No Runny Eggs

The repository of one hard-boiled egg from the south suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (and the occassional guest-blogger). The ramblings within may or may not offend, shock and awe you, but they are what I (or my guest-bloggers) think.

The Morni…er, Afternoon Scramble/Open Thread Thursday – 8/28/2008

by @ 15:49 on August 28, 2008. Filed under Open Thread Thursday, The Morning Scramble.

The Beatles described The Blunder Twins ticket perfectly back in the day…


Yes, I’m late, but because it’s Open Thread Thursday, I won’t deliver a lot of links.

  • Jett Atwood provides the ‘Toon of the Week™…

    Do click for the full-sized version.

  • Dad29 wonders about the down-ticket impact of the Obamination Express, and suggests to keep an eye on Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional race.
  • Jim Lynch captures another sneak peek at the Obamessiah Greek Temple.
  • Jim Geraghty took one for the team last night. He and Mark Hemingway even did a few videos for us.
  • Fred invites us to read the real record on Obama. Yes, Geraldine Ferraro was correct.
  • More Fred – he exposes what the liberals call “charity” – funneling your money through government so their consciences can be placated.
  • Katie Favazza summarizes the case against CubaCare.
  • Matt Burden put up some extended thoughts on the Blackfive tour of Blackwater.
  • One last Geraghty nugget; he proves that good is bad in the eyes of the ‘Rats. After all, they are the party of “1% GDP growth is good enough”.

I will be live- drunk-blogging the Obamination Coronation tonight, so tune in later.

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