No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for the 'The Morning Scramble' Category

January 7, 2009

The Morning Scramble – 1/7/2009

by @ 11:24. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Danger, Will Robinson. It’s the first hump day of the year…


There is one good thing about an overbloated feed reader; I never run out of reading material. For that, I thank everybody I read.

  • Amanda Carpenter wonders where the Charlie Rangel ethics report is. Shame on San Fran Nan for forgetting to get Amanda a wedding present (of course, I also forgot, so consider top billing in today’s Scramble a late one).
  • Nate Beeler has the carTOON of the day. I knew I saw the Hot Rod Blago hairstyle before, and it was on top of a clown.
  • Bill Richardson (D-NM) Taint Tentacles Part I – Wyatt Earp found that Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell (D) got $40,000 from David Rubin, the man who cost Richardson his Commerce Secretary-Designate spot.
  • Bill Richardson (D-NM) Taint Tentacles Part II – Rob reports that President-Elect Barack Obama (D) also got $3,300 in cash from Rubin.
  • King Banian runs the numbers on what Obama wants to spend, and finds that the Obama planned $1 trillion deficits-as-far-as-the-eye-can-see is over 6% of total GDP.
  • Michelle Malkin dubs it “The Generational Theft Act of 2009”. Subtle, and to the point.
  • Shoebox proves again and again the Jim Geraghty Maxim – All statements by Barack Obama have an expiration date. All. Of. Them.
  • Outgoing Flying Footballs, Part I – Charles Johnson is shocked, SHOCKED that Hamas would voilate the rules of war by putting ammunition dumps inside of UN-run schools, that the UN would look the other way while said schools are used as active fire bases by Hamas, and that the UN and the presstitutes would howl only after Israel exposes said sham explosively.
  • Outgoing Flying Footballs, Part II – Charles found more fauxtography from the French.
  • Outgoing Flying Footballs, Part III – Charles caught the Los Angeles Times becoming an official Hamas press organ, running a column by somebody so vile that the Clinton administration deported him.
  • Michael Totten delivers a backhand to the pressitutes doubling as Hamas’ press organs.
  • Stan is shocked, SHOCKED the Iranians shut down a paper for calling Hamas what it is.
  • Jim Hoft found the Danish forgetful of history. Who was the last Middle-European tyrant that denied education to Jews? Anybody?
  • Mark Tapscott declares the US, and specifically Minnesota, worse than the Roman Empire. After all, we’re about to have seated in the Senate the end of one of Caligula’s Senators opposite the traditional Mafia in-bed warning.
  • Lance Burri is having way too much fun with the Roland Burris (D-IL) kerfuffle.
  • Eddiebear is shocked, SHOCKED that “organic” food is a sham. After all, the creators of the modern envirowhacko movement, the Communists, would never deceive anybody </sarcasm>.
  • Donna Martinez timed the turn of Phoenix’ brand-new light-rail system from “hero” to zero – one weekend.
  • Jo Egelhoff identifies the one factor that could control health care costs. The only problem is, not only do most people not have any meaningful stake in costs, but everybody is conditioned to want to live forever on “somebody else’s” dime.
  • I can’t leave without some good news – CDR Salamander reports the Navy is starting to teach that history has practical day-to-day applications.

January 6, 2009

The Morning Scramble – 1/6/2009

by @ 11:23. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

It’s been a while since I had some voltage…


  • Jason Pye has your random bank failure stat of the day – 99.65% of banks that started 2008 ended 2008 without FDIC intervention.
  • Donna Martinez has your random homeschooling stat of the day – homeschooling is up 36% between 2003 and 2007. Bonus item – there is a now 7th reason in the 2007 Department of Education’s survey – “an interest in a ‘non-traditional approach'”.
  • Flip warns us to not fall for the $300 billion Obama tax cut next step in the return to welfare.
  • Dan Kenitz explains anew the need for a flat tax.
  • Stephen Green discovered the secret behind creating a $2 million new media company. Hint; you need at least a higher order of magnitude in cash to start.
  • John McAdams found the inspiration behind Bernard Madoff. Hint; everybody is running to it for a bailout.
  • Francis Cianfrocca explains why Leon Panetta is the “perfect” fit for DCI. Hint; he has every qualification to run the CIA that Barack Obama has to run the country.
  • JammieWearingFool reports that QVC is having a fire sale of bus-tested merchandise to a gullible ObamiNation.
  • Tom McMahon delivers some good news; there have been but three times in history we have had back-to-back 2-term Presidents. The bad – the first and second times was back-to-back-to-back, and we’re coming off the third.
  • Jib talked to Joe Everyman, with predictable results. While you’re there, do congratulate him and Mrs. Jib on their coming addition.
  • Brian is shocked, SHOCKED that the top emitters of bovine excrement want to tax the second-in-line emitters all in the name of Gorebal “Warming” (and the imposition of a vegan lifestyle). They’ll pry my ribeye from my cold, broken steak knife.
  • Richard Minitier hacks apart the introduction of “third-hand smoke” into the lexicon.
  • J.R. Dunn offers yet another explanation on why the Nutroots are so successful – they drive the presstitute coverage.
  • Tom H. Sleeter explains how election fraud will beget census fraud, which will beget even more election, political and economic fraud. At least that’s the plan if 2010 turns into another repeat of 2006 and 2008.
  • Xbradtc explains the secondaries after Israel took out a Muslim mosque Hamas munitions bunker. It is nice to see the Israelis recognize the fact that one’s enemies are using “protected” structures (such as mosques) for “prohibited” activities (such as munitions storage) removes said “protected” structure from “protected” status.
  • Blackfive found the Special Forces build a pretty good bridge.

January 5, 2009

The Morning Scramble – 1/5/2009

by @ 12:27. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I have to thank Mary Katharine Ham for today’s song…


Oh, heck with it; I may as well include the first HamNation mash-up of 2009 just because I can (and should)…


  • Before I get to the meat of the Scramble, Jessi Olson would like you to remember a friend of hers who made the ultimate sacrifice a year ago today, PFC Jason Lemke.
  • Rick Moran wonders whether the Mad Mullahs are in trouble. Personally, I think all they have to do is survive the next 15 days.
  • Lowell E. McCoy explains the demands of the abortionists – a $4.6 billion bailout.
  • Why do they need a bailout? Sharon reports that an overwhelming majority of Americans, at least according to Harris Interactive, don’t like abortion on demand.
  • Paul Socha declares the Hyundai Assurance – Vehicle Return Program an Epic FAIL-In-Waiting. I’ll wager those cars will not come back in a usable condition.
  • Dan Kenitz explains what happens when “free money” starts raining down.
  • Uncle Jimbo found a sane denzien of the Huffington Post who used a bit of history to try to explain to his fellow inmates what’s going on in Israel and Gaza.
  • Brian plays catch-up after departing the blogosphere just as things were getting very interesting. Please do welcome Liberty Pundit back to the land of the blogging.
  • Crystal Clear Conservative is not happy over Barack Obama’s choice to run the DNC. There’s too many reasons to list here.
  • One of those reasons is ethical lapses, which just nailed New Mexico Gov. and former Commerce Secretary-designate Bill Richardson (D). Dad29 points out that the “fresh” allegations are already almost a month old.
  • David Kahane breaks out the clown cars for the ‘Rats. Again, just because I can, that calls for another song…


  • Running with the above, Bill Quick reminds us that the party of the Rat was also the party of Tammany Hall.
  • Ed Morrissey is shocked, SHOCKED that the next target is New York Senator and Secretary of State-designate Hillary Rodham Clinton (D).
  • Michelle Malkin proves once again that playing nice with the ‘Rats just gives us rabies – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is planning on completing the neutering of the House Republican minority. I hope the GOP (or its successor) remembers that when the worm turns.
  • Fausta caught Time trying to make the torching of cars by France’s suburban youth “a regular form of expression”, with New Year’s Eve becoming the Froggy equivalent of Detroit’s Devil’s Night. Left unmentioned is the fact that the “youth” tend to bow to the southeast 5 times daily.
  • Jim Hoft found a disturbing trend in Arctic sea ice – we’re right back where we were in 1979. Unfortunately, we’re also there politically and economically (well, there is one difference; instead of The Next Ice Age, the acolytes are now bleating about Gorebal “Warming”).
  • YoSAMite proves it isn’t easy being chees…er, green.
  • Charles Johnson has the coming killer app for Sony Ericsson phones – an RSS feed for Al-Jazeera (pun purely intentional).
  • Kevin Fischer launched the MJS Scorecard. He’s shocked, SHOCKED that the one “conservative” piece came from a left-of-center blogger who is running for a school board seat the ultra-liberal paint-catcher wants appointed.
  • Eddiebear discovered something called the Beer Pong Championship. Hey Christian; there’s $50,000 in it.

Oh well, at least it was still morning when I started this.

December 30, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 12/30/2008

by @ 7:43. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

News that the British pound has slipped below the euro (H/T – Oil Patch Plug) inspired me today…


  • Crystal Clear Conservative is shocked, SHOCKED that the Federal Reserve is tripling its space. Well, when it is the primary instrument in the accelerated socialization of the economy, it’s no surprise that it will demand more space.
  • Dean has one more (un)intended consequence of the coming transition to digital TV; a forced change in the wireless microphone frequencies.
  • Glenn Reynolds wonders how a Texas legislator who never made more than $7,200 annually as part of the part-time Texas Legislator is walking out the dorr with a $92,704 annual pension. Can you say, “Party of Government?”
  • Jon Henke explores the power of decentralized campaigns.
  • Bill Smith has the bad news for the presstitutes; more people are getting their news from the web than from print, and even the all-powerful TV is slipping.
  • P.J. Gladnick offers Exhibit #2,897,416 why print media is dying – they’re starting to admit they are Big-S Socialists.
  • Darleen Click “applies” for a job as a graphic designer at your average teen “news” magazine. Actually, she didn’t apply, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see that on the cover of Time next week.
  • Mid-Scramble Palete Cleanser (necessary after that last item) – Sharon Kass explains the mutual benefits of Conservatism and good mental health.
  • Uncle Jimbo tells Barack Obama and Reuters to grow up.
  • Lance Burri proves that The Race Card is not about actual diversity but about raw, naked power.
  • RightwingSparkle wonders whether Hollywood will become pro-war because Obama wants to fight in Afghanistan. I wouldn’t hold my breath.
  • MataHarley has some bad news on the Pakistani front.
  • Jim Hoft found a brave, smart Palestinian girl who didn’t listen to the brainwashing. Hamas will almost certainly be sending her to join the rest of her family inside of 4 weeks for the “unforgivable crime” of blaming them for starting what Israel is desperately trying to finish before they lose the one friend they have on the UNSecurity Council (and yes, the lack of a space is intentional).
  • Jib offers some money-saving ways to welcome in 2009. Of course, the #1 advice won’t work in Milwaukee (audio courtesy Patrick) – “Fire a gun in the air at midnight. At least in prison, you’ll get three squares a day.”

December 29, 2008

The Morni…er, Afternoon Scramble – 12/29/2008

by @ 15:20. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I’m a bit under the weather, so that’s why I’m late today. It’s been a while since I did an instrumental, so let’s start the week off with one…


  • Lemur King wonders if things are truly as bad as the press says it is. He notes that if one takes out the excess of the later Clinton/early Bush years, the S&P Retail Index is right back in the 30-year wheelhouse.
  • Mark Pribonic hacks apart the Transportation Stimulus Act. Question of the week from Mark – “If $3.1 trillion dollars of government spending cannot keep the economy from going into the tank, then why would anyone think that an additional $500 billion to $1 trillion would do any better?”
  • Shoebox asks whether we can afford the payments on the Obama Stimulus Package. Stat of the day – if the 3 million jobs Obama wants to create do go 80/20 private/public, the increase in the government rolls would be 3 times that of the private rolls.
  • Phil delivers a message from Patrick Henry to Barack Obama. The Hot Rod Blago odds that he’ll listen – 1,000,000-1 (and no, I wouldn’t bet on it).
  • John McAdams found a cartoon on the Big Three UAW bailout that puts the crux of the problem in blazing orange.
  • Thomas Lifson found Hot Rod Blago the butt of advertisements.
  • Asian Badger offers a look into the bidding process that will become more widespread in the next Administration.
  • Sean M. cheers the scientific death of Gorebal “Warming”. I would too if we hadn’t lost the political war while we won the scientific battle.
  • Jib is disturbed that Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin came in third in a Sovie…er, Russian state television poll of historic Russ…er, Soviet historical figures. Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili wasn’t even a Russian.
  • Steve S. found the Soviet Unio…er, Russia using natural gas as a weapon against Europe in an effort to neuter opposition to the restoration of the Soviet Empire.
  • Eddiebear is shocked, SHOCKED that following the whims of envirowhackos invariably makes for a worse environmental disaster, as Seattle doesn’t reap because it didn’t sow.
  • John Hawkins lists his favorite dozen quotes from 2008.
  • Clay Waters delivers the ten worst lowlights from the New York Times Sedition Slimes campaign coverage. I have no idea how he kept it to ten.
  • Ken laughs at the presstitute notion that we’ll miss them when they’re gone.
  • Stephen Green gives exhibit #1,023,246 of Presstitute Bias – Time’s lead Israeli/Hamas presstitute wishing for the death of Israel.
  • Eric explains why Israel needs to crush Gaza and Hamas now.
  • Bonus reason – Nice Deb caught the legalization of crucifixion by Hamas.
  • Glenn Reynolds reminds us that Obama once called for just the Israeli response to Hamas that’s being delivered now. If memory serves, that statement already passed its expiration date, the day after Obama made it.
  • Charles Johnson points out the “innocent” Gazans not only voted Hamas into power, but attended en masse a multitude of anti-Israeli demonstrations “glorifying” the rockets Hamas has been firing into Israel.
  • CDR Salamander reminds us of the savages we’re fighting in Afghanistan. I’m surprised the NYT and The News Organization That Cannot Be Quoted™ played this one straight.
  • John surmises this is because we beat the Islamists with the press release.
  • I do need to close this out with some holiday cheer – Bill Quick found a study that asserts that spiked eggnog is safe. Cheers!

December 26, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 12/26/2008

by @ 8:15. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I couldn’t do blues yesterday, so between that and the freezing rain-to-rain that’s come down, it’s Blues Day Friday…


Some of you were actually busy blogging yesterday, so why not reward you with a Scramble.

  • Tom Blumer handicaps the race between Obama and the economy. Let me speak from experience; no matter what the economy does, CEBR and the presstitutes will declare the recession over at noon 1/20/2009, and not a minute earlier or later.
  • Oil Patch Plug found the Red Chinese beginning to unhitch their yuan from the dollar to make it an international currency. As someone who knows just a bit about the international currency market, all I can say is, “Just! Damn!”
  • Michelle Malkin discovered the next in line at the federal trough – the retail industry. Bonus item – GMAC, the finance arm of GM, is now a “bank holding company”, so whoever in my feed reader of bloat predicted that can now collect from his or her bookie while GM collects even more bailout money.
  • Righty says, “Go long on prisons.”
  • Jo Egelhoff found the ‘Rats and their allied groups outspent Pubbies and their allied groups 2-to-1. Yep; Campaign “Finance” Reform had its intended effects.
  • The Underground Conservative wonders how the Wisconsin Legislature could set up a system where it can’t stop an automatic pay raise at a time when the state is facing a multi-billion dollar shortfall in the next budget (and a several-hundred-million dollar shortfall in the current one). Short answer – it’s controlled by the bipartisan Party-In-Government. More on that later.
  • Rick Moran “thanks” the Minnesota DFL Secretary of State for conducting a master stroke in neutering the Minnesota Supreme Court and all-but-ensuring the theft of Seat #59 for the ‘Rats. I guess the only questions left are whether Shoebox was right when he said that there is essentially no difference between 59 and 60, and, if there is, which “Pubbie” will be peeled off by Barack Obama offering a plum administration job to deliver Seat #60.
  • Thomas Lifson dumps even more coal in the stocking of the Gorebal “Warming” acolytes.
  • Warner Todd Huston uses the New York Times to prove that Gorebal “Warming” is nothing more than a jealous religion.
  • Lawhawk is shocked, SHOCKED that “green” energy doesn’t work as well in the cold.
  • Jim Hoft is shocked, SHOCKED that the gatekeepers of the Connecticut Post are abusing their status to protect their boys Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. There is a reason why I call them presstitutes.
  • Tim Graham proves that ObamiNation Worship is alive and well in the LeftStream Media.
  • Nice Deb wonders why Michelle Obama, who the presstitutes have annointed as the new Jackie O, has had her law license listed as on “court ordered inactive status” since 1993.

I’m off to be the family tech support (again); I have a hard drive to install on the younger sister’s/her husband’s computer (after conducting another bug hunt first).

December 24, 2008

The Christmas Eve Scramble – 2008

by @ 19:32. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

This one’s going to be a bit short, but it’s late on Christmas Eve already…


  • Noel Sheppard found some Aussies that would hate the above video. That’s right, the Gorebal Warming acolytes are going after Christmas lights.
  • William Teach discovered they’re also going after the Christmas feast. BAH HUMBUG!
  • Stix found the official carol of the Religion of Gorebal “Warming”.
  • Dad29 wonders why the EPA chose the time frame that included the demolition work associated with the Marquette Interchange to measure particle pollution in Milwaukee County. Simple; they wanted to put Milwaukee County in non-compliance. Bonus item from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story – because Milwaukee County is not in compliance, Racine and Waukesha Counties, which met the soon-to-be-implemented standards, is also in the “non-attainment zone” just because the EPA can declare that to be so.
  • Flip carries a telling exchange between Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s office and PETA. Which exhibit is this in the “Don’t bother to attempt to appease the Left becuase they’ll just lie about you anyway” series?
  • Fausta puts the serious hate on “It’s a Wonderful Lif…er, Bailout”. Life does imitate art, even if it’s 62 years late.
  • Fidothedog found that government waste in the midst of a deep recession isn’t limited to the US. That’s right, the EU spent €2,000 (that’s just under $2,800 at the current exchange rates) per employee on Christmas travel.
  • Randall Hoven has a plan to end this recession – “honest, responsible and predictable government budgeting.” Of course, putting the $57 trillion in unfunded Social Security/Medicare liabilities on the books is more likely to result in a revolution (which may not be such a bad idea).
  • Patrick McIlheran has the story of yet another set of businesses being run out of business by Red China and an unthinking federal government; small-toy manufacturers.
  • Gravelle hoists a cold one to a gang in Madison looking for some serious alcohol in their Reinheitsgebot-compliant beer. PROST!

Shoebox’s Christmas message is already up; mine will be up just after midnight, along with the start of the 2nd annual linkfest.

December 23, 2008

The Morni…er, Evening Scramble – 12/23/2008

by @ 19:47. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Let’s see if I can still remember how to do this…


Yes, it’s evening, but it is morning someplace.

  • Jason Pye brings good news for music pirates – RIAA will no longer be going after you with lawsuits. The bad news – if your ISP isn’t using anti-bit-torrent software, it likely will in the near future.
  • Donna Martinez has sad news for VHS holdouts – the last shipment of movies and shows on tape are out the door.
  • JackBoot found Treasury Department Form EZ-CASH. Given Hank Paulson and company are handing out my cash like it’s, well, my cash in a politician’s hands, I’m not so sure that it is a parody.
  • Mark Pribonic shows a benefit of a classical education, quoting Cicero on the folly of depending on the government for a bailout.
  • Jib gives a word of wisdom to the potheads that want legal pot. If you think that taxes on alcohol and tobacco are high, wait until the government gets its hands on the weed.
  • Dean finds the ‘Rats not so trusting of the voters when things don’t go their way. I’m shocked, SHOCKED, especially since…
  • Nice Deb outlined how they stole the Norm Coleman seat. Shoebox? Big G?
  • Earl Glynn wonders how the population of Kansas could go up steadily while the voter registrations show wild swings.
  • Bob Weeks bemoans the coming death of “newspaper journalism”. I only hope he wasn’t refering to outfits like the New York Times.
  • Why did I put that caveat in there? Exhibit #1 – Michelle Malkin caught them getting punked by fake Frogs.
  • Exhibit #2 – Bob Owens prints the op-ed piece rebutting Friend Of Barack (and admitted, yet untried terrorist) Bill Ayers they refused to print.
  • Dan Riehl says the news isn’t all bad – the NYT may go under next year.
  • The Game lists the top ten media blunders (so far) of 2008. To quote Bachman Turner Overweigh…er, Overdrive, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Guess it’s time for song #2…
  • Tom Blumer proves that The News Organization That Cannot Be Quoted™ does not practice what Bob Weeks wants, as they strip the ‘Rat from local stories they crib. Bonus item – it is against the latest publicly-available AP Stylebook guidance, though that may have changed since 2000.
  • Gorebal “Warming” Acolyte Stupidity Watch, Part 1 – lawhawk reports Seattle refuses to use salt on the roads because it might get into the salty Puget Sound.
  • Gorebal “Warming” Acolyte Stupidity Watch, Part 2 – Dad29 reports the Wisconsin DNR prohibits the dumping of snow into the local rivers that feed into Lake Michigan, so Milwaukee stores the snow under the Hoan Bridge until it melts into Lake Michigan. Oh yeah; between today and tomorrow, there’s another foot of snow to go on top of the nearly-3 feet we’ve picked up so far this month.
  • Mary Katharine Ham wonders why the Obama Camp self-whitewash happened at 4:30 pm Christmas Eve eve.
  • Why, Part 1 – Michelle Malkin opened a red flag store on the 5-page whitewash.
  • Why, Part 2 – Charles Johnson found a media outlet unwilling to swallow the whitewash whole. In the interest of full disclosure, the parent company of the Los Angeles Times was driven into bankruptcy partially because of actions by Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D).
  • Rob Port found the denials from Team Obama a wee bit unconvincing.
  • Hugh Hewitt wonders what happened when US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who is investigating Blagojevich, interviewed Barack Obama (D). Bonus wonder – why did Fitzgerald wait until after interviewing Obama to interview Obama chief-of-staff-designee Rahm Emanuel (D) when he already had Emanuel on tape?
  • J.D. Tuccille found the perfect present for the speed cameras in Arizona.
  • Mark Hemingway found high school students in Maryland using the power of the state and speed cameras to crush their enemies. They’re future bureaucrats, no doubt.
  • Speaking of presents, Owen found a DeWalt Rapid Fire Nail Gun. I wonder if that’s the weapon the boys at iD were thinking about when they made Quake.

December 11, 2008

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 12/11/2008

I was going to go with the usual Thursday blues, but Shoebox’s take on the Big Thr…er, UAW bailout shifted the musical focus just a little bit….


Before I get to the heart of the Scramble, I must pass along a “clarification” from KHQA denouncing its 11/5 story (dumped into the ether) stating that Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D-Corrupt) and President-elect Barack Obama were to meet later that day. Of course, it doesn’t exactly address its 11/8 story from a different reporter that stated that a meeting did take place (which also got dumped into the ether).

  • Speaking of corrections, I need to correct a major oversight missing from yesterday’s Blago Scramble Special – Kate dug up a bunch of Blago toons.
  • Jeff Dufour and Patrick Gavin run the Lexis-Nexis numbers on Blago mentions by the presstitutes. Care to guess which is higher; mentions in the last 48 hours or mentions in all of November? Hell, I’ll wager there were more mentions in the last 48 hours than there were in any of the first 11 months.
  • Nate Beeler can’t put a price on the criminal complaint against Blago. I believe I can say with some confidence that “@$&*!’N” doesn’t really stand for “@$&*!’N”.
  • Gabriel Malor believes his lying eyes over Obama’s greasy assurances. I will note that it is only a pic, so we can’t even read lips on whether they discussed Obama’s replacement in the Senate.
  • Jim W. Ainsworth channels Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and various members of Congress answering some bailout questions.
  • Lance Burri found immigration wasn’t exactly a deal-breaker in November. Of course, there was no substantive difference between Obama and John McCain on shamnesty.
  • Mark Tapscott explains why there is a credibility problem in the DC power structure. Of note, Joe the Plumber wanted off the Straight Double-Talk Express after McCain tried to explain why he was in favor of the $700 billion $850 billion $8 trillion bailout of October.
  • Doug Mataconis points out that the current-year deficit is on pace to hit $1 trillion. The truly-scary thing is, other than the bailouts and the on-autopilot increasing welfare programs, the federal government is running on continuing resolutions until sometime after Obama is sworn in, and both he and the Congressional Democrats have a boatload of additional spending plans.
  • Uncle Jimbo lays the smackdown on Jimmy Carter’s candy-ass.
  • Jo Egelhoff has the proper solution for Wisconsin’s budget crunch – freeze and prune. It’s far better than increasing spending by nearly 10%, with over half of that increase coming from Wisconsin’s own bailout.
  • Tom Blumer plays Name That Party, ABC edition. In their montage of 14 political crooks (evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats), they named the GOP crook as such 5 of 7 times (4 in the first sentence, the 5th in the 3rd), but named the ‘Rat crook as such only 2 of 7 times (both in the first sentence).
  • Okie Campaigns found 650 scientists, many former Gorbebal “Warming” acolytes, committing heresy against the Religion of Gorebal “Warming”.
  • William Teach caught the UN cardinal of Gorebal “Warming” admitting that “(t)here is no clear evidence that global warming is an imminent danger to the world.”
  • Tracy Coenen reports Milwaukee County Board Chairman Lee Holloway wants to let others get away with the type of fraud he got away with. I wonder if he’ll try to bend any of his fellow supervisors over their desks this time; he does have a history of that.
  • Jim Geraghty wonders why the FBI is asking about Obama’s home purchase (with convicted briber Tony Rezko’s wife also involved).

That’s it; the thread’s yours.

December 10, 2008

The Morni…er, Afternoon Scramble, 12/10/2008

by @ 17:57. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

This one goes out to Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich (D)…


  • Katie Favazza wonders what is on Blago’s iPod. He strikes me as a punk rock fan.
  • Charles Henrickson wishes all the DUmmies a Merry Fitzmas, complete with song.
  • Brian Ross confirms that Jesse Jackson Jr tried to keep the seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama in the Chicago family the old-fashioned way – with 10,000 Benjamins (or $1,000,000 for those who can’t do the math)
  • James Wigderson has a dozen questions for Obama. Judging by the complaint, Blago tried to buy favors from the Obama campaign/transition team in exchange for naming one of their prefered candidates for at least 10 days, which James compared with the “pro-forma” discussions Blago had with Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL).
  • Mary Katharine Ham dug up a report from November 5 that stated Obama planned on meeting with Blago the afternoon of November 5. That would be right in the middle of the attempt to buy favors from the Obama campaign/transition team. The link “conveniently” died, but Yahoo still has it cached (and I have the cache saved in case the ObamiNation Net Scrubbers strike Yahoo as well). Meanwhile, Fred put up a screencap, knowing full well the ObamiNation Net Scrubbers would strike.
  • Rob reports that meeting did, in fact, take place. Of course, the station that had that report did the same thing it did to the one MKH found, and thankfully Yahoo still has it for the moment (I also saved this one).
  • To counter that, Ed Morrissey found a report from the Chicago Sun-Times on November 6 (between the two noted above) that says Blago and Obama didn’t meet.
  • Jim Lindgren runs the timeline some more and wonders why there was an initial denial of any knowledge of Blago’s attempt whatsoever from Obama.
  • Rick Esenberg reminds us that, absent something more substantial than what has already come out, this doesn’t say anything substantive about Obama. He also reminds us that Blago is a manifestation of the natural human condition, and that can’t be fixed by “clean government” reforms. While that is true, it can be mitigated by “open government” ones.
  • John McCormack found the Obamination Express finally throwing Blago under the bus after everybody else stomped a mudhole in him. Way to show courage, Barry – wait until everybody else disowns him and then send out a flack to finish him off.
  • Nick Schweitzer uses Blago as another example for smaller government. Amen.

Since you’re probably done with the first song, it’s time for another from the Blago iPod (uncensored, of course)…


  • Back to Katie – she found a Craigs List listing that “Hot Rod B.” put up. If it disappears, Asian Badger thoughtfully archived the text.
  • Stix1972 found an interesting eBay auction before it disappeared. The bad news – there were at least 17 bids before it was pulled.
  • Sister Toldjah found another yanked eBay auction. She also reports there is (actually, was; this also got yanked) a wish list for Blago on Amazon filled with things a guy in a “don’t drop the soap” federal pen needs.
  • Faux eBay part 3 – Iowahawk found exclusive documents from the Fed’s seizure of Blago’s eBay account </humor> (it saddens me that I have to include that tag for the humor-challenged).
  • Eric explains how Blago can survive. I will add that Blago strikes me as the type of guy who uses what isn’t there.
  • J. Gravelle takes a look at what the LeftStreamMedia, broadcast division, would have done had Blago hadn’t been so stupid as to put the squeeze on the Tribune Company.
  • Warner Todd Huston reports that didn’t stop The News Organization That Cannot Be Quoted™ from providing all sorts of cover for both Blago and Obama (but mostly Obama).
  • Michelle Malkin broke out the Crying River Flood Warning for Reuters.
  • Jim Geraghty tells the LeftStreamMedia, “I told you so.”
  • Teresa bugged the walls in Blago’s office and caught an interesting snippet of conversation of Blago returning to work.
  • Jayme Siemer asks who will take the lead on transparency legislation in Illinois. I’ve got “no current politician” in the pool.
  • Silent E makes it a three-song Scramble…


  • Rick Moran, who knows more than the average bear about Illinois politics, terms Blago’s conduct “beyond business as usual”.
  • Tom McMahon 4-blocks (or should that be “8-blocks” the 3 Illinois governors prior to Blago to get sent up the river. He’s jumping the gun a bit on Blago (unless one counts the several hours cooling his heels in federal custody waiting for his bond hearing) – I’m willing to put cold, hard cash on the line in saying that Blago will walk despite the facts.
  • My blogfather Chris has a fitting punishment for Blago. In case those of you on the Left think he’s bluffing, do note he offers the same punishment for Ted Stevens.
  • Bill Quick found the pic the presstitutes won’t run, and compared it to the one they’re running.

December 4, 2008

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 12/4/2008

There’s finally enough snow on the ground outside the bunker to drive back the foot that’s slow.


  • JammieWearingFool reports that the next Congress will be known as Teh Most (Un)Ethical Congress Evah Ver. 2.0™, partly because Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told Charlie Rangel (D-NY) that he will continue to write tax laws as long as he wants despite an ongoing House ethics investigation into his failure to pay taxes on various money-making schemes.
  • Rick Moran finds history about to repeat itself in Chicago. Of course, back in the day, Michael Bilandic blamed The Next Ice Age for the unremoved snow and consequently lost his mayoral office, while Richard M. Daley’s blaming Gorebal “Warming” and doesn’t face a challenge.
  • William Teach answers the question why a significant number of meteorologists (as opposed to climatologists, who are the altar boys and girls in the Church of Gorebal “Warming”) are not buying Gorebal “Warming” hook, line and, sinker – there is but one constant – back-and-forth change in the weather.
  • Lady Logician has a couple more nails in the coffin of the climatic truth Gorebal “Warming”, including the inveterate gamblers in Britain breaking The Man on a white Christmas.
  • Stephen Kruiser issued his Envirodork of the Day award to the LeftStreamMedia for applying their election template to the Gorebal “Warming” debate battle.
  • RadicalRon found a new hero for those of us who haven’t consumed the Gorebal “Warming” Kool-Aid – Czech President (and soon-to-be EU President) Vaclav Klaus.
  • Kat has a lesson from the Massacre of Mumbai – “Do not act as the terrorist expect. Do not be terrified into inaction. Expect no mercy and shrink their window of opportunity to act at every turn.”
  • Speaking of the Massacre of Mumbai, Stephen Green wonders how one says “DEFCON 2” in Hindi.
  • Dad29 found some serious respect for the US military from their French counterparts.
  • Rick Moran dubs Barack Obama “The Promise Breaker”. As Jim Geraghty said way back when, all statements by Barack Obama have an expiration date. All of them.
  • Jim Hoft reports the payoffs are starting to come in for the Missouri Obama “Truth Squad”, with one of their number the favorite to become eastern Missouri US Attorney. My advice to Jim is to get across the Mississippi STAT (and probably move south across the Ohio because Illinois isn’t exactly the best place to be – sorry Rick and my other readers south of the toll booths).
  • Jon Ham recycles a classic “Mad Magazine” cover for the incoming Obama administration. While he believes things are darkest just before the dawn, I tend to take the “darkest just before things go to pitch black” approach.
  • Allahpundit found a CNN poll that says 61% are now “dead set” against bailing out The Big Three automakers the United Auto Workers union.
  • Mark Pribonic takes us on a fabulous journey from Henry Ford’s “Let everybody fail, including me” attitude during the Great Depression to the Not-So-Big Three’s tin cups. Do read all the way to the end for Mark’s predictions of what will happen when they burn through their cash.
  • Speaking of tin cups, Nate Beeler pictures that as only he can.
  • Matt Lewis has a pair of frightening predictions from John Fund. While I agree that Dingy Harry and company will refuse to seat Norm Coleman, nationwide same-day registration will wait until abortion-on-demand is part of the United States Code.

The dogs of doom are howling as well because I have to go to the younger sister’s place for more tech support on their wireless network. Since it’s Thursday, that means the thread’s yours. I know there’s a bunch of stuff I haven’t touched on; I had to deep-six some very good items just to get this out before 10 so I can do said tech support.

November 6, 2008

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 11/6/2008

I’m still too blue to do anything but morose posts. Since I’m don’t like to do those, let’s open things up.


  • Michelle Malkin set up a petition site to thank Sarah Palin.
  • Kat-Mo compares the Pubbie debacle to a family BBQ. Yes, it is on Ace’s place, so there’s plenty of vulgarity.
  • John Hawkins has some post-election thoughts that, had I been able to get beyond 50% formulation, I may well have put up.
  • Shoebox asks what we all learned. My money is, at least on the GOP end, the same thing they learned after 2006 – NOTHING!
  • Tom McMahon puts the year in review. Actually, there was some overlap; a couple of stations started with the Christmas music before Halloween.
  • Rick Moran holds out hope that Barack Obama will resist the far-left radicals in Congress. Rick, I know you know Chicago politics like few others, but quite frankly, Obama IS one of them.
  • Lao breaks out some classic “Planet of the Apes” as his response.
  • Emperor Misha I reports Hamas and the Soviet Unio…er, Russia didn’t even wait until Obama was sworn in to issue their first tests.
  • Lance Burri discovered James Madison called the last 2 elections 220 years ago.
  • Dad29 notes that social conservatism still succeeds. That fact makes me sad that the Republican Party has pushed away the social conservatives (and indeed, still are), and that they responded by bringing in Christian Socialist Mike Huckabee.
  • Josh Schroeder proves that when one plays in the middle of the road, one gets run over by both sides.
  • Caleb offers some suggestions for surviving the Barackolypse. Do add to it, but do not click the Rickroll.

Well, at least it was morning when I started. I had to leave a few comments on a few blogs that may or may not necessarily be part of this. I’m also still running at about quarter-speed (dunno what part the post-election blues has in that versus an oncoming chest cold).

That’s it; the thread is yours.

November 4, 2008

The Morning Scramble – Election 2008 edition

by @ 6:00. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

This one’s going to be short because I’m actually doing this on Monday night due to various committments during the day today. I will (or at least should) have a liveblog set up for the night; as I type this, I don’t know which forward observation post I’ll be occupying after I cast my ballot.


As Styx put it – Get up. Get back on your feet. You’re the one they can’t beat and you know it. Now, get out there and defeat the ‘Rats.

  • Ed Morrissey has the November Surprise – the Palins did nothing wrong in “Troopergate” according to the non-partisan Alaskan State Personnel Board.
  • Mike repeats a message that I’ve been hammering home – IGNORE THE EXIT POLLS!
  • Gaius found another place photo ID is required – Barack Obama’s rally at Grant Park. Of course, in true ACORN fashion, they screwed up with the “plus one” portion.
  • Today’s ObamiNation In Your Face Violence Tour update – Scott reports his daughter received death threats from fellow children because her dad supports John McCain. Yes, it has come to this.
  • Mary found one last Joe Biden gaffe. We should rename him UPS, because he delivers everywhere.
  • Kevin Fischer abhors the idea of making today a holiday. If one can’t find the time to vote in either the massive amount of hours the polls are open (in Wisconsin, between 7 am and 8 pm) or the weeks prior to the election, one doesn’t have the time management skills necessary to function in life.
  • Related to that, Kevin also provides his official voting guide. I approve of that message.
  • Jim Geraghty’s guru Obi-Wan states the pollsters “seem to have slipped into a world of easy assumptions”.
  • Speaking of polls, Charlie Sykes reminds us how the pollsters got 1980 so wrong.
  • Cub quotes Confucius on taxes. I’ll take the tigers as well.

If you’re looking for election predictions, most of the people linked to on the bloated roll to your right have them. Mine is for prolonged pain.

One last item – nominations are being accepted in various categories for th 2008 Weblog Awards. If I find any of youse mugs putting this place in any of the nomination slots, I’ll murdalize ya. I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley. Do feel free, however, to nominate other places on the bloated roll to your right as they’re more worthy than me.

November 3, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 11/3/2008

by @ 9:10. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I missed the blues on Thursday, so let there be blues today.


  • Before I get to the meat of the weekend, I have to note something that I really need to add my way-outside-the-power $0.02 cents to, specifically the latest part of the ongoing discussion on where the right end of the online presence goes from here. John Hawkins has a second part to that. I hope to have my nearly-8-years of thoughts together by Wednesday; I’m just too busy right now.
  • Now, on to your irregularily-scheduled Scramble; Slublog says to not trust the pollsters. If you haven’t voted by Tuesday afternoon, don’t look at the exit polls, or indeed the early-state returns.
  • Stix1972 lists the three head games the press organs for the Obama/Biden campaign will be playing. Again, I stress, at least if you’re going to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket, to not believe the hype.
  • Tom McMahon encapsulates what to expect after Tuesday in an instant-classic 4-Block. I do have to disagree with the lower-right; in that case, Mitt Romney is the next in line.
  • E.M. Zanotti has yet another reason to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket; a win will send the entire celebrity universe into debilitating depression.
  • Jim Geraghty has a reason to thank Wile E. Thompson (suuuuper genius and Packers GM) for forcing Brett Favre to the New York Jets – their pre-election record is a very good predictor of results, missing only once. Every time the Jets have had at least 5 wins before Election Day, the Republican candidate for President has won, while the Democratic one has won 5 of 6 times the Jets didn’t have at least 5 wins. By the way, the Jets have 5 wins.
  • Michelle Malkin found an instance where the ‘Rats want investigations into whistle-blowers; John Conyers has called for an investigation into how Barack Obama’s aunt’s illegal alien status became news. There’s still no word from the ‘Rats on the abuses of power done to try to break Joe the Plumber (which has backfired spectacularily; he has endorsed the McCain/Palin ticket on today’s Fox and Friends).
  • Jay found said aunt under the Obamination Express. Who knew that bus had room for one more family member </sarcasm>.
  • Today’s ObamiNation In Your Face Violence Tour update, part 1 – Sean M. reports the Yolo County (CA) Republican headquarters had its windows smashed in.
  • Today’s ObamiNation In Your Face Violence Tour update, part 2 – Stable Hand reports that a liberal talk show host aired a death threat against Joe the Plumber.
  • Today’s ObamiNation In Your Face, No Violence Edition Tour update – I reported on a couple of Obama supporters who were arrested for stealing McCain/Palin signs in Burlington, WI.
  • Doc combines both halves of yesterday’s Obama energy policy meme – death to coal and extremely-high electric rates.
  • Kathy Carpenter reports that the ever-lowering Obama middle-class bar has dropped to $50,000-$70,000.
  • John McAdams pictured trick or trick at the Obama residence.
  • Phil breaks out the Wimpy line for Obama’s continued refusal to hold a press conference.
  • Charles Johnson found yet another example of the Obama campaign ripping off old Soviet propaganda posters.
  • Jim Hoft caught Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) proving that Obama doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude to be President, as Nadler said that Obama didn’t have the political courage to leave Jeremiah Wright’s racist church.
  • John McCormack caught Nadler wishing for the reformation of the old Soviet Union with Georgia as part of the empire.
  • Staying in New York, lawhawk caught Charlie Rangel (D-NY) illegally using campaign funds to pay his legal team who represented him in a tax-scam scandal. For those that don’t recall, Rangel is the chair of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee.
  • Rick Moran brings the Middle America view of the election to the blogosphere.
  • Jay Nordlinger busts the myth that the Republican Party is the Party of the Rich.
  • Sister Toldjah found two new media studies that prove that presstitute coverage has been overwhelmingly favorable to Obama. As James Taranto would say if he still did the Best of the Web, “What would we do without studies?”
  • Jeni reports that Gannett is still in full slash-and-burn-jobs mode. LSM, RIP.
  • Back to lawhawk – he relays a report that the raid in Syria targeting an Al Qaeda bigshot was done with the approval of the Syrian government.
  • Conservative Belle found yet another “victim” of the economic downturn – Code Pink. In this case, I’m celebrating.
  • Huckleberry Dumbell has the sign of the times. While he put up the falling coyotes warning for Packer football, it’s equally-appropriate for the political sphere.

I’ll have my extended endorsements up in a while, but the very-short version – despite the likelyhood that the Republicans will continue the march toward Western Europe, they are infinitely preferable to the Rats’ and their march toward Eastern Europe circa 1985. Also, be Dr. No on the local tax-and-spend-and-tax-some-more referenda.

October 31, 2008

The Halloween Pumpkin Smash – 10/31/2008

by @ 18:12. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

It’s definitely not morning, and because it’s Halloween, it’s not even a Scramble…


Since I can, and because Matt Abe warns us that we don’t know what we’ve got ’till it’s gone, it’s a 2-song Friday…


  • Related to that, Christian Schneider takes political stock of his life. If you read only one thing this weekend, read this. BTW, while I am a lowlife, I categorically deny I’m a scumbag.
  • Sean M. says to ignore the hype and remember the bombed-by-Germans Pearl Harbor. LET’S GO! COME ON!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!!
  • Now, on to your not-so-regularily-scheduled Smash. Soren Dayton explores the ACORN-Rathke embezzlement scandal that just so happens to involve Barack Obama’s first federal campaign.
  • Gregory V. Helvering points out that attempts to make things “fair”, as Obama wants to do with the tax code, merely makes things worse for everybody.
  • Stephen Green reports that $120K is the new “rich”. In succession, we have gone from increased taxes for those making over $250K to give welfare to the bottom 95% to tax cuts for those making under $200K to tax cuts for those making under $150K (while the Adjusted Gross Income 95th-percentile was just over $153K in 2006) to tax cuts for those making under $120K. Again, going to the AGI, the 90th-percentile was $109K in 2006, and given increases in income, should be $120K in 2009. Guess it’s 10% that won’t be getting welfare from Obama should he win.
  • Speaking of taxes, Bill Smith reports the Heritage Foundation has filed a request to TV stations to stop false ads from the Obama campaign that misquotes them.
  • Michelle Malkin found the reporters of 3 papers where the editorial board dared to not endorse Obama thrown under the Obamination Express. For those that want to compare this to the McCain campaign’s tossing of Maureen Dowd and Joe Klein, McCain tossed individuals (specifically columnists) for those individual’s actions and continued to talk to the reporters from those individuals’ employers, while Obama can’t so much as abide possibly-friendly people whose only crime was to work with those that dared oppose him. Remember what I’ve said about 110% fealty and the Left.
  • More from Soren Dayton – he found a link between Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner (D) and ACORN. Brunner refused to check the rolls in Ohio for fraudulent registrations, and ACORN has been flooding the rolls with (potentially-)fraudulent registrations.
  • Speaking of fraud, Warner Todd Huston reports Obama supporters illegally offered candy and water to those waiting in line to vote in Butler County, Ohio.
  • Rick Moran says that the “we didn’t know” defense will not be accepted should Obama and the ‘Rats win. Just because I can, it’s time for another song…


  • Thomas Lifson reports that the Obama campaign may have thrown in the towel. I am reminded of the incident where a Democratic Assembly political playbook was supposedly left on a copier at the Capitol, but if the memo cited is authentic, it is an eye-opening read.
  • Slublog proves that those that live in glass houses travel on glass campaign planes whose undersides are coated with the residue of reporters tossed overboard shouldn’t toss out the “selfish” word. Yes, the campaign that refused to share its cash with the DNC, and whose supporters are on average less-charitable than those who oppose them has tossed out the “selfish” card.
  • Peter reports that Mitt Romney’s minions are in full Palin Derangement Syndrome mode. After all, Sarah Palin is the biggest and probably only roadblock to his nomination in 2012 under the Next In Line principle ascribed to by the Republicans since 1956, especially if John McCain and she win on Tuesday.
  • Katie Favazza brings good news from Iraq – through yesterday, there were no combat deaths in Baghdad and only 13 deaths overall in Iraq this month. Care to declare Iraq lost now, Obama?
  • Meanwhile, lawhawk reports we have reached out and touched killed Al Qaeda’s #4 in Pakistan. Care to say that Iraq is still a “distraction”, Obama?
  • Phil spotted October snow in London for the first time since 1922. While I don’t know whether Algore Goracle was in town, it did coincide with a House of Commons debate on Gorebal “Warming”. Timing is everything.

There’s more I could do, but I’m out of time, dammit.

October 30, 2008

The Morning Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 10/30/2008

You can thank Jonah Goldberg’s discovery of Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry’s endorsement of John McCain for the lack of blues today.


I’ll try to remember today is Open Thread Thursday and only give you a launching point to feed me with links (for a change). Even though I now have something north of 280 feeds in the Feed Reader of Bloat, I know I’m missing some good stuff out there on a daily basis.

  • In keeping with the good news theme, RightwingSparkle reports that the PUMAs are not yet dead in Florida.
  • Stephen Green wonders whether the hope in the McCain camp that the polls are hosed is misplaced. Do not, repeat, NOT miss Ed Driscoll’s Cheech & Chong response.
  • Nick Schweitzer applies statistical analysis to the hosed polls.
  • Laura reports that Texas is done being messed with by Mexico’s druglords.
  • Soren Dayton runs the numbers on the jobs that will be lost in states that will be disproportionately affected by Barney Frank’s (Religion of) Peace Dividend. Why do I call it that? Simple; a 25% cut in defense spending in the middle of a war smells like a surrender in that war, and the opponents do call themselves the “Religion of Peace”.
  • Those cuts mean we likely won’t see stories like this – Zip reports Marine snipers are so precise that even Islamists in Afghanistan using children as human shields while emplacing IEDs aren’t safe, but those children are.
  • RFW has today’s history lesson – this is the 10-year anniversary of the signing of the Iraq Liberation Act. Hey moonbats; care to guess who was President when it became official US policy to remove Saddam Hussein from power?
  • I was going to skip the Obamination Update entirely today because you’re probably tired after the Obamacommercial, but Mark Steyn dragged me back in. He reports that donations to the Obama campaign are now being cited by the city of Boston as evidence of US citizenship. Mark notes (sarcastically) that it should “(clear) up any question marks over those donations by ‘A Hitler’ and ‘S Hussein'”.
  • Kevin Fischer lists the growing number of communities that do trick-or-treating right – on Halloween night. Notably, and regrettably, absent from the list are any communities in Milwaukee County, including Oak Creek.
  • Moron Pundit has today’s PSA – if you get caught drunk driving, do not immediately go back to your house, grab your spare keys, and drive to the police station to complain.

That’s it; the thread is yours.

October 29, 2008

The Scramble – 10/29/2008

by @ 14:38. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I blame Matthew Continetti’s discovery that AC/DC always rocks on during financial panics for running yet another AC/DC song.


Side note; do not confuse the fact that this is the second one in the row with a decision to try to do this daily again. You do not want to see how bloated the feed reader has become.

  • Katie Favazza explores the relationship between Barack Obama and former Palestinion Liberation Organization spokesman Rashid Khalidi.
  • Purple Avenger finds the Los Angeles Times admitting they’re buring the Obama/Khalidi tape.
  • JammieWearingFool found them not affording the same protection to Republicans. I’m shocked, SHOCKED, even though California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s picture is next to RINO in the dictionary.
  • Stephan Tawney reports the reward for that tape is now up to $175,000.
  • Mondo Frazier exposes the October Auto Surprise attempt by Vanity Fair and the National Security News Service. Never mind that the “first-hand sources” talking to them can’t even tell what happened 44 years ago. I will say this; Mary Jo Kopechne is unavailable for comment.
  • Josh Schroeder has the outtakes of the Obama Infomercial announcer.
  • Uncle Jimbo unleashed a killer Obama/Ayers ad.
  • Jim Geraghty has what to worry and what to not worry about.
  • Dad29 offers a case for calling Obama’s run the 5th FDR administration.
  • Kate notes the similarities to the FDR/Obama Second Bill of Rights and the Soviet constitution.
  • Thomas Lifson found a familiar new aspect to the Obama logo; the Communist Red Star.
  • We shouldn’t be surprised; Patrick found Obama admitting a lifelong affinity to Marxists.
  • Bill Smith points out that the wealth-spreading Obama promised Joe the Plumber won’t be limited to our borders.
  • Ed Lasky reports the Obama campaign has admitted taking prepaid credit cards for payment of donations. I wonder how much of that is responsible for tonight’s gabfest.
  • Todd Lohenry found Obama’s wish list for Santa. Let’s give him a lump of coal instead.
  • James T. Harris observed the ObamiNation In Your Face tour invading a local restaurant so arrogantly they got booted.
  • Stephen Kruiser says to not believe the hype. I’ll take the extra beer.
  • John Conners put out an APB for missing ballots in Racine, WI and Miami, FL.
  • Thomas Lifson connects the dots on one Amy Little, former campaign manager for Rep. John Hall (D-NY), who suddenly registered herself to vote in Ohio while maintaining her residence in New York.
  • Darleen Click has the poster of the day – the Three Amigos of Nancy Pelosi, Obama and Harry Reid. That was in response to Pelosi saying that an increased ‘Rat majority would be “more bipartisan”.
  • Bill Quick has the quote of the day in response to a call for more-effective government – “Hi, we’re the government, and we’re here to help you really good and hard” (emphasis in the original).
  • GayPatriotWest found another casualty of the endless Presidential campaign – attention on the teen-approval-rating Congress. It still boggles me how the ‘Rats will extend their gains there after running the worst Congress ever.
  • I know; this is already too long, but I can’t close without this one – Wyatt Earp found a study that says that farting is good for you. Now somebody get a match.

October 28, 2008

The Morning Scramble – 10/28/2008

by @ 9:56. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

We’re one week out from the election, so it’s time to break out some Thunder(struck, that is).


  • Bill Whittle delivers three circles of shame on the viral Barack Obama WBEZ interview Shoebox put up yesterday.
  • Steve T found the Obamination Express targeting Fox News for noticing that interview.
  • Lao brings back a classic speech in response to that interview. The words are even more important now than they were when Ronald Reagan spoke them in 1964.
  • Bil Smith found a big red flag (literally) in that interview.
  • Speaking of targets, Ace discovered that the public official responsible for ordering the search through Joe the Plumber’s Ohio’s Child Services records is a max-donor ObamiNation acolyte.
  • Maggie Thurber discovered the presstitutes (or should I call them the Obamination Express Press Organs?) were responsible for ordering the Toledo Police proctological exam of Joe the Plumber.
  • James T. Harris lists the top 10 things the presstitutes refused to dig into on Obama just so they could go after the likes of Joe the Plumber.
  • Phil found another thing suppressed by the Obamination Express Press Organ – Obama’s ties to the PLO.
  • Brent Baker is shocked, SHOCKED that the network that tried to pass off a superscripted forgery as a 1970s’-era Texas National Guard document (that would be CBS) would spike all references to the viral WBEZ interview. I’m not; only the faces were changed.
  • Sister Toldjah reminds us that Obama has not had a press conference in over a month.
  • Jim Geraghty takes a look at what the priorities of an Obama administration would be. I could’ve swore I heard the very first thing Obama would do is codify the most-radical of the pro-abortion infanticide agenda.
  • Slublog notes the ObamiNation In Your Face Tour, Slime Edition, is now targeting those that dare question Joe “Plugs” Biden. Yes, it has come to this.
  • How angry is Plugs about being questioned? Robert Bluey answers that question.
  • Speaking of the ObamiNation In Your Face Tour, Mike found a certain disconnect between outrage over an earlier effigy-hanging of Obama and a certain lack of outrage (from the oh-so-“tolerant” Left, naturally) over the fresh West Hollywood effigy-hanging of Sarah Palin.
  • Chris digs into a Kenya timeline that has Obama ties. I sure it’s just a coincidence the fact that Obama’s cousin used the “good” name of Obama to seize power and begin to implement Sharia law in the same country that was one of the two where Al Qaeda targeted American embassies in an effort to turn those countries into part of the Islamic Caliphate </sarcasm>.
  • Neal Boortz breaks the Obama Code.
  • CDR Salamander plays “Wheel of Misfortune” and wins with “A”s, “G”s and “R”s.
  • John Hawkins plays Obama Bingo.
  • Pinch questions Colin Powell’s judgement after one of his earlier endorsements (Ted Stevens, done as a character witness) was convicted on all 7 counts related to corrpution. Powell has endorsed Obama.
  • Proof notes the ever-dropping Obamination Tax Hike threshhold.
  • Phil Kerpen outlines the steps from panic to depression (that would be the economic kind, though the psychological one is related).
  • Jack M. found John Galt. I suspect it won’t be that easy come 1/21/2009 should Obama win.
  • One of the gang at No Compromises explains economics and politics for the common man.
  • Obi-Wan, Jim Geraghty’s mentor, describes the state of play as it was yesterday. Jim notes to watch the markets.
  • Jayme Siemer reports that those that try to challenge the Chicago Machine have bad things happen. Fortunately, this particular incident is a threat to shut off the budgetary funds because it’s a government entity that’s challenging it.
  • Jonah Goldberg wonders why the only election-related efforts the Department of Justice is pursuing are those attempting to get Obama elected. I’ve long believed that President Bush’s biggest failing was not cleaning house in the entire executive branch.
  • Kate went trick-or-treating in a ‘Rat neighborhood and got tricked.
  • Charlie Sykes has a dark harbinger of taxes to come.
  • Jon Henke takes a look at the coming race for RNC chair.
  • William Teach wonders how the presstitutes can know more about Gorebal “Warming” than MIT grad students. Could it be that the grad students are not full-fledged Gorebal “Warming” acolytes? Bonus item – there is yet another failure of the Gorebal “Warming” model; the oceans are getting saltier instead of less salty.

Did I mention I’m back?

October 22, 2008

The Morning Scramble (Part 2) – 10/22/2008

by @ 10:56. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I’ll try to limit the Obamination in Part 2. Can’t say I’ll be entirely successful, so let’s have some blues as we dive in…


  • Before we get to the heavy stuff; a news item that is a bit personal – the gang at Tuscarora Outfitters report that the idiot that started the Ham Lake fire 2 years ago has been indicted. I use Tuscarora for my yearly canoe trips, and that fire nearly burned them down (they did lose an outbuilding), so I want the book tossed at that idiot.
  • Ed Morrissey explores how few Americans will have a net tax liability in the next administration. As I have said off and on lately, we are rushing toward Europe; the only choice is Western or Eastern circa 1985.
  • Perri Nelson notes the socialist water is just about at a boil.
  • Owen notes a disturbing economic trend – a renewed interest in Karl Marx, the original Communist. One thing I remember Dad29 telling me at Drinking Right-Milwaukee (or was it Blog ‘N Grog?), Marx said that a revolution wasn’t exactly necessary in the US (or the UK).
  • Frank Lasee explains why socialism doesn’t work.
  • Fausta caught Argentina trying to socialize the pensions. She also warns that the same is in the works here.
  • Maj. Pain opens the NSN bureau to report that John McCain is leading Barack Obama 3-1 among military personnel.
  • Trail-Mix lists “just a few” reasons why he’s voting for McCain instead of Obama.
  • Moe Lane notes that the McCain campaign and the RNC are walking the walk by publicizing those who donate less than $200. Gee, I wonder why the Obama campaign isn’t following suit.
  • Slublog notes that no less than Obama supporter and Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell (D) isn’t buying the overcooked pro-Obama polls.
  • Doc explores the presstitutes’ role in the Dirtiest Campaign Evah™.
  • How far in the Obaminaton Express are the presstitutes? Lawhawk notes even Dan Rather admits the full tank job.
  • Stephan Tawney reports a second all-the-way-in-the-tank presstitute has been grounded from the Straight Talk Express flights. Gee, I wonder why an opinion columnist who has done nothing but bash McCain (Joe Klein) would get booted from the McCain campaign plane </sarcasm>. Actually, I wonder why they bother to still talk with him.
  • William Teach wonders why the New York Times Sedition Slimes would be bummed about having to photograph the success that is The Surge.
  • How successful? Uncle Jimbo reports on the success story that is Gryphon Airlines.
  • Of course, not all news is good – Wyatt Earp notes that asking questions of the local cult gets one 20 years in Afghanistan. Given all the ObamiNation In Your Face Violence tour news and casual tosses of “racism” highlighted in Part 1, I wonder when that will be codified here.
  • Lance Burri takes a dark look at the future under the ‘Rats.
  • Bill Quick explores what passes for a legal system in that frozen country of good walleye, long waits for health care, and hyper-political correctness to our north. Again, if you think it can’t happen here, just take a good look at what the ObamiNation Cult is offering.
  • Speaking of that long wait for health care, Walter E. Williams has a wake-up call on that. Whether it’s “Healthy” (and Depopulated) Wisconsin, or Obama’s health plan, or HillaryCare 2.0, socialized medicine does not work.
  • Brian Fraley pictures the Axis of Taxes.
  • He forgot one – Peter spotlights Barney Frank’s plan to tax the rich until there are no rich no more.
  • John McAdams caught the majority of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors rubbing right up against (and IMHO crossing) the line against electioneering in favor of an advisory referendum calling for a tripling of Milwaukee County’s sales tax (from 0.5% to 1.5%). For those not in the Milwaukee area, that would make Milwaukee’s sales tax anywhere between 9.5% and 16.7% higher than surrounding counties (depending on the county and item bought). I previously ran the math on that here.
  • William Amos explores why the GOP is failing in its campaign strategy.
  • Nick Schweitzer makes the non-partisan case against voter registration drives.
  • Soren Dayton explains how the Left “legitimizes” voter fraud. Remember, it’s all about winning by any means necessary every means available for them.
  • Mark Tapscott exposes Anthony Socci for the Algore Goracle shill he is.
  • Owen observed Wisconsin governor Jim Doyle (D) proving that even blind squirrels occassionally find a nut by asking the EPA to declare in compliance the 6 counties the EPA pre-emptively declared (by 6 years) out-of-compliance of fine particulate pollution because they will be in compliance by the time those standards are actually in effect.
  • Marshall Manson found the next target of those that have a visceral hatred of weapons – knives. I kid you not; (formerly) Great Britian has declared a war on knives after their “successful” war on guns simply changed the weaponry that thugs use in crimes.

And some people wonder why I don’t do these every day anymore. There’s too many good bloggers out there, both those I do manage to read (at last count, somewhere north of 270), and those I don’t. Not that I’m complaining about that situation :-)

The Morning Scramble (Part 1) – 10/22/2008

by @ 9:41. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Yes, it’s back for a very-limited engagement (unless I can figure out how to keep this from taking all day).


That doesn’t mean it’s a short-stack. I can’t do that to you.

  • The ObamiNation In Your Face Violence Has Begun, Part I – Jim Hoft reports a John McCain supporter had his car vandalized for the “crime” of having a McCain/Palin sticker on it.
  • The ObamiNation In Your Face Violence Has Begun, Part II – Jim Hoft also reports some ObamiNation zealots tried their damndest to get run over by Sarah Palin’s motorcade. Fortunately, the lead officers in the motorcade reversed their motorcycles and moved them out of the way before they could get steamrolled.
  • The ObamiNation In Your Face Violence Has Begun, Part III – Sean M. notes that Maryland’s ‘Rats are eating their own who dare to have an independent mind.
  • The ObamiNation In Your Face Violence Has Begun, Part IV – Sean M. also found the selective vandalism has reached Indiana.
  • The ObamiNation In Your Face Violence Has Begun, Part V – Warner Todd Huston found an advanced ObamiNation acolyte literally laying the wood to a McCain supporter. Bonus; the assaulter was a male, the assaultee was a woman. I’ll let you decide what the NAGs and the press organs are (not) saying.
  • Erick Erickson introduces us to Bill, a typical union thug leader. Long-time readers of NRE will know why I went out of my way to utter the “t-word.” I wonder if that acolyte from the above item got his lessons in getting into peoples’ faces as The Obamination has ordered from Bill or his union cohorts.
  • Sister Toldjah channels Jeff Foxworthy in introducing us to the latest card from the ObamiNation Race Deck – socialism.
  • Stephen Green has the definitive answer to that charge. He forgot Iosif Stalin, to whom Obama and especially his acolytes bear more than a passing resemblence.
  • Tom DeLay found that many Communists agree that Obama is the closest thing to a Communist out there today.
  • Laura Elizabeth found Obama’s true running mate, just in case The Human Gaffe Machine doesn’t quite make it. Yes, Karl Marx would be very comfortable with him.
  • Headess Blogger found that even the youth of America are not immune from the card if they dare oppose The Obamination.
  • Eric notes the next target of the Obamination Express is the Republican Jewish Coalition. At least they have the decency to merely ignore them rather than include them in the In Your Face Violence Tour (if only for now).
  • Bruce has the bumper sticker of the day week month year…

    Read it and weep, liberals. I’m going nowhere.

  • Tom McMahon introduces the Obama-Biden Gaffe-O-Matic. It’s only in alpha, so it’s missing a lot of gaffes.
  • No worries, Michelle Malkin makes a few additions to the Joe Biden half of that.
  • Zip tosses in one for the Obama half – changeable sports loyalties. What does one expect from a White Sox fan, after all?
  • Swint wonders if Biden is trying to sabotage the Obamination Express.
  • RightwingSparkle has an addition to the extensive case against Obama – his stance on guns.
  • Lance Burri pages the ‘Rats who thought that money in politics was bad only before the Obamination Express rolled up $150 million in September.
  • Victor Davis Hanson asks the $640 million question – why did Obama maintain his friendship with Bill Ayers for 4 years after 9/11?
  • Charles Henrickson mints a new parody classic on the Ayers/Obama connection.
  • On the first day of the Obama/ACORN Connection, Jessi gave to me deep roots in the ACORN tree. Yes, there is a reason why I don’t sing.
  • Jim Geraghty found a 13.45-percentage-point difference between Obama and McCain over President Bush.
  • Ed Morrissey caught the Obamination Express telling the presstitutes, “Show me the money!” I wonder how many press organs would be busting every campaign finance rule by showing them the money.

Part 2 will be up shortly. First, I have to find a second song.

October 14, 2008

The Scramble – 10/14/2008

by @ 17:26. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Yes, I’ve been very negligent with this, but I proved the last time I did this it takes a very long time nowadays…


  • No Compromises found out the Obamination Censorship Cabal extends to BlogTalkRadio.
  • Stephen Green predicts they’ll come for this end of the blogosphere next.
  • Brian C. Anderson outlines the plan of the Obamination Censorship Cabal.
  • Fred exposes the indoctrination into the ObamiNation that is already taking place in middle schools. That’s right; they’re already prepping the battlefield to protect The Missiah in 2012.
  • Matt Wolking explores the rabbit hole that is the Obama/ACORN connection. I don’t think he’s hit the bottom of it yet.
  • Maggie Thurber reports that a RICO action has been filed against ACORN in Ohio.
  • Mary Katharine Ham has what really happened (or more-precisely, didn’t happen) in Wilmington, North Carolina yesterday. Of course, because the LameStreamMedia has a vested interest in getting their man in the Oval Office, reality doesn’t matter to them.
  • Brian Fraley has the top 4 reasons the Democrats are pushing early voting.
  • Hugh Hewitt suggests a few questions for Barack Obama in tomorrow’s debate (which I will be either liveblogging or drunkblogging; I haven’t decided which direction to take yet).
  • Matt Lewis notes that federal judges are the unspoken 8,000-pound hippo in the room.
  • Nick Schweitzer explains why John McCain (and by extension, the Republican Party) is losing this election – lack of market differentiation.
  • Eric is tired of caring more about winning the White House than McCain.
  • Jim Geraghty wonders where the purple-finger legislation is. After all, it works in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Stephan Tawney reports that ACORN is 2,100 for 2,100 in Indiana – not one of the voter registrations they turned in and were checked were legitimate.
  • Meanwhile, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a third person has now been criminally charged in the growing voter registration scandal here in Milwaukee. No word on whether the Government “Accountability” Board (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin) will reverse its decision to not check or allow to be checked mail-in and third-party voter registration forms turned in between January 1, 2006 and August 6, 2008.
  • Peter has the Obama Alphabet.
  • RightwingSparkle has the very first thing that Obama will sign as President – cement abortion on demand by every method out there.
  • John Hawkins has the oh-so-tolerant violent Left in quotes.
  • Erick Erickson caught a Democrat candidate for Congress saying that America is the greatest evil in the world.
  • Michael Yon explains Afghanistan. I have but three words – Read. It. All.
  • Michael Turk explains the Obama tax “cut”. It’s the final step in getting half of Americans to see the federal government as an ATM linked to the other half. Now, what was that about a democracy ceasing to exist once that happens?
  • For those that would rather have it in picture form, Tom McMahon pictures that for you. Somehow, I doubt the teachers will be satisified with that dime.
  • JammieWearingFool blows the Obamination defense of ACORN out of the water. Then again, they do have a point that we’re trying to get the fraudulent vote out of the system.
  • Speaking of fraud, Michelle Malkin found the Obama campaign benefiting from credit card fraud.
  • Conservative Belle pictures the currency as it is now.
  • Christian Schneider reminds us to get out of the Presidential Pool. Yes, I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley – in Wisconsin, one cannot vote if one gambles on the results of an election.
  • Since tonight is Drinking Right-Milwaukee, and because I need a kicker, crystalclearconservative has a reason to drink – white wine has the same cardiac benefits as red wine. My question; if beer has some, if fewer cardiac benefits as wine, shouldn’t hard liquor have more?

I could go the rest of the afternoon, but I do have a good campaign ad from Paul Ryan to convert to YouTube format and post and Drinking Right to attend.

October 11, 2008

The Morning Scramble: Breakfast On The Go….

by @ 9:55. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Another quick breakfast on the go folks. I’m taking the kids and the dog to the park. (Don’t worry….I’ll bring them home too….)


Ick’s birthday is today… HAPPY BIRTHDAY

I’ve got a James T. Harris update

Happy 3rd Blogiversary to Elliot

Lance give’s John McCain some advice

Bob Parks is looking for stones

AB is Hammered

Bruce…. Wishing he was Hugh….. Yeah, no kidding

The Obamarama

Jeni takes alook at the numbers

It’s a beautiful day people. Go have some fun!!!!

October 10, 2008

The Morning Scramble

by @ 9:34. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

Kind of a mini scramble….


Stop by my house for a MOAB update

Kate seems to be a bit homesick...

Playin’ Pacman with Ick

Phelony Jones is having more fun than us

RDW has the video of Calypso Louis endorsing the messiah

Michelle Malkin points out that the Obama campaign is all racist, all the time.

Gandpa Old Soldier sees dead people

Todd’s got issues.

Jay Weber thinks Obama’s a frying pan

Dad29 exposing Obama’s New Party in Wisconsin

Short and sweet……….

October 3, 2008

The Morning Scramble – The Glorious And Late Return – 10/3/2008

by @ 13:59. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

It’s been far too long since I did a Scramble. In fact, length was and is the problem; it was taking me way too long to put together near the end of the daily run, and despite the suggestion from Fausta that I do a side dish, this family-sized one once again stretched way too long (hey, I’m part of a big family). Oh well, let’s celebrate with Metallica…


Oh, heck with it; we need some hair of the dog as well (thanks, Alexander, though since Bailout 2.0 – Now With Extra Liberalism And Pork passed, I’ll take that whiskey straight from the still).


I don’t care how big this is; I’m not splitting it in two.

  • Before we get to the brass tacks, Sister Toldjah and Ed Morrissey are celebrating their 5-year blogiversaries.
  • Executive decision; I’m not going to do too much on last night’s debate. I could be here all day just on that. Instead, I’ll send you to Gabriel Malor’s recap (note; Gabe is a certified AoSHQ Moron, so the language may be a bit rough, especially in the comments, where the cobbled-together system Ace uses makes gobbledygook of the table).
  • E.M. Zanotti has the react of the night from her inbox – "Sarah Palin field dressed Biden like a botoxed moose." Something tells me that’s going to be in the next MRQ over at Real Debate Wisconsin.
  • If you missed the debate, C-SPAN has the full video (H/T – John McCormack. Because I can, I’ll put it in here as well.

  • Jim Geraghty and friends filleted Joementum Version 2.0.
  • Cindy found a disturbing gesture from Joe Biden at the end of the debate. That would be at the 1:32 mark in the C-SPAN video.
  • Ed Morrissey found Biden’s knowledge of the Constitution sorely lacking.
  • Marc Sheppard explains the crap sandwich with yellow-but-not-Dew drink that came out of the Senate. Let’s see, take one stalled step toward socialized medicine, graft the bailout on it, throw in a heap of “targeted tax cuts” (pork me), sprinkle a bunch of greenery (and anti-oil production), and then shove the annual AMT “fix” and Hurricane Ike relief in to get a few conservatives on board this liberal “Holiday” tree and get the rest to vote “for” a de facto tax increase and “against” the sheeple, and you got the socialism that passed while I was typing this out.
  • How much pork? Paul Socha found it to be hundreds of billions in pork.
  • Dad29 explains why mark-to-market is a bad idea that’s making the bad loans truly toxic. Hint; look at LIBOR.
  • Darleen Click pictures why we have those bad loans. Bonnie and Clyde didn’t have federale badges like Fannie and Freddie though.
  • Bill Quick wonders how a Communist got so rich. Little-known fact, LIBOR was originally a construct of Vladmir Lenin.
  • John Washburn has an alternative plan. Of course, the Credit Generation will hate it because they won’t be encouraged to live beyond their means.
  • Michelle Bachmann has another alternative plan that Paul Ryan should have worked with instead of going with the crap sandwich.
  • Stephen Green explains why the crap sandwich won’t work; INFLATION!
  • Marcus Aurelius explains Supply and Demand 201.
  • The Pheisty Joey had some fun with an ObamiNation volunteer.
  • Uncle Jimbo caught Barack Obama doing everything but voting a lot of the time. Since I already did “School’s Out”, and you’re probably out of music by now, let’s do some Motley Crue.


  • Michelle Malkin is all over the fraud being perpetrated on behalf of Obama in Ohio.
  • Jim Hoft reports Obama is bringing in the big guns to take full advantage over at O(verrated)SU while the football team is busy getting crushed at Camp Randall.
  • Bonus Malkin – she reports that Obama bought himself a brainwashing channel on Dish.
  • How did he pay for that channel? Rick Moran wonders if it’s foreign cash. Unfortunately, we won’t know because the FEC won’t look into it.
  • It goes oh-so-well with brainwashing. James Wigderson has the second video, along with a bonus Blue-Out day targeted at the young skulls full of mush.
  • Bonus Uncle Jimbo – he has the Pyongyang Remix of the first video.
  • Dad29 proves that Obama is a typical Chicago Machine pol.
  • Flip notes that Obama is so liberal, even his poker buddies, specifically one whose Will County executive office was searched by the FBI in connection with a fraud investigation involving Will County and federal grants, say he’s too liberal.
  • Blue Collar Muse exposes a couple more of Obama’s friends profiting handsomely at the expense of taxpayers with housing units so substandard, they were deemed uninhabitable.
  • That and the Ohio fraud aren’t surprising, considering Jeff G. asserts Obama is ACORN’s Senator.
  • PJ-Comix laughs at the DUmmies who fear (hopefully correctly) that Obama has peaked too soon.
  • Matt Wolking contrasts Obama’s call for hearings on the mortgage crisis to John McCain’s attempt to act on that back before we got the crap sandwich with yellow-but-not-Dew drink.
  • Brian is very glum over the inability of McCain to make the reality of his separation from President Bush perception. You care to guess which exact Google search term gets more results – “Bush-McCain” or “Clinton-Gore”? Gore was Clinton’s VP, for crying out loud, and McCain was and is a significant rival of Bush.
  • Jim Hoft reports one of McCain’s Missouri offices suffered a break-in, with a laptop stolen. I’m sure Missouri’s law enforcement community will be all over that…wait, they’re too busy being Obama’s Toofer Squad.
  • Ed Morrissey reports the longest R drought (at least among the 50 states) just might end. Guess Wisconsin will finally be number one (excuse me while I hurl).
  • Warner Todd Huston reports McCain finally caught on to the fact the New York Times was just using him and left their pet columnist on the tarmac. Nice.
  • JammieWearingFool points out a massive conflict of interest, Fannie Edition, over at the Now Barack’s Channel network.
  • Steve T proves words are everything for presstitutes.
  • Speaking of words, Mary caught The News Organization That Cannot Be Quoted™ loading up the word cannon on McCain.
  • Michelle Malkin found the Boston Globe literally in the bag for Obama.
  • If you were wondering how far is too far, JammieWearingFool found the line at wearing an Obama shirt while covering an Obama rally as a presstitute.
  • Coop has the understatement of the week, courtesy MSNBC.
  • David Limbaugh explains bias.
  • Alexander found the inner workings of Congress eerily like a Three Stooges short.
  • Lawhawk caught New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I) saying, “Term limits? Now that I used term limits to worm my way into office, I don’t need no stinking term limits.”
  • Jim Lynch proves it’s all about the name. No word on whether the candidate formerly known as Joe Biden will start shaving his legs.
  • Dan Kenitz lists the eight biggest dummies in politics.
  • Tom McMahon 4-blocks the ‘Rat half of the bipartisan Party-In-Government’s view of the law. Honestly, except for the lower-left portion, we could apply it to the Pubbie half as well.
  • J. Gravelle illustrates (literally) how a 100% increase becomes a 90% “decrease” in government math.
  • Fred rolls video of typical ‘Rat voters explaining why they’re voting for the more-socialist half of the bipartisan Party-In-Government.
  • Kate pictures the Most (Un)ethical Congress Evah! Since they didn’t quite get around to banning certain familial payoffs, they’re more than happy to make said payoffs.
  • The Headless Blogger explains why students from out of state should not be voting in Wisconsin. Of course, since they tend to vote for the ‘Rats, it’s encouraged by the state in blatant violation of state law.
  • Speaking of violating state election law, Dad29 caught the Milwaukee Election Commission allowing ACORN to hire at least 7 felons as voter registration workers. Can we check the registrations they submitted now, or is the Doyle-controlled Government “Accountability” Board THAT FAR in the tank for their fellow ‘Rats?
  • Jeff Dufour and Patrick Gavin find that watching debates while drunk is a time-honored DC tradition. I’m sure Stephen Green would like a royalty check for taking the idea (I’ll send mine once the DC bars send theirs).

    Off-topic, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the inaugural Drinking Right-DC Edition is the same night as the 2nd Presidential Debate. I’ll be drunkgrogging instead of drunkblogging that night, but Shoebox or one of the guest bloggers are welcome to set up shop.

  • Michelle Malkin has the next entity waiting in line for a bailout – the state of California.
  • Lance Burri says that kangaroos are on the menu because of Gorebal “Warming”.
  • Patrick McIlheran wants to be like the Swedes, at least when it comes to education. That’s right, the Swedes. It seems that competition in education works.
  • Michael Yon explains the situation in Afghanistan.
  • John explains the “Military Support to the Civil Authority” mission. Nick, you might want to pay attention.
  • I can’t finish without some good news – Matt Burden reports Marines are still Marines.
  • I also can’t finish without some goofiness – thankfully Jimi found a wicked-good ad for Miller Genuine Draft.

Guess I need to close with a song because I don’t know when I’ll do one of these again. It is barely morning on the left coast. I simply have too many good blogs to keep on doing this (267 feeds in the bloated reader at last count), so I dedicate this trip to the future past to the Soviets…


September 22, 2008

The Scramble – 9/22/2008

by @ 14:03. Filed under The Morning Scramble.

I honestly don’t know how Glenn Reynolds does it; he has far more sources than I do and he’s able to keep them all straight and on time.

Of course, he doesn’t do music. Today’s is courtesy Stephen Green, who found that you can check out of the Religion of Pieces any time you want, but you can never leave (alive, at least) in Iran…


Yes, I’m sooo glad that Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter thought it a good idea to allow the Mad Mullahs to take over Iran </sarcasm_biting>.

  • I originally wanted to put the Obamination Update a bit lower, but there is an item that deserves first-post coverage – Ace and Dr. Rusty Shackleford tag-team to expose some seriously-slimy Astroturfing from Team Obama smearing Sarah Palin.
  • CDR Salamander found some Russian blowback on their attempt to use secession movements to restore the Soviet empire. If only both sides in the Russian/Tartarstan battle could lose,….
  • Mary Katharine Ham caught Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell advocating war with Russia urging the integration of Georgia and Ukrane into NATO. Of course, had it been, say, Sarah Palin that urged the integration of Georgia and Ukrane into NATO, the presstitutes would’ve worked themselves into a lather over World War III…oh wait, they did as MKH proves.
  • Jim Hoft found the working relationship between Al Qaeda and Iran fracturing. I’ll ignore the fact the Italian press can’t remember that the Iranian leadership is anything but Arab and point out that both branches of Islam demand 110% fealty, with the Iranians and Al Qaeda representing different branches.
  • Michael Yon found the French and NATO acting like, well, the French and politicians and repeating the PR mistakes that we made in Iraq circa 2005.
  • Weasel Zippers Pakistani Front Update, Part I – Zip discovered Pakistan’s military flying resupply missions to the Taliban inside Afghanistan last year.
  • Weasel Zippers Pakistani Front Update, Part II – he reports that Pakistani troops recently opened fire on US helicopters targeting Taliban/Al Qaeda forces taking shelter in Pakistan.
  • Amy Geiger-Hemmer caught MSNBC doing a “creative edit” of McCain campaign spokeswoman Carly Firoina’s words to make it seem like Fiorina was saying Sarah Palin is unqualified. I’m shocked, SHOCKED that the Official Network of the Obama Campaign would cut a quote off mid-sentence to make it fit their agenda.
  • Patrick Hynes reports on the war in the Washington Post newsroom between the reporters and the columnists.
  • Slublog found the traditional “heart and soul” of The News Organization That Cannot Be Quoted™, newspapers, rebelling against said organization for taking their best material. Irony is a dish best served cold, and it does get pretty cold in northern Maine.
  • Kate has a very-disturbing pic of lipstick on a community organizer. Yep, still not Presidential material.
  • (H/T – doubleplusundead among others) The gang at The Nose On Your Face picture Barack Obama in Vietnam. To paraphrase from the original movie they used in the picture, he don’t mean nothin’, not a thing.
  • Jim Geraghty wonders why anybody takes Biden seriously.
  • Dave Casper reveals Biden’s Halloween costume. I knew there was a reason why I didn’t like “Robin Hood”.
  • Sister Toldjah reports an enterprising pilot flew a message over an Obama rally in Florida the other day regarding taxes.
  • Bill Quick discovered a bit of disconnect between the two halves of the ‘Rat ticket over the Second Amendment. If I were more enterprising, I’d probably find more than a bit of disconnect between Biden’s like of shotguns in his collection and his view of firearms in my possession.
  • Jim Geraghty has some bad news for those of us Cheddarheads and 1,000 Lakers suffering from Electionitis – Obama’s doubling down in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
  • Shoebox explains the difference between a manager and a leader. I may not necessarily like where John McCain leads, but I do know Obama is neither a leader nor a manager.
  • Fausta found another high-profile PUMA now supporting McCain.
  • Allahpundit stirs up some 2012 dreaming.
  • Jim Hoft reposts part of the speech Palin would have given to an anti-Ahmadinejad rally had she not been disinvited after Hillary Clinton decided she couldn’t be in the same place as Palin.
  • Doc explains why Palin was disinvited; the oh-so-tolerant Left threatened the tax-exempt status of the host groups after Clinton pulled her rug and Biden decided he couldn’t go after the Mad Mullahs’ puppet.
  • Michelle Malkin brings news of the step back in the perpetual one step forward/one step back dance of McCain – it’s back to full shamnesty. How in the <expletive deleted> do we have both parties supporting shamnesty a mere year after we rose up to shoot it down?
  • Patrick McIlheran explains why Olympia Snowe isn’t as qualified as Palin.

I had a heap on the bailout/socialization of America, but I’m out of time.

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