, and holds up the upcoming State Supreme Court battle between Louis Butler and whoever (if anybody) steps up to challenge him as the decisive battle.

Marquette Law School Dean Joseph D. Kearney sticks with his area of expertise, the law and judiciary, in saying that conservatism is anything other than out of gas, but goes off the rails in defending the Kelo decision (side note; it was the larger populace that allows him to say that conservatism survives on the federal judiciary because we defeated Harriet “Mushroom” Miers).

State Senator Glenn Grothman outlined 3 areas where conservatives can make inroads on the liberal base – affirmative action, the alliance between the Left and teachers’ unions, and social engineering (side note; whatever happened to the issue that put Grothman in the Senate, taxes?)

Mark Neumann noted that there are two flavors of conservatives – the “pocketbook” conservatives who will vote for anybody that espouses limited goverment and low taxes, and the “hot button” conservatives who will not look further at a candidate who does not pass “their” issue. He went on to say that almost no conservative ran on either the pocketbook or the biggest 3 “hot button” issues (abortion, gay “rights”, 2nd-Amendment rights), and that the pendulum will swing back to the conservative points of view. Of note, nowhere in his missive did he use the word “Republican”.

Christian Schneider brings out a bit of Dennis York in his answer – “I’ll tell you when I’m done with this burrito.” Seriously, he points out that “(t)rue fiscal conservatism remains the ‘Big Idea That’s Never Been Tried’ in Wisconsin.” (Side note; I need to highlight this answer.)

Scott Niederjohn and Mark C. Schug, economics professors at Lakeland College and UWM (respectively), focus on the health care “crisis” and the failure of education of basic free-market economic principles.

Thomas C. Reeves, another fellow at WPRI, outlines an 8-step program to counter the near-term conditions that leave Democrats in “excellent” shape.

Deb Jordahl says that it wasn’t conservatives that left the Republican Party, but the Republican Party that left conservatives.

These quick synopses don’t do the essays justice, so go read them. I’ll almost certainly take at least some of them apart for further analysis when I get back from my fishing trip next week (that’s right, the guest-bloggers are going to make a comeback, so business will likely pick up here :-) .

Revisions/extensions (9:10 am 5/23/2007) – Not only do I need a calendar (that was the first revision), I need to pay closer attention to my subscribed feeds. Lance Burri gave a pep talk worthy of Vince Lombardi, or at least Mike Holmgren. I guess that’s the antithesis of my missive above.

April 27, 2007

“Is Conservatism Out Of Gas?” – Week 1 summary

We’re through the first week of the 2-week special from the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, and there sure seems to be a common theme. Time to summarize what they said while I (with no pressure, thankfully) try to figure out the answer:

– On Monday, Rep. Paul Ryan noted that conservativism and Republicanism have diverged wildly the last several years, with the result being the 2006 election debacle. He outlined several principles designed to combat the triple challenge of globalization, entitlement bankruptcy, and the Islamic threat.

– On Tuesday, Charlie Sykes took many words to say that while conservatism is temporarily out of gas, liberalism is permanently out of gas. He also came up with a reason why Rudy Giuliani is so popular – he’s perceived as conservative on economic and security issues, and that social conservatives have pretty much given up putting social conservatism on the front burner. As a side note, I do not buy Giuliani as conservative on anything other than most law-and-order/security issues (gun-grabbing a major exception); after all, he was very active in railing against Wall Street in his time in the US Attorney’s office of Southern Manhattan.

– On Wednesday, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner railed against what passed for Pubbie leadership going into the 2006 elections and issued a call for conservatives to start speaking up.

– On Thursday, Owen Robinson, despite claiming he had a different take than the previous 3, sounded a lot like Ryan. He expounded on taxes and health care far more than Ryan, while also taking on education.

– Today (Friday), Mark Green took a stab as to why he lost his race for governor, and came up with fatigue over the Iraq front in the Global War on Terror, scandals in DC, and Republicanism in general. Considering the office Green ran for and the person he ran against, I would take door #3.

If I had to summarize their takes, it would be that it is Republicanism, not conservatism, that is out of gas. The only problem is, at least on a statewide and national level, there are but two parties, and time is definitely a-wasting in deciding whether to try to retake the Republican Party or do to the Pubbies what they did to the Whigs.

I would be remiss if I didn’t point you to Tom McMahon’s contrarian take (unfortunately, not part of the WPRI series). Take a close look a the bottom-right block.

February 6, 2008

Revisit – Is conservatism out of ga…er, dead nationally?

by @ 1:01. Filed under Politics - National.

Note; I wrote most of this yesterday afternoon/evening; I’m rushing this out while hung over because the inevitable has happened.

Back in April, the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute asked some of Wisconsin’s best and brightest right-of-center minds to answer the question, “Is Conservatism Out Of Gas?” (easier-to-follow archives than what they provide here for week 1 and here for weeks 2-4). I threw in my two cents on both Wisconsin and the national scene, and given the events of the Republican Presidential primary/caucus season, it’s high time to revisit this.

As the title says, this revisit will focus on the national scene, but I would be remiss if I didn’t briefly mention the Wisconsin one. While the situation hasn’t changed since I last visited the question, there is some progress on the judicial front. We did find a judicially-conservative judge, Mike Gabelman, to take on Doyle appointee Justice Louis Butler for the Supreme Court. Depending on what happens in that race, I may revisit that portion.

There are four basic legs of the conservative coalition, three of which are essentially unique to American conservatism and two of which are shared by libertarians. The first one I’ll deal with is governmental conservatism, shared with libertarians. At the federal level, it is a basic respect for the Constitution, and for federalism, which precludes using the federal government as an “overlord” to either push a particular philosophy or to buy votes. The three candidates who espoused this, Duncan Hunter, Fred Thompson, and Ron Paul, all were summarily rejected. In no state did the three of them even amount to a quarter of the vote. Mitt Romney attempted some outreach in this regard after a governorship spent growing the public-private partnership in Massachusetts; however, his only success in a state where he faced competition was after once again dipping into the bigger government well.

Why did this die? Simple; decades upon decades of government cultivating a dependence of the populace on it has, as surely as nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, or caffeine, created a dependence on government that is exceptionally hard to break, even as the country plunges into an economic mess caused by the creation and expansion of that dependence. One could say that it died when the 104th Congress lost the government shutdown battle in 1995, and he or she would have a valid point. One could also say it died when George W. Bush ran as a “compassionate ‘conservative'”, and again he or she would have a valid point. It just hasn’t been recognized until now.

The second portion that is at best on life support, almost as a direct result of the death of the first, is economic conservatism, also shared by libertarians. The few tax cuts that aren’t specifically targeted at a small subset of the few taxpayers left are sold not as actually reducing the amount of money the federal government receives. Indeed, it is hard, if not impossible, to use government as a way to buy votes without a complete lack of fiscal restraint.

There is a little bit of hope in this regard; John McCain does recognize the need to not have earmarks; however, the fight against earmarks is but a small part of economic conservatism, and that’s the only part that McCain recognizes. Morever, the fallout from the method of his primary win, including the likelyhood of humiliation in November, makes even that moot.

The third leg, a victim of suicide, is social conservatism. Rather than embrace candidates that also espouse the remainder of the conservative coalition, the voters listened to the RNC’s thinly-veiled call to push out those that believe in small government and fiscal restraint and pushed a candidate who, franky, is a big-government socialist, Mike Huckabee. The remainder of the conservative coalition pushed back, and after a surprise win in Iowa, Huckabee didn’t have a single win until today with a “stop-Romney” parliamentary move in West Virginia, with follow-on wins in his home state of Arkansas and heavily-Southern Baptist Arkansas.

That leaves the last leg, foreign policy. It is the one that is not, at least historically, uniquely-American. I will note that Paul is the outlier here; as a libertarian, he espouses weakness in the face of attacks, and that has been roundly rejected by the Republicans. The remainder of the candidates, both surviving and withdrawn, do recognize that to retreat in the face of attacks is only a recipe for the ultimate defeat of America. However, that is not, on its own, enough to carry the day. By focusing solely on this to the mutual exclusion of the other three legs, the RNC has planted the seeds of its humiliation in November. There are many conservatives, both influential and bloggers, who have vowed not to vote for John McCain.

I briefly considered tossing this, or at least postponing it again, after a rather lengthy discussion with Brian Fraley over beers. However, I’ve put it off too long. I hope the RNC is happy with the separation of the Republican Party from the conservatives and the resulting death spiral last experienced by the Whig Party. I also hope the rank-and-file is happy with being a national minority party for the remainder of its marked time as it is poised to nominate a candidate who would rather be a member of the other party. Lastly, I hope the “conservatives” who participated in the systematic destruction of every candidate who came forth to carry the broad-based conservative banner by voting for or supporting somebody else because of some perceived slight are happy about being shoved into the dustbin of history, because neither McCain nor the Democrats will let conservatives back into the political game if they can help it.

Revisions/extensions (1:06 am 2/6/2008) – There is a lot of good discussion over at Michelle’s place, as she notes there is an actual CPAC topic called, “Is the GOP lost?”.

December 20, 2007

Is Conservatism cracking up?

by @ 18:17. Filed under Politics - National.

I don’t know whether I will be revising and extending my remarks back in May and June on the question of whether conservativism is out of gas, but Jim Geraghty makes a pretty strong case for it being in the process of cracking up.

I’m still trying to formulate my thoughts, and I’m hoping that January doesn’t make me reconsider those remarks.

January 23, 2008

Does the conservative/libertarian blogosphere have any influence?

by @ 12:39. Filed under The Blog.

I know, I promised another look at the “Is conservatism out of gas/dead” question, but I have a bit more groundwork to lay before I get there. With the spectacular failure of the Thompson campaign, with its dependence and major source of support in the conservative blogosphere, I have to answer the question of whether we have any actual influence.

The question is properly answered with, “…with whom?” It is painfully obvious that, though we are by and large “Average Joes”, we have no influence with the larger populace of “Average Joes”. Because we are willing to put thoughts to electrons, we are by definition now different than the larger populace. It is an over-generalization, but we pay closer attention than the non-blogging Joe, and we put different weights on the various opinions and bits of news. Morever, we do not have nearly the reach of either the dead-tree/video media or the talk-radio media. Some sites may well reach beyond the “circular-fire” of like-minded bloggers to a larger audience; this place isn’t one of them.

The prime example of our, and the libertarians’, lack of influence with the larger populace is the 2008 elections. Without a doubt, the two candidates that have received the most blogger support are Fred Thompson and Ron Paul. However, neither candidate received more than 14% of the vote in any primary or caucus, and Flip’s unweighted average vote share for both of them is 18.1% (Thompson 11.2%, Paul 6.9%).

I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention a basic difference in blogging philosophy between my end of the blogosphere and the liberal end. We, by and large, see blogging as a way to vent our frustrations. The left, by and large, sees blogging as another means to the political end of total domination.

That leads me to the influence we do have with politicians and others in the political process. It is not, by and large, the reason behind the blogging. If it were, we’d be calling Ned Lamont “Senator”. Rather, the very things that make us different from the larger populace are the things that allow us to have influence. Specifically, the fact that we pipe up is why the pols and pros listen. On a given issue, there is surprisingly-little comment from the populace to the pols, and though we are by definition a bit different than the larger, silent populace, we’re closer to that populace than just about anybody else likely to get a politician’s ear, be they media or lobbyists. I don’t like to brag, but I know both from my stats and conversations I’ve had, I do have a not-insignificant readership in both Madison and Milwaukee’s courthouse.

The prime example of that influence was the torpedoing of amnesty. I have no doubt that, in a vacuum, we’d have something north of 10 million freshly-minted “Americans”. Most of the pols were for it, most of the pros were for it, outside of talk-radio media, the media was for it. Normally, that would be more than enough to have made it happen, even with 70% public opposition. However, we bloggers and talk radio climbed that wall, raised a ruckus, and knocked amnesty down.

I could also easily cite the end of President Bush’s dream to put Harriet Miers on the Supreme Court. Indeed, that was among the first things I blogged about, and that was the first “theme” I had.

Revisions/extensions (1:14 pm 1/25/2008) – Dean Barnett answers it far better than I could, only his focus is talk radio (H/T – Charlie).

January 21, 2008

Presidential Pool – What went wrong for Fred Thompson?

by @ 13:57. Filed under Politics - National.

It’s either this or reflection on the end of the Packer season, and this happened first (besides, I’m more-apt to put the latter over at TheWisconsinSportsBar, and my fellow bartenders pretty much already summed it up complete with expletives). First, let me state for the record that I’m nowhere near a professional political operative (the rambling nature of this post ought to be a dead giveaway), and that while the anticipated pronouncement that the boat is below the waves is tomorrow, it isn’t official yet.

A lot of people are saying and are going to say that Fred Thompson got into the race too late. If by late, you mean he got in later by an “absolute” calendar standard than successful candidates got in previous cycles, no. If by late, you mean he got in after everybody else did, yes. The “buzz” in politics, specifically press coverage and fundraising, is much like the time near the end of a race at Darlington, with only one green-flag pit stop left to go (I’ll ignore that Darlington tends not to have a lot of long green-flag runs). For those of you not familiar with NASCAR or Darlington Raceway, the surface at Darlington is very abrasive, and cars with a fresh set of tires turn laps that tend to be at least 2 seconds faster than cars that are at the end of their runs.

Yet, that was not nearly the fatal blow. Thompson did get a lot of buzz, especially in the conservative blogosphere, and more than enough cash to compete with at least John McCain and Mike Huckabee once he got in the race. Morever, all of the states had significant moves in support well after Thompson got into the race, so the “late” argument doesn’t exactly hold a lot of water for me.

That “late” argument does not explain why Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo, both of whom ran credibly on what was supposedly the number one conservative issue in 2007 (opposition to illegal immigration) and both of whom entered the race at the same time as everybody else, never gained more than token support and ultimately dropped out. It also does not explain why Mitt Romney, who poured a lot of money and time into every pre-Florida state and who ran to the right of Rudy McCabee for much of the pre-primaries/caucii portion of the campaign, essentially collapsed in every state contested by any third of that three-headed monster. I know, Romney did take a contested Michigan; however, there are a pair of mitigating circumstances. First, the Romney name is still remembered fondly in the state across the lake. Second, Romney went away from his previous broad-based conservatism message, especially in the economic department.

I’m left asking the same question the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute asked last April in “Wisconsin Interest” (Volume 16, Number 2), “Is conservatism out of gas?” I’m now leaning more toward my very-pessimistic Wisconsin-specific answer than my somewhat-more-optimistic national one, with the further revision that there are no gains to be had by focusing solely on social conservatism. Indeed, I’m almost ready to ask the follow-on question of whether conservatism is dead.

I’m also just about ready to ask and answer the question on whether the right-of-center part of the blogosphere has any actual influence. That really deserves its own missive, but I’ll give the upshot now; whatever influence we have is with the politicians themselves, not with the masses.

Ultimately, it was a combination of the cumulative effects of 70 years of almost-unchecked liberalism and complete chaos that was the Thompson campaign that doomed Thompson to the scrap heap of political history.

April 25, 2007

Under-the-weather roll troll

by @ 16:58. Filed under Miscellaneous.

I don’t have much of anything, so let’s see what else is out there…

This week’s Vent – Best.Vent.Ever. What a way to ring in Year 2 of HotAir.

– Speaking of videos, Uncle Jimbo checks in with a proper view of the DhimmiRATs’ twin-headed leadership.

– The Wisconsin Policy Research Institute sure is busy, part 1. They’re running a 2-week series in which a bunch of conservatives answer the question, “Is Conservatism Out Of Gas?” So far, Rep. Paul Ryan says that it’s Republicanism that ran out of gas and expands on what conservatives need to stress to stave off liberal , Charlie Sykes says it’s temporarily out of gas and that liberalism is perpetually out of gas, and Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner echoes Rep. Ryan. Thanks for the crib notes, guys; I’ll have my own thoughts here sometime soon.

– The WPRI sure is busy, part 2. Sticking with the gas theme, they reveal how the Craps “excess oil profits” tax will be paid for by we the taxpayers despite massive state spending designed to shove the effects of his over-$0.05/gallon gas tax out of state.

Reaganite at The Crocodile Cage tells us why most dogs are Republicans. Amen. Oh, and this is the second call for youse mugs to get him on your blogrolls and feed readers.

Sister Toldjah relays the reason many Southwest Airlines employees wear red on Fridays. All of a sudden, I feel free to move about the country. Seriously, Support the troops, start by wearing red on Friday.

– For more ideas, HotAir has some Fox News video from Major Eric Egland, author of The Troops Need You Now

Revisions/extensions (5:08 pm 4/25/2007) – I KNEW I forgot something. Sorry about that, Uncle Jimbo.

March 1, 2009

The Morning Scramble of things I missed – 3/1/2009

by @ 9:51. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Every time I think I can get out, the Scramble pulls me back in…


I’ve been busy meeting people well beyond my pay grade/getting the pulse of conservatism/drinking my way through DC the last couple days (sometimes more than one thing at once), so I owe you something. A Scramble through the best of the last couple days in the overbloated (and soon to be growing again) feed reader seemed appropriate.

  • Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker explains the folly of borrow-and-tax-and-spend.

    I should explain a bit more about Milwaukee County. The finances had been a mess for years, but there was a tipping point. At the end of 2000, the county board (most of whom are, sadly, still there) passed a mind-blowing expansion of the pension system that gave unbelievable backdrops and pension increases to, mostly, themselves and the senior members of the kleptocracy. This massive unfunded and essentially-irrevocable liability sat unnoticed for a year until Bruce Murphy, then working for Milwaukee magazine, exploded it. That lead to a tea party based mostly in the southern part of Milwaukee County (that’s where I live), that ultimately saw then-county executive Tom Ament and 6 of the 25 supervisors either recalled outright or resign in the face of recalls.

    Walker became county executive in the wake of that, and has been proposing zero-tax-increase budgets since, even as the unionized employees and those that couldn’t be shamed into giving up the enhancements to the pension fund took their money and ran. While he hasn’t always been successful in getting those zero-tax-increase budgets past the board, the rate of tax increases in Milwaukee County has been radically reduced.

  • Speaking of the Milwaukee County Board, Patrick Dorwin caught their spokesflack firing flack at the media watchdogs trying to get answers on a couple of board members who used county funds to attend the ObamiNation coronation. While one of them has paid the county back, the other hasn’t.
  • Jib discovered the secret of beating back Jim “Craps” Doyle’s (WEAC/HoChunk-For Sale) Necro-Budget – focus on just a couple items. It sounds unsatisfying because that means most of the living dead will be shambling out of the Capitol, but like a military under seige, we can’t be strong everywhere.
  • Kate swiped a Barack Urkel Photoshop. Yes, that is who 53% of the country elected President.
  • Crunchie proves double standards are not twice as good as standards.
  • Second dose of Patrick – he exposes yet another liberal candidate using state resources for campaign work, state superintendent candidate Tony Evers (WEAC-MEA). Odds that the only “Republican” allowed to take a statewide/Congressional seat from the ‘Rats in 2006, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen, will even attempt to pursue this – zero. No, that is not a typo – while the incumbent Peg “Keg Goldschlager” Lautenschlager, who was cooperating in a joint state-federal probe (since shut down) of Doyle and got ousted in the primary for it (and a drunk driving conviction in a state car), Van Hollen was busy turning a blind eye to Doyle’s corruption as US Attorney for Western Wisconsin (which includes Madison).
  • Owen finds the GPS priorities of Wisconsin all screwed up. We can’t track sex offenders, but we can track birds.
  • Caledonia Unplugged exposes another “taxes for thee but not for me” Goron. That Goron probably would support the Uncle Fred vision for the KRM.
  • Dad29 is shocked, SHOCKED that WEAC doesn’t think 12 years of education indoctrination is enough. What’s next, mandatory K-4?
  • SteveF wonders how long it will be before nationalization crosses the Rio Grande from Venezuela, where it’s being enforced by the army.
  • Moron Pundit found a local weatherman stupid enough to wear a green tie on a green screen testing out visual stealth.
  • Demian Brady puts the budget into a timeline. If graphed, it would look like a logarithmic curve.
  • JammieWearingFool proves once again that failure to pay taxes is a requirement for consideration as an aid to President Obama.
  • Josh Schroeder asks whether the Dow going below 7,000 will just be a number or be a significant psychological barrier breached. Let me put my answer in musical form…


  • Kevin Binversie proves the Wisconsin Covenant is an empty promise. Bonus item – if a private company tried that, it would find itself in court.
  • Liz Mair calls out the big speners. Note to self; make sure to add her to the bloated roll when and if you get home.
  • Brian proves that the Looney Left is far more dangerous, at least from a physical perspective, than the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy.
  • Just A Grunt outlines all the ways the Obama administration is trying to force a rapid return to $4/gallon gas, including talking about prohibiting some Candian oil. Of course, there isn’t any talk about banning very-heavy and very-expensive-to-refine (and if memory serves, very enviromentally-unfriendly) Venezuelan oil; after all, there’s fellow Communists-by-another-name to prop up.
  • Little Miss Sunshine didn’t want to give Doyle any ideas for new “green” taxes, but the envirowhackos in Maine are.
  • Mike is asking who said the following:

    e could almost wonder whether the Government do not reconcile themselves to the economic misfortunes of our country, to which their mismanagement has so notably contributed, because these misfortunes give the pretext of establishing even more controls and an even larger bureaucracy. They make mistakes which make things worse. As things get worse they claim more power to set them right. Thus they move ever nearer to the scheme of the All-powerful State, in which the individual is a helpless serf or pawn.

  • Christian Schneider welcomes us to the Federal Department of Wisconsin. He who has the gold makes the rules, and the federal funding of Wisconsin’s budget will, if the Necro-Budget is adopted as-is, increase from 25% to 30%. That is despite $3.5 billion in new taxes.
  • The Underground Conservative documents the latest battle in the war against American bathrooms – mandatory sit-downs for every male trip to the bathroom.
  • Adam documents how the CTU All-Stars helped Big Bad Bill Buchanan’s aunt survive the DTV conversion.
  • Jim Geraghty declares that a stopped clock is right; meanwhile, Obama admits the critics of the UN Racism Conference were right and won’t be sending a representative to the latest Death To Israel conference. There’s an expiration date I’m glad to see.
  • Thus ends your positive Obama news of the day. Time to balance it out – Kevin Jackson outlines Obama’s war on achievement.
  • In case you were like me and skipped the ObamiNation SOTU speech, Mary Eileen has a handy decoder guide.
  • Tracy Coenen sticks a fork in General Motors. See the second song of the day for my reaction.
  • Pam summarizes the federal Necro-Budget (©Kevin Binersie)
  • Jon Ham found one benefit of corn-a-hole fuel – it violates Sharia law.
  • Kyle Maichle launches a new award, and the first wein…er, winn…er, weiners (I was right the first time) are Mark Pocan and One Wisconsin Now for their drive for #1 in taxes for Wisconsin.

I hope that I can get out of DC today. I don’t feel like sleeping at the airport.

July 21, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 7/21/2008

by @ 10:30. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Let there be speed…


You best get that extra-large cup of drink; this is going to take a while (hopefully as long as it took me to put the post-weekend edition together):

  • Justin Higgins found the Obamination Express rocking back and forth more than a ship in a hurricane.
  • Jim Geraghty notes that Barack Obama’s schedule is open for Lalapalooza (or is it Comic-Con?)
  • Flip found that details don’t matter to Obama; it wasn’t a single bomb that fell on Pearl Harbor but a whole heap of them.
  • Eric breaks out Spinal Tap and Winnie the Pooh to explain Obama’s Iraq policy.
  • Gina Cobb caught onto the fact the Obamination tax plan would mean a top marginal rate approaching 60% in places like New York. Ditto Wisconsin.
  • Vivian Lee pictures Hillary Clinton serving Obama tomatoes. I think that would be a meal she’s planning on serving about the middle of January 2011.
  • DrewM caught Obama thinking he would be running for Vice President, with an offing of Clinton on January 21, 2011. That would be the only way he could serve the “to 10” portion of his “8-10 years” dream expressed in Europe.
  • Slublog offers up yet another classic SluShop on the “8-10 year” dream.
  • The folks at The American Thinker have this weekend’s Red-on-Red episode. Operation Chaos lives!
  • Ed Morrissey points out that Obama’s second choice for his German speech is historically-deficient. I guess not teaching history has consequences.
  • Rick Moran is ashamed of his brother’s profession and their slavish love for the Obamination.
  • Karl found that Obama couldn’t put up with foreign presstitutes during the Obama World Tour.
  • Speaking of Obama not putting up with foreigners, Jim Hoft found him throwing Britain’s Prime Minister under the Obamination Express. Britain’s only been our best ally for the last 100 or so years.
  • Lady Logician asks who Obama’s character references are.
  • Jason (aka Ick) found the anti-Obamination sign of the day. If I ever need insurance in Manderville, Louisiana, I’ll be sure to look up Bud Gregg’s State Farm Insurance office.
  • Speaking of the Obama World Tour, Michelle Malkin has the T-shirts.
  • Janet Evans discovered the change Obama is talking about; our status as a superpower.
  • Michael J. O’Shea counts the ways the Obamination Presstitute Groupie Corps loves giving Obama tongue baths.
  • Ed Morrissey got a hold of the Obama World Tour dress code. He’ll get the same pass for offending the female half of the Obamination Presstitute Groupie Corps he got for the “Sweetie” kerfuffle.
  • Flip found Dan Rather joining the Osama/Obama mix-up in style. Then again, maybe the Rev. Jesse Jackson did break the ground for Osama bin Laden.
  • Erick Erickson found some more “inconvenient entanglements” that Obama’s advisors have with mortgage lenders. By the way, snow isn’t exactly pure; try letting some melt to see this proof.
  • Warner Todd Huston caught the official cable station of the Obama campaign, PMSNBC, trying to equate John McCain to the Joker.
  • Sean Hackbarth found James Dobson starting to warm to McCain.
  • Bill Quick recalls why the last 6 years of Bill Clinton’s Presidency was relatively-easy to survive; a Republican Congress and Newt Gingrich.
  • Patrick Ruffini has a plan to bring conservatism back.
  • The Vintage one has some good news out of Alaska – the primary challenger to Don “Bridge to Nowhere” Young, Sean Parnell, outraised Young in the second quarter.
  • Soren Dayton exposes the fact the ‘Rats don’t believe in ethics reform. After all, they have a coronation to pay for, and lobbyists are the ones with the excess money.
  • Gribbit found even more evidence that Gorebal “Warming” is a bunch of Bravo Sierra – the estimated temperatures in Europe over the last 1,100 years.
  • Brian says to blame Nancy Pelosi for high gas prices.
  • Bill Quick found a cop that was fired for demanding free coffee and tea from a Daytona Beach Starbucks under pain of reduced response times. I agree that he should also face extortion charges.
  • King Banian explains why airlines want a government takeover of the oil futures market.
  • Ed Driscoll terms the coming death of journalism a suicide. Bonus coverage; The News Organzation That Cannot Be Quoted™ is encouraging even more left-wing bias in its dispatches.
  • Lawhawk highlights the dangers of appeasement; Hezbollah is looking at more Israeli kidnapping operations now that they’ve been proven to work.
  • Matt Naugle has picture evidence of the Presstitute Folly of the Weekend; NPR’s whine that two rather-overweight Ohio women have to cut back on meat because the economy is soooooo bad.
  • Kate and Michael Ramirez discovered the ultimate dipsticks – Congress. Yes, the dipstick is dry.
  • Kathy Carpenter discovered the empty-dipstick Congress wants to raise the gas tax 52.6% and the diesel tax 41.7%. Once again, this proves that the ‘Rats are more than happy with ever-higher gas prices as long as government is the entity getting the money.
  • Emperor Misha I confirms that the MSM is stark raving insane. The letter combination of “a”, “I”, “q” and “D” isn’t exactly the same as “RATS”; after all, “‘Rats” do describe the ‘Rats.
  • Purple Avenger found evidence that Gorebal “Warming” studiously hides evidence of its reality.
  • Dad29 notes that the study noted above that finds, among other things, no historical link between rising temperatures and carbon dioxide comes from a former Gorebal “Warming” apostle. Once again I ask, how are we winning the scientific battle and losing the political war?
  • Speaking of the decline and fall of the presstitutes, Jerome J. Schmitt misses Tim Russert. Russert’s replacement, noted Gorebal “Warming” acolyte Tom Brokaw, failed to ask the Goracle about nuclear power during the course of a 40-minute tongue-bath.
  • Jim Hoft is shocked, SHOCKED that the presstitutes would misquote Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. For the record, it’s “withdrawal on success”, not “withdrawal regardless of success”.
  • Lawhawk caught Algore Goracle comparing offshore drilling to the Iraq invasion.
  • Fred Keller will be running a U.S. Presidents Trivia contest. This ought to be good.
  • Elliot explains for the benefit of the leftosphere what an American is.
  • Jim Hoft found two more pieces of evidence that Gorebal “Warming” is a bunch of Bravo Sierra – the Arctic ice pack has grown 11% over the last year, and sea levels are falling.
  • Mike explains that it won’t be 10 years before any new oil production would hit the pipeline. Bonus coverage – a lefty wants $8/gallon gas.
  • Donna Martinez points out that innovation is the last resort of government. Actually, in Wisconsin, the majority of the bipartisan Party-In-Government doesn’t believe in innovation despite a situation worse than the one in Orange County, North Carolina.
  • Bruce has a few travel tips for the fair-weather airline passengers.

I don’t have the time to see if this is the longest Scramble ever, but it sure feels like it. Maybe I need to expand it to the weekends.

July 16, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 7/16/2008

by @ 11:06. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Summer is here…


  • Jim Hoft found a bare spot in the latest Obamination whitewash. Those of you with weak stomachs and those of you in “sensitive” offices, you may not want to view the latest SluShop presented by Ace (the rest of you, enjoy).
  • McQ highlights the long, sordid history of Barack Obama’s view on the Second Amendment. Do remember that past performance is an indicator of the future, and it’s bleak for those of us that are armed.
  • Patrick Ruffini sounds the alarm on the Obamination Ground Game. If memory serves, Hillary Clinton spent a ton on state-level staffing.
  • That includes the opening of Obama’s Waukesha office (from Cindy Kilkenny, who beat the local paint-catcher by two news cycles). Waukesha County, in 2004, had the second-largest percentage spread and largest vote-total spread favoring President Bush in the state.
  • Stix, with the help of Michael Ramirez, found the draft of Obama’s proposed Brandenburg Gate speech.
  • American Pundit found Time not knowing what happened in May 2004. Only in an Obamination does $22 million beat $26 million.
  • Uncle Jimbo fires for effect on the Obamination Iraq Flip.
  • Michelle Malkin educates Obama on the level of education of the Al Qaeda leadership.
  • More Gateway Pundit on the Obamination Watch – he caught Obama flipping on The New Yorker cover. Guess his wife (the bad Michelle) let him have his Malkins after the good Michelle told him to grow a pair.
  • Lee Cary found Obama’s plan to fully-federalize education. The good news; no more referendums to increase taxes to build new Taj Mahals staffed by millionares. The bad; no say in the increased taxes to build new Taj Mahals staffed by millionares.
  • Rick Moran found some rumblings below the Obamination mountaintop. Unlike Rick, I believe there is some cow to go along with the bell. The superdelegates already proved themselves to be a fickle lot.
  • Warner Todd Huston found that lobbyists will be sponsoring the Obamination coronation. Does this count as another Barack-track?
  • Byron York found the architect of the previous $6.3 billion accounting scandal at Fannie Mae giving economic advice to Obama. Suggestion for those of you looking for the outrage from the Left; don’t hold your breath.
  • Jim Geraghty found the Washington Post dangerously-close to apostasy as they declared that Obama is “indifferent” to the outcome in Iraq. When even the liberal Washington gatekeeper doubts one’s committment, there’s definitely something wrong.
  • William Teach found Obama caring about Muslim sensitivities over The New Yorker cover.
  • Smooth transition time (if I hadn’t announced it, that is) – Zip found the head of the Anglican Christian Dhimmitude Church bowing once again to his Islamokazi masters.
  • In light of the previous two items, Jon Ham asks whether there is nothing that won’t offend Muslims. Let me start with polygamy and honor killings.
  • Fred Keller says, “Know thine enemy.”
  • Mike Pechar found a brand-new religion; smokers. They already have more gumballs than the Archbishop of Cantebury. Unfortunately for the shrinking number of American smokers, the religion started in Europe.
  • McQ found even more evidence that Gorebal “Warming” has replaced Socialism as the leading secular religion. Actually, Gorebal “Warming” is merely the latest manifestation of Socialism, as it pushes the same claptrap (lack-of-)results arranged to a slightly-different set of “greivances”.
  • A lot of people caught this, but I’ll give the credit to Teresa – she found a direct connection between even the discussion of more drilling and lower crude oil prices. I believe Degeneration X has two words for SanFranNan.
  • Silent E and Michael Ramirez have 1,000 words for SanFranNan and her opposition to drilling where there is oil.
  • Kevin Fischer outlines the costs of allowing oil prices to continue rising. Do note that study was in a vacuum; it would be even worse with all the additional spending the ‘Rats, both nationally and statewide, want.
  • Dad29 has a simple solution to the petroleum crunch. Of course, those that are “sick” of oil won’t give up its advantages; they want us to give up its advantages.
  • Speaking of gubmint spending, John J. Miller and Americans for Tax Reform wish you Happy Cost of Government Day.
  • Sean Hackbarth caught Barney Frank (D) declaring the dollar (actually, $4,000,000,000) “lousy”.
  • Curt says there’s going to be trouble for “some” in Washington, namely those in the bipartisan Party-In-Government that thought the surge wouldn’t work.
  • Stephen Green found a Denver Goron that wouldn’t mind feces thrown at the police in his city.
  • Jeff Emanuel found that Rush Limbaugh is right again – conservatism wins every time it’s credibly espoused.
  • Tom Tancredo sounds the early warning on the potential failure of Mexico as a nation; their police are starting to seek political asylum here because they’re threatened by the drug cartels.
  • Ed Driscoll says the blogosphere market is up 48% this year. Shoebox and I are wondering where our mad blogging money is.
  • We’re in between Drinking Right and Blog ‘n Grog, but that won’t stop the beer from flowing. Wyatt Earp found a guy with a $1000/week beer habit. That’s some serious drinking.
  • James Wigderson thinks he’s part of the Drinking for McCain brigade.
  • Van Helsing found the next target of the Nannies; strong beer. Stay out of my Labatt Maximum Ice and everything will stay golden.

May 21, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/21/2008

by @ 8:29. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Ever since I was a young boy…


  • Jib explores roadside economics and find the news grim. Given that the manufacturers of cars and personal recreational vehicles are resorting (once again) to very-low-interest long-term financing to get people in the door, I’d have to say the ripple effect is not done yet.
  • Michelle Malkin cranks up the Obama Gaffe Machine.
  • Curt asks whether the Iranian leader Barack Hussein Obama would meet with unconditionally is the puppet Ahmadinejad or head Mad Mullah™ Ayatollah Khamenei.
  • Gopfolk has a two-for in the toon department, taking on both Indiana Obama and the “threatened” polar bear.
  • S. Weasel unleases her latest Photoshops on BHO. I like the second.
  • Eric ties together Hillary Clinton and the Kentucky Derby. Say, wasn’t the lone filly in the Derby put down on the track?
  • Bill Quick says Clinton’s in it to win it back her $11 million in loans. Given they’re almost at the tipping point in delegates, I’m at least somewhat inclined to agree.
  • Tom McMahon applies the 2004 standard to this election. Of course, he forgot to put the partisan spin that makes all the difference, but that’s the point.
  • Ed Morrissey asks whether the split in the party of the Rat is racial or ideological. While it is ideological, the fact that they always go for the candidate that most-approaches 110% compliance (and, by 0.01 percentage points, it’s Obama over Clinton) means that despite the temptation for John McCain to tack even further left, there’s nothing to be gained by doing so.
  • Second dose of the boss – Michelle issued a Shamnesty Alert for the Feinstein/Craig amendment to the GWOT supplemental bill.
  • Speaking of the bill, it’s time for a second dose of Curt – he notes that shamnesty isn’t the only game being played on what was once touted as a “clean” supplemental.
  • Headless Blogger outlines the eight main symptoms of Groupthink. ‘Rats, Islamokazis and Gorebal Warming acolytes (I do repeat myself, though) sure seem to meet the definitions.
  • ChrisG has some fun ticking off some of the spam caught in the Flopping Aces filters. A mild content warning has been issued for the spam.
  • Katie Favazza caught a rather interesting take on biofuels from the UN. The stopped clock that is the UN may not be quite right, but they’re not the 180-degrees wrong they usually are.
  • Elliot asks the salient question after the local paintcatcher (the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for those of you who don’t remember where I am) put out the online call for “victims” of “Big Oil”.
  • Brian answers the question of whether conservatism is dead in the emphatically-negatory. I’ve long struggled with the answer to that question.
  • Second dose of Jib – he tells Milwaukee Brewer manager Ned Yost to either take some heat like a man or get out of the dugout. I’ve made it no secret I’d prefer the latter.
  • A less-than-healthy Kathy Carpenter summoned up the strength to point out one more thing (besides voting) that we need photo IDs for – prescription drugs.

January 29, 2008

McCain, Mexico win the Florida primary

by @ 20:38. Filed under Politics - National.

The Alphabet Soup has long ago declared it for the team of John McCain, Mexico, and DhimmiRATs. With 64% of the precincts reporting, McCain’s up by just over 61,000 votes out of approximately 1.5 million. I’m too tired to unleash the required number of expletives, so instead, I’ll take the overnight to toss over just how I want to write American conservatism’s epitaph. I really could and should have done that the moment Fred Thompson was bounced from the race, but with the inevitability of spit-in-the-eye-of-conservatives McCain and the flop back to liberalist populism by Mitt Romney in his last gasp, it’s now well past time to start writing.

May 23, 2007

Welcome WPRI readers

by @ 9:08. Filed under The Blog.

I really have to thank whoever brought my Wisconsin-specific missive to WPRI’s attention. I’m not nearly as well-connected or as polished as the 20 people who wrote the “official” responses or Lance Burri (case in point, I’m just now linking to his answer), but the question is something that has been troubling me since the 2006 elections.

I guess I had best step up the quality and quantity several notches now that I have a wider audience.

May 15, 2007

Pubbies debate – Round 2 (this was a live/open thread)

by @ 19:16. Filed under Politics - National.

Revisions/extensions (07:36 5/16/2007) – Just so you’re not confused about the “DING”s, that’s the bell that Fox News used to let everybody know one of these jokers passed their time limit, not me agreeing with any particular thing that one of these jokers said.

After proving that they’re braver than the Dems by debating on The Main Enemy’s Network (in the Pubbies’ case, MSNBC), Fox News proudly presents Round 2 among the 10 announced Pubbie candidates from South Carolina tonight at 8 Central. Burning questions:

– Will Rudy Giuliani further alienate himself among conservatives?
– How will John McCain mark the passing of Jerry Falwell?
– How many times will Tommy Thompson have a “hearing aid failure”?
– Do ANY of these jokers have a chance against Fred Thompson when he finally announces?

Joining in the live-blogging – Sister Toldjah, who deserves the break after suffering through MSNBC, and Free Republic, and Hot Air (added at 19:37), and Ace of Spades, who’s hosting the drinking games (added 19:58)

19:27 (I don’t feel like typing “p.m.”; deal with it) – Sean Hackbarth has a few more questions. My favorite, especially since I don’t recall any South Carolina sports heroes – “What local sports hero will Sen. Sam Brownback slight?”

19:32 – Somebody slap some sense into Ted Olson. Ted, you’re a great guy, but Rudy is a liberal.

19:48 – Katon Dawson (SC GOP Chair) advocates pandering. Also, it seems the Fox clock is a bit fast.

19:51 – The candidates are up on the stage for pre-debate photo ops, and Alan Colmes is wondering who will run the furthest away from President Bush (my money’s on Ron Paul).

20:00 – We go live to Brit Hume.

20:01 – Ground rules – 1 minute to answer, 30 seconds to rebut at the discretion of Hume, and we’ve got the bell instead of the buzzer. No react on Falwell because there’s been enough.

20:05 – Chris Wallace – McCain, why should Americans continue to die if Iraqis aren’t stepping up? If we fail in Iraq, we will see Iraq become a haven for Al Qaeda and they will follow us home. The surge is a good strategy. Says war has been mishandled, Maliki government needs to step up.

20:06 – Wallace – Tommy, explain your plan to force the Iraqi government to vote on our presence and split the oil revenues. If the 18 provinces elected their government like we elected governors, blah, blah, blah.

20:07 – Wallace – Romney, would you pull out without victory? No, brings up the Caliphate.

20:08 – Wallace – Brownback, should we as a country pull together? Yes, blasts the DhimmiRATs for pushing for defeat. Pushes a weak federal/strong 3-state solution. DING DING DING!

20:10 – Wallace – Rudi, is your commitment to win open-ended unlike the Senate “Pubbies” who want us out in September if there’s no progress? Brings up the Fort Dix 6

20:12 – Wallace – Tancredo, are you giving the Islamokazis a timetable? Trying to retreat from a retreat-and-defeat. DING DING! Wallace – Paul, “Are you running for the nomination of the wrong party?” – Quagmire! Brings up Reagan’s retreat from Beirut. DING DING!

20:14 – Hunter – As we get the Iraqi Army up, we’re going to get the heavy troops out.

20:15 – Huckabee – You better get the best advice you can.

20:16 – Question from Harry in Boston – “Would you do a pre-emptive strike against Iran?” Gilmore – Continue the EU3 approach.

20:18 – Golner taking over – Whacks “Flip Flop Mitt” on the tax issue. Romney claims he didn’t raise taxes (must’ve went to the Craps School of Tax Issues). Add Michelle Malkin to the liveblogging brigade.

20:20 – McShame defending his opposition to the Bush tax cuts by saying nobody cut spending.

20:21 – Line of the night from Huckabee – Congress “has spent money like John Edwards in a beauty shop”, as he pushes the “Fair”Tax.

20:22 – Golner whacking Rudi on his free-spending ways in NYC.

20:23 – Brownback pushing corn-a-hole, biodiesel, drilling, conservation (in that order) as the answer to high gas prices. Be “energy-secure in North America in 15 years.”

20:24 – Brian from Ft Wayne – “What would you do to control pork spending?”. Tommy not telling the whole truth about Wisconsin (he merely spent like McCain’s drunken sailor instead of the Rat Legislature’s planned passed-out sailor). Would eliminate the CDC stockpile program, couldn’t list 2 others.

20:26-20:28 – Paul would kill Energy, Education, Homeland Security. DING DING!

20:29 – Third Rail of Social Security is out there for Gilmore. Pushes caps, culture change to self-sufficiency, tax cuts. All-but-calls out Rudi and McShame.

20:30 – Hunter on trade – Enforce the trade laws with Red China, zero out the manufacturing taxes. “Arsenal of Democracy is leaving our shores.”

20:31 – Tancredo – Pubbies lost the mantle of fiscal responsibility. Takes whacks at No Child Left Behind, MediScare Part D. DING DING!

20:32 – BREAK!!!

20:36 – Wallace is back. Gilmore asked about the shots taken at the opposition. Breaks out the abortion record of Rudi, the tax-hiking of Huckabee and gubmint health care plan of Romney by name.

20:37 – Rudi, are pro-abortion/pro-gun-grab/pro-DhimmiRAT stands true conservatism? – “I don’t think Rudy McRomney would make a bad ticket.” BOOO!!!!! Starts taking shots at Hitlery’s outright Communism. Didn’t answer in 1 minute, then goes back to Club for Growth.

20:40 – McShame, are tax hikes, amnesty and speech silencing true conservatism? – It’s bipartisanship, baby. Whacking Islamofascism uber alles.

20:41 – Huckabee, are tax hikes true conservatism? – I don’t apologize for raising taxes and government spending.

20:43 – Romney, are gun-grabbing, gay rights (back in 1994, Romney was proud to be more pro-homosex than The Swimmer), and pro-abortion true conservatism? – I’m as conservative as Taxachusetts can stand.

20:44 – Brownback, is amnesty true conservatism? – Yes, just as it was in 1986. DING DING!

20:45 – Back to Wendell asking The Other Thompson about stem cells – There’s enough stem cells, embryonic and otherwise, to not destroy any more embryos.

20:47 – Rudi – slavery bad, abortion good.

20:48 – Huckabee – Life begins at conception. Amen.

20:49 – Wendell trying to goad Brownback into allowing abortion on demand for rape victims. No dice, as it IS a child.

20:50 – Wendell trying to goad Romney into going back to his pro-abort state. Romney’s “Road to Damascus” moment was looking at rows of embryos destined to be destroyed for research.

20:52 – Finally back to Wallace asking Tancredo about immigration. Line of the night part two – “I believe those conversions when they happen on the Road to Damascus and not the Road to De Moines”.

20:53 – McShame proud of the pending Amnesty Lite.

20:56 – Romney wants those here illegally to first go home then apply legally. McShame-Swimmer will do to immigration what McShame-Slimeroad did to campaign finance.

20:57 – Rebuttal from McShame – I’m proud of the McShame-Slimeroad Lieberal Protetion Act.

20:58 – Rudi pressed on his old line of wanting illegals in NYC. Pushes biometrics and a national ID. DING DING!

20:59 – Scott from Colorado Springs – “How would you prevent illegals from using social services?”. Hunter – I built the San Diego border fence. Rips Bush for a “case of the slows” on the border fence. Removal of the revolving door would help.

21:00 – Wendell back – Paul, since you’re an isolationist, are you running for the wrong nomination? – Paul ignores recent history to spew ancient history. DING DING! Wendell whacks back by asking whether 9/11 changed anything – Paul still wants to go back to Fortress America.

21:03 – Rudi whacks Paul for saying that Iraq was the reason for 9/11. Make that WHACK.

21:04 – Royce from Philly – “Should SC fly the Confederate flag from state buildings?”. McCain – It shouldn’t have been a state issue (follow-up, whose issue is it then?), and I’m glad it’s no longer on top of the state Capitol.

21:06 – Huckabee asked about some guy who got paroled while he was governor who committed a heinous crime. Started blaming the parole board and the previous governor, said he denied clemency but fessed up to not having perfect foresight when it came out he said the con met the conditions for a parole hearing.

21:07 – Wendell brings up Gorebal Warming. Tancredo – I don’t quite buy it, but I want to cut petroleum products for security reasons. Oh, and Paul, you’re an ass.

21:10 – BREAK!

21:13 – Brit large and in charge. Premise – We’ve been hit by suicide bombers 3 times at shopping centers and a 4th attack was averted when we caught them and sent them to Club Gitmo. We think they have info on more planned attacks. McCain, how far would you go? It’s on my head, and I still oppose torture.

21:15 – Rudi, should waterboarding be used? – If we knew the terrorists had the info, use every means necessary.

21:16 – Romney, same question. – The key’s prevention. I’d be glad that they’re at Club Gitmo away from the lawyers. “We should double Guantamino.” “Enanced interrogation”, not torture.

21:17 – Brit adds to this – we’ve found out they trained in West Africa in a country that is hostile to us. Tommy, what would you do? – Trust, but verify, then kick ass.

21:18 – Brownback, would you go to the UN? HELL NO! American lives matter more than international opinion. Shoot first, apologize later.

21:19 – Hunter, same questions – Let’s kick ass quickly.

21:20 – McShame, are “enhanced interrogation” techniques torture? – Yes (I hope you don’t watch “24”, McShame).

21:21 – Gilmore, what would you do to protect the economy in this attack? – I have the experience because the Pentagon is in Virginia. I would tell the UN we’re kicking ass, and if you want in, come on in, and if you don’t, stay out of our way. Pushes info sharing. DING DING!

21:22 – Huckabee, what economic policies would you change? – It was good for President Bush to urge us back onto planes and into malls, but it will never be business as usual. Sacrifice as in WWII.

21:23 – Paul, same question (pointing out tax cuts helped) – Cut taxes, cut spending. Dances around the torture issue, and adopts the DhimmiRAT line on Afghanistan.

21:25 – Tancredo – “I’m looking for Jack Bauer.” I don’t recall Brit saying these were nukes.

21:26 – Finishing with Wallace – What does it say that there’s no woman or minority in the Gang of 10? Gilmore – Brought up the church burnings. Wallace pushes for an answer. They haven’t stood up yet.

21:29 – Romney, what flip-flops did you do that made you less popular with Pubbies? – No Child Left Behind, because I supported killing Dept. of Ed. back in 1994.

21:30 – Wendell – Hunter, is the ChiComs holding boku Treasury bonds a security threat? – Yes, and their arming is also a a threat.

21:30 – OVER AND OUT!

So, who won? I think the easier answer is, “Who lost?” Let’s start with Truther Ron Paul. He’s a 19th-century Fortress America guy in a 21st-century world. John McCain definitely is a one-note pony, and he’s not even all that strong on that one note. The Other Thompson is way out of his league, and considering that this league doesn’t have any stars, that’s saying a lot. Mitt Romney once again has proven that he’s the Republican John Kerry. Rudy Giuliani, while incredibly strong on his one note of national security, is anything but conservative. The rest of the field didn’t get much face time.

Bring on Fred!

One last update (22:32) – Allow me to explain The Other Thompson’s “1,900 veto” claim. Wisconsin has the broadest partial veto in the nation, and Tommy took it to such an extreme, the state Supreme Court said he could no longer strike individual characters (funny how they went to the tall grass when Jim “Craps” Doyle rewrote entire pages via the partial-veto pen). The 1,900 number is the number of times he struck letters/numbers/words from the budget.

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