Today is somebody’s last stand, though I hope it lasts another 3 months…
– Blogs4Bauer has a reason for Dave Bauer to get off his duff and save DC; the Attorney General is an envirowhacko.
– Owen has the appropriate two-letter answer to Fed chair Ben Bernanke’s call for intervention in the mortgage market.
– William Teach notes Mad Vlad Putin wants Georgia as a going-“away” present. Looks like it truly is back to the USSR.
– That goes so well with this item; Slublog notes the Soviet Union Russia is going back to the old practice of marching weapons through Red Square. Maybe I shouldn’t have struck out the once-and-likely-future name of that country.
– Staying with the Communists, Lawhawk and Jim Hoft run through the contents of the computers that belonged to former (dead, actually) FARC head Raul Reyes. Did I mention that Interpol didn’t find Karl Rove’s fingerprints on some rather damning evidence against the ‘Rats and Barack Hussein Obama?
– The folks at Investor’s Business Daily dip into the memory hole to rescue Obama’s rather-lenghty and cozy relations with Marxists both past and present.
– Michelle Malkin took my first choice for today’s song in what should be her live-thread for today’s primaries.
– Mary Katharine Ham notes one bad side-effect of Operation Chaos/NRE Spring Hill campaign; S(l)ick Willie got his groove back.
– Slublog breaks out the Hulk for Hillary Clinton’s plans to “smash” OPEC. But, but, but I thought she wasn’t for blood-for-oil (or maybe she thinks they’ll listen to lawyers like they didn’t do in the 1970s).
– Meanwhile, Fausta found out Hillary didn’t “exactly” report $24 million of Bill’s income to the Senate. Then again, she’s a ‘Rat and a Clinton, so other than PMSNBC and the rest of the Obama Media focusing on this, expect nothing from the LeftStreamMedia.
– Jim Geraghty explodes the myth that it is one man, one vote in the party of the Rat.
– Allahpundit rolls the official DVR of the blogosphere on CNN’s smug announcement that they’re a Wright-free zone. My answer; this place is neither Wright-free nor Hussein-free.
– Staying with the media, Amanda Carpenter notes that a pair of sinking ships are tying the knot to tag-team against the person who used to be their favorite Pubbie. Grey Lady, meet the Leg Thrill.
– One more free shot at the presstitutes; Plebian stole AP’s new style book.
– Doubleplusundead has today’s McCain Photoshop.
– Shoebox has today’s lesson of supply and demand. The same thing that happened to oil is happening to the bipartisan Party-In-Government’s prefered substitute, corn.
– Random10 exposes yet another reason why the Gorons that run the Sierra Club are not conservationists but Marxist envirowhackos.
– Bill Quick notes even Jay Leno realizes that, had we started drilling in ANWR when Bill Clinton shot that down, we’d have that oil on-line now.
– Josh Schroeder says the Rats are preparing for the inevitable overturning of Roe v Wade as only they can. Now, who said that abortion was not an issue?
– JammieWearingFool asks, “You got change for a ZW$250,000,000 bill?” On the black market, that’ll get you about US$2.50.
– CDR Salamander has a couple of gripes about LCS (PCU) 2. Nothing like leaky aluminum on a ship designed to fight in close to shore.
– I missed out on the initial react to the proposed $10 county-wide wheel tax for the buses, but Donna Martinez sums up why it’s a bad idea, using Durham, North Carolina as the example to not follow.
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