No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

Hey Abboo ooott!

by @ 11:25 on September 16, 2008. Filed under Politics - National.

Like the classic comedy team of Abbott and Costello in their famous “Who’s on First” routine, Barack Obama and Joe Biden now are talking past one another when discussing economic and tax policy.

Joe Biden was on the “Today Show” this morning. at 1:31 of the following clip comes this exchange:

Meredith: Meanwhile Senator, you and Senator Obama are calling for increased taxes on the wealthy and there are many economists who say that would hurt the economy even more….
Biden: I don’t know any economists who are saying that!

Yesterday, Barack Obama said the McCain was living in denial over the economic challenges. If that’s true, than Biden is living in ignorance! Joe, can I give you just one, of the many I could find with about 1 minute of Google search, of the economists who say tax increases are bad…especially in a down economy; J.D. Foster, Ph.D. The summary paragraph from this paper:

The evidence is persuasive that the tax increase probably slowed the economy compared to the growth it would have achieved and that the subsequent tax cuts of 1997, not the tax increases, were the source of the acceleration in real growth in the latter half of the decade. As taxes are now above their historical average as a share of the economy, and are rising, Congress should look to enact additional tax relief to keep the economy strong.

Geez Joe, no economists? Not even you can be that naive, can you? Worse yet Joe, the man you’re running with understands the very concept that you say “No economists” agree on. As I showed you here, even Barack Obama is backing off of his tax increase plans due to the weak economy:
When Barack Obama was asked:

What about increasing taxes on the wealthy?

Obama replied:

“I think we’ve got to take a look and see where the economy is. I mean, the economy is weak right now,” Obama said on “This Week” on ABC. “The news with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, I think, along with the unemployment numbers, indicates that we’re fragile.”

With Obama and Biden we don’t know “Who’s on first” or “What’s on second.” It’s obvious though that “I don’t know” is running for VP!

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