No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for the 'The Morning Scramble' Category

June 9, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 6/9/2008

by @ 10:04. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

What I was doing all weekend…


As such, this is going to be a bit abbreviated, but I still consider myself extremely lucky. Only very minor seepage into the basement from a disconnected downspout (no damage), and the water on the streets in the subdivision only got to the top of the curb at the height of the storm. Elsewhere both in Oak Creek and the state, things got far, far wetter.

June 6, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 6/6/2008

by @ 7:03. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

The band is American Hitmen, 5 Marines who served in Fallujah during Operation Phantom Fury, and the song is “Born Again” performed on the National Heroes Tour…


  • Ace catches NASA cooking the books (literally) to try to prop up Gorebal Warming.
  • Mondoreb has today’s Obamimation PhotoShops.
  • Moron Pundit does some Obama Demotivation.
  • It must be Obamination Friday; Ed Morrissey catches Barack Obama doing a backflip on Jerusalem. That new bus must have the highest ground clearance EVAH!; now he’s throwing whole countries under it.
  • Just one more Obamination; Sister Toldjah rips him a new one for ripping off the Comfort Inn logo.
  • Dupray celebrates the slaying of the Wicked Witch of the East, Hillary Clinton. Unfortunately, Obama is no Dorothy.
  • Jim Hoft tells Clinton the same thing the New York Congressional delegation is going to tell her Saturday (or whenever she makes her concession speech) by not being there; DLTDHYOTWO. If you need an explanation, search Michelle Malkin’s site.
  • Double-dose of Moron Pundit; he continues his Ask a Moron: Zombie Invasion series. Do catch the previous installments.
  • Speaking of zombies, doubleplusundead has the zombie news wrapup.
  • Ed Driscoll offers some sage advice to commencement speakers – don’t rip off The Onion.
  • Josh Schroeder has a warning for those of you storing beer under CFLs; be prepared to clean up broken glass and cry over spilled beer.

June 5, 2008

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 6/5/2008

It’s looking more like midnight out the windows of the bunker than morning, but let’s roll with it. Thanks to OdieO for suggesting today’s artist….


  • Tom McMahon spins the jukebox for the Disco Dems.
  • Gabriel Malor catches Barack Hussein Obama plagiarizing himself on the conviction of his friend and fundraiser Tony Rezko. There’s also a couple governors running scared.
  • Owen gives a raspberry to Wisconsin’s profiles in courage, Russ el-Slimeroad (Moonbat-Al Qaeda) and Nobody’s Senator Herb Kohl, for waiting until AFTER BHO clinched the nomination to endorse him.
  • Lawhawk delivers a history lesson to the last failed ‘Rat candidate.
  • Fred catches the Racine ‘Rats at it again. For the newer readers here, Fred’s the guy who got the former Racine County Democratic chair ousted.
  • Sean Hackbarth had a nice sit-down with my congresscritter, Paul Ryan, about John McCain’s chances. I can’t say that I agree with Ryan on conservatives coming home to roost with McCain. While we agree that 2008 is a potentially-“transformative election”, McCain is hardly the person that’s going to transform things in a conservative direction.
  • Little Miss Sunshine highlights a roadway pet peeve of mine – drivers who all-but-stop when they see a deputy on the side of the road running radar/lidar.
  • Luke breaks out Carnac to prove that most of the voters in northwest Wisconsin are getting it on taxes. I guess the aftermath of some of their number passing the largest school referendum in the history of the state (New Richmond’s $91 million one) shook them back to reality.
  • I apologize for missing this the first time around, but gopfolk has the Gorebal Warming When You Should Die game. I’m proud to say I’m way overstaying my “welcome”, though I note that the average Aussie wouldn’t make it to my age either.

I somehow made it through the storm without a loss of power, which is good because I’m doing this on the soon-to-be-replaced desktop, and I don’t have a UPS.

June 4, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 6/4/2008

by @ 8:36. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

It’s cold, foggy and drizzly here, which matches the mood in Camp Clinton. I wonder if they’ll take the time to reflect and vote in Michelle Malkin’s “Favorite Hillary campaign moment” contest (mine is the sniper incident)….


  • Patrick McIlheran links the closure of the GM Janesville plant with presumptive ‘Rat nominee Barack Hussein Obama’s support for gas mileage standards that cannot be met by trucks.
  • Jim Lynch has the frightening animated PhotoShop of the day. Yep, the smile’s the same between BHO and Jimmy Carter.
  • Speaking of PhotoShops, Slublog gathered up all of his classic SluShops and put them in an easy-to-find place.
  • Back to oil, Fausta found out that Brazil, the country of massive sugar-a-hole and a couple of impressive oil field finds off its own coast, wants to drink our eastern Gulf milkshake along with Cuba, Red China and Venezuela. Well, with both halves of the bipartisan Party-In-Government nominating no-drill advocates, it’s not surprising in the least.
  • E.M. Zanotti is still far more impressed with horsepower made the old-fashioned way (with oil burnt on board the vehicle making said horsepower). If I were about 10 years younger or older (and better-looking),….
  • Jon Ham says that June 12 is Carbon Belch Day. I think I’ll have a nice little burn at the other property.
  • Exposing the falsehood of the “drop” in Wisconsin’s tax rating part 1 – Mary Lazich notes that state and local taxes still went up as a percentage of income in 2006 (the year that the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance said we dropped out of the top 10). As John McClane would say if he were real, “Welcome to the party, pal.”
  • Exposing the falsehood of the “drop” in Wisconsin’s tax rating part 2 – Frank Lasee exposes just how Wisconsin “fell” – other states suddenly had mineral resources income counted as tax.
  • Curt notes that the bloodlust of the Left isn’t missing; it just seeks outlets in situations where there is no national security interest (which explains the Balkans and planned Haiti adventures under Bill Clinton).
  • Tom McMahon looks at wildly-divergent brothers. I know Rick Moran will probably disagree with me giving him the white hat, but considering his flaming-liberal brother Terry is on Nightline, I really should have Tom do a special 6-Block.

I realliy need to stop commenting on blogs as I do my prep; it’s taking way too long to do </sarcasm>. Seriously, I’m a commenter at heart, which makes this a labor of love.

June 3, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 6/3/2008

by @ 9:06. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

It’s a gloomy Tuesday here in the land of cheese and beer, but it’s not as gloomy as it is in Clinton Central….


  • Dave Bauer bowls like his still-living brother travels – very fast and unerringly straight. As a reward, he and CTU-LA will commence with the torture presently.
  • CDR Salamander catches somebody from the Department of Health and Family Services doing a rather odd search.
  • Ace catches the New York Times Sedition Slimes playing the “false but accurate” game with respect to germ “warfare”, all to try to save Barack Hussein Obama’s former pastor, Jerimiah Wright. Guess it wasn’t just Jayson Blair.
  • Speaking of BHO and “former”, American Pundit found that TUCC got $15 million in federal grant money while Wright was damning America. Typical liberal, that Wright.
  • Jon Ham welcomes the newest member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, Bill Clinton. There’s still room under the Obamination Bus, especially since the 9 am news noted he has a new one.
  • Jim Geraghty has the final resting place of the Hillary Clinton campaign, Bitterroot, Montana.
  • It’s election day in California – see-dubya has the recommended votes on the duelling referenda – Yes on 98, No on 99.
  • Speaking of elections, Lance Burri tries to make sense of this primary season.
  • Brian says, “Get the popcorn!”
  • Dad29 notes that, for the ‘Rats, it’s all about the local.
  • Shoebox dips into the memory vault for another McClellan who turned into a regular Benedict Arnold.
  • Dave Casper has started a new series highlighting some of the blooming idiots that can vote. The first one’s a doozy – a floozy who locked herself in her car.
  • Bull Dog Pundit found a government pension operation that makes Milwaukee County look like amateurs; the New York City Department of Education. Nothing like a guaranteed 8.25% annual rate of return in a voluntary 403(b) (the public-sector equivalent to 401(k)), regardless of investment choice.
  • Owen has today’s tax-reducing PSA – make sure your deed doesn’t have a lakebed or riverbed listed as part of your property.
  • CDR Salamander fires a few SSMs in the idea of a nuclear destroyer. Imagine if the USS Cole, USS Princeton or USS Tripoli were nuclear.
  • Gaius has today’s episode of the Culture of Badassery(®MKH). This time, a 71-year old and his wheelchair-bound neighbor chased down and corralled a robber.
  • Tom McMahon 4-Blocks one of my more-popular categories, “Compassionate Lieberals”.
  • Genes blasts Time Warner Cable for attempting to reintroduce metered Internet. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

June 2, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 6/2/2008

by @ 12:13. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Sorry I’m late with this; I need to recompress, and I do have a week’s worth of stuff to go through…


  • Emperor Misha asks, “How does one say ‘Great Britain’ in Arabic?” That’s right, sports fans; the police are now in charge of enforcing no-go zones for Christians in the land of Winston Churchill and William the Conquerer. Sad, really.
  • Michelle Malkin found a Texas school district with mandatory lessons in Islam from CAIR. I guess the “AC” in ACLU is Anti-Christian.
  • John notes that they’re all above average clueless moonbats in Lake Wobegon.
  • Matt is showing the pic of the week. No eagles of that variety where I was last week, but a few baldies here and there.
  • Fred Keller displays Exhibits 342,321,432,975-342,321,432,978 on why it’s so hard to say, “I screwed up.”
  • Dad29 is drooling over Angelina Jolie. Beautiful, armed, willing to use deadly force to protect her brood…excuse me while I get some industrial-strength Kleenex.
  • Ed Morrisey is not drooling over Chelsea Clinton, who let the gun-grabbing plans of her mother (Hillary) out of the bag.
  • Jim Lynch dips into the PhotoShop for Barack Hussein Obama’s crowded-under-the-wheels bus.
  • Jim Hoft notes BHO now holds the record for scrubbed preachers. I have a question for Rev. Wright and Fr. Pfleger; if you hate America so much, why not move to Eurabia?
  • Stephen Green (also fresh from a vacation) has some not-at-all-shallow “undeep thoughts” on BHO.
  • Bill Quick describes the media’s obsession with socialism, and more importantly, claims ownership.
  • Brandon Henak has the next target of the Left – “Big Food”. It’s not a coincidence that record profits in that industry comes as “Big Food” transforms itself to “Big Alternative Fuel”.
  • Headless Blogger laughs at the latest ‘Rat plan on gas prices – price controls at $2.50/gallon. Yeah, that worked so well in the 1970s and in Hawaii today </sarcasm>.
  • Moron Pundit has another reason why I’m glad Wisconsin’s Defense of Marriage Amendment was an amendment to the state constitution and not an addition to the statutes. Surely California can’t be serious when they tell the officiating party to pronounce them “Party A” and “Party B”, can they?
  • Marshall Manson found some evidence of life in the British spirit. I wonder if anybody told them their soon-to-be-official religion bans alcohol altogether and not just on the Tube.
  • Jon Ham cheers the return of the retrosexual.
  • Asian Badger notes hedgehogs can be very dangerous. Perhaps Hiliary wants to ban them too.
  • Blacktygrrrr ran into the Dingy One, Harry Reid.
  • Matt Lewis finds no evidence of a spine or other traces of bone in Scott McClellan.
  • Jeff Wagner brought back a memory of my only dealing with the Franklin Police Department (way back in the day) with the news that Milwaukee is now ticketing and towing vehicles that had their registration stickers stolen. Thankfully, the Franklin PD was much more professional, especially when the computer check revealed the registration on vehicle I was driving was current.

Because the news of Bo Diddley’s passing came in while I was putting this together, I have a bonus song for you….


May 24, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/24/2008

by @ 11:58. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

No, the weekend edition is not going to be a regular feature. I’ve got a couple hours to burn before I’m on the road and out of touch for a week, so I thought I’d pay homage to Mary Katharine Ham’s move to the Examiner


  • A belated happy 2nd blogiversary to Kate at An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings.
  • Happy 3rd blogiversary Jim Lynch of bRight & Early (keeper of the Blogiversary Database).
  • As a blogiversary present, he ReWrote™ the NOPEC Bill. If only we had a Senator with gumballs….
  • Jim Hoft points out that American oil companies control less than 6% of the oil reserves. Once one remembers that BP and Shell are not American companies, it drops to something less than 3%.
  • Ed Morrissey has the Post Title of the Day™ – “Where blogs are blogs and politicians are nervous”.
  • CDR Salamander compares the warning alert levels of the various members of NATO.
  • Michelle Malkin is keeping track of The Human Gaffe Machine, AKA Barack Hussein Obama.
  • Sister Toldjah plays “Spot That Hypocrite!”
  • Tee bee does some eclectic surfing from incandescent light bulbs to sterilizing water with ultraviolet LEDs.
  • Jeff Wagner declares Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen, about the only “Republican” success story in 2006 (the only Republican pickup in either a statewide or Congressional election if memory serves), one-and-done. I wonder if Jeff’s lining up for a primary challenge.

See youse mugs next Saturday.

May 23, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/23/2008

by @ 9:26. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

There is but one reason for this song…


I’m on vacation next week (hunting the great Canadian walleye, to be specific), so I’ll leave you in the tender care of Shoebox and the guest-bloggers. Before then, however, we’ve got one more Scramble:

  • Matt reminds us of what Monday truly is for. Words cannot express enough my appreciation for those that gave all for the greatest country on Earth.
  • Owen (my blogfather) and Jed are celebrating the fifth blogiversary of Boots and Sabers. I hope I don’t have to explain to anybody how it is the most-influential Wisconsin blog.
  • Ace is shocked, SHOCKED that the ‘Rats would lie about Iraq. I wonder just how angry the DUmmies and KOmmies are after finding out that Paul Kanjorski rolled them right over.
  • Ed Morrissey exposes the latest “Hide the Language” game being played by the ‘Rats. So much for “Most Ethical Congress EVAH!”
  • HotAir commenter cannonball answered my plea on that thread for a Wile E. Pelosi, genius Photoshop…

    Thank you, cannonball.

  • Pete Fanning wonders where Steve Kagen (D-Green Bay) is on the SAVE Act now that it’s time to pull it out of committee. Funny thing is, Kagen is a co-sponsor.
  • Allahpundit catches Maxine Waters admiring Hugo Chavez and socialism so much she doesn’t even know the right term for what she wants to do to the oil industry. I believe the proper verb is “destroy”.
  • Shoebox finds a Flatlander pol that is happier than a pig in shit over high gas prices. Doyle (he of the $.40/gallon federal tax hike for “infrastructure” call, ironic considering he uses Wisconsin’s transportation fund as his personal slush fund) has to be envious of Blagojevich and his state’s imposition of sales taxes on gasoline.

    Side note, that sales tax is what Barack Hussein Obama was once so opposed to, he wanted placards saying he was responsible for its temporary suspension back in 2000.

  • Mike runs some numbers on Chuck Schumer’s claims of the value of Saudi oil versus ANWR oil. Guess we can put Chuckie into the Blood for Oil category.
  • Silent E has the Obamanation Quote of the Day. Question to BHO – if you think we’re the greatest country in the world, what are you going to change it to?
  • Trail-Mix collates a heap of toons hacking apart BHO, Gorebal Warming and the Farm Pork Bill.
  • John Hawkins is off the McCain Straight Double Talk Express. It took a lot to get Hawkins off the Express, but lying directly to his ear on immigration did it.
  • JammieWearingFool has news of one less difference between the two halves of the bipartisan Party-In-Government; a proposed FCC rule imposing “advisory boards” full of the aggrieved designed to bum-rush radio stations that are too conservative (specifically, anti-illegal-immigrant) off the air. The UN-Fairness Doctrine by any other name, and this one’s from a nominally-Pubbie FCC.
  • Speaking of the aggrieved, Patrick McIlheran notes the professional complainers are mad over carbonated fruit. No, they’re not mad because carbonated fruit is any less healthy than non-carbonated fruit; they’re mad because they see it as a gateway to soda. News flash – it’s more of a gateway away from soda.
  • Dean says, “Just blog to be healthy.”
  • JackBoot found a very enterprising car dealer who is giving away a handgun with every purchase. If only I were in southwest Missouri instead of southeast Wisconsin,….
  • Jib skewers the decision by the UN to send condoms to Burma as aid relief.

Blogging will be light on my end today and tomorrow; I still have some last-minute items to take care of. If I don’t make it back in here, see you next Saturday.

May 22, 2008

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 5/22/2008

If I were smart, I would’ve done this one last week…


  • Jim Hoft has the terror stats you won’t see trumpeted in the media.
  • Zip follows up on the Germans-let-Taliban-commander-walk story. Guess feeding the crocodiles is hazardous to one’s health.
  • Mike asks, “Who is to blame for high gas prices?”
  • Shoebox answers. Pay attention, Sen. McCain; he’s talking about you.
  • Speaking of McCain, Michelle Malkin notes his campaign is sponsoring comment spam. A healthy chunk of my roll is on the hit list, but I’m not. Could I be THAT mercurial? (Yes.)
  • Ace remembered the last candidate to do that. Guess the McCainiacs and the PaulNuts have more in common than I thought.
  • Ed Morrissey caught the New York Times violating their ethics policy in trying to roll the McCain campaign. Note; this message, while it may seem to be paid for by the McCain campaign, most certainly isn’t.
  • More Ed; he urges House Republicans to take the third and final chance to kill the Farm Pork Bill.
  • Still on pork, Kate catches Harry Reid giving a wet sloppy French kiss to Planned Parenthood while using the war supplemental bill as cover.
  • Jon Ham has a multitude of reasons to eat popcorn while the oh-so-tolerant Left eats their own. UUUURRRPPP!!!!! (Excuse me.)

As a reminder, I’ll be gone for a week starting Saturday on my Great Canadian Walleye Hunt. Shoebox is back from his fishing trip, and I should have the usual guest-blogging crew in.

May 21, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/21/2008

by @ 8:29. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Ever since I was a young boy…


  • Jib explores roadside economics and find the news grim. Given that the manufacturers of cars and personal recreational vehicles are resorting (once again) to very-low-interest long-term financing to get people in the door, I’d have to say the ripple effect is not done yet.
  • Michelle Malkin cranks up the Obama Gaffe Machine.
  • Curt asks whether the Iranian leader Barack Hussein Obama would meet with unconditionally is the puppet Ahmadinejad or head Mad Mullah™ Ayatollah Khamenei.
  • Gopfolk has a two-for in the toon department, taking on both Indiana Obama and the “threatened” polar bear.
  • S. Weasel unleases her latest Photoshops on BHO. I like the second.
  • Eric ties together Hillary Clinton and the Kentucky Derby. Say, wasn’t the lone filly in the Derby put down on the track?
  • Bill Quick says Clinton’s in it to win it back her $11 million in loans. Given they’re almost at the tipping point in delegates, I’m at least somewhat inclined to agree.
  • Tom McMahon applies the 2004 standard to this election. Of course, he forgot to put the partisan spin that makes all the difference, but that’s the point.
  • Ed Morrissey asks whether the split in the party of the Rat is racial or ideological. While it is ideological, the fact that they always go for the candidate that most-approaches 110% compliance (and, by 0.01 percentage points, it’s Obama over Clinton) means that despite the temptation for John McCain to tack even further left, there’s nothing to be gained by doing so.
  • Second dose of the boss – Michelle issued a Shamnesty Alert for the Feinstein/Craig amendment to the GWOT supplemental bill.
  • Speaking of the bill, it’s time for a second dose of Curt – he notes that shamnesty isn’t the only game being played on what was once touted as a “clean” supplemental.
  • Headless Blogger outlines the eight main symptoms of Groupthink. ‘Rats, Islamokazis and Gorebal Warming acolytes (I do repeat myself, though) sure seem to meet the definitions.
  • ChrisG has some fun ticking off some of the spam caught in the Flopping Aces filters. A mild content warning has been issued for the spam.
  • Katie Favazza caught a rather interesting take on biofuels from the UN. The stopped clock that is the UN may not be quite right, but they’re not the 180-degrees wrong they usually are.
  • Elliot asks the salient question after the local paintcatcher (the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for those of you who don’t remember where I am) put out the online call for “victims” of “Big Oil”.
  • Brian answers the question of whether conservatism is dead in the emphatically-negatory. I’ve long struggled with the answer to that question.
  • Second dose of Jib – he tells Milwaukee Brewer manager Ned Yost to either take some heat like a man or get out of the dugout. I’ve made it no secret I’d prefer the latter.
  • A less-than-healthy Kathy Carpenter summoned up the strength to point out one more thing (besides voting) that we need photo IDs for – prescription drugs.

May 20, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/20/2008

by @ 9:16. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I hate the chopped, MTV-friendly version of this song, so enjoy the Matrixed version…


  • Find out who took one for the team in this week’s Blogs4Bauer Writers’ Strike Substitute episode.
  • Aaron has a more-or-less good update on yesterday’s billing snafu.
  • Ed Morrissey looks into the soul of Minnesota’s own madrassa and finds it a hateful, violent place. I’m shocked, SHOCKED that the Religion of Pieces would beat up a news crew in front of the chilrun.
  • Jim Geraghty asks who can pull off going to Iran.
  • Zip notes that if one is talking about the Nixonian version, it’s not going to be Barack Hussein Obama; the Iranians would see a victory for him as the “conquer(ing) of heart of American society.”
  • Mike has the salient quote regarding BHO – “Talk softly and throw the stick away!”
  • American Pundit explores the rather-sizable skeletons in the closet of one Greg Craig, a top foreign policy advisor for BHO. Do the names Pedro Miguel Gonzalez, John Hinckley and Kofi Annan ring a bell? If not, go read and refresh your memory.
  • Plebian divides the states as the Obamas see them.
  • Cam Edwards cannot believe the rules for the caterers at the DNC convention. No fried foods, no bottled drinks, and all food must be local and/or organic. Glad I didn’t try to cover the recreation of 1968.
  • Ace cancels the coming recession. Presstitutes respond by changing the definition of recession to include 1.5% growth in the economy.
  • Doubleplusundead declares flavored Dew an EPIC FAIL. Why, oh why couldn’t PepsiCo stick with regular Mountain Dew, the Not-Quite-Official Soft Drink of No Runny Eggs (okay, I’ll let your dieting types have Diet Dew).
  • Sean Hackbarth smacks the Governator around for not even considering spending cuts to close California’s budget shortfall. Except for scattered outposts like Nevada and clarion calls from people like Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, the idea of reducing the gubmint appetite is lost on both halves of the bipartisan Party-In-Government.
  • Donna Martinez has the proof of the inevitable step government takes after conservation becomes too successful for the gubmint coffers.
  • SteveF applies the Orwell Farm example to speed cameras. Care to guess who’s refusing to pay?
  • Christian Schneider goes into the memory vault to explain why state Sen. Roger Breske (D) will be the next Commissioner of Railroads. He was the key vote that allowed Jim “Craps” Doyle (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale) to put the Potawatomi in my description.
  • Owen channels his inner geek. After all, there are 10 types of people in the world; those who understand binary and those who don’t.

A programming note; the Scramble will not happen next week, at least not with my name attached to it. I will be out of the country on the great walleye hunt north of the border.

May 19, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/19/2008

by @ 11:29. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

It is still morning, isn’t it?

No fancy attempts at putting like items together today; too many and too little time…

  • Attention Wisconsin conservatives. Wisconsin Institute for Leadership is now open for business.
  • Jim Lynch has a baseline for bedrock conservative values. Looks good to me; good enough to use to try to drive him to 10,000 visitors this week.
  • Ed Morrissey does the math on the entitlement liabilities. How many times more do America’s families owe in government debt than they do in personal debt? How does more than 4 sound?
  • Fred Thompson (yes, that Fred Thompson) analyzes why activist judges are activist judges. He put too much thought into it; it’s because they’re lieberals.
  • Second dose of Ed; he delivers a history lesson on why the Soviet Union collapsed to Barack Hussein Obama.
  • Fausta goes a bit further back in her history lesson to BHO.
  • Triple shot of Ed (which makes it a good day); he finds BHO trying to keep his and his wife’s stump speeches out of the political discussion. After all, it’s easier to snow-job the sheeple when they can’t be told how much of an idiot you are.
  • CDR Salamander has today’s edition of Italian conservative hotties. I’m too lazy to dig out the link to the quote from the incoming PM, Silvio Berlusconi about how conservative women are hotter than liberal ones.
  • Vivian Lee bemoans the decline and fall of Presidential politics, SNL edition.
  • Mike forecasts a return to the late 1970s if BHO gets elected. Sweaters and short-shorts (depending on the season) not optional.
  • Jon Ham finds 31,000 examples of (lack-of-)consensus on Gorebal Warming. Still want to call us “Flat Earthers”, Herr Goracle?
  • Charles Johnson found an enemy of BHO’s; Fox News. That’s funny; they’re a semi-ally of mine.
  • Curt delivers a history lesson to Tom Harkin. Say, wasn’t he a Rat Presidential candidate back in the day?
  • Lawhawk notes the disembodied version of M-m-m-m-max bin Laden has effectively declared Iraq lost…for his side. Tell me again why the DhimmiRATs want to give up.
  • Aaron just got a 14-month-old bill for the birth of his son.
  • Just A Grunt has the latest example of why bipartisanship is a bunch of Bravo Sierra. After all, the ‘Rats demand 110% compliance.
  • Second dip for Fausta; she laughs at Hugo “Mini-Castro” Chavez’s call for a Latin America oil-for-food program. It worked sooooo well last time. Say, if Chavez were serious, he would divert those “windfall oil profits” he’s using to help prop up FARC.
  • Lance Burri says the UN is going to investigate racism in, wait for it…wait for it…the United States. Guess the various bands of Islamokazis, the Myamar government, the Serbs, the Tamil Tigers, the ChiComs, and a whole host of other groups are all done with their murderous hating </sarcasm>. Bonus coverage; Ann Althouse titled her post “Deep Doudou”.
  • DrewM counts the ways the remake of “Red Dawn” will suck.
  • Rick Moran breaks out the whine for BHO.
  • Tom McMahon delivers the 4-Block SmackDown to the California Supreme Court.
  • J. Gravelle invites Mike Rowe to do Wisconsin’s dirtiest job; be governor. He couldn’t be any worse than Craps.
  • Uncle Jimbo says, “Don’t be a Dou’Che.” Good advice from a wise man.
  • American Pundit answers why we can’t trust BHO.
  • Bill Quick has a new game – How many times will the New York Times link McCain and Bush in a headline every week?
  • JihadGene riffs with one of my pics from the RPW convention this weekend. Message to the Left; that van’s more road-worthy than your average Feingold/Kerry/Gore-festooned Volvo.
  • Quad damage from Ed; he answers what the “bitter Rust Belt states” have in common; oppressive taxation and massive unions.
  • Gaius has the barely-good landing of the day. That student pilot’s got some mad skillz, even though he has absolutely, positively no situational awareness.
  • Doc notes the Gorebal Warming crowd is going after fat people. I knew it would come to this.

The Scramble is getting out of control. It is out of control and I’ll be lucky to live through it.

May 16, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/16/2008

by @ 8:14. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I’m already half-brain-dead, so let’s have Joe Walsh finish the job…


May 15, 2008

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 5/15/2008

The forecast as I type this (Wednesday night) doesn’t look promising for the original plan for baseball-then-dinner. Worse, I’ve already paid for the ticket. At least there’s a bit of good news; Favazza’s has a lunch menu, and the hour-by-hour forecast suggests it should start breaking up by 6. With that, I’ll still take the Flatland driving tips from Max and friends…


  • Slublog has an open letter to the national GOP; one that I’m likely going to be delivering on my own to the Wisconsin GOP.
  • Jim Hoft has a link to a pretty good start to the platform for GOP 2.0. I wonder if I could sell that to the delegates Friday.
  • Bonus Slu – he notes some of the Pubbie members of the bipartisan Party-In-Government are in denial. For a moment, I thought he was talking about Assembly Speaker Mike Huebsch and my formerly-reliable Leggie Mark Honadel.
  • John Campbell is one Pubbie who gets it on the Farm Pork Bill. Incredibly, 5 of the 8 members of the Wisconsin delegation (all 3 Pubbies plus Ron Kind and Gwen Moore) also got it.
  • Nick Schweitzer has good news for fans of fine food in Chicago; they’ve lifted the foie gras ban.
  • Brian sums up the ‘Rat tax policy – “They won’t miss it.” After all, the Left believes that all money is government’s.
  • JammieWearingFool proposes a code of conduct for the media. They won’t do it.

By the time you see this, I’ll be on the road. I may or may not update the Twitter, but that’ll be about the only way to get a hold of me (unless I decide different).

May 14, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/14/2008

by @ 9:02. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I’m trying to recover from Drinking Right, and I’m in the middle of putting Vista SP1 on the main desktop (can’t get the laptop to recognize that SP1’s out there)…


Time to switch to the backup machine so I can let the black box of death choke on the upgrade.

May 13, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/13/2008

by @ 8:00. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Today’s song is dedicated to Dave Jones


  • Owen and Dad29 do a tag team on the budget repair bloat bill. Stevens Point ought to be real interesting.
  • Ace spotted another way Barack Obama and John Kerry are alike; flips blamed on the staff.
  • Rich Horton outlines the “20 percent solution” for Obama, and while it isn’t pretty for West Virginia, he’ll be closer than Conventional Wisdom thinks in Kentucky.
  • Even if you noticed a certain trend in the chart in Rich’s post after Wisconsin, do read this one. Jim Geraghty provides another metric in Obama’s underperformance among whites. Hmm, I wonder what happened after Wisconsin that would have driven the white ‘Rats away from Obama. Bueller? Wright?
  • Gopfolk has today’s dose of Operation Chaos funnies.
  • Jon Ham proves once again that the ‘Rats are all about 110% compliance. Since when is the home of Robert “Sheets” Byrd “conservative”?
  • I could go many places for the Huck Is #2 story, but Slublog sold me with the obligatory SluShop.
  • Charles Johnson delivers another black mark against Condi As #2; the State Department-sponsored Jihad Exchange Program.
  • Mary asks, “Who’s paying Bob Barr to run as a Libertarian?” Good question.
  • Trail-Mix has my Need for Speed bumper sticker. Thankfully, I know of at least 2 ways to most places, including St. Louis.
  • Back to Obama for a moment; Bruce has a bumper sticker for those who question Obama.
  • John Adams cheers the support for anonymous speech from the Whitewater City Council.
  • The IBD editorial board bemoans the attempt by Michael Bloomberg’s New York City to strike the Second Amendment and the associated section New York State Constitution from the trial record. The takeaway line – “Without the Constitution, a trial is rigged, a defendant is left defenseless. Law becomes judicial and legislative whim, a farce, a tyrant’s command, not a timeless and unwavering standard.”
  • David St. Lawrence offers a few pointers to businesses on when to implement new technology (and a warning to stay away from the “phone tree from Hell”.
  • Keith got a ride in the Liberty Belle. Lucky dawg.
  • Wyatt Earp says that a Three Stooges eye poke works against sharks. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
  • Shoebox explores why we can’t be like France when it comes to oil consumption.

Just in case you Cheddarheads weren’t paying attention, the May Drinking Right is tonight at 7 at the usual spot (Papa’s Social Club). Be there, or be somewhere not as fun.

May 12, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/12/2008

by @ 8:00. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I doubt that welfare radio station in central Illinois will be having a blues fest this time around…


  • Tom McMahon misses nougat. I also remember when Milky Way was a hefty candy bar.
  • Lawhawk says a couple of Al Qaeda types, including one returning from Iraq to Afghanistan, encountered Excedrin Heartache #223.
  • Kate delivers today’s history lesson on pork barrel politics.
  • Dusty drools over the (hopefully) coming supersonic business jet. I know a couple people who would like to get their hands on it (perhaps the next AB1 or BP1?)
  • Uncle Jimbo video break part 1 – cool cars (and a Pacer) on State St.
  • Gaius says, “Beware counterfeit Cisco routers.”
  • Owen doesn’t like the coming budget “repair” bill. If there’s a deal this week, it ought to make for some real interesting times in Stevens Point at the end of the week.
  • Trail-Mix toon break part 1 – Operation Chaos Edition
  • Mark Block asks the Department of Revenue, “What’s next?” After all, the appetite of the bipartisan Party-In-Government is insatiable. I wonder what the FairTaxers think about that.
  • Ed Driscoll found yet another example of the lack of math skills in the press corps.
  • Random10 exposes the world view of the worst SecState evah, and Barack Obama supporter, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
  • Jon Ham notes the violence veto is becoming commonplace. I’ll wager that most of those exercising this subscribe to the Brzezinski world view.
  • Jim Hoft notes something that, had it happened anywhere other than the home of the Religion of Pieces, would have got a lot of attention from the usual suspects. Maybe if they could find a way to have blamed Booooosh instead of the ROP,….
  • Flip has the official flag lapel of the BHO States 57 campaign. For those who believe in numerology, I wonder if Obama remembers what happened to the last candidate associated with the number 57.
  • Charles Johnson busts Obama and the Official Newspaper of the BHO States 57 campaign, the New York Times after they tried to rewrite history. I still don’t believe in numerology, but ask CBS, Dan Rather and John F. Kerry about tampering with the record with the Lizards patrolling right field.
  • Speaking of Rather, Ace notes with a SluShop that he claims to have been rejected by Fox.
  • Heather Radish breaks the Gorebal Warming code.
  • Headless Blogger lays the smackdown on biodiesel (aka The Next Corn-A-Hole).
  • Uncle Jimbo video break #2 – Duck surfing on Mendota. Unless you’re Steve Jobs, I apologize for UJ’s gratuitous use of colorful language directed at Apple and its murder of iMovie 08 in the first 39 seconds. Any Mac-o-philes know of a better A/V editing package for UJ and his HD camera?
  • William Teach marvels at the Leftists’ rank duplicity on use of military force.
  • Trail-Mix toon break part 2 – Burma and corn-a-hole edition.
  • Warner Todd Huston goes into the memory hole that Newsweek opened up on vote scaring. Something about stones and glass houses comes to mind.
  • Bonus Flip; he asks whether we want a third W term or a second Peanut Farmer term.
  • James Wigderson delivers education to a heap of pols.

May 9, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/9/2008

by @ 9:02. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Time to dip back before I was born again…


PJ-Comix uses Operation Chaos to laugh at the HUffies.
JammieWearingFool has exclusive video of the effects of Operation Downfall on Hillary Clinton. Warning; the video is most certainly NSFW.
Slublog delivers yet another instant-classic SluShop to Clinton’s peg leg.
Flip has some good news and some bad news for John McCain on the economic front. The good; 75% of economists that answered like him better than Clinton or Barack Obama on the economy. The bad; half of them asked took a pass on the question.
Uncle Jimbo and Just A Grunt look at both sides of two things the House Rats are bound and determined to kill without making it look like they want them dead; funding for the War and a new GI Bill.
Michelle Malkin is ready to go RINO-hunting with Pat Toomey. Mind if I bring a .308?
John Hawkins answers why the GOP is fading fast. I don’t think it’s a coincidence I’m putting this item where I put it.
Ed Morrissey highlights another reason why I didn’t support Mike Huckabee. Not coincidentally, Huckabee’s comparison of diabetes to terrorism also plays into the previous two items.
Shoebox says the birds of Minnesota could’ve used some actual global warming; The Winter That Won’t Die™, 10,000 Lakes Edition killed off a heap of songbirds.
Greg Kowalski says Boomgaard is going back to the drawing board.
CDR Salamander has a must-read Fullbore Friday, featuring the most-decorated plane crew ever and Old 666.
Stephen Green channeled Rammstein (the band, not the air base or town for which it is named) when he found out why NBC is going with Microsoft to distribute its shows online. To paraphrase their “biggest hit” on this side of the Atlantic… Sie. Sie hassen. Sie hassen uns.
Wyatt Earp highlights the Stupid Criminals of the Day. Guess they rooted for Wile E. Coyote as children.
Plebian has your daily mental exercises. The crooks in the last item failed to do them, and look what happened.

May 8, 2008

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 5/8/2008

It’s Thursday; you know what that means…


– In case you missed doubleplusundead’s and Ace’s call, Stashiu needs your help to keep his adopted daughters. The lawyer he trusted to file the proper paperwork way back when didn’t exactly do so, and ICE is giving him a hard time.
Sister Toldjah is looking for a new host. If you have any suggestions, please let her know (if her blog is down and you don’t have her e-mail, you can leave it here and I’ll make sure she gets it).
Matt Lewis says, “Bloggers matter.” Allahpundit may disagree, but it’s kind of hard to argue with Matt Naugle and The Hammer.
– Speaking of AP, he’s yelling, “COBRAMA!”
Jib has some timely advice for Brewer fans. It’s getting ugly, and June’s coming up real quick. I don’t have a link, but Jeff Wagner remembered that it wasn’t until June 1982 that Harvey Kuenn took over for the Brew Crew, and that team came within a game of winning a World Series. Hint to Doug Melvin – “Fire Yost now and beat the rush.”
Tom McMahon takes up the cause of Minnie Minoso.
Owen notes the motto in Jim “Craps” Doyle’s (WEAC/Potawatomi-For Sale) administration is, “Don’t worry about what we’re telling the presstitutes; take those junkets.”
Ed Driscoll has the post title of the day – “Arise, Sir Loin of Beef!” Barack Obama does make a perfect Sheriff of Nottingham, but I don’t see a Bugs Bunny anywhere, much less in Rockefeller Center.
Pejman Yousefzadeh has the runner-up – “Meet The New Boss”. Looks like the Sovi…er, Russians are getting fooled again.

May 7, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/7/2008

by @ 7:16. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Continuing the tradition of grabbing songs from Queen following a big election….


Michelle Malkin and Slublog (complete with a classic SluShop) say it’s, “Game over, man. Game over!”, for Hillary Clinton. Was it over when FALN bombed the Pentagon?
Kathryn Jean Lopez notes that, suggestions that Clinton will use the pull-out from the morning talk show circuit to drop out notwithstanding, the NRE Spring Hill campaign will still have her to kick around prop up for the time being.
– I must note that this next item was posted before the results of last night, but Allahpundit exposed the true mind behind Operation Chaos…Wolf Blitzer! There is a reason why I call CNN the Clinton News Network.
– Remember that “crowded” Barack Obama rally last night? Mary Katharine Ham exposes the tricks used to make it seem more crowded than it was.
JammieWearingFool asks, “Who do you trust?” Can I throw Nigerian terrorists farther than I can throw Obama?
Michelle Malkin has the top 10 reasons John McCain should repudiate La Raza. There’s one overriding one he won’t; it’s another knife in the back.
See-Dubya expounds on reason #10 by noting that New Mexico (home of what was once considered the “serious” ‘Rat candidate) is the hub of a national fake-ID ring thanks in no small part to said former candidate.
Allahpundit asks how bad it’s going to get if Newt Gingrich’s grand plan to save the GOP is to institute GPS-based air traffic control. Asian Badger could fill him in on how useless that is, but that would likely trigger a THIRD LOOK AT RITUAL SUICIDE! (I triggered the second look with my answer).
Owen found something Wisconsin governor Jim Doyle’s clinging to; corn-a-hole. Do read Kevin’s comment on why he’s clinging to corn-a-hole like Obama’s version of the disadvantaged clings to guns.
Bill Quick has a succinct, not-quite-safe-for-work answer for Algore Goracle’s claim that the Burmese cyclone is all the fault of Gorebal Warming eeeeeeeeeeevil SUV-driving conservative Americans. I’ll add two words – “…and rotate”.
Tom McMahon puts the 1-2 punch delivered to the print media into 4 blocks. Once again, those of you who do not have 4-Block World in your feed readers, correct that oversight now.

I’m up way too early after a long night last night.

May 6, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/6/2008

by @ 9:27. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Today is somebody’s last stand, though I hope it lasts another 3 months…


Blogs4Bauer has a reason for Dave Bauer to get off his duff and save DC; the Attorney General is an envirowhacko.
Owen has the appropriate two-letter answer to Fed chair Ben Bernanke’s call for intervention in the mortgage market.
William Teach notes Mad Vlad Putin wants Georgia as a going-“away” present. Looks like it truly is back to the USSR.
– That goes so well with this item; Slublog notes the Soviet Union Russia is going back to the old practice of marching weapons through Red Square. Maybe I shouldn’t have struck out the once-and-likely-future name of that country.
– Staying with the Communists, Lawhawk and Jim Hoft run through the contents of the computers that belonged to former (dead, actually) FARC head Raul Reyes. Did I mention that Interpol didn’t find Karl Rove’s fingerprints on some rather damning evidence against the ‘Rats and Barack Hussein Obama?
The folks at Investor’s Business Daily dip into the memory hole to rescue Obama’s rather-lenghty and cozy relations with Marxists both past and present.
Michelle Malkin took my first choice for today’s song in what should be her live-thread for today’s primaries.
Mary Katharine Ham notes one bad side-effect of Operation Chaos/NRE Spring Hill campaign; S(l)ick Willie got his groove back.
Slublog breaks out the Hulk for Hillary Clinton’s plans to “smash” OPEC. But, but, but I thought she wasn’t for blood-for-oil (or maybe she thinks they’ll listen to lawyers like they didn’t do in the 1970s).
– Meanwhile, Fausta found out Hillary didn’t “exactly” report $24 million of Bill’s income to the Senate. Then again, she’s a ‘Rat and a Clinton, so other than PMSNBC and the rest of the Obama Media focusing on this, expect nothing from the LeftStreamMedia.
Jim Geraghty explodes the myth that it is one man, one vote in the party of the Rat.
Allahpundit rolls the official DVR of the blogosphere on CNN’s smug announcement that they’re a Wright-free zone. My answer; this place is neither Wright-free nor Hussein-free.
– Staying with the media, Amanda Carpenter notes that a pair of sinking ships are tying the knot to tag-team against the person who used to be their favorite Pubbie. Grey Lady, meet the Leg Thrill.
– One more free shot at the presstitutes; Plebian stole AP’s new style book.
Doubleplusundead has today’s McCain Photoshop.
Shoebox has today’s lesson of supply and demand. The same thing that happened to oil is happening to the bipartisan Party-In-Government’s prefered substitute, corn.
Random10 exposes yet another reason why the Gorons that run the Sierra Club are not conservationists but Marxist envirowhackos.
Bill Quick notes even Jay Leno realizes that, had we started drilling in ANWR when Bill Clinton shot that down, we’d have that oil on-line now.
Josh Schroeder says the Rats are preparing for the inevitable overturning of Roe v Wade as only they can. Now, who said that abortion was not an issue?
JammieWearingFool asks, “You got change for a ZW$250,000,000 bill?” On the black market, that’ll get you about US$2.50.
CDR Salamander has a couple of gripes about LCS (PCU) 2. Nothing like leaky aluminum on a ship designed to fight in close to shore.
– I missed out on the initial react to the proposed $10 county-wide wheel tax for the buses, but Donna Martinez sums up why it’s a bad idea, using Durham, North Carolina as the example to not follow.

May 5, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/5/2008

by @ 10:02. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

We need voltage after the usual weekend enjoyment of one of the three good weekends of the year, and since I don’t know if a word in “Jailbreak” would fly over at TownHall, I’ll simply have to salute you…


John McAdams has another reason to not shop at American (besides the high prices, low quality and poor customer service); they’re bringing anit-Christian Bill Maher to town. Oh, and off goes WKLH (96.5 FM) from the presets.
Ace found the Gorebal Warming acolytes are blaming shark attacks on Gorebal Warming. Is there nothing Gorebal Warming doesn’t do?
Ed Morrissey prepares to hold services for the Minneapolis Red Star Tribune. I better find “Taps”.
– Sister Toldjah took two for the team as she went to see both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Bonus coverage – she caught the return of the Obamessiah Faint®.
Jim Lynch breaks out the Shakespeare for Michelle Obama’s latest bout with foot-in-mouth disease.
Flip notes Barack wants to deregulate…wait for it…wait for it…the Teamsters. He’s locked up the Mob vote.
SteveF asks, “Why choose the lesser evil?” Yes, it is a tough call between Ktulu (sp) and Clinton.
A.J. Sparxx asks if amnesty is back in McCain’s plan. Has it ever left the playbook?
Owen has another thing besides voting that’s about to require a photo ID. I wonder if the Coast Guard wants that to apply to canoes as well.
Caledonia Unplugged has the double-rainbow pic of the day.
JammieWearingFool has the PBR me ASAP story of the day. Make mine a Sprecher.
Vivian Lee answers some of where Pubbies are going wrong. Guess the permanent-minority disease has infected the House.
Dad29 notes the Conservative sweep in Britain is a backlash against the nannism of the sort sponsored by both halves of the bipartisan Party-In-Government.
Charlie Sykes bursts the corn-a-hole bubble. I wonder what is keeping my Congresscritter, Paul Ryan, from co-sponsoring the end of government involvement in the corn-a-hole market, especially since he broke bad on it in a newsletter that popped into my mailbox this morning.

May 2, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 5/2/2008

by @ 7:14. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Where else do you go from Elmore James to Iron Maiden? :-)


Teresa lists just some of the bigger ironies of the 2008 election.
– Sticking with the bi-partisan, Shoebox declares stupidity is party-agnostic. Yes, there is a new reason why I call it the bipartisan Party-In-Government.
Professor Stephen Bainbridge confirms something Shoebox noted a couple months ago; there’s a new Lost Generation coming.
Jim Geraghty thinks over what John McCain should and should not be looking for in a candidate, using Dan McLaughlin’s 19 Do’s and Don’ts.
Sean Hackbarth asks, “Why not Paul Ryan?” Do click through to John Gizzi’s case for Ryan. If I thought we had anybody waiting in the wings here in Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional, why not indeed.
Ed Morrissey has a new sponsor for his radio show – LIAGRA. Hillary-tested, Barack-approved.
Matt Lewis has the RNC smackdown on Barack Obama’s hypocrisy on gas-tax holidays. I wonder when McCain will come out against that </sarcasm?>.
– Speaking of Obama and gas taxes, PrivatePigg lays the economic smackdown.
Jim Lynch grabs the ReWrite™ Machine and corrects Obama.
Dan McLaughlin notes the rank hypocrisy of the Kyoto crowd. Guess speaking while being holier-than-thou is conducive to producing copious amounts of carbon dioxide.
Sgt. Relic asks when Congress will dump the Greenies. “Never” rings a bell.
– Since we’re asking questions, Bull Dog Pundit asks why the presstitutes insist on saying that keeping the current tax rates will cost money. Simple; they and their fellow travelers on the Left believe that since government prints all the money, they own all the money.
Rick Moran says we will survive even an Obama Presidency. I’m not so sure; the clock is so close to midnight.
Justin Higgins reminds us why we’re more than just a nation.
John Hawkins says, “Stand up, be proud.”
Patrick McIlheran goes into the history vault to answer what happens when America abandons our allies. A free piece of advice to the Dems; those who don’t remember history are doomed to repeat it.
– Speaking of history, Zip remembers women had more rights in the Middle East before the Islamists took over.
Lance Burri catches one of the no-ID crowd admitting that it truly is by hook and by crook.
See-Dubya plays Name That Presstitute Outlet.
Moron Pundit has the 411 on this month’s Stupid Criminal of the Month.
Curt has today’s story of government waste. I wonder if the Census Bureau borrowed Wisconsin’s IT department.
Little Miss Sunshine delivers a literal pick-me-up.
Chris says no to hybrids.
Anwyn bemoans the latest example of the decline and fall of Disney. When Walt was alive, they never would have used the language I’ve been known to use from time to time.

May 1, 2008

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 5/1/2008

If it’s Thursday,….


Fausta remembers today is Holocaust Rememberance Day.
S. Weasel delivers yet another stunning WeaselShop. Nice hat, Barack.
Rick Esenberg, among others, asks whether Obama’s grandmother is next to go under the disowning bus. I do believe she was already run over once this campaign season.
Allahpundit has Hillary Clinton’s GHWB Memorial Clueless About Technology Moment. Remember, while the current target is Obama, we do have to keep an eye on Clinton lest she slip into our six.
– Following up on something from yesterday’s Scramble, Dad29 cheers a rather unequivocable counterattack on corn-a-hole Jim Sensenbrenner is co-sponsoring. I’ll have to double-check the co-sponsors of that bill to see if my Congresscritter is on board; the list wasn’t updated beyond the 4 sponsors that signed on Tuesday as of Wednesday afternoon.
Beth puts the hate on Google drive-by trolls. Hopefully this will bring her some higher-quality traffic (of course, in terms of steering power, I’m like a feather put behind the Queen Elizabeth II).
Silent E delivers an eulogy for common sense.

April 30, 2008

The Morning (er, Afternoon) Scramble – 4/30/2008

by @ 14:10. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Sorry about being late. I guess I should’ve put the causation of the reason I’m late up yesterday; I crossed the 124th Street line to attend the first Waukesha “Blog n Grog”. Note to self; bloat the roll again. Oh well; let the KevHead National Anthem (and something Ed promised would enter the outro rotation on his radio show) be the peace offering…


Tom McMahon lays odds on Barack Obama’s chances. Looks like it’s time for a Hussein Summer offensive.
– Or maybe not; Allahpundit wants to keep on pumping .50 cal shells into the flaming, flat-planing Obama campaign just to be sure.
John McAdams goes deep into the memory hole for a reason to wish for a 20 mm cannon or so in the nose to put into said flaming, flat-planing campaign.
– My local EIB affiliate is an hour behind, so I’ll have to trust General Allahpundit when he says to reinstate the NRE Spring Hill campaign.
Slublog launches yet another Instant Classic Slu-Shop.
Curt uses a song that won’t appear on the Scramble to launch the latest broadside on Obama.
Jim Geraghty (on Ed’s show now) found another Obama inconsistency, this time on commenting about pending cases. Care to guess whether Obama supports practices that tend to promote vote fraud?
– One last Wright bit; JammieWearingFool traces the Wright sabotage of Obama’s campaign to the disinviting of Wright to Obama’s announcment of his candidacy.
Lance Burri distills the ‘Rat campaign to a cartoon classic (he notes the drink of the same name may help as well).
Kate has the ANWR cartoon of the day. Too bad all 3 of the Stooges are opposed to drilling for our own oil.
Owen quotes Jim Sensenbrenner on corn-a-hole (never mind Sensenbrenner voted FOR the big corn-a-hole mandate). I do recommend going through the comments for a potential late-summer time bomb for pump prices.
Emperor Misha I explains (as only he and perhaps Ace can) why concealed carry is good. Do also click through to Kim du Toit’s choice observations. Now, why can’t we here in Wisconsin have legal concealed carry to counter the goblins’ illegal concealed carry?
Aaron breaks out the haiku to introduce Badger Bites Ver. 2.0. Wise choice to let him start things out, Jib (I think).
Bruce proves the blogosphere is relevant.
Fred Keller cobbles together some whoppers of Gorebal Warming fairy tales.
Jo Egelhoff has reason #982 to keep an eye on what the Legislature does in special session. Specifically, the leaders of the bipartisan Party-In-Government are attempting to attach ratification of the Great Lakes Compact to the budget repair bill.

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