No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Archive for posts by Shoebox.

September 21, 2009

Well, There You Go Again!

by @ 17:25. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - Minnesota.

Why is it that the man who is supposed to have been the brightest, best spoken, deepest thinker and yes, clean, has so much trouble with something as simple as a dictionary?

In an interview with George Stephanopoulos on Sunday, President Obama refused to admit that his tax was a tax:

STEPHANOPOULOS:  That may be, but it’s still a tax increase.

   OBAMA:  No.  That — that’s not true, George.  The — for us to say that you’ve got to take a responsibility to get health insurance is absolutely not a tax increase.

   What it’s saying is, is that we’re not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you any more than the fact that right now everybody in America, just about, has to get auto insurance.  Nobody considers that a tax increase.  People say to themselves, that is a fair way to make sure that, if you hit my car, that I’m not covering all the costs.

   STEPHANOPOULOS:  But it may be fair, it may be good public policy…

   OBAMA:  No, but — but, George, you — you can’t just make up that language and decide that that’s called a tax increase.  Any — if I — if I say that right now your premiums are going to be going up by 5 percent or 8 percent or 10 percent next year, and you say, “Well, that’s not a tax increase,” but, on the other hand, if I say that I don’t want to have to pay for you not carrying coverage, even after I give you tax credits that make it affordable, then…

   STEPHANOPOULOS:  I — I don’t think I’m making it up.  Merriam- Webster’s dictionary:  Tax, “a charge, usually of money, imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes.”

   OBAMA:  George, the fact that you looked up Merriam’s dictionary, the definition of tax increase, indicates to me that you’re stretching a little bit right now.  Otherwise, you wouldn’t have gone to the dictionary to check on the definition.  I mean, what…

What?  “You can’t just make up that language?”  How can the use of Webster’s definition of the very word being debated be “making up language?”
OK, well, if the actual definition doesn’t count, can we look at how the item functions to determine its definition?
In an AP article, Clint Stretch, head of the tax policy group for Deloitte, a major accounting firm said:

If you put something in the Internal Revenue Code, and you tell the IRS to collect it, I think that’s a tax.  If you don’t pay, the person who’s going to come and get it is going to be from the IRS.

Well, that seems pretty obvious and conclusive.

Politicians have always played loose with definitions.  I have no doubt that if we looked hard enough we would find a Southern Democrat of the time claim that the Civil War was fought over the issue of state’s rights rather than the final resolution of an issue that wasn’t resolved at the founding of the country and had finally ripened within the enlightened nation to a point where its implications could no longer be ignored!

Yes, politicians have always been challenged to stay within the bounds of Webster’s definitions.  However, I don’t think it was until Bill Clinton told us that “sex” wasn’t “sex” that Democrats viewed dictionaries as yet another tool perpetuated by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.  So now we know, that because of Webster’s work, “sex” isn’t “sex” and a “tax” isn’t a “tax.”

If It’s Free, I’ll Take Two

by @ 5:25. Filed under Health Care Reform.

Here’s a Rasmussen poll that is sure to knock your socks off.  When asked, a majority of the uninsured thought Obamacare sounded pretty good to them.  I was a bit buoyed seeing that only 58% thought it sounded good.  Apparently the other 32% have some level of personal responsibility.

The survey found that when viewed on the basis of their political ideology, the uninsured’s perspective doesn’t look much different than the insured:

Sixty-eight percent (68%) of uninsured Republicans oppose the plan while 88% of Democrats favor it. Those not affiliated with either party are evenly divided.

Perhaps the most interesting bit of information from the poll was this:

Thirty-four percent (34%) of the uninsured voters are under 30. In Election 2008, just 18% of voters were that young.

People under 30 are the group easiest to insure.  In general, this age group is the healthiest and has the fewest by far, of any pre existing conditions.  This means that rates for their insurance would be relatively cheap, especially if they were getting only catastrophic insurance and that they would have few issues that would prevent an insurer from making them an offer of coverage.  Along with this, there are many state programs that provide financial assistance for low income, temporarily unemployed and other reasons that someone in this younger age group may not be able to afford insurance.  Yet, with all these advantages, they make up over 1/3 of the uninsured and likely a significant portion of the folks who think that Obamacare is just the thing we need.

Under all Democrat plans there will be a penalty or tax if you don’t have Obamacare.  The tax or penalty will likely be as much and possibly more than those same under 30s would pay today for catastrophic health care.  I wonder if anyone has explained to the under 30 crowd that Obamacare does not mean free health care?  I suspect not.  I suspect the reason that the under 30 crowd is so enamored with Obamacare is the same reason they are enamored with other government run programs.  For many of the under 30 crowd, if the government is paying for it, it’s free so they’ll take two.

Who’s The Racist Now?

by @ 5:12. Filed under Obama worship, Politics - National.

Saturday, I informed you about the new definition of racism.  No longer does racism have to do with someone’s race.  No, according to the Left, racism now is based on any disagreement with liberals, Democrats or elites.  This new definition would make all of us that don’t fall into the group of liberals, Democrats or elites, racist at all times regardless of what our views on race really are.  In contrast, this new definition would make it definitionally impossible to be racist if you were within the group of liberals, Democrats or elites can be racist.  Or does it?

New York Governor David Paterson has had an “unusual” term.  After assuming office as a result of the resignation of Eliot Spitzer’s prostitution revelations,on his second day in office, both Paterson and his wife acknowledged having extramarital affairs, one with a state employee.  In his inaugural speech, Paterson called the New York legislature

the least deliberative and most dysfunctional in the nation.

After Hillary Clinton resigned her Senate position to become Secretary of State, Paterson was a character in Caroline Kennedy’s vaudeville like attempts to be appointed as her replacement.  In the final scene, after abruptly declaring she was not interested in the role, Paterson claimed he had “never intended” to pick her.

New York’s financial situation is perhaps the most vexing issue Paterson is facing.  Like many states, New York is facing a budget shortfall.  Being a large state, New York’s short fall has been, well, large.  Paterson’s budget called for tax increases on nearly everything one could imagine taxing.  By one account, the tax increases proposed by Paterson would increase the taxes on the average New York family by nearly $4,000 each year.

As a result of his policy and personal handling of issues, Paterson is polling a 60% disapproval rating.  Polls have also showed Paterson trailing possible Republican contender, Rudy Giuliani by 15 points.

Facing a possible rout by Republicans in an important, reliably liberal state, Democrats are now pressuring Paterson to back off of his bid for reelection (or election if you’re a purist) to Governor.  Some Democrats are even suggesting that Paterson ought to resign to allow someone else a chance to get a running start at the role.  In this article covered by NewsMax, even President Obama is now encouraging Paterson to drop out of the Governor’s race.  To date, Paterson has not obliged any of the requests.

While I’m sure there are many Republicans who are unhappy with Paterson as Governor, it’s not they who are making news asking him not to run; it’s Democrats.  That must mean that there are Democrats who are unhappy with a Democrat.  Further, that must mean that there are Democrats who are unhappy with another Democrat who happens to be black.  Finally, there is a Democrat President, who happens to be black, who is unhappy with Paterson, a Democrat who happens to be black.

If a Democrat, who happens to be black, is unhappy with the abilities of another Democrat, who happens to be black, and asks the second Democrat, who happens to be black, not to run for office, we now know the reason for the dissatisfaction is due to racism.  I’m left with just one question, who’s the racist; the Democrat who happens to be black or the Democrat who happens to be black?

September 19, 2009

Jumping The Racism Shark

Here’s a joke that is going around the internet:

A Republican, a Democrat and a person of color were walking down the street.  The Democrat looked at the Republican and said “You’re a racist!”

Ha, ha, ha, ha!

OK, I haven’t really heard that joke yet.  It does however, describe the Left’s view of Republicans and people of color.  It now seems that regardless of the situation, the Left believes that all interactions that Republicans have with people of color are tinged with racism. 

The race situation has become so contorted that no matter what Republicans do, they lose on the issue.  When Republicans fight for school vouchers, a program that has been shown to benefit students of color often more than caucasion students, Republicans are claimed to be racist for fear of tearing apart highly segregated inner city schools.  When Republicans appoint or hire people of color into leadership positions i.e. Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Michael Steele, the candidates are charged with some form of Uncle Tomism and Republican’s are charged with tokenism.

As the debate on Obama’s agenda has escalated, there has been an equal escalation in the claims of racism against those who oppose Obama.  The racism claims were initially isolated.  In the last week however, hardly any discussion of Obama’s policies or those opposing them is had without overt or subtle claims of racism against President Obama.  Most notably this past week was Maxine Water’s demand to know what the tea party participants are thinking and Nancy Pelosi’stearful concern of returning to the 70’s where, incidentally, the culprit was a whacko leftist not a Republican.

Those who know the Left and their unimaginative, repetitive tactics, are not surprised that they have invoked racism nor that it slips off their tongues as easily as raising taxes does as a solution to all budget problems.  However, even I am left with my jaw hanging after reading the latest view of the Right’s supposed racism.

After stating that his gut and Maureen Dowd’s are the same (What happens if one of them doesn’t like Thai food?) New Republic writer, John McWorter identifies a new source of our disgust with Obama’s agenda:

And yet, even if Dowd and I are correct that Wilson’s outburst was motivated by dislike for blacks, I’m not entirely sure that I, or anyone else, should care. Consider a hypothetical: Wilson, we can presume, would have been pleased as punch if the new black president were a Republican and were up at the podium singing the praises of small government and sending immigrants back to where they came from. This thought experiment does not exonerate Wilson of the charge of racism; what it does mean is that we are talking about a racism more complicated than the bigotries of old, a racism intertwined with other brands of animus (against liberals, against Democrats, against elites) to an extent we can only speculate about.

According to Mr. McWorter, racism is no longer an issue of intolerance of another race.  Rather, racism, in Mr. McWorter’s view, is now the disagreement or intolerance of philosophies held by liberal, Democrats or even self proclaimed elites!

Beyond surprising Noah Webster, McWorter’s new definition of racism is going to come as a surprise to a whole bunch of other folks.  Certainly,  Abraham Lincoln would be surprised to learn that his opposition to the Left’s support of slavery, was racist.  I suspect Lyndon Johnson and Martin Luther King would be surprised that they were also racists as they opposed policies that had been implemented and institutionalized by Democrats for generations.

According to Mr. McWorter You, I and anyone else who opposes any solitary policy or legislative sentence proffered by a Democrat, are racist.  No longer is there any concern for how ill thought or destructive to America a policy is, from now on, all policies from the Left are right.  Unless of course you are a racist.

“Jump the shark” is a colloquialism used to denote the point where traditional or commonly understood approaches veer off into absurdity or out-of-the-ordinary characterizations. I suggest that “Jump the shark” no longer adequately defines the extreme to which this phenomena can mutate. From now on “Jump the shark” shall be referred to as “disagreement is racism.” Compared to “disagreement is racism,” “Jump the shark” seems almost normal.

September 18, 2009

Will This Help Charlie Gibson’s Awareness?

by @ 12:51. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Counting Czars

by @ 10:05. Filed under Politics - National.

Here’s the DNC’s idea of a convincing ad:

Interestingly, the issue of “who has hired the most czars” has become a bit of a political football as of late.

Lou Dobbs reports that the DNC is inaccurate and that Bush only had 10 Czars

While the Washington Post says about Bush’s Czar count:

By one count, Bush had 36 czar positions filled by 46 people during his eight years as president.

But, as Senator Lamar Alexander lays out in this interview, the issue isn’t really the number of “special advisers” or czars.  The issue is that Obama is unprecedented in his use of unconfirmed, unvetted by Congress, czars!

So who’s right?  Well, at a certain level, who cares!

If the DNC’s point is that it’s OK for Barack Obama to have a bunch of czars because Bush had a bunch of czars, their ears are more tinned than Jack Haley!  The Left has no love for Bush, period and the Right has no love for Bush’s expansion of  government and providing the jumping off point for Obama’s rush to socialism.

President Obama has taken no responsibility for any of the negative things his administration has been involved with.  I looks lik the DNC, in a clumsy fashion, is following in the logic of Obama’s recurring excuse when confronted with bad news:

Hey, don’t blame me, I inheirited this mess!

September 17, 2009

Confused? You’re Not The Only One

by @ 11:45. Filed under Health Care Reform, Politics - National.

With the addition of the Baucus bill it’s getting hard to keep track of what proposals are included in which of the various health care proposals. Bottom line is that they all have a mandate for having health insurance and they all have a public option although it is hidden under different names (coop) depending upon the bill you are looking at.

If you are feeling confused by what is being discussed under the various scenarios, you can surely have empathy for the senility creeping into Harry Reid’s head. At the news conference yesterday, Harry was one of the few immediately greeting the Baucus bill:

This is a good bill. This is a balanced bill,” he told reporters at a Capitol Hill news conference. Earlier, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said, “Everyone should understand it’s just the beginning, but it’s a good beginning.”

But…..somewhere in his walk down the office halls he seemed to forget his earlier support:

“While this draft bill is a good starting point, it needs improvement before it will work for Nevada,” Reid said in a statement. “During this time of economic crisis, our state cannot afford to shoulder the second highest increase in Medicaid funding.”

Harry appears to believe that he can have his cake and eat it too.  He believes he can say one thing as leader of the Senate and something very different as the Senator from Nevada.

I wonder if Harry has ever heard Al Gore discuss the laters invention of the internet?

Where’s Hope Now?

A week ago President Obama grabbed his final quiver of arrows and started firing the final efforts to save health care reform.  His first effort was a speech to a joint session of Congress.

After a month of highly attended and vocal town halls where it became apparent that many Americans knew more about Congress’ plans than the members of Congress did, it was anticipated that President Obama’s speech would reset the health care discussion.  It was hoped that President Obama might have the wisdom to publicly discard parts that had drawn clear public enmity, such as the public option and offer policies that could be supported on both sides of the aisle like opening insurance sales across state lines.  The President did neither.  Rather, the President dug his heels in for support of a public option, called those who opposed the legislation liars and proceeded to refrain several assertions that had been proven not to be true.

Expectations were high that President Obama’s speech would stop the slide of public support and regain support for his health care reform initiative.  At first, it appeared that he accomplished his goal. 

Hovering around its lowest level of public support just prior to Obama’s speech, in the week following the speech, Rasmussen recorded steady rebounds of support for Obama’s health care reform.  Along with it, Obama’s personal approval level which had been hovering around all time lows, also rebounded.  Ah, once again there was hope for change for Obama worshippers.  Unfortunately, the hope was short lived.

Yesterday showed the first crack in the Obama magic.  Rasmussen reported that the rebound in public support for health care reform had stopped and had slid back a bit.  Today, support for the health plan dropped below the levels that were seen immediately before Obama’s speech.  Coincidentally, Obama’s approval level is also dropping.

Compounding Obama’s attempt to save health reform is a tangent but highly relevant story; the investigative reporting showing ACORN in need of a visit from the RICO agents. 

As the townhalls were filling with anti big government folks in the first half of August, Obama called on ACORN to help balance the attendance.  While their tactics were suspect, there is no doubt that they balanced at least the volume if not the substance, of the meetings.  With the revelations of the past week, government contacts are showing ACORN more undersides of buses than a repairman in a Greyhound garage.  After having bragged about his strong connections with ACORN, President Obama will need to keep a wide berth of this group until the heat dies down, which I don’t expect to happen anytime soon.  Thus, for the time being, there will be far less public displays of affection for Obamacare.

With the House bill apparently unable to find a combination of Democrats that can get it passed, some Senate Democrats are trying to cobble a plan that could pass out of the Senate and give the House some cover.  One of those attempts was unveiled today by Max Baucus.  I’ll let others give you the detail of the plan.  Suffice it to say that it is missing the mark on all counts.  In fact, where it took several weeks for opposition to gather on the House bill, the Baucus bill hadn’t even had it’s first news conference before opposition formed:

AFSCME President McEntee: “Finance Committee Health Care Bill is Deeply Flawed” (Press Release, September 16, 2009)

Teamsters Oppose Baucus Plan to Tax Health Insurance Companies (Press Release, September 16, 2009)

AFL-CIO: Baucus bill ‘absolutely fails’ (The Hill, September 16, 2009)

HCAN calls bill a “failure” (Politico)

Unfortunately, for President Obama, the opposition this time was coming from within his own ranks.  Add to this reports that there are enough people unhappy for a variety of reasons, that there may not be enough votes to even pass Baucus’ bill out of his own committee and it leaves just one question; whatever happened to hope and change?

September 16, 2009


by @ 9:11. Filed under Obama worship, Politics - National.

Headlines from this morning’s Drudge Report:


ObamaCare: Dem Senator Warns of ‘Big, Big Tax’ on Middle Class…

White House collects Web users’ data ‘without notice’…

Obama Admin: Cap And Trade Could Cost Families $1,761 A Year…


Amongst other items, Obama ran promising that the bottom 95% of income earners would not see $.01 of tax increases. He also claimed that other countries would once again listen to and respect us. Funny none of that seems to be happening. Finally, Obama claimed that he would heal the country’s “racial divide” and be the first “post racial” president. Jimmy Carter doesn’t think so (video at the link)

I live in the south

Is Carter’s statement of credibility for being able to discern when people are opposed to someone’s race as opposed to someone’s destructive national policies.

According to Rasmussen, President Obama was elected gaining nearly 53% of the popular vote.  On the day he was inaugurated, President Obama enjoyed a favorability rating of 65% and a net positive rating of 28%.  This morning, President Obama’s favorabilty rating is just 49% and he has a net unfavorable rating of 6%.  Obviously a change of this magnitude begs the question:  What has changed?  Does Jimmy Carter and the other Democrats who echo the “racism” charge believe that nobody noticed the color of President Obama’s skin on January 21st?  Does Carter and others, believe that Obama’s skin color has changed in the past eight months?

In this case, resorting to a charge of “racism” shows that the Democrats are short on ammo.  They are firing their final, desperate rounds in an attempt to prevent or forestall an over run of their positions by a populace backlash.

In the specific case of Jimmy Carter, it’s interesting that he relies on his southern heritage for his credentials.  It seems to me that rather than his heritage, Carter need no more reason than “it takes one to know one” for his charge of racism.

I think the words of the famous philosopher Mr. T sums up Carter’s take perfectly,

I pity the fool!

September 15, 2009

Don’t Look Now…

In case you missed it, there was a rather large social gathering in Washington D.C. over the weekend.  If you read about it in the New York Times, there were merely “thousands” of people at the event. If you read about it at an objective source there was something north of 1 million people on and around the mall.

Regardless of the actual number that appeared on the mall, David Axelrod, a senior advisor to President Obama had this to say about the mall denizens:

I don’t think it’s indicative of the nation’s mood,” Axelrod said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “You know, I don’t think we ought to be distracted by that. My message to them is, they’re wrong.”

David, Robert Gibbs had some advice for you last week and you really should heed it!

Mr. Axelrod, you’re wrong!  In a poll released today from Zogby, it turns out that the majority of America agrees with the Tea Party participants at least on the major issues:

Asked if they agree or disagree that the federal government should require all Americans to purchase health insurance or face a fine — a provision favored by Democrats — 70.2 percent said they disagree, and only 18.5 percent agree. The rest are not sure.

Mr. Axelrod, you’re wrong again:

A resounding 75 percent of respondents said that taxes should not be raised to fund a government-run health insurance program for Americans who do not have health insurance.

Oh, and Mr. Axelrod, you’re wrong again:

The pollsters stated: “President Obama is promoting a new government agency called the ‘Independent Medicare Advisory Council,’ and some people believe this agency should use its powers to deny payment for procedures it deems unnecessary or futile.”

Critics say such power would interfere with the doctor-patient relationship, the pollsters noted, and many consider it a form of healthcare rationing. Nearly 59 percent said they oppose the creation of the council, and just 30.6 percent support it.

May I say, Mr. Axelrod, You’re wrong again:

Some Republicans have called for provisions allowing Americans to purchase health insurance from providers outside their state as an alternative to Obama’s proposed government-supported “public option” insurance plan. Respondents said they favor such provisions by an overwhelming margin, 82.8 percent to 6.9 percent.

And one last time, Mr. Axlerod, you are wrong!

Also, 78.5 percent of those polled believe tort reform is needed to lower the cost of medical malpractice insurance, an issue that Obama has not seriously addressed. And 77.3 percent oppose plans to tax employer-provided healthcare benefits.

Would people like to see some reform, I believe the answer is yes.  however, do people want the reform that the Democrats are offering?  The answer to that is a resounding no!

Stay on target, stay on target!

Hey Dems, What’s Your Problem?

According to House Republicans the Democrats don’t have the votes to pass health care reform out of the House.  You see, the problem is that they lose at least 44 votes if there is a public option included and 57 if it’s not included.  Huh, last I looked there were 256 Democrats in the House.  What happened to the other 155?  Can they not make up their mind?

For you Minnesota readers, I noted that Betty McCollum and Tim Walz are not on either list.

For the rest of you, I noted that the Democrat leadership including Nancy Pelosi, James Clyburn and Steny Hoyer are not on either list.

Is this really so hard?  Either you believe that the government is best capable of running health care or you don’t.  There is no “kind of.”  There is no fractional amount.  You’re either in or not.  It’s pretty simple. 

Folks, if your representative is not on one of these lists, you ought to be asking why they are equivocating.  If they are on the “we must have a public option” list, they can no longer hide as a “blue dog” and should be called out.

The lines are drawn.  Obama risks losing all credibility if he doesn’t get this billed passed out of the House.

Stay on target, Stay on target!

September 12, 2009

Well Decide, Which Way Do You Want It?

The Coast Guard ran a training exercise today.  It was routine in every way except that President Obama was involved in a 9/11 memorial in the same general area as the exercise.  Oh, and nobody told CNN that it was a training exercise.

Based on what they had heard on scanners that overheard the Coast Guard communications, CNN began reporting that the Coast Guard was pursuing a boat on the Potomac and that shots had been fired.  Needless to say, the reporting caused a bit of a stir.

Commenting on the incident, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs chided CNN:

“My only caution would be that before we report things like this, checking would be good,” Gibbs said.

Sage advice from Mr. Gibbs, to be certain.  I wonder when Mr. Gibbs would have liked CNN to have begun “checking” before “reporting?”

Should CNN have done some “checking” before they “reported” that John McCain’s endorsement by John Haggee was the equivalent of Barack Obama sitting in Jeremiah Wright’s church and listening to his sermons for 20 years?

Should CNN have done some “checking” before they “reported” this puff piece on the self proclaimed communist, Van Jones?

Or, perhaps, just maybe, CNN should have done some “checking” before they “reported” that following President Obama’s most recent infomercial for health reform, 67% liked Obamacare based on significantly oversampling democrats?

It’s not very often I agree with Robert Gibbs.  In fact, I’m not sure I ever have before.  On this issue, I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Gibbs.  I would like to see CNN doing some real checking and some real reporting.  I suspect though, that if they did that, Mr. Gibbs would not be happy at having lost a compliant media lapdog.  That leaves a quandary for Mr. Gibbs; which way do you want it?

September 9, 2009


Joe Wilson, Representative from South Carolina was the voice you heard shouting “liar” during the President’s speech tonight.  The look on Pelosi and Plugs faces are priceless.

If President Obama thought this issue was just going to go away with a few lofty words, he was mistaken. I commented in the live blog tonight that if this had been a real “house of the people” meeting, the tepid response for Pelosi and others would likely have been replaced with the throwing of rotten tomatoes.

My hat’s off to Joe Wilson.

You’re All Liars

President Obama stood before the joint Congress this evening and said everyone who has read the actual words of HR 3200 were succumbing to “bogus claims”.  From his speech:

Some of people’s concerns have grown out of bogus claims spread by those whose only agenda is to kill reform at any cost. The best example is the claim, made not just by radio and cable talk show hosts, but prominent politicians, that we plan to set up panels of bureaucrats with the power to kill off senior citizens. Such a charge would be laughable if it weren’t so cynical and irresponsible. It is a lie, plain and simple.

There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false – the reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up – under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.

My health care proposal has also been attacked by some who oppose reform as a “government takeover” of the entire health care system. As proof, critics point to a provision in our plan that allows the uninsured and small businesses to choose a publicly-sponsored insurance option, administered by the government just like Medicaid or Medicare.

I won’t dissect each of these issues as it’s been done numerous times across the net.

The only thing I learned during tonight’s speech is that it’s not a good idea to play a drinking game where you drink each time Nancy Pelosi blinks.  It’s a good think I was already home!  Obama could have saved us all a bunch of time and just told us to reread HR 3200.

For the past several weeks, each time President Obama attempted to refute provisions of the plan, favorability ratings for both himself and support of the plan dropped.  I’m left with just one question after tonight’s speech:  After calling more than half of America liars, is it possible to have a favorability rating less than zero?

Just Say No!

Tonight, President Obama will once again fill the living rooms of America.  Again he will be telling us that we have a crisis at hand and that “doing nothing is not an option.”  It’s being reported that he will make a clear and compelling argument that a government option is the “best way to introduce competition into they system.”  In essence, Obama’s argument this evening will ask us to trust the government to insert themself into a large, complex industry and that there will be no adverse affects to the overall system or end users.

This morning it is being reported that much, my guess nearly all, of the money lent to GM and Chrysler will be complete write offs for the American taxpayer.  Big surprise that!  Any high school accounting student could have told you that any money put into either of these companies had no expectation of being repaid.  Automotive is a large, complex industry that government has inserted itself into with unsuccessful results.  In fact, if you are one of the dealers who were closed even though you a major employer in a small community, had successful sales and high customer satisfaction, you’d say the results of government intervention were disastrous!

Yesterday, Senator Max Baucus released a framework for a health reform plan that has been worked on by a “Gang of Six” from the Senate.  Within the grand plan of Senator Baucus are still mandates for health care purchases, penalties on those who don’t and a government option, now called a coop. 

What is not in Senator Baucus’ plan is anything puts free market leverage on the health care system.  In fact, in one of the few attempts to put free market window dressing in his plan, where Baucus addresses removing the interstate sales restrictions on health insurance, there is no mandate for the removal.  Rather, Baucus’ plan allows states to from “compacts” amongst themselves that would allow insurance companies to sell across state lines of those within the compact.

The Baucus plan ends up being just the most recent attempt at “reform” who’s only real reform is using new words to describe an eventual government take over of the health care system.

Regardless of what is or isn’t included in the various attempts at health care to date, they all need to be scrapped.  Making anything of quality, be it a manufactured item, art or even food, usually requires following a specific process.  Even if you have the correct ingredients, it doesn’t work to just mix them or put them together in just any order you want.  While the current attempts may have some pieces that are worth discussing, none of them have been put together in the correct way.  Until we get a plan whose first ten precepts are based on increasing the leverage of the free market on health care, we should refuse to debate, opine or offer advice on them.  We should take the advice of Nancy Reagan and “Just say no!”


September 8, 2009

I’ll Take Door #3 Please

by @ 8:56. Filed under Politics - National.

Major Garrett reports that Van Jones didn’t have to fill out the infamous questionnaire that was intended to remove all surprises from one’s past life. 

In this interview, Major Garrett suggests that Jones’ “miss” was due either to a breakdown in the vetting process or that the Czars are not sufficiently high ranking to merit a vetting.  In his hypothesis, Major misses the obvious door #3.

Jones and likely the other Czars, have become Czars and avoided vetting for one simple reason; they couldn’t pass the vetting.

Is there a question in any one’s mind that if under “relationships and affiliations”, Van Jones would have said “Communist”, he would have passed muster?  Well, he might have given what we know about Obama’s own preferences but he wouldn’t have passed the public review.  

The Czars are Czars for two simple reasons:  1: they align with Obama’s own personal views and 2: Making the views public via a public vetting process would ensure that they were never accepted for the position.

Stay on Target!

From the classic that is the original Star Wars movie (now Star Wars IV) during the attack on the death star:

As one of the rebellion pilots is heading to make the impossible shot that would destroy the death star Empire fighters are attacking from all directions.  The pilot loses his concentration as his head is spinning trying to keep track of the frenetic activity around him.  The leader of the attack then states his infamous line, “Stay on target!  Stay on target!”  In the end, he never gets his shot fired and is ultimately destroyed by one of the pursuing Empire fighters.

The month long Congressional recess has been an usually heady time for Conservatives.

First, after explaining to school administrators and the blogging world that we and our children “pledge allegiance to the flag” and not the president, the Obama acolytes resorted to using “in artfully worded” before redoing the “lesson plan” for Obama’s indoctrination speech to school children. 

Second, led by Worldnetdaily and Glenn Beck, Conservatives used the method that John McCain was too squeamish for and held Van Jones accountable for his extremist views, statements, actions and associates.  The result is that Van Jones has left the Obama administration “to seek other opportunities.”  Perhaps the most interesting aspect of both of these events is that neither of them had any of the D.C. Republican leadership leading them.  In fact, now now that I think about it, what was the last issue of substance that any of the D.C. Republican leadership?

Finally, Conservatives have successfully led an effort to expose the truth about the Democrat’s attempts to nationalize health care.  In town hall meetings, blogs, rallies and one on one discussions, Conservatives came armed with facts that left their opponents either lying or stumbling through things they made up.  Regardless of how many times President Obama or Democrat leadership claimed “it wasn’t in there,” the majority of Americans believe it is “in there” and they don’t like it.  The situation has degraded so far that President Obama will be addressing a joint session of Congress on Wednesday evening in an attempt put the plan on some new track that could lead to success.

While the first two items clearly sent a message to the Obama administration that he was not elected to a monarchy, the final outcome of the last issue is still to be decided.

Innumerable articles have been written in the past 10 days opining on whether Obama can save the health care reform bill.  Amongst other topics, the articles discuss the pros and cons of a 60 vote Senate approval versus a reconciliation process, dropping a public option or moving to a coop and which group of Democrats are more likely to support or jump ship from President Obama.  With so many different experts and theories it’s hard to guess what scenario may play out in the coming weeks.  In fact, depending upon your own personal preference, if there isn’t an article supporting your theory, just wait another day and there likely will be one written.

Over the next few weeks the fight over health care reform will take many new turns.  Some events will likely be complete surprises.  We can certainly expect that as President Obama reengages in the fight we’ll see him hang “shiny bright objects”that are meant to distract conservatives from their focus on health care.  Whatever transpires, one thing is certain, the fight is far from over.  We can’t allow the victories of small skirmishes to lull us into any sense of accomplishment.  We must keep pressure on every Congressional representative until health reform that has any increase, or might allow any possible future increase of government intervention is dead, dead, dead.

For the next six weeks or so we need to stay focused, stay aggressive and keep the White House on the defense.  Every morning for the next six weeks you should wake up to the admonishment of Gold Five:

Food Fight!

by @ 5:03. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Robert Gibbs, the White House spokesman and gift to bloggers world wide, now says that those of us opposing President Obama are involved in nothing more noble than a food fight:

“It’s a sad state of affairs that many in this country politically would rather start an ‘Animal House’ food fight rather than inspire kids to stay in school, to work hard, to engage parents to stay involved and to ensure that the millions of teachers that are making great sacrifices continue to be the best in the world,” Gibbs told reporters on Monday.

Really?  Holding our elected leaders to accountability is a food fight?

This is a food fight:

First we were “wee weeing”, now are creating a “food fight.”  I suppose next we’ll be accused of calling people names!

Well, to that I have this to say:

Let’s all fight to save America!

September 3, 2009

But of Course, There Will be Rationing

Every time attempt at a government run or mandated health plan has resulted in some form of rationing.  There is no exception to this rule.  The reason for this is quite simple.  Once people get something that appears to have no cost to it they will demand more and more of it.  As folks demand more and more it costs more and more to provide the service.  At some point, even the most arrogant printers of money will realize that there has to be some cap on the total costs.

Canada, England, Cuba and Massachusetts all have rationing occurring in their plans.  Rationing can take all kinds of forms; from the most blatant and obvious forms of outright denying the particular service to the less obvious like someone not answering a phone to accept an appointment. 

Since the rationing issue has been raised, those who support Obamacare have been besides themselves telling us that there will be no rationing in this plan.  As evidence, they often point to Medicare and Medicaid as shining utopian examples of everyone gettng all the health care they need without a hint of rationing.

An article from Tuesday’s USAtodayshows just how Medicaid is implementing rationing.  As a result of budget constraints the State of Louisiana has cut payments made to service providers of Medicaid by 10%.  The result?  68% of surveyed physicians will begin rationing of services to Medicaid patients.  Oh, they won’t refuse to perform a procedure that a patient needs, they’ll just quit accepting new patients, stop accepting referrals or for nearly 16%, quit seeing medicaid patients altogether. 

In a separate but related article, Bloomberg reportsthat the Obama administration’s plan to take $1.4 billion in payments from physicians who provide Medicare patients heart or cancer treatment and shift it to family practice physicians will likely result in fewer cardio and cancer physicians.

Folks, you can call it anything you want; cost shifting, benefit reduction or some other euphemism.  The fact remains that no matter what you call it, you will have to recognize it as rationing.

September 2, 2009

Trouble with a Capital “T” That Rhymes With “P” That Stands for Poll

by @ 5:39. Filed under Politics - National.

No wonder the Democrats are sounding desperate and attempting to channel Ted Kennedy. On the same day, President Obama hits a new high in disapproval according to Rasmussen’s polling and the Democrats are at the lowest level in years on the generic ballot.

Obviously, it’s way too early to make much out of this; there is no election to be held tomorrow.  However, it’s helpful to note that a year ago the situation was exactly reversed and we all know what happened last November.

If you think my post title is referring to trouble for the Democrats, it’s not.  Also noted in Rasmussen today was a poll as to what Republicans think of their Congressional representation.  55% of Republican voters believe their representative in Congress is NOT conservative enough.

I will keep sounding the alarm through next year’s elections. Don’t think that just because Democrats are in trouble that voters will just chose a “R” on the ballot. The American electorate has woken up and are looking to hold their representatives at the state and federal level accountable. If you are and “R” on the 2010 ballot you had better be in tune with your electorate. Don’t assume, know what your potential constituents believe and what they expect from you. If you can’t abide by those expectations, let someone run who can!

September 1, 2009

I Thought “Terrorist” was Verboten

Earlier this year the Obama administration eliminated several words and phrases from the English language.  “War on terror,” “enemy combatants” and finally the word “terrorism” itself was eliminated from the Obama lexicon.  According to Janet Napolitano this is the officially approved, new language:

“I did not use the word ‘terrorism,’ I referred to ‘man-caused’ disasters. That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for all risks that can occur.”

Well, I guess we can all understand how emotionally charged the word “terrorism” is.  We can understand that using it does nothing but inflame a situation that might otherwise be solved by clear thinking adults. 

From as part of an organizing call to flood Congressional offices with calls supporting health care reform on 9/11:

All 50 States are coordinating in this – as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.

So now, according to President Obama’s own website, those of us (the majority of Americans) who oppose the government’s further involvement with our heath care are terrorists. 

You’re not a terrorist if you rape, brutalize and kill innocent children, but if you disagree with the President….watch out!

Another Day, Another Meme

As I’ve been listening to various talk radio programs I’ve heard the following new meme proffered by Obamacare supporters, at least four times in the past 48 hours:

We have to pass a government option!  2/3rds of the bankruptcies in the US are caused by medical bills!

The basis for this argument is found in this recent study in the American Journal of Medicine.  A snippet of the conclusion of the study is as follows:

Using a conservative definition, 62.1% of all bankruptcies in 2007 were medical; 92% of these medical debtors had medical debts over $5000, or 10% of pretax family income.

At first look you’d have to say “Wow!”  Can nearly 2/3rds of bankruptcies be caused by the results of medical costs?  The answer, after you look at the study and some other information is “No.”

Brett J. Skinner did a great job of deconstructing the noted study.  His article, here, noted several items that left the study’s conclusions suspect.

First, Skinner makes the logical comparison with Canada.  With the bankruptcy law very similar in the two countries, and Canada having a government provided health care system, if the studies conclusions are correct, we should expect to see significantly lower bankruptcy rates in Canada.  We don’t.  In both 2006 and 2007 Canada had a higher bankruptcy rate per population than we had in the US.

Secondly, Skinner looked at other studies done on the topic.  One of those analysis was done by the Department of Justice:

finding that medical debts accounted for only 12 percent to 13 percent of the total debts among American bankruptcy filers who cited medical debt as one of their reasons for bankruptcy.

So now your question ought to be, “Is it possible to reconcile the study with the data Skinner found or is the study a fraud?”  Thanks for asking, I think I can reconcile the two.

Going back to the original study we find Table 1 shows that the mean negative net worth (the excess of debt over assets) is not materially different between those who claimed to file bankruptcy due to medical reasons (-$44,622) and those who filed for other reasons (-$37,650).  On page 4 we see that the average, total, not just the unpaid portion of out of pocket medical costs for those that filed bankruptcy for medically bankrupted families was $17,943.  If we assume that the entire amount of out of pocket costs were left unpaid and counted in the negative net worth (it wouldn’t be but let’s use it for a moment), that would still leave a negative net worth of approximately $27,000. 

A negative net worth of $27,000 would typically not be from a home mortgage as most of those would not be allowed to borrow more than the equity.  Also, remember that the study was done in 2007 before the current melt down and reduction in home values.  A negative net worth could be partially incurred from a vehicle as most new vehicles are upside down in equity for the first year or two of ownership.  However, with the average mean income reported as only $30,000, one wouldn’t expect a whole lot of really expensive new vehicles included in the negative net worth of this sample.  A negative net worth of $27,000 likely comes from one place, credit cards or uncollateralized loans.

While the study didn’t break it out this way, it appears to me that the average person who claims they filed for bankruptcy because of medical reasons also had significant credit card debt.  I suspect, but can’t prove it with what is in the study, that the individuals who filed for medical bankruptcy didn’t file only because of the medical costs.  Likely, the medical costs were the “straw that broke the camel’s back.”  And, while medical was the straw for these people  in this instance, the straw could have been any of a number of other things i.e. a major car repair, a major home repair or any number of other unexpected items. 

It appears to me that rather than any one specific issue, like most other bankruptcies, the folks that this study looks at had a series of issues with the last one in line, for them, medical expenses, being more than they could recover from.  In their case, medical costs were just one of the issues that led them to bankruptcy.  To say medical expenses were the reason that these folks filed for bankruptcy is about as accurate as saying that the Titanic sank because it was holding too much water.

August 31, 2009

Progressive or Deceptive?

by @ 5:02. Filed under Miscellaneous.

Beck has been running show after show shining light on the roaches that President Obama has brought to the White house with him.  As a result of this activity and a statement that Beck made on another Fox show saying that President Obama “was a racist,” an ultra left group has attempted to organize a boycott of advertisers of Beck’s show. 

As a counter, there have been numerous sites that have published information about advertisers who have left Beck’s show.  The idea was to counter boycott the advertisers that had removed their advertising from Beck.

I wrote to several of the advertisers telling them of my disappointment with their bowing to an obvious minority that did not believe in free speech.  I suggested that they may want to reconsider their ad buys as there were clearly more folks watching the show than those involved in any boycott.

I got responses from all of the companies.  Nearly all of them were the generic “thank you for your letter.”  From there, most of the letters said that they hadn’t pulled any advertising from Beck’s show.  I know there’s been some confusion about who has or hasn’t actually pulled anything from Beck’s show so it’s hard to say who’s telling the truth and who’s not. 

I got one response however, that I thought was pretty novel.  Here is the response I got from Progressive Insurance:

Dear Mr. Shoebox:

Recent media reports have created the incorrect impression that Progressive pulled advertising in response to specific comments made on The Glenn Beck Show, but that is not the case. The fact is that we did not intentionally place any of our advertising on the show, so when we learned that our ad had aired, we corrected the error.

Our goal is to reach a broad range of drivers to make them aware of our products and services. We value feedback on our advertising strategy, but because auto insurance is a very competitive business, we don’t discuss everything that goes into our ad placement decisions. We’d like to thank you for taking the time to express your opinion.

(emphasis mine)

So Progressive, let me see if I got this right.  You didn’t specifically ask to have your ad run on Beck.  But, when you made your purchase of a “run of network” which gives Fox the ability to decide when to run your ads and which gives you a cheaper price per ad while still getting the higher priced shows i.e. Beck’s, you were perfectly happy allowing Fox to put your ad on Beck’s show.  However, once you found out about the controversy you immediately said “don’t run our ad on Beck!” 

Interesting.  Progressive claims they didn’t “cancel” advertising with Beck, they merely “corrected a mistake.”

I always thought it was just the political “progressives” who were unable to deal with truth and facts.  Apparently, truth is hard to come by even if your name is Progressive!

August 30, 2009

The Natives are VERY Restless!

by @ 8:17. Filed under Politics - National.

57% Would Like to Replace Entire Congress

From Rasmussen Reports

If they could vote to keep or replace the entire Congress, just 25% of voters nationwide would keep the current batch of legislators.

It appears that the American voter has tired of those in government who would be their masters.

If you’re concerned about the paragraph that says the number hasn’t changed since last year, read a little further and find:

Today, 70% of those not affiliated with either major party would vote to replace all of the elected politicians in the House and Senate. That’s up from 62% last year.

That’s not  a good sign for the party in power.

While I’m encouraged by this poll I take it with a bit of suspicion.  Typically, what you find when you pull back the covers a bit, is that while a majority want to replace the whole Congress, they usually expect it to be the Congress except for their particular elected one.  In other words, “Mine’s fine.  It’s all you guys that have this screwed up!”  While I have that sentiment about mine, I’d be willing to toss him into the pile of chaff if everyone would agree to do the same.

August 28, 2009

Al You Ignorant Slut

During one of his closed, invitation only, small group “town hall” meetings this week, Senator Al Franken made the following argument for why he insists a government option must be a part of any health care reform bill:

In case you missed it, Angry Al’s rationale is:

  1. Minnesota only allows non profits to be health insurance companies
  2. Minnesota has 90% of premiums paid go to health care
  3. All other states have only 70% to 80% of premiums go to health care
  4. Minnesota insurance is cheaper
  5. Therefore, non profit is cheaper.

While Al’s logic may follow from one point to the next, it exists in some fantasy land and not the real world.

Based on Al’s logic, if we looked at average insurance rates by state, we should expect to see Minnesota as one of, if not the cheapest state.  We would also expect to see most other states in the range of 10% to 20% higher than Minnesota.  We would expect to see state’s like Massachusetts where there is government run insurance, as the cheapest of them all.  Finally, we should expect to find that “profit” for insurance should amount to somewhere between 10% and 20% of premiums paid.  Let’s take a look, shall we?

America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), a research and advocacy group, has this study that looks at average insurance rates.  Flip down to page 9 where they compare family insurance rates by state.

In the study, rather than being one of the cheapest of states, we find Minnesota 17th most expensive, just barely out of the top third.  We also note that at $5,508, Minnesota is only5% cheaper than the national average.  Hmmm, that’s weird, shouldn’t they have been at least 10% and maybe higher?

As you look across the remainder of the study, where Al’s claims would have us expecting nearly all other plans to be 10% to 20% more expensive, we find only 11 states are at least 10% more expensive than Minnesota.  In contrast, we see that 15 states are at least 10% cheaper than Minnesota.

Al’s implied assertion that government run things are best because they run cheapest, also bites the dust.  Note that the highest cost state in Massachusetts.  Not only are they the highest cost, they are highest by a margin that would make the most dishonest loan shark blush.  Now, to be fair, this analysis was taken in the first year of Massachusetts state run plan, perhaps the rates have dramatically lessened…NOT!

Finally, another analysis done by AHIP shows where your (and my) premium dollar goes:

health dollar

Contrary to Al’s implied assertion, average profits amount to only 3% of the entire insurance premium. In fact, on average, the entire SG&A cost is 13%. Clearly, even a non profit or government plan would have administrative overhead to operate the plan so the argument that non profits are cheaper by 10% to 20% because they don’t have to make a profit is completely specious.

Earlier this week Al stated that a government option must be a part of any health reform bill:

“I’m favorable to the public option, a strong public option which will provide competition for private insurance companies.

Al’s attempting to look Senatorial by inserting “facts” to support a decision he has already made.  The problem with Al’s facts is that they are completely wrong.  Given Al’s history with SNL, the next time Al asserts that government plans are cheaper because they don’t have to make a profit, the appropriate response would be “Al, you ignorant slut!”

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