No wonder the Democrats are sounding desperate and attempting to channel Ted Kennedy. On the same day, President Obama hits a new high in disapproval according to Rasmussen’s polling and the Democrats are at the lowest level in years on the generic ballot.
Obviously, it’s way too early to make much out of this; there is no election to be held tomorrow. However, it’s helpful to note that a year ago the situation was exactly reversed and we all know what happened last November.
If you think my post title is referring to trouble for the Democrats, it’s not. Also noted in Rasmussen today was a poll as to what Republicans think of their Congressional representation. 55% of Republican voters believe their representative in Congress is NOT conservative enough.
I will keep sounding the alarm through next year’s elections. Don’t think that just because Democrats are in trouble that voters will just chose a “R” on the ballot. The American electorate has woken up and are looking to hold their representatives at the state and federal level accountable. If you are and “R” on the 2010 ballot you had better be in tune with your electorate. Don’t assume, know what your potential constituents believe and what they expect from you. If you can’t abide by those expectations, let someone run who can!
Very few politicians are getting it.
They all have the attitude of “Don’t you know who I am?”
We got rid of Trent Lott and Denny, “You can’t search a congressman’s office” Hastert but….
But we still have John McCain and Orrin, “The Kennedy seat is hereditary” Hatch and the rest.
They’re too busy badmouthing Rush and Glenn Beck (I don’t listen to either one, I very rarely watch Beck) to listen to what their constituents want.
The long-term GOP parasites are probably against tea-baggers just as much as their Dem “good friends”. We need to shut up and let them do what they know is best. They’re smarter and better than us after all.
The next election needs to be a bloodbath with everybody losing.
100% turnover would be beautiful. Send all the professional parasites home and make them get a real job. And with that kind of turnover, when they become lobbyists they’ll be ineffective. They won’t know the people they’re lobbying instead of just lobbying their “good friends”.
I’m against legally mandated term limits, but I’m all in favor of not keeping them in Washington for too long.
Agreed. The Republicans lost elections in 2006 and 2008 not because the Democrats offered better idea, but that the Repulicans acted like Democrats.